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ULV. ANTISEPTIC COM (Antiseptikos)

is preparation is a scientific combina e of Sodium, Alumen, Carbolic Acid, 1. and the crystalized principles of T lyptus. Gaultheria and Mentha, in POWDER for the treatment of Leucorr rhaa, Vaginitis, Pruritis, Ulcerations us Membrane and all Abnormal Discha e heaping teaspoonful to be added to pid water and injected freely two or

a day. As a local application to L' da, Abscesses, or as a Gargle, Inhalant ould be diluted according to the con Icase. As a Disinfectant and Prophy only necessary to use the powder diy or such places as may be affected. J. S. TYREE

Manufacturing Chemist, Washington, D.C.


does not contain water, alcohol or any "filling" -patient adds that. He does not pay for any. thing that is not necessary. 10 cents' worth will make two gallons of Standard Antiseptic Solution that would cost you $1.00 or more. Among Genito-Urinary Specialiate, J. WESLEY BOVÉE, M.D., Gynecologist to Columbia and Providence Hospitals, and Clinical Professor of Gynecology in Columbian University, Wash. ington, D.C., says: "The sample of Tyree's Antiseptic Powder sent to the Columbia Hospital for Women for my use has given most excellent satisfaction. In vaginitis and relaxed vaginal walls, as well as some forms of inflam. mation of the neck of the uterus, I have found. it unusually beneficial."


is preferred to the usual remedies on account of its simple and effectual action directly on the mucous membrane of both the male and female


This is the most economical means at hand for getting the full therapeutic value out of the best known agents in LEUCORRHEA AND GONORRHEA. Its peculiar affinity for vag inal secretions enables it at once to dispel all accumulation of retained secretions and prepares the glandular surface for the bland, healing and refreshing antiseptic properties characteristic of this product, which, unlike the antiseptice and cleansing salts of more powerful potency, never produces a dryness of the mucous lining which makes urination painful and swelling a certainty. Frequent microscopical examinations after the use of this powder in solution prove that it had a decidedly salutary effect in contracting the over distended capillaries, thus bringing about a healthy re

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