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tion of a logic lecture. Argall suddenly left town. 'I would be loth to prevent an other mans charity;... if I were resolued that Mr Argall had noe intention to proceede, I had rather founde a logicke lector then any other. 2. Eston 19 Mar. 1618. Has sent by Mr Cicill a draught of the rent charge which he designs to settle upon the lecture. 5 Urges despatch in revising the deed and procuring leave from the king. 'Mr Argall and my selfe are resolued to ioyne together in this worke.' Had intended to assure £60 per annum for the lecture, and still in conjunction with Mr Argall adheres to that sum as the entire stipend, not being willinge to make a difference in the entertaine- 10 ment of the lecturers, which happely might cause some enuy between them.' The university shall be put to no expense. 3. Eston 7 Aug. 1620. Sends by Mr Cicell the letters patent. Intends the lecture to begin in the next Mich. term. I must bee an earnest suitor that yourselfe with Mr Deane of Paules and the rest of our good freinds 15 of St John's will not faile me heere this sommer, that we may at the first digest all matters he:e, before we perfect them at Cambridge.' Eston 9 Sept. 1620. Cannot visitt you this Storbridge as I intended.' Desires that 3 days may be allotted for the lecture in the Mich. term. Sends halfe a Bucke, if my parke were so well stored 20 as it hath bine, you should haue had a whole one.' 5. Eston 23 Oct. 1620. Will come to Cambridge before Christmas, to settle the ordinances for the lecture; begs that three days in every week may be allotted to the lecture this term; the payment began from Mich. last. 6. Eston 9 Jan. 1629. Sends by Mr Thornton a few notes of rules 25 for the lecture, which he hopes may begin next term, as the first payment will be made at Ladyday. As Mr Lane says 3 lectures a week are too many, he will only require two. See above pp. 211, 212; Heywood and Wright, Camb. Univ. Trans. II. 295–299. Fuller's Worthies, 8vo ed., 1. 543; Hist. of Cambr. Dedication to ld. May. 3° nard's grandson, and p. 308 ed. Prickett].


15. List of the fellowships (54 and Seton supernumerary, two for the bp. of Linc., making in all 57) and scholarships (S2). p. 392.

This part of the book, pp. 392-412, is paged 1-22, and cited so by Baker, App. B. to 5th Educ. Rep. (1818) p. 490.

16. Note of Edw. Gregson's scholarship (Lat.). p. 392. Printed in App. B. (as above) p. 465.


p. 392.

Note of the sermons to be yearly performed by the coll.

App. B. (as above) p. 490.

18. Various foundations. pp. 393-411.



I. 'Mr. Simson pro vno socio,' Thin red book, f. 114, n. 97, above P. 350 1. 19. II. 'Fundatio Mri Basford pro 2. socijs et 2 disc.' App. B. to 5th Educ. Rep. (1818) p. 466. III. Fundatio Domina Rookesbye pro vno socio,' Thin red book f. 232 b, n. 231, above p. 360 45 1. 38; App. B. (as above) p. 466. IV. 'Fundatio Domini Roffensis pro 4 socijs et 2 disc.,' App. B. (as above) p. 490; Early Statutes of St.












