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house, so was the first step towards the foundation of the college, to the great honour and advantage of this university, and with no prejudice or injury to our neighbours. St Frideswide was reserved for the like or greater pur5 poses, which soon after were undertaken by cardinal Wolsey upon the ruins of that priory; and the foundress of St John's by her conduct or example may be said to have founded, at least to have occasioned the foundation of, both colleges.




Frater Antonius erat magister sive custos regno Hen. 3tii exeunte aut ineunte regno Edvardi primi.

Plures pariter occurrunt nudo nomine, loco patrio aut cognomine non designatis. [Willmus magister anno 27°. Edv. 1mi.]

Galfridus de Altherheth custos tempore Hugonis Epi Elien. et Willmi Twylet fundatoris cantariæ in ecclesia sancti Sepulchri, uti patet ex charta originali sine dat. inter archiva.

Robtus de Huntindone magister, ex charta sine dat. Ricus Cheverel magister sive custos an. 1284, ex charta dat. 1284.

An. 1321. Johes de Colonia clericus secularis occurrit magister, uti patet per chartam original. Johis Epi Eliens. inter munimenta veteris hospital.

Willmus de Gosfield custos ante annum 1332, quo anno resignat locum sive officium. Ex instrumento orig. Alexander de Ixnynge succedit custos 8 Cal. Mar. an. 1332: obiit an. 1349. vid. instrumentum original. inter archiva.

Robtus de Sprouston succedit custos Maii 3. 1349. Ibid.

Gul. Burie magister an. 1352. Ex Historiola Coll. C. C. C.


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Willmus Beere occurrit magister an. 1362-3. et an. 25 1369. Suspicor non fuisse alterum a Gul. Burie.

Henr. Brown occurrit magister Aug. 12. an. 1377. Johes de Stanton custos ante annum 1400, quo anno resignat locum sive magistratum.

Willmus Killum admissus custos Jan. 17 an. 1400. resignat locum an. 1403.

Johes Burton succedit custos mense Mai. an. 1403.

Johes Dunham' occurrit custos an. 1426: adhuc ma5 gister anno 1471, ut patet per chart.


Robtus Dunham occurrit magister an. 1474. Obiit an. 1498. Regr. Alcok.

Willmus Thomlyn, frater domus, admissus magister Nov. 19. an. 1498, quo anno erant præterea duo tantum 10 fratres, sc. Christoph. Wright et Johannes Kensham. Regr. Alcok.

Idem Thomlyn resignat, remittit, relaxat etc. Feb. 27. anno quinto Hen. 8, ut patet ex instrumento originali inter archiva collegii.

1 Bini erant magistri eodem gaudentes nomine, sc. Johannes Dunham uterque, uti patet ex forma præsentationis Jo. Dunham junioris. Revdo, etc. Dno. Willmo. Elien. Epo. etc. Vacante domo nostra seu hosp. per mortem naturalem Bo. Me. Dni. Johannis Dunham ultimi magistri seu custodis-vestri humiles et deroti in Christo filii-Johes Sharp, Tho. Rawfote, Robtus Dunham, et Jokes Hokyngton-capitulariter congregati dilectum nobis in Christo Dnum. Johannem Dunham presbyterum confratrem nostrum-in magistrum seu custodem perpet. ejusdem domus vestræ rev. paternitati-tenore presentium-unanimiter nomi

namus et presentamus etc. dat. Febr. 17 an. D. 1457

Idem Johes Dunham admissus fuit magister etc. per Epum Elien. Feb. 22 an. Dni. 1457.-Ex Regro Willmi Gray Epi. Elien.

2 Anno 1474 vacante eodem officio per mortem naturalem Johis Dunham-confratres domus nominarunt et presentarunt Epo Elien. -Robertum Dunham confratrem literarum scientia vita et moribus commendandum-in ordine sacerdotali constitutum &c. Idemque Ro

bertus Dunham admissus est magister per eundem Epum. Jan. 7 an. 1474. Regr. Elien.

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Censum contulit annuum duobus,
Qui docti sophiam sacram explicarent,
Ille Oxonibus, ille Cantabrigis:

His collegia bina struxit, ambo

Quæ centum foveant decemque alumnos.
Doctorem instituit rudi popello
Qui Christum sine fine buccinetur.
Roynborni are suo novam tenellæ

Pubi grammatices scholam paravit.

Demum hic tres monachos alit benigna.
His at talibus illa viva factis

Fortunam superavit eminentem.




These verses, composed as I presume by a monk of Westminster, having been thought worthy to be lodged in the foundress' chest, I have put them down as I there 20 found them.

1 Sixty at Christ's college and fifty at St John's.

2 At Westminster.




THE foundress of the college is so well known, that were it not in compliance with custom upon such occasions, I need say nothing of so great a name: she was daughter of John Beaufort duke of Somerset, grandson of John of 5 Gaunt, and so descended from Edward the Third; consort of Edmund Tudor earl of Richmond, son of Catharine of France, and so allied to the crown of France; and mother of Henry the Seventh king of England, from whom all our kings of England, as from his elder daughter Margaret, 10 who bore her name, all the kings of Scotland are ever since descended. And though she herself was never a queen, yet her son, if he had any lineal title to the crown, as he derived it from her, so at her death she had thirty1 kings and queens allied to her within the fourth degree 15 either of blood or affinity, and since her death she has been allied in her posterity to thirty more.

But titles, as they were things she did not value, so I shall make them no part of her character; I shall confine myself to her private virtues and public charities, which 20 were the only crowns she affected to wear.

Her first design was of a perpetual public lecture in divinity; this she instituted in the 18th year of her son's reign on the feast of the nativity of the Blessed Virgin, and by the original foundation appointed John Fisher

1 Funeral sermon by bishop Fisher.

2 Ex charta fundationis inter archiva collegii.

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