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gidus, swollen.] Turgid; bombastic. 5. 3. 513 (cf. note), 515.

Turne, n. Bent; inclination; dis

position. 3. I. 38.

Vpreare, v. Fig., To raise, exalt. Arch. 3. 4. 233.

Vrne, n. The Roman urna, a vessel into which were cast voting

†Tuscane-top, n. A style of tablets or lots of any kind. 3- 5. 79.

head-dress. 3. I. 55.

Twang, v. To surmise, guess?

I. 2. 49; 5. 3. 350.

'Twixt, prep. Abbrev. of Be

twixt =

between. Arch. P. 22. Two-penny, adj. †Cheap; vulgar; brazen; but with special reference to the 'two-penny gallery' at the Elizabethan theatre, which became the haunt of 'prentices, members of the demi-monde, and the like. 3. 4. 135, 220. Tyranne, n. Tyrant. 5. 3. 65.

[blocks in formation]

An obs. form of 36.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Wag, n. A fellow in affectionate sense, without attribution of humor or pleasantry. CD. Arch. and colloq. 4. 3. 79. Wedlocke, n.

Cf. note.

†A wife. 4. 3. 29.

Weele, v. A contraction of We shall, we will. 2. 2. 118.

Wel-digested, pp. adj. †Instructed, learned, wise. Used of deserving. Arch. 5. 2. 8.

Worthlesse, adj. Unworthy, un

one who has assimilated his learn

ing. 5. 3. 372. Welkin, n. poet. 1. 1. 19.

†Wote, v. [OE. witan, ME. witen.] Incorrect form for wost

The heavens. Now (later wottest), you know, formed
by analogy with the forms I wot,
he wot. Arch. 4. 4. 37.
Wright, v. An obs. spelling of
Write. 3. I. II; 5. 2. 81.

Wench, n. A damsel; young
woman in general-a familiar term,
but not derogatory as now. Arch.
or lit. 4. 3. 62.
Bodies. 2. I. 70.

Wrist, n. The hand. Phr., Giue n. See mee thy wrist: shake hands. Obs.? 5. 3. 162.

†Where, n. A place. Phr., Each where in each place, every where. 5. 2. 58.

Whether, adv. An obs. form of Whither. 3. I. 126.

Writ, n. A writing (here, a copy of some verses). The term appears to be obs. except in legal senses. 5. 3. 274.

Writ, v. An arch. preterit of

Whether, pron. Which. Arch. Write. A.D. 61.

3. 5. 57.

†Wu', v. Abbrev. of ME. wulle,


Which, pron. Used as the rela- wule, pres. first sing. of Will. 3. 4. tive Who. Obs. or arch. I. 3. 45. +Who (o)rson, adj. Bastard-like; low, mean. (Often used in coarse familiarity.) I. 2. 91; 5. 3. 418. Will, v. 1) tr. To do; accomplish. 3. 5. 91.

2) Absol. 3. 5. 91; 5. 3. 29. Winne, v. Phr., Winne vpon: To gain favor or influence. or prov. A.D. 87.



†Wiser, adv. More wisely. 4. 5.

Withall, adv. Besides, likewise.

3. 4. 231.


Wittie, adj. 'knowing.' 5. 3. 151. Wizard, n. A wise man. 4. 5.


Woe, v.

3. 5. 74.


Yee, pron. Here, a term of familiarity or contempt. Arch. and poet. 3. 4. 167, 223.

Yfaith, interj. In faith. Arch. 2. I. 47, 128; 2. 2. 28; 3. 2. 16. Yon, adj. Yonder. Arch. exc. poet. 3. 4. 191.

+Yond', adj. Yonder. 4. 3. 15.

[ocr errors]

Zany, n. A comic performer, originating on the Italian stage, whose function it is to make awkward attempts at mimicking the

An obs. variant of Woo. tricks of the professional clown, or the acts of other performers; hence, an apish buffoon in general. CD. 3. 4. 315.

Wo(o)luish, adj. An obs. form of Wolfish. 4. 7. 47; 5. 3. 651. Worme, n. A serpent. Obs. or arch. E. 6.

Zenith, n. The point of the heavens directly above the observer;

†Wormewood, adj. Bitter. 1. here, prob., the heavens in general.

2. 54.

I. 3. 46.


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CORYAT, THOMAS. Crudities. 1611. Repr. 2 vols. London, 1776. COTGRAVE, RANDLE. A Dictionarie of the French and English Tongues. London, 1632.

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DODSLEY'S Old English Plays. ed. W. C. Hazlitt. 15 vols. 4th ed., London, 1874-6.

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FURNESS, H. H. A New Variorum Edition of Shakespeare.

GOSSON, STEPHEN. The School of Abuse. ed. Arber. London, 1868. GREENE, ROBERT. Works. ed. A. B. Grosart. 15 vols. Huth Libr. 1881-3.

HALE, E. E. JR. The Influence of Theatrical Conditions on Shakespeare. Modern Philology, vol. 1, no. 1, June 1903.

HALL, JOSEPH. Complete Poems. ed. A. B. Grosart. 1879.

HALLIWELL-PHILLIPPS, J. O. Outlines of the Life of Shakespeare. 2 vols. London, 1886.

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HARLEIAN MISCELLANY. 10 vols. London, 1808.

HARRISON, WILLIAM. Description of England in Shakspere's youth. ed. F. J. Furnivall, from the edd. of Holinshed's Chronicle 1577 and 1587. London, 1877-8.

HAWKINS, THOS. The Origin of the English Drama. 3 vols. Oxford, 1773.

Hazlitt, W. C., ed. The English Drama and Stage under the Tudor and Stuart Princes. Roxburghe Libr. 1869.

HENSLOWE, PHILIP. Diary. 1591-1602. ed. Collier, Shaksp. Soc. Pub. 1845.

HENTZNER, PAUL. A Journey into England in 1598. tr. by Horace Walpole. London, 1757.

HONE, W. Strutt's Sports and Pastimes of the People of England. London, 1875.

HORACE. Opera Omnia. ed. Macleane. London, 1853.

INGLEBY, C. M. Shakespeare's Centurie of Prayse. London, 1879. JONSON, BEN. Works. ed. W. Gifford and F. Cunningham. 9 vols. London, 1875. [For other Editions, see Introduction, pp. xi-xvii.] The Alchemist. ed. C. M. Hathaway. New York, 1903. Bartholomew Fair. ed. C. S. Alden. New York, 1904. Every Man in his

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LAING, D., ed. Notes of Ben Jonson's Conversations with William Drummond of Hawthornden. January, M.DC.XIX. Shaksp. Soc. Pub. 1842.

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LAWRENCE, W. J. Some Characteristics of the Elizabethan-Stuart Stage. Englische Studien, Bd. 32, Heft 1. 1903.

LEE, SIDNEY. A Life of William Shakespeare. Illustrated Library Edition. London, 1899.

LOUNSBURY, T. R. Shakespeare as a Dramatic Artist.

New York, 1901. LYLY, JOHN. Complete Works. ed. R. W. Bond. 3 vols. Clarendon Pr., 1902.

Endymion. ed. G. P. Baker. New York, 1894. MALONE, EDMOND. The Plays and Poems of William Shakespeare. 21 vols. 1821.

MARLOWE, CHRISTOPHER. Works. ed. Bullen.
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NARES, ROBERT. Glossary. New edition by Halliwell and Wright. London, 1859.

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OVID. Opera.


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