John's coll. (Cambr. 1859) p. 244 1. 8 seq., 343 l. 11 seq., 399 l. 12 seq.
v. 'D. Tomson pro 2 capellanis', App. B. (as above) p. 478. VI. [p.
394]. Mr Sawkins exhibition xls.', App. B. p. 478. VII. Fundatio
Mri Cunstable pro 4 discip.' App. B. p. 467: [to be of his name and
kindred, if any such be able in the university; next, natives of York
co. or dio.; or lastly 'suche as be most able and apt in the Vniversity
of Cambridge after the discretion of the m'. and felowes']. VIII. 'Fun-
datio Doctoris Ripplingham pro 2 disc.', App. B. p. 467; Early Statutes
p. 400 l. 10. IX. 'Fundatio Cardinalis Murton pro 4 disc.', App. B.
pp. 491, 492; Early Stat. p. 397. x. [p. 395]. 'Exequiae M Shirton',
App. B. p. 486, above p. 352 1. 4. XI. 'Exequiae Mr Ashton',
App. B. p. 487, above p. 353 l. 12. XII. Fundatio Mr Duckett pro
discipulis', App. B. p. 467, Early Statutes, p. 400 seq. XIII.
Fundatio Mr Cunstable pro 1° socio', Ibid. p. 405 seq., App. B. p. 467.
XIV. 'Fundatio M Thurleston pro vno discipulo', App. B. p. 479,
above p. 398 1. 7. xv. [p. 396]. Extract dated 24 Oct. 1609 made
by Raffe Jearman and Richard Brandreth exors. from the will of widow
Walton. Original pasted in. See App. B. pp. 481, 482. XVI. "The Cut-
lers Exhibition. Mr. Buck', Ibid. p. 485. xvii. [p. 397]. 'Dr Goodmans
Found. for 2 Schollers', above p. 405. XVIII. 'The Lady Jermyns
Foundat. of one Scholler', above p. 417 1. 39. XIX. [p. 398]. 'Mr
Heblethwayt's Found. for 2 Scholl.', above p. 431 1. 22. XX. 'Heble-
thw. found. for a fellowship', ibid. XXI. [p. 399]. 'Mr Billingsly'es
foundat. for 3 scholl.', above p. 434 1. 7. XXII. 'Mr Spaldinges foun-
dat. for a scholler,' above p. 450 1. 27. XXIII. 'Sir Ambrose Cave's
exhibition for 2 devynes', above p. 395 l. 17, printed in App. B.
pp. 485, 486. XXIV. [p. 400]. 'Mr Palyn's Exhibition for 4 Schol-
lers. Lether b. p. 700'. See above p. 473 1. 31 seq. XXV. 'Joh.
Hopper's foundation for 2 subsizers, 12d a week pro sing.' Out of
Suffolk, with preference to Boxford and Sudbury scholars. Printed in
App. B. to 5th Educ. Rep. (1818) p. 470. XXVI. 'D' Gwinnes pro 2
socijs' [p. 401], 3 Schol'. See above p. 420 l. 45 seq.
Lewes pro vno disc. vid. the great leather booke p. 996'. See above
p. 482 l. 3. XXVIII. [p. 402]. Schola Salop. siue M Ashton pro
2 discip. vid. great leather booke p. 1033'. See above p. 408.
XXIX. [p. 403]. Mr Knewstub pro 2 subsizat. exhibit. £10. vid.
great leather booke p. 1039'. See App. B. to 5th Educ. Rep. (1818)
p. 478; above p. 514 1. 46. XXX. 'Ds Radulphus Hare pro 30 ex-
hib. vid. great leather booke p. 1020'. See above p. 485 l. 31. XXXI.
[P. 404-407]. 'Dominus Episcopus Lincoln. pro 4 disc.; pro 2 Socijs.
Dispensatio vtriusque. vid. great lether booke pag. 1058. Jus patro-
natus 4 Benefic. Ecclesi.' Signed by the bp. Westm. 29 June 1624; by
the coll. 4 Nov. 1624. Printed in App. B. pp. 473-475. XXXII.
[p. 407]. Ant. Higgins dean of Ripon. Printed in App. B. p. 469.
XXXIII. [p. 408]. 'Dr Dowman pro 5 discipulis'. Printed ibid.
pp. 482, 483, cf. 404. XXXIV. [p. 409]. I fundat. Dris. Lupton pro
6 Discipulis. 2 fundat. Dris. Lupton pro 2 discipulis'. See above
P. 352 1. 33. XXXV. [p. 410]. 'Mr Johnson pro 4 exhibit'. Printed
in App. B. p. 470. XXXVI. 'Wm. Robson. The Salters Exhibition.'
See above p. 522 l. 30. [p. 411.] XXXVII. 'Robt. Hungate of Linc.

Inn, Counsellor at the Law'. Printed in App. B. p. 488. XXXVIII. 'Mr Ambrose Gilbert for 2 schollars.' Printed ibid. p. 485.

19. Various admissions. pp. 412–434.

Two fellow commoners (Fra. Albanius and Ri. Goodrick) no date (p. 412). Admissions of pensioners: 1585 and 1586 with date and tutor's 5 name (p. 413); 1553 with county only, some with name only (p. 414); 1564 'Nomina quorundam pensionariorum qui antea ordine suo non admittebantur, sed jam admissi sunt iuxta statuta' (p. 415); 'Admissiones pensionariorum in convictu discipulorum a die Ascensionis Anno 1564' -1567, counties and dates given (pp. 416-422); 'Pensionarij Jurati 10 2 Octobris 1572', only the names (pp. 423, 424); 'Admissiones pensionariorum' 1576, only 8; 1584-1586, counties, dates, and (in the later names) tutors, mentioned (pp. 425-427); 1564. Admissiones quorundam pensionariorum in sociorum convictu, qui antea suo tempore non admittebantur, set iam admissi sunt iuxta statuta', counties named 15 (p. 428); 1564 and 156 2 fellow commoners; 2 pensioners 1583 (p. 429); a list of names with counties only, no dates; they are names of bachelors 1579-1593, i.e. of freshmen admitted 1575–1589 (pp. 430-432). Admissions of Hen. earl of Southampton 16 Oct. and of Edw. Denney and Ri. Cecill 17 Oct. 1585 (p. 434).

