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Haud ita multo post-not very long after.

Laboratum est (a Romanis)—the Romans were attacked. They laboured, literally: the verb impersonal, equivalent to Romani laboraverunt. See Note and illustrations on this form of the verb under Sentence 17 of the foregoing.


Pigritia militandi—a disinclination to military service. Rule

Militia quam domi-in war than in peace. Rule 32.

Obnoxius degeret-became a slave to. 36. Curibus-at Cures. See Rule 33. Consultissimus juris. See Rule 17.

See Note under

37. Cumis-Cumæ, the residence of the celebrated Sibyl. See Rule 33.

38. Dissimiles veris, supply speluncis, and see Rule 18. Veris-the natural caves.

39. Romæ. See Rule 32.

40. Tanti. See Rule 31. "Let not all the sand of the Tagus be of so much value in your estimation that (for it) you should want sleep, and accept rewards to be (which ought to be) rejected, and be always the object of suspicion by a friend in power."

Somno careas. Rule 20.

A magno timearis amico. Note 2, under Rule 8, and Sentences 13, 14, &c. illustrative thereof.

41. Romæ. Rule 32.

Numinis-the host of the Idæan deity. This was Scipio Nasica, adjudged to be one of the best of men. He was deemed the most worthy to receive the image of the Goddess Cybele into his house, till a temple should be built for it. She was called Idea, from Ida, a hill in Phrygia, whence her worship was introduced to Rome.

Numa-the first king who civilized the Romans, remarkable for his uprightness.

Vel qui-Lucius Metellus, who preserved the Palladium, the image of Minerva, when it stood, as it were, trembling for its safety, the temple in which it was being on fire.

Protinus ad censum-the first inquiry will be as to his in


Quantum nummorum, tantum fidei. Rule 16.

42. Agmine facto, ablative absolute.

Migrásse, syncopated for migravisse.

Quorum virtutibus obstat domi. For the syntax of quorum, see Note under Rule 12, and Rule 5; for virtutibus, Observation 6, Rule 3; and for domi, Note under Rule 32.

Romæ conatus. The latter is the subject of est, understood. For the syntax of Romæ, see Rule 32.

Hospitium, cœnula, ventres, the subjects respectively of constat and constant, understood.


Magno, the ablative governed by the preceding verbs. Rule

43. Plena malis. See Rule 20.

Pulchrior ille hoc-this one is fairer than that.

Hoc; for the

syntax, see Rule 10, and Examples 23, 24, and 25, illustrative thereof.

Frangendus misero-and bread must be broken by the poor wretch with a toothless gum.

Misero frangendus. See Rule 19.

Captatori Cosso. See Observations 9 and 10, Rule 5.

44. Nil ergo-the language of an objector.

Conveniat nobis. Observation 6, Rule 3.

Di, syncopated for Divi, the nominative plural of Divus.
Impulsu, cupidine. Rule 6.

Notum, supply est. The subject is the following.

Qui pueri-what sort the children will turn out (futuri


Orandum est.

The subject is the following clause.

Ut sit-that we may have. Supply nobis, and consult Rule 9, and Observations 19, 20, &c. explanatory thereof.

Terrore carentem. Rule 20.

Qui ponat-which can reckon.

Potiore venere, cœnis, plumis. Consult Rule 10, and Sentences 23, 24, 25, illustrative thereof.

Si sit prudentia, supply nobis. See Note under ut sit, above. 45. Incredibile memoratu. See Rule 28. Adepta libertate, ablative absolute. Laboris patiens-able to endure labour. this adjective signifies actually enduring. Lubidinem habebant-took pleasure. Domi, militiæ.

Note under Rule 32.

Legibus, natura. Rule 6.

With an accusative


46. Recitatæ, supply sunt- -a letter was read. In the plural number literæ, or litteræ, as here, signifies an epistle;" in the singular litera signifies "a letter of the alphabet."

Mea culpa, the ablative of the cause. Rule 6. "Not through my fault I send." "It is not through my fault that I send" is more agreeable to the usage of the English language. Oratum. See Rule 28.

Lubido extinguendi. See Rule 30.
In animo habeat-regards.

Malit. Supply uti from the preceding clause, and habere to govern sanguinem and omnia, and, in reference to the latter, consult Rule 15.

47. Diis auspicibus-under the auspices of the gods; literally, "by the gods as the authors."

Diis, for Divis, and Junone are the ablatives of the cause, and vento of the instrument, governed by tenuisse. Consult Rule 6. Quam tu urbem-what a city will you see this!

