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thousand," Psa. lxxxiv. 10. If you do not at first find all the benefit and comfort in attending a place of worship, which you expected, do not be discouraged; go on in the path of duty; seek, by constant, earnest prayer, a blessing from God; and his word which cannot lie, assures you that you shall not seek in vain, Luke xi. 9, 10. Heaven is worth winning, and the salvation of the soul worth all the pains you can take; for, "What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? What shall a man give in exchange for his soul ?" Matt. xvi. 26.



AS the true believer hath a shadow to protect him from the most violent storms which can possibly come on a sinful nation; so he hath an anchor-hold in heaven, which will keep him steady and faithful to Christ and his gospel : when temporary, notional professors, who are strangers to regeneration work, fall away from their profession, like leaves in autumn, or like untimely fruit, which comes to no perfection. These will prove themselves to be of their number who built their house upon the sand, which house may stand for a while, and promise very fair in the time of outward peace and tranquillity. While they may enjoy their religious liberty by human law, and whilst their profession, and their outward secular interest can go hand in hand together, no man can distinguish between such and real converts. It is in this case as when two men walk or travel together, having a dog following them; no man who knows neither the men nor yet the dog, can tell whether of the two men is master of the dog: but when these two men come to part, then the dog's master is presently known from the other; the dog will most certainly follow his own master. When religion, and worldly advancement, credit, honour, and freedom from the cross, come to turn the back on each other, then the temporary professor, who companied with Christ in the visible communion of his saints all the time of outward peace, will openly discover which of the two he served all the time of his hypocritical profession, Christ, in religion, or the world.

Extracts of Correspondence.


From the Speeches delivered at the Anniversary of the Nagercoil and Palamcottah Native Tract Society.-(Concluded from page 120.)

INDIA.-Samathanum rose, and, after seconding the motion, said, "As we have heard of the good that has been done by the publication of our tracts from other speakers, I need say nothing on that subject; but I have a word or two to say on the state of our funds. During the past year you have heard that we have printed thirteen tracts, making a total of 50,000 copies, yet our contributions have fallen greatly short of what they were last year. There must therefore be a fault somewhere. By referring to the list of subscribers that fault will be detected. Many who gave last year have lessened their subscriptions this and some have withdrawn them altogether. I am afraid this has been done, in many instances, from a covetous disposition. God has been robbed, that your fields and vineyards may increase, that your persons and houses may be adorned. Such persons are extremely ungrateful, and cannot expect the blessing of God to rest on their labours. Let us all lay this to heart, and endeavour to render ourselves more worthy to become fellow-labourers with those pious persons, in other places of the earth, who are exerting themselves to do good to the whole race of man."

J. W. Venning rose, and, after reading the names of the officers for the ensuing year, and asking the blessing of God to rest on their labours, observed, "Many do themselves and others much injury by reading and hearing the filthy stories contained in the heathen books; but it must afford unspeakable joy to many pious persons to reflect, that the tracts put in circulation by this society are already superseding them, and affording the people wholesome instruction. To show that our books are producing these effects, I will relate an instance or two. In a village contiguous to the one in which I am stationed, a few heathens of respectability, through reading our tracts, have not only relinquished idolatry, but have presented me with their family idol. As they openly condemned idolatry, their influence is likely to have a considerable effect on their friends and neighbours. Thus, the truth, though gradually, is surely producing its effects, and will ultimately prevail. But I have a more pleasing instance of the real good produced by our tracts to relate. A woman, in the village in which I reside, while a heathen, had some desires after future happiness, and

to obtain it had made many pilgrimages, expended much pro perty, and afflicted herself in a variety of ways, but found no relief. While in distress of mind on this account, I met with her, and, on reading a tract on the way of salvation, she exclaimed, This is the way to happiness! I have found it." From that time she made a profession of christianity, walks worthy of it, and uses all her influence to induce others to follow her example."

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From the Rev. George Wermelskirch, of Posen.

POLAND.-I am now enabled to inform you that the printing of a christian work in Polish actually begins the first day of the next month.

