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fection or kindness is lessened or diminished | it be not yet improved to the proportion you towards me. I know very well, that the peo- have designed, I cannot doubt but you will ple did never in any age use that vigilance and proceed in it with your old alacrity. I am circumspection in the election of persons of very well contented that you proceed in your known and try'd affections to the crown, of inspection; I know it will be to my advantage, your good principles and unquestionable incli- and that you will neither find my receipts so nations to the peace of the Church and the great, nor my expences so exorbitant, as you State, for their representatives in parliament imagine; and for an evidence of the last, I as they did when they chose you. You are the will give you an Account of the Issues of the very same men, who at your first coming to- twelve hundred thousand pounds you so libegether, gave such signal testimonies of your rally gave me one penny whereof was not affection and friendship to my person, of disposed but upon full deliberation with myyour zeal for the honour and dignity of the self, and by my own order, and I think you crown, and liberal support of the government, will all say for the public service. But, genand of your horror and detestation of those tlemen, this inquisition cannot be finished in men, whose principles you discerned keep the short time we can now conveniently stay them awake to take all occasions to disturb together: and yet, if you do not provide before the peace of the kingdom, and to embroil us we part, for the better paying and collecting in a new civil war; which is as much their en- what you have already given me, you can deavour now as ever, and it may be not hardly presume what it will amount to and enough abhorred by others, whose principles if you do not support what you have already and ends are very different from them. You given me by some addition, you will quickly sce are the same men, who, at your first meet-lawful ways found to lessen the Revenue more ing, by a wonderful and