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Antiphlogistine Originality-The antiphlogistine folder which is sent with their greetings of the season is a thing of beauty, and a very clever ad. The Denver Chemical Mfg. Co. has established a reputation for doing things just right; there have been many efforts to equal the packages in which antiphlogistine is put up, but to date the remedy and the package have it all their own way.

A New Device for the Furnishing of Antitoxins and Curative Sera. -An improvement in the package in which antitoxin and the various curative sera are furnished, has been introduced by the H. K. Mulford Company, Philadelphia, by which the antitoxin is furnished in the barrel of an aseptic glass syringe, hermetically sealed. The advantage of this container'

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is immediately apparent to the profession, since it not only presents each dose of antitoxin in a perfectly aseptic syringe, but prevents the possibility of infection in administering antitoxin through an imperfectly sterilized syringe, and, furthermore, it obviates any uncertainty in the working of the ordinary piston syringes. The cut describes the style of the package containing the serum. The barrel of the syringe contains the antitoxin. In using, the physician breaks the sealed tube at point (4), by placing the thumb and the first finger of the right hand immediately over the etched line and pressing the finger and thumb slightly together, a little more pressure being exerted towards the end than towards the barrel of the syringe. The needle is then taken from the sterile glass plunger, and, the rubber tubing (11) applied with a slight rotary movement over the fractured end of the syringe. The cap and paraffined cork (6) is then removed from the glass barrel of the syringe and the plunger used as indi cated in the illustration. The plug (2) not only serves to retain the serum in the barrel of syringe, but also serves as a washer, and the plunger (7) is pressed against it to expel the antitoxin. This package has an especial advantage, in that the serum never comes in even momentary contact with the outside air, and the needle, plunger and sryinge are all thoroughly sterilized, ensuring an aseptic injection. With this device it is not possible to inject air into the patient and contamination of the serum is impossible.

The Lactopeptine Calendar.-The gift season always brings us reminders from our pharmaceutical friends, and we associate pleasant impressions with the various souvenirs which come. For uniqueness and niceness there is nothing better than the booklets with which we have from time to time been favored by the New York Pharmacal Association. The calendar of this season is no exception to the rule. We understand that every one of our readers has been favored with one of these calendars so we need not dwell on its beauty or usefulness-they are both very real.

The Antikamnia Calendar for 1903. The profession as a whole testified to their pleasure in the exquisite calendar presented to us one year ago by the Antikamnia Chemical Co. Helen Hyde and her work were never introduced to a more appreciative audience. It is a matter of considerable pleasure to learn that this year's calendar is to be a reproduction, exact in every respect, of a companion picture by the same artist. His First Temple offering will be welcomed by all antikamnia's friends, and will make new friends if, as is doubtful, there be any who are still out of the ranks.

Excessive Proteid Diet.-It doesn't require much of an argument to show that good material must go into the twenty-story building if it is to be solid and secure. Yet a great many people seem to think that it matters little what kind of material goes into the building of the human structure! They offer the body thistles and ask it to give back figs. They feed on thorns and expect to pick roses. Later, they find they have sown indigestion and are reaping ptomaines. It's a wonderful laboratory, this human body. But it can't prevent the formation of deadly poisons within its very being. Indeed, the alimentary tract may be regarded as one great laboratory for the manufacture of dangerous substances. "Biliousness" is a forcible illustration of the formation and the absorption of poisons, due largely to an excessive proteid diet. The nervous symptoms of the dyspepic are often but the physiological demonstrations of putrefactive alkaloids. Appreciating the importance of the command, "Keep the Bowels Open," the Antikamnia Chemical Company offers laxative Antikamnia and quinine tablets, the laxative dose of which is one or two tablets, every two or three hours, as indicated. When a cathartic is desired, administer the laxative antikamnia and quinine tablets as directed and follow with a saline draught the next morning, before breakfast. This will hasten peristaltic action and assist in removing, at once, the accumulated fecal mat


Neoferrum.-We are always glad to welcome a new remedy to our therapeutic armamentarium, when it is one which brings the promises for good which neoferrum boasts. Neoferrum is a malto-peptonate of iron and of manganese with a minute quantity of arsenic, combined with maltine and sherry wine making a preparation which is at once pleasingly palatable and effective. It is indicated in all troubles where iron and manganese are employed. That it does not constipate, is welcomed and readily assimilated in the digestive systems of those who have found other preparations of iron absolutely impossible, are strong arguments in its favor. This new branch to the "maltine tree" should add to its beauty and productiveness.




"Louisiana Purchase Centennial."


The Medical

December 25, 1902


That's what's the matter
with many of your pa-
tients, Doctor. You
know, it is almost impos-
sible to cure them at home.
Send them to

Alma Springs Sanitarium

and let us demonstrate what can be done for them here.
THINK A MOMENT. We have the most remarkable mineral
waters in the United States,


The best equipped and most scientifically conducted Sanitarium.
First-class Physicians. Delightful climate.

Write for full information.


GEO. F. BUTLER, M. D., Medical Superintendent.




It will pay you



No. 12

to cultivate the readers of the MEDICAL

To Manufacturers: FORTNIGHTLY during 1903. Begin NOW!

[blocks in formation]



Read this formula, then send for sample and literature.
After a trial you will be convinced that FEBRISOL is the
best anti-pain and febrifuge ever offered the medical pro-
fession. It is as reliable as morphine; has none of the
bad after-effects, and is opposed to cardiac depression.

[blocks in formation]



Methyl = Oleo - Salicylate



"Betul-ol is not a mere mixture of Oil with Salicylate of Methyl, it is more quickly absorbed than Wintergreen, relieving the symptom pain as soon as applied. The alkalinity of the blood converts Betul-ol into Salicylate of Soda, and the amount thus created in the blood itself, is exactly equivalent to the Betul-ol absorbed."

Sold in original 2 ounce bottles; 80c. to Physicians only.
Samples and Literature from the Agents.

New York

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