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heaven, till they thrust out his people. And he conducted them to Canaan by the same masterly hand. The sea divided, and Jordan rolled back its waters; the rock became a pool, and the heavens rained them bread, till they drank at the fountains, and ate the fruits of the land of promise. Their garments lasted forty years, and the angel Jehovah, in a cloud of light, led them through the labyrinths and dangers of the desert.

When the church diminished, and her prospects clouded over, he raised up reformers. Such were Samuel, and David, and Hezekiah, and Josiah, and Daniel, and Ezra, and Nehemiah: such were all the prophets. Each in his turn became a masterbuilder, and the temple rose, opposition notwithstanding.

Again under the apostles how did her prospects brighten. In three thousand hearts, under a single sermon, commenced the process of sanctification. The very cross proved an engine to erect her pillars; the flames lighted her apartments, and the blood of the martyrs cemented the walls of her temple, and contributed to its strength and beauty. Every dying groan alarmed the prince of hell, and shook the pillars of his dreary domain.

But the church again sunk, and hell presumed. that her ruin would be soon achieved, when the sixteenth century lifted upon her the dawn of hope. In Luther, Calvin, Melancthon and Zuinglius, her interests found able advocates. They appeared at

the very juncture when the sinking church needed their courage and their prayers. Like some mighty constellation, which bursts from the east at the hour of midnight, they rose when moral darkness was almost total, and like that of Egypt could seem to be felt. By their aid the church emerged from the wilderness. By their courage her grand enemy was made to tremble on his ghostly tribunal. The power of the Pope had then outgrown the strength of every civil arm. civil arm. Every monarch in Europe was at his feet. Till Luther rose no power could cope with him. There was a true church, but she had no champion. The followers of Jesus paid for the privilege of discipleship with their blood. He who dared to be guided by his own conscience, committed an offence that could not be pardoned. The heavenly minded saw no relief but in death, and thirsted for the honour of a martyrdom that would place them in a world where conscience might be free. But God appeared and redeemed his people. -The theme is pleasant, but time would fail me to rehearse what God has done for his church. Every age has recorded the interpositions of his mercy; and every land where there is a remnant of his church, bears some monument that tells to his honour, and which will endure till the funeral of the world.

Now the argument is, that he who has done so much for his church will never abandon her. If he would float her above a drowning world, would re

deem her from bondage, would escort her through the desert, would rain her bread from heaven, would reprove kings for her sake, would stop the sun to aid her victories; with his smiles, light the glooms of her dungeon, and by his presence cool the fires of the stake, there can be no fear for her safety.

God will do just such things for Zion as he has done. "The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be." His arm is not shortened, nor his ear heavy. The church was never nearer his heart than now.

And he now hates her enemies as really as he did Pharaoh, Sennacherrib, Nero, or Julian. He then governed the world for the sake of his church; and for her sake he governs it still, "The Lord's portion is his people. " We know not that he ever had but one object in view in the events that have transpired in our world; and that one, the honour of his name in the redemption of his people and this object sways his heart still. The destruction of the enemy is a part of the same plan. Still may the church invoke the Lord God of Elijah, may rest under the protection of the God of Bethel, and wrestle with the Angel of Penuel. If she should be in bondage, there will rise another Moses, another cloud will conduct her out of Egypt, and the same heavens will rain her manna. darkness should overshadow her, there will be found among the sons she hath brought up, another Luther, Calvin, or Knox, to take her by the hand,


That God

to protect her honours, and recruit her strength. Shame on the Christian who knows her history, and yet is afraid. Afraid of what? will cease to defend the apple of his eye? Afraid that the city graven upon the palms of his hands, may be captured and destroyed? If God continue to do such things as he has done, the church with all her retinue is safe. "God is known in her palaces for a refuge."

III. God is doing now just such things as he has done. We saw laid the corner stone, and drew thence our first argument. Then we saw the building half erected, and were furnished with a second. We are now to view the edifice covered with builders, and from their exertions derive our third. We may now reason from things that our eyes can see. We may appeal for testimony to the very saw and hammer, and make the scaffold speak.

It may be that some who are present are not sensible in what a day of heavenly exploit they live. Do you know what amazing events are transpiring? Have you learned, that Bible Societies are forming in every part of Christendom, and that the Scriptures are now read in perhaps a hundred languages, in which, till lately, not a text of inspired truth was ever written? Do you know that the late editions of God's word have commenced their circulation, are traversing the desert, taming the savage, and

pouring celestial light on eyes that never met its beams before?

Do you know the prevalence of a missionary spirit? Have you learned, that youth of the first character, of the fairest prospect, and of both sexes, aspire to be missionaries of the cross? Some have gone, and others wait impatient till your charity shall send them.

Many a mother has devoted her daughter to the` work, and waits for opportunity to give her the parting kiss; and many a daughter, on whom has fallen Harriet's mantle, aches to visit her tomb, and rest under the same turf till Jesus bid them rise. And what daughter of Zion is not ambitious of a martyrdom like her's?


How numerous and extensive the revivals, which at present we witness in our land! Even where there is no stated ministry, the showers of grace descend, and the waste places are made fertile. What other page of the church's history, but the present, could record an almost universal concert of prayer Christians of every continent employing the same hour in the same supplications! How unparalleled the success of every Christian enterprise! No plan of mercy fails. The active Christian is amazed at the result of his own exertions.

Much that God is now doing is evidently preparatory to future operations. Bible and missionary societies may be viewed as the accumulated energies of the church. Hitherto our exertions have

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