Teucrúm, syncopated for Teucrorum.

Posce deos veniam. Consult Rule 25.

Causas morandi. Rule 30.

Orion, cœlum, rates, the subjects respectively of est and sunt, understood.

48. Justitia vacat. See Rule 20.

In vitio est is at fault, i. e. is a crime.

Non enim modo-for not only does it not belong to virtue.
Virtutis, immanitatis.

Consult Rule 22.

49. Quis desiderio-what feeling of shame should there be, or moderation, for the regret of so dear a person, i. e. in regretting. Capitis-the head. By synecdoche for the individual.

Cui parem.

Consult Rule 18.

Bonis flebilis. Rule 19.

Nulli flebilior quam tibi.

Rule 19.

Frustra pius-affectionate to no purpose.

Non ita creditum-not entrusted to you on such conditions, i. e. to live for ever.

Poscis Quinctilium deos.

Rule 25.

50. Otium divos rogat. Rule 25.

Prensus-a person caught in the wide Ægean sea. Supply mari.

Gemmis, purpura, auro venale.

Consult Rule 31.

51. Dementis est-is the part of a madman. Rule 22.

Subvenire tempestati. Observation 6, Rule 3.
Sapientis, supply est, and see Rule 22.

52. Tenacem propositi-firm in the execution of his

See Rule 19.

53. Ad impetrandum--to obtain my request. Nihil cause-nothing of a cause, no cause. Erat majestatis, in the sense of esset.

would belong to the majesty."

His finibus ejectus sum.

See Rule 26.

Quos majoribus dedit. Rule 24.

54. Parentes-subjects, persons obeying.

Extrema dementiæ est. Rule 22.


See Rule 22. "It

55. Causa his-the cause of these things. See Observation 9,

Rule 5.

Flavi, syncopated for Flavii.

Portare Romam. Consult Rule 34.

Docendum artes-to be taught those accomplishments. Docendum agrees with me puerum, the object of portare. For the syntax of artes, consult Rule 25.

Quas eques quivis doceat prognatos semet-which any knight might teach (those) sprung from himself, his children. For the syntax of quas, prognatos, consult Rule 25, and Note under Rule 12; and for semet, Rule 27.





A, ao, prep., from, by.

abduco, xi, ctum, 3, I lead away. abeo, ivi, itum, irr., I go away, I depart.

abominor, abominatus, abominari, dep., I detest.

absum, abfui, abesse, irr., I am absent, I am distant. ac, conj., and.

accedo, essi, essum, 3, I go to, accede, acquiesce. accendo, di, sum, 3, I set on fire, burn, excite.

accipio, epi, eptum, 3, I receive, take, accept.

accitus, us, 4, m., a call, invitation.

accurro, ri, rsum, 3, I run to, hasten.

accuso, avi, atum, 1, I accuse, blame.

acer, ris, e, sharp, sour, swift, active, fierce. acervus, i, 2, m., a heap. acies, ei, 5, f., an edge or point, an army in battle array. actio, onis, 3, f., an action, a suit or process at law.

actus, a, um, part. of ago, done, performed.

acuo, ui, 3, I sharpen, excite, provoke.

ad, prep., to, towards.

addo, didi, ditum, 3, I give to, add.

adduco, xi, ctum, 3, I lead to, bring, induce.

adeo, adv., so, therefore, very much. adeo, ivi and ii, itum, I go, come to, address.

adeptus, part. of adipiscor, having obtained.

adgredior, same as aggredior. Adherbal, alis, 3, m., Adherbal. adhibeo, ui, itum, 2, I apply, admit, send for.

adhoc, adv., in addition to this,


adipiscor, eptus sum, pisci, dep., I obtain, get.

adjungo, nxi, nctum, 3, I add, join to.

admiror, ratus sum, mirari, dep., I admire, wonder at.

adopto, tavi, tatum, 1, I adopt. adpello, avi, atum, 1, I call, name, address.

Adria, æ, 1, f., the Adriatic Sea. adsedeo, edi, sessum, 2, I sit by, close to.

adsentior, iri, nsus, dep., I assent or agree to, comply.

adsum, fui, esse, I am present. adveho, xi, ctum, 3, I bring to, convey.

adverto, ti, sum, 3, I turn to, direct, apply. adversus, a, um, part. of adverto.


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