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feveral ineffectual attempts, he looked behind him, and beheld, across a hall,

upon a large ftaircase, a pale bluifh flame which caft a dismal gleam of light around. He again fummoned forth his courage and advanced towards it-It retired. He came to the foot of the stairs, and after a moment's deliberation ascended. He went flowly up, the flame retiring before him, till he came to a wide gallery-The flame proceeded along it, and he followed in filent horror, treading lightly, for the echoes of his footsteps ftartled him. It led him to the foot of another staircase, and then vanished At the fame instant another toll founded from the turret-Sir Bertrand felt it ftrike upon his heart. He was now in total darkness, and with his arms extended, began to afcend the fecond .ftair-cafe. A dead cold hand met his left hand and firmly grafped it, drawing him


forcibly forwards---he endeavoured to difengage himself, but could not---he made a furious blow with his fword, and instantly a loud fhriek pierced his ears, and the dead hand was left powerless in his--He dropt it, and rushed forwards with a defperate valour. The stairs were narrow and winding, and interrupted by frequent breaches, and loose fragments of stone. The ftair-cafe grew narrower and narower, and at length terminated in a low iron grate. Sir Bertrand pushed it open---it led to an intricate winding paffage, just large enough to admit a perfon upon his hands and knees. A faint glimmering of light ferved to fhow the nature of the place. Sir Bertrand entered---A deep hollow groan refounded from a distance through the vault---He went forwards, and proceeding beyond the first turning, he discerned the fame blue flame which

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had before conducted him. He followed it. The vault, at length, fuddenly opened into a lofty gallery, in the midst of which a figure appeared, compleatly armed, thrusting forwards the bloody ftump of an arm, with a terrible frown and menacing gesture, and brandishing a fword in his hand. Sir Bertrand undauntedly fprung forwards; and aiming a fierce blow at the figure, it instantly vanished, letting fall a maffy iron key. The flame now rested upon a pair of ample folding doors at the end of the gallery. Sir Bertrand went up to it, and applied the key to a brazen lock---with difficulty he turned the bolt---instantly the doors flew open, and discovered a large apartment, at the end of which was a coffin refted upon a bier, with a taper burning on each side of it. Along the room on both fides were gigantic ftatues of black marble, attired

attired in the Moorish habits, and holding enormous fabres in their right hands. Each of them reared his arm, and advanced one leg forwards, as the knight entered; at the fame moment the lid of the coffin flew open, and the bell tolled. The flame ftill glided forwards, and Sir Bertrand refolutely followed, till he arrived within fix paces of the coffin. Suddenly, a lady in a fhrowd and black veil rofe up in it, and stretched out her arms towards him---at the fame time the statues clashed their fabres and advanced. Sir Bertrand flew to the lady and clafped her in his arms---she threw up her veil and kissed his lips; and instantly the whole building shook as with an earthquake, and fell asunder with a horrible crafh. Sir Bertrand was thrown into a fudden trance, and on recovering, found himself seated on a velvet fofa, in the most magnificent room

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he had ever seen, lighted with innumerable tapers, in luftres of pure crystal. A fumptuous banquet was fet in the middle. The doors opening to foft mufic, a lady of incomparable beauty, attired with amazing fplendor entered, furrounded by a troop of gay nymphs more fair than the Graces---She advanced to the knight, and falling on her knees thanked him as her deliverer. The nymphs placed a garland of laurel upon his head, and the lady led him by the hand to the banquet, and fat befide him. The nymphs placed themselves at the table, and a numerous train of servants entering, ferved up the feaft; delicious mufic playing all the time. Sir Bertrand could not speak for astonishment--he could only return their honours by courteous looks and geftures. After the banquet was finished, all retired byt


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