20. Various decrees of the master or president and seniors. pp. 435--454,


In many cases with autograph signatures. I. 21 May 1569. By Wm. Fulke pres. and the seniors: all pensioners in the fellowes comens beinge graduates, shalbe Juniores to all fellowes graduates of 25 the same degree and yeare, and to all other fellowes that are seniores to the foresayde fellowes ether in the Colledge or in the Vniversitye, and to be seniores to all other pensioners that are no graduates: And amonge pensioners graduates every one to haue the same seniority that they have in thuniversitye'. 2. Same date. By the same. A fellow 30 commoner to give on his admission a silver pot or goblet of 10 oz. on which he may engrave his name and arms. See App. B. to 5th Educ. Rep. (1818) p. 404 (p. 435); 3. Certen decrees made by the M' and Seniors of the said colledge [14 June 1576] for the reformynge of sondrie abvses'. 'For answering commons to the Stewarde.... Everie Fellowe 35 whosoever hathe not at or before the begynnynge of the seconde weke of a newe moneth fully and clearlie discharged the Stewarde for commons, detriments and sisinge of hym selfe and his pupills shalbe presentlie putt oute of commons and all his pupills with hym vntill the Stewarde be fully satisfied; and the Tutour for his defaulte in the first 40 weke beinge so putt oute, to paie notwithstandinge for his commons and detriments that weke whether he be at home or abroad. And after his defaulte in the first weke yf he remayne still behinde vnto the ende of the seconde weke followinge, he and his pupills to remayne still oute of commons, and the Tutour to be punyshed beside for his 45 neglect 108. But yf any sutche Fellowe shall procede on to the ende of the thirde weke (which is twoo full monethes) so offendinge, the bowsers or somme other of the Seniors or Fellowes to be hereafter named by the M' and Seniors, shall entre vpon his chambre and goods

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

wheresoever within the colledge, and them to sell to the best advantage
that in sutche short tyme they can for satisfaction of his debts to the
Stewarde. And for want of sufficiencie to discharge the hole, to abide
sutche further punyshement as to the M' and Seniors shall seme good.
Provided alwaies for more full and better execution of this decree and
for avoydinge partialitie towardes any, the Stewarde shall without all
fayll bringe his booke at thende of euery moneth to the M' or in his
absence to the praesident, that thereby it maie appeare who are
behinde with hym, and shall likewise certefie thoffences wekelie of all
and singuler Fellowes whosoever breake thorder of wekes aboue re-
hearsed vpon payne of losse of sutche debte or debtes whatsoeuer by
sutche offendors to hym dewe, and their debt to become his charge for
not certefyenge'. As all debtors to Mr Stringer steward have already
long received time of forbearing, two seniors shall after one fortnight
'haue full authorytie to make sale of their goods, whosoever doo not be-
twixt this and the last of June fully answere and discharge his stewards
booke of all...sommes to hym dew.... And for the detriments at Hilton as
yet vnpaied', to receive the like order of proceeding for their collection
(pp. 437, 438). 4. 'A decree for maynteyninge the stocke of the Back-
house and Brewhouse'. Mr Duckett and his successors shall within a
week after the end of each month make a full accompt of the stock
belonging to the bakehouse and brewhouse chest to two auditors of the
seniors; these three or any two of them shall have authority to make
bargains for corn, giving notice to the master or president; all money
received from the steward or otherwise, amounting to more than £10, to
be bestowed in the chest, as also all obligations for corn to come in;
this chest to have three keys, one to be kept by each of these three
persons (pp. 438, 439). 5. A decree for the Comensers...Euery Bache-
ler who is to commense M.A. shall before his allowance in the house
eyther present pawne or by hym selfe and an other sufficient suertie
assure the payment of all manner of charges whatsoeuer for the com-
mensement and his disputations in the schooles, sutche as by custome
heretofore haue bene thoughte dew; And further for the better provi-
sion at the commensement shall in redie money paie to the Stewarde
for the tyme beinge so mutche money one whole moneth at the least
before the commensement as shall suffise proportionablie for his parte
to defraie and answer the hole charge vnder payne that his grace in the
house be voide and of no force for not so doing' (p. 439). 6. 'The
olde decree for five markes quarterlie to issue oute of the headlector his
wages to the common vse of the Detrimentes is nowe confirmed by the
said M' and Seniors. John Still' (p. 440). 7 (see 9, 10, 14). 22 Jan. 158.
[Erased]. 'Euery one bounde by the vniuersities statutes to common
place, shall keape there course in that exercise either by him selfe or
some other for him vppon these 3 dayes vlt. Munday, Weddnesday,
and Fridaye, if none of them be holidaies, at the tyme and place
accustomed. If any shalbe wantinge in all the 3 daies aforesaied,
to be punished 41. weeklye, and the dewtye still to lie vppon him
vntill he haue performed it; and if he shalbe wantinge in one or
two, to be punished for one 16d., for two 28. 8d. and the dewtye
still. to belonge vnto him: and the exercise donne vppon anye

