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ractice Questions Answered Instantly. "Clevenger's New York Practice," comSupreme Court Practice," "Rules of Civil Practice," Surrogate's Court ," "New York City Court Practice," "New York City Municipal Court PracJustice Court Practice" and "Court of Claims Practice," is designed to give answers to all practice questions, thereby serving the daily needs of the busy by saving his time.

Text Changes Shown at a Glance. All new matter added by all Practice Acts is in italics and all old matter omitted is shown in the Annotations under "Editorial

Practice Acts Annotated Alphabetically.

The special use herein of the simple of a Star (*) makes it feasible to annotate alphabetically the precise point of reported New York case by means of a headnote or Headline and a subnote or Subllowed by a Reading Note. Every Headline is made from the text of the Section ated and is arranged in logical sequence. Every Subline indexes the subject matter Reading Note, and is arranged alphabetically. The Headline and the Subline with ading Note, taken together, state completely the precise point decided, and furnish logical analysis and an alphabetical index. The use of such device marks a distinet ee in the art of annotating statutes by avoiding the serious defect, heretofore in all statutory annotations, of annotating the same or closely related matters I both affirmative and negative headings, like "Particulars granted" and "Parirs not granted," of dividing contrary views of the same or similar facts, even of rating conflicting cases on precisely the same point, and of requiring the lawyer ad all the cases under both headings to find all the law. Such a division of matter sarily sacrifices accuracy, clearness and conciseness, as well as time and efficiency, is never justifiable. Such a defect is caused by using both affirmative and negative lings; it may be avoided and all related matters be annotated under one heading, using only affirmative headings and by using the Star (*) to denote the negative. herein every heading or Headline is affirmative, like "Particulars granted"; the ative is denoted by the Star (*), placed before the case cited, which means, reading Not" into the Headline, "Particulars not granted." For illustration, all unstarred es show what particulars are granted, and all starred cases show what particulars "not" granted.

All Features of a Treatise, Digest and Encyclopedia. The fundamental rules and rinciples of practice law are stated and annotated alphabetically, with all exceptions, alifications, extensions, limitations, explanations, criticisms, reasons, history, etc., nd with all the countless illustrations of the applications of such rules and principles the varying states of fact of litigated cases, all logically analyzed and alphabetically dexed, thereby imparting the triple nature and quality of a treatise or text-book, an xhaustive digest, and a concise but complete encyclopedia of all practice points. Assistance Acknowledged. The Editor gratefully acknowledges his indebtedness to fiss Anna L. Johnson for her exceptionally intelligent and strictly accurate work in howing all text changes made by all Practice Acts by showing new matter in italics nd old matter in the Annotations, and for her critical care in revising the proof sheets. Woolworth Building, New York.


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