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TO PHYSICIANS who would practice the Homeopathy of Hahnemann this "Blank" will be of great assistance.

The importance of making a correct beginning is paramount.

"TAKING THE CASE" is the most difficult part of the duty of the Hahnemannian.

On the first prescription often depends the success or failure of not only the treatment of the case in hand, but frequently the reputation of the physician.

Few physicians possess the faculty of eliciting all of the symptoms of a patient during a first, or even a second or third interview. Patients are prone to overlook or conceal symptoms, which, if known to the physician, would prove to be the "guiding symptom to the selection of the "Similimum." This may be owing to ignorance of its importance or thoughtlessness, but more frequently to modesty or embarrassment.

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The use of this "Blank" will do away with these, and many other difficulties, in the management and successful treatment of CHRONIC diseases especially.

This "Blank" has been arranged to be used with Lippe's Repertory and Winterburn's Repertory. It can be used with Benninghausen's Therapeutic Pocket Book, also, but not so advantageously.

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First decide under which rubric or general heading the case is to be studied, as, for instance, Head," ""Chest," ""Female Sexual Organs," etc., and turn to that part of the Blank."

Read every word under that heading, and with a pencil place a little mark beside each word that is suggestive of symptoms experienced. Then take a separate paper and write out your symptoms as nearly as possible, according to the suggestions coming to you by the words that have been checked. Next turn to the last division of the Blank, viz: Generalities, and check mark everything that is suggestive, as before.

Finally, run over the whole blank and check all suggestive points, words or phrases. Write out explanations, when you can, so as to make it clear to the physician. Fill up all blanks.

Enclose $ signed.

and return to under

M. D.

Consult your dictionary, if necessary, and


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State all particulars regarding sickness of parents and grand parents.

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