[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]

other daye shalbe voide, vnlesse vppon special licence graunted', by the master (or president) and sen. dean. Signed by bp. Howland and 7 seniors (p. 441). 8. 28 Jan. 158. Of the plate in the butler's charge 10 pots shall always be ready to be served in hall; 6 pots 'that is M' Pope, M' Elvas, M' Ralph Bowes, Mr Wortly, Mr Clyve and 5 Mr Reiresby their pottes' not to be lent to any man on any occasion upon pain of 12d. No tablecloths in the buttryes' to be lent out after Ashwednesday next. Signed by the president and 6 seniors (p. 442). 9 (see 7, 14). 13 Febr. 1589. Decree respecting common places. Printed in App. B. to 5th Educ. Rep. (1818) p. 404 (P. 443). 10. 16 10 June 1589. Masters of arts residing in coll. to be tied to disputations and common places. Printed ibid., where the date is by mistake Jan. (p. 443). II. 17 May 1588. No catechist to exceed 12 Lord's days or holy days or to finish his catechisın (on penalty of being ineligible of the place of a preacher) in fewer than 8; penalty for intermission, a noble, 15 every time; all fellow commoners, bachelors, scholars, pensioners, sizars and subsizars to be examined on Saturdays at 3 P.M. in chapel in points of the catechism by the president, both the deans, the sacrist, the catechist if he will, and any fellow that will; penalty for 1st absence 2d.; for the second, at the discretion of the master and deans. Printed ibid. p. 405 20 (p. 444). 12. 14 Nov. 1589. Large sums of money belonging to the poor being due by former stewards, those who are still resident to pay the money into the chest before the end of the next audit until further order for its disposal; the bursars to recover such debts by order of law from such as have left the coll. Any officer in arrears more than £3 at the time 25 when he ought to give in his accompts to be incapable of any preferment until he have made satisfaction. Signed by Whitaker and 5 seniors (P. 445). 13. 14 Jan. 159. The 20 marks. . heretofore. . taken away from the headlecturers wages towards the discharging of detriments, . . from hence forward [to] be restored to the former vse, namly 30 to be allowed yerely to the increase and amending of the headlecturers wages, and so to remayne and continewe so long as the detriments are and may be taken away and discharged.. by the commodity arising out of the Brewhouse and Backhouse or by the divident of corne money. Signed by Whitaker and 5 seniors (p. 446). 14 (see 7, 9). 35 5 Oct. 1605. 'If any M.A., hauinge commenced in our College, shall make his ordinarie aboade in the towne, and by forbearinge to studie, size, or lodge in the College seeke to auoide the perfourmance of commonplaces, problemes, or other actes priuate in the College or publicke in the Vniversitie, which would beefalle him havinge a course in all 40 actes, and his name in the buttrie tables, that then he shalbee reputed as a meere aliene and not belonginge to our College, nor permitted to haue the ordinarie vse of our chappell, hall, buttries, or other comon places of resort as one of our bodie, nor to common place in the chappell without leaue granted by the senior deane, nor yet to haue any 45 testimoniall of his conversation heere, or degree in the vniuersity from the M. or Seniors. And if any that hath beene once asked and receiued into fellowes comons shall goe out of them againe without necessarie cause of sicknes, and take his dyet ordinarily in the towne, except it bee in the tyme of Lent, or discontinuance of the College, 50

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