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7. Growth of rent supposed by Mr. Ricardo to be retarded by improvements
in cultivation. Interests of the landlord supposed to be promoted by dimi-
nution in the supply of food, and increasing poverty of the laborer. Facts
and theories not in harmony with each other

28. Mr. Ricardo's theory one of universal discords. Its inconsistencies, and

its tendency to the production of wars of classes and of nations. Harmony

and beauty of the real laws...

29. Capitalists' proportion declines, and that of the laborers increase, as the

societary circulation becomes more rapid Historical illustrations.

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28. The real payers of British taxes, the land and labor of the various coun-
tries which furnish the raw materials consumed in British workshops. Con-
sequent exhaustion of all those countries


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1. That the earth may be subdued, man must multiply and increase. - Ten-

dency to assume the various forms of life greatest at the lowest point of

organization. Fecundity and development in the inverse ratio of each other.

Man, the being of highest development, should, therefore, increase but very

slowly. Time required for the duplication of population. However long

that period, if the procreative tendency is a fixed and positive quantity,

always liable to be excited into action, the time must arrive when there will

be but standing-room for the population. Is it so? Can the Creator have

subjected man to laws, in virtue of which he must become the slave of nature

and of his fellow-man?

2. Physical science testifies that order, harmony, and reciprocal adjustment,

reign throughout all the realms it has yet explored. Modern economists

have mistaken facts for laws. Laws are rules, permanent, uniform, and uni-

versal, in their action. Theory of Mr. Malthus deficient in all these charac

teristics. The procreative function, in common with all others, placed under

the law of circumstances and conditions. Law of human life must be assumed

to be in harmony with the Creator's design. Are war and pestilence required

for correcting errors of the Creator, or has the Creator so adjusted the pro-

creative tendency as to provide the means of correcting human error? No

instance, throughout nature's realm, in which the laws of the subject break

the harmony of the scheme of creation. Not the divine order, but man's

disorder, that limits his earthly life so far within the period of utility and


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5. Phenomena exhibited by the purely agricultural countries- those which

follow in the lead of Britain. Recklessness and poverty consequent upon

absence of diversity in the modes of employment, and consolidation of the

land. Adaptability of the procreative power to the circumstances in which a

community is placed......

6. Consolidation of the land, and the disease of over-population, necessary

consequences of a policy which looks to the cheapening of labor, and of the

rude products of the earth. British system tends to the production of these

effects. Its results, as exhibited in the condition of the English people...... 287

27. Pioneer life favorable to increase of numbers. The American system,

here as every where, one of contrasts - localization being the theory, and

centralization the practice. Effects, as exhibited in the duration of life...... 293

8. Reproductive function not a constant quantity. Adjusted to the various!

conditions of the race. Nature's pledge of harmony between the rate of pro-

creation and subsistence. General predominance of the nutritive and sexual

functions. Antagonism of the animal propensities and higher sentiments.

Special opposition between the nervous and sexual functions. Fertility of

the drudges of an imperfect civilization. Infertility of the hunter tribes.

Activity of the intellect checks procreation. Cerebral and generative powers

of man mature together. Fecundity in the inverse ratio of organization.

Facts presented by physiology. Cerebral power of woman abated by the

uterine function. Various effects of the different mental and moral qualities.

Relation of fecundity and mortality. A self-acting law of population secures

harmony in the growth of numbers and of food. Prospective changes in the

ratio of procreation, tending to promote the highest welfare of the race...... 296

9. In the physical world, the most important effects due to the slow but steady

action of minute and almost unseen machinery- the coral insect making

changes that are permanent, while the elephant leaves behind him no evi-

dence of his existence. So, too, in the social world - the Creator having

there provided such machinery for carrying into full effect the purposes of

man's creation. Wars, pestilences, and famines, not required. Over-popu-

lation theory an effort to account for the consequences of human error, by

means of supposed error of man's Creator.....

10. Harmony in the social, as in the physical world, a result of the equal

action of opposing forces. The more perfect the balance, the greater the

tendency towards development of the real MAN, and towards harmony be-

tween the demands upon the earth, and her power to meet demands

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