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The enemy having come out so far as t the nearest hill to the ridge, began to open a fire of matchlocks upon our party as they proceeded up the heights. On our gaining possession of a high part of the ridge, the enemy evacuated their position upon the opposite hill, and being instantaneously pursued by our troops, they fled successively over the whole of the hills between the ridge and their stockade, which appearing to me too strong to attempt without the assistance of our guns, I resolved to wait until the artillery came up. The six pounders opened upon the place about four o'clock p. m. and I was in hopes that as the wall appeared to be composed only of loose stones, it might have been laid open before dusk; but after firing for about an hour, from a distance of about five hundred yards, only a small part of the wall came down.

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Having resolved to move the battery to a nearer distance, the following morning the pioneers were employed during the day in making fascines and gabions for that purpose.

About a quarter of an hour, however, before sun-rise the following morning (the 29th) the enemy came down in great numbers from the Mungoo-ka-Dhar, with an apparent intention of forcing my position on the ridge, and also turning my left, so as to surround it. I am happy to add, that, in consequence of the warm reception they received from our troops they were soon obliged to retire with loss, Having now, however, every reason to believe that Mungoo-ka-Dhar had been strongly reinforced, I thought it

advisable to throw up a slight entrenchment on my position on the ridge and first hill, which was effected about dusk.

During the night the enemy evacuated the stockade on Deboo-ka-Tibba, which was immediately occupied by the picquets of the light battalion.

The stockade is situated on a steep rocky eminence, very difficult of access on all sides, but particularly so in front, where it is almost perpendicular. The wall is ten feet high on the outside, and four feet thick, composed of loose stones, extremely well built, and three sides of it are surrounded by a high bamboo fence, at the distance of two feet from the outside of the wall; within it is a Pucha Mhut.

The position of the enemy at Mungoo-ka-Dhar appears to be nearly two miles from my post, and the road to it very difficult, as well from unevenness as from ascent. I have also been informed, that the enemy have thrown up stone breast-works and other obstacles at different parts of the road,

I have the honour to enclose a correct return of our casualties ;* those of the enemy, from the best intelligence I have been able to procure, amount to one hundred and fifty killed, and about two hundred and fifty wounded. I had the pleasure yesterday to send in two prisoners from Deboo-kaTibba, and this day another, who was wounded in the affair of the 29th.

The conduct of the officers and

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men composing my detachment has been such as to merit my warmest approbation.

I have the honour to be, &c. W. THOMPSON, Lieut.-Col. Commanding the reserve. Camp, Deboo-ka-Tibba,

Dec. 31, 1814.


Copies of letters and their enclosures from Admiral Lord Exmouth, K. C. B. Commander in Chief of his Majesty's ships in the Mediterranean, addressed to John Wilson Croker, Esq.

The first letters contain details of the operations before Gaeta, which terminated in a blockade ; the last letter contains an account of the submission of that fortress,

as follows:-

His Majesty's ship Malta,

Gaeta Bay, Aug. 9. My Lord,-In my letter of the 2d instant, I expressed my intention of sending the next day to

the Governor of Gaeta an account of Buonaparte's surrender, which having been done, I have now the pleasure to acquaint your Lordship, that it led to communications which terminated in the submission of that fortress yesterday.— At six p.m. the sea-gate was taken possession of by the marines of his Majesty's ship under my command, and the others by the Austrian and Sicilian troops, and this day the garrison marched out, and were disposed of according to the terms of submission (a copy of which is herewith transmitted): the four first articles having been dictated by his Sicilian Majesty.

Inventories are taking, but as they will employ some time I do not think it necessary to wait till they are finished, as Colonel Robinson, who is appointed on our part, will remain, and send a copy, when completed. There are two hundred and twenty-seven pieces of ordnance; one hundred and fifty-two of which are mounted, and provisions remaining for near three months.

In acquainting your Lordship with the conclusion of this service, I cannot deny myself the satisfaction of again expressing my sense of the zealous assistance afforded to me by Captain Brace, while he continued under my or ders, and Colonel Robinson, who did so to the last moment; and without meaning to attach more importance or merit to the opera tions in which we have been engaged, than they may be fairly considered to deserve, I yet venture to express my hope, that your Lordship will feel yourself at liberty to place them in such a light before my Lords Commis sioners of the Admiralty, as may obtain their Lordships' favour and consideration towards Col. Robinson and the first Lieutenant of this ship, who is a most deserving officer.

I have the honour to be, &c. WILLIAM CHA. FAHIE. To the Right Hon. Admiral

Lord Exmouth, K.C.B.

Articles of Submission of the

Fortress of Gaeta, which the undersigned have established in consequence of the authorities given them.

Art. 1. The Commandant, Mr. Begani,

Begani, commanding the fortress of Gaeta, will surrender the said fortress to his Majesty Ferdinand the Fourth, King of the Two Sicilies, and all that it contains.

Art. 2. His Majesty grants his pardon to Mr. Pegani, but he will not admit him in his service. He will submit himself to the generosity of his Majesty respecting the necessary means (should he be in want) to undertake immediately to travel out of the kingdom.

of conveyance by transports to Capua, the place of their destination. The families and equipages of the said officers will be likewise embarked in the same day at the Mole for Castel Voiturno.

Art. 3. The foreign officers and soldiers will embark the same day, the 9th inst. at Castellone, for Leghorn, where they are to wait for their destination from the Allied Powers. The said transports will be furnished at the expense of his Majesty.

Art. 9. Three separate stalls will be made of the foreign troops, as well as of the Neapolitans composing the garrison.

Art. 10. The archives, plans,

Art. 3. His Majesty grants to all Neapolitan officers and soldiers the same conditions which have been granted to his subjects in the capitulation of Capa Lanza Art. 4. The subjects of his Ma-papers, jesty the Emperor of Austria and those of his Majesty Louis the Eighteenth will remain at the disposal of their respective Sovereigns.

Art. 5. The fortress will be surrendered to-morrow the 9th instant, at 4 o'clock, p. m. The marine port gate, as well as that of the land will be occupied today, at six o'clock, p. m. by the troops of the allies, and this evening the Commissaries will begin to take charge of the magazines.

Art. 6. The garrison will march out to-morrow the 9th instant, at four o'clock, p. m. 1. by the landgate, and will lay down their arms on the glacis. The officers will keep their swords. The standards and drums, as well as the musical instruments, will be left in the fortress.

Art. 7. The Neapolitan officers and soldiers will embark the same day at Castellone for Castel Volturno, where they will find means

projects, chests, magazines, provisions, ammunitions, artillery, fortifications, marinehospitals, and arsenals, will be delivered to-day to the Commissaries appointed for the same; separate inventories in triplicate will be made of such deliveries, during which no person will be allowed either to enter the city, or to come out from the same.

Art. 11. The Cominandant, M. Begani, and the Commissaries in charge of the fortress will be strictly responsible that the whole of the effects of government property, as well as those of Murat, which may be there, should be delivered to the Commissaries of his Majesty.

Art. 12. The horses and carriages of government property will be delivered to the Commissaries appointed for the same, as well as those belonging to the foreign officers. The Neapolitan superior officers will keep their horses.

Art. 13. The civil and military. functionaries

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functionaries will continue to do duty until further orders from his Majesty,

Art. 14. The sick and wounded of the foreign troops will be treated with all hospitality, and they will receive their allowances up to their recovery.

Art. 15. Will be strongly recommended to the allied powers all those Roman, Tuscan, and Piedmontese officers and soldiers who have no other trade than that of the army. In the mean time they will be embarked with their effects for Leghorn, where they will wait for their destination, as the other foreign officers.

Art. 16. It will be allowed to the foreign officers to send to Capua a commissioner to take their effects, and to call for their families left in that fortress.

Art. 17. All the baggage of the military men will be examined by a commission of officers of the allied troops; such examination will be made at the Marine-gate at the time of the embarkation of the baggage. Such measure is taken in consequence of a report which has been spread, and believed, that Murat had left considerable sums of money in the fortress. The object of all this, therefore, is to preserve the decorum of the besieged as well as of the besiegers entering into the fortress, and not to cause the least injury to the garrison.

Art. 17. His Majesty will be recommended to be pleased to grant a month's pay to all the foreign officers composing the garrison, to defray expenses of the passage, in the same manner as i was practised with the others,

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Art. 19. To be recommended to the generosity of his Majesty, the individuals of Gaeta and Burgo who have lost in the bombardment their houses, as well as those individuals who have lost on that occasion their parents, or any limb, whose loss would render them incapable to procure themselves a living.

Art. 20. No civil or military individual will be molested for the last political opinion.

Art. 21. The ceased royal family, on quitting Gaeta, presented the Governor, M. Begani, with some carriages which could not be embarked for want of conveyance. The said Governor offers them to his Majesty as a token of his perfect devotion.

Art. 22. The present capitulalation is guaranteed from his Majesty and the Allied Powers.

Borgo di Gaeta, Aug. 8, 1815, (Signed) CHIUTTI, Capo Bart.

al 12 mo di Linca. Il Gente. Col. Comte

del GENIO VINCI. 11 Barone COL ETTI, Colonello al 10mo de Linca.



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Nov. 14, 1815. A dispatch, dated Futtyghur, 1st of June, 1815, has been received at the East India-house . from General the Earl of Moira, K.G. Governor-general and Commander in Chief of the British - territories in India; together with the following enclosures,

These enclosures consist of letters, from Colonel Nicolls and Major Patton, detailing a variety of operations against the enemy in Nepaul, of which the result is related in the following

'General Orders by his Excellency the Governor-general.

Futtyghur, May 2, 1815. The Governor-general having received official advices of the capture, by assault, of the fortified heights and town of Almora, ult. by the forces un

Goorkah Chiefs in Kemaoon, by which, in return for permission to retire across the Sirdah with their troops, they engage to evaguate all the fortified places in the province, in ten days, surrendering at the moment the fortresses immediately round the capital, his Excellency is pleased to direct, that a royal salute be fired at all the principal stations of the army, in honour of the signal and distinguished success of the British troops at Almorah, and the reduction to the British power of the valuable and important province of Kemaoon.

By command of his Excellency the Governor-general.

Honourable the Vice-President in Published by command of the Council.

General Order, by the Right Hon. the Governor-general.

Futtyghur, May 3, 1815. The Governor-general has singular satisfaction in acknowledg ing the important service rendered by Colonel Nicolls in the reduction of the province of Kemacon.

The judgment of Colonel Nicolls in his preparatory measures, the unremitting activity with which he pursued the object intrusted to his management, and the gallant promptitude with which he seized and improved every opening that could lead to the fulfilment of his instructions,

on the ommand of Col. Nicolls, not only reflect the highest cre,

der the of the total repulse of the enemy in a night attack on our positions in the night of the same day, and of the conclusion, on the 27th ult. of a convention with the principal

dit on himself, but afford so salutary a lesson for the whole army, that his Lordship cannot let slip the opportunity of recommending it to their attention.


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