After much consideration and deliberation with my friends on the subject, I could not come to any other resolution, than to reprint Arndt's "True Christianity," along with his prayer book. I cannot expect that you should bear the whole expense of this undertaking, nor even a part; but I cannot omit to request you to assist me as much as your principles allow. The work is begun, and God will enable me to get it printed and disposed of. I should be truly glad if you had a hand in it, if you were assisting me to meet the desire of thousands of poor protestants who read nothing but Polish. Oh, that one of your committee could have been with me on my last tour to Cracow, and through Upper Silesia, and had heard the requests of poor pious people, begging most earnestly for their Arndt, their book which has for so many years been the food which nourished the souls of their ancestors during popish tyranny; or that you could read their heart-rending letters, which they write now and then, asking if the printing had not yet begun! surely you could not withhold your help from such petitioners. They do not desire to have the work gratis, but will pay what is in their power.


From the George's-street Society, Dublin.

IRELAND. This society was commenced by a few serious young men, in August last, who, feeling for the gross darkness that covered the hearts of thousands of their fellow-citizens, more especially of those in whose reach was the word of God, went out on sabbath mornings, from 10 to 12 o'clock, leaving a tract, which was to be replaced on the following Sabbath, with each family; explaining the leading doctrines of the Bible with simplicity, or conversing, as practically as possible, on the subject of the tract, encouraging them to attend to the means of grace, both public

and private; and praying with them wherever it might be thought expedient. This plan being acted on for a little time, through the Divine blessing, produced such good effects, that we sought additional faithful persevering distributors, who now amount to twenty, and have rules for their guidance; and a book is kept to record any remarkable or encouraging circumstance we may meet with. At present we visit the Meath hospital, the barracks, and two hundred and fifty families weekly. With pleasure we have seen the drunkard reclaimed; backsliders, who had strayed, brought again to the fold; and some whom we found in a state of nature, are now gone to everlasting glory. In one place a drunken husband has made his family happy, and we find him either reading his Bible, or teaching his children, who attend a Sabbath-school now; and one quarrelsome wife has become a loving, humble, and affectionate one. Such was her love for tracts, and thirst for scriptural knowledge, that she got her husband to teach her to spell, and can now read with delight that word which we trust has already made her wise unto salvation. An abundant harvest lies before us. All our distributors are desirous to live to God's glory and all we stand in need of, is tracts; we therefore humbly send in our claim for a grant, as such assistance cannot be obtained here.

From a Lady in the West of England.

WE have had, within the last week, a pleasing testimony of the usefulness of tracts. About a dozen of those which you had given me I put into the hands of two of my sunday-school teachers, to lend to the children, and to read themselves. Two of these tracts seem to have been especially blest to these young girls: "Serious Thoughts on Eternity," and, "The Worth of the Soul." They are two cousins, of about nineteen, of simple manners, and regular and correct deportment; yet, through mercy, they have been brought to feel that still "" one thing is needful." These are circumstances that call for joy and thankfulness.

I have also, within the last fortnight, had another delightful proof of the efficacy of these " messengers of mercy," when sent forth in dependence on the Lord, in the case of the widow of a poor publican, who fell into a vat of boiling beer, and was killed. I sent her Cecil's " Friendly Visit to the House of Mourning;" and I have every reason to hope and to believe it has had a most salutary influence on her. She has since expressed her thankfulness for the tract, and has become a regular attendant on the means of grace, both on Lord's days, and at weekly prayer-meetings. To God be all the glory!

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IT was well that wealthy Zaccheus was desirous to see Christ. Little do too many rich men care to see that sight: the face of Cæsar in their coin is more pleasing. This man leaves his bags to bless his eyes with this prospect. Yet it was not, we may fear, out of faith, but curiosity. He that had heard great fame of Jesus, of his miracles, would gladly see his face. Even a Herod longed for this, and was never the better. But this curiosity of the eye, through the mercy of God, gave occasion to the belief of the heart. He that desires to see Jesus is in the way to enjoy him: there is not so much as a remote possibility in the man that cares not to behold him. AUGUST, 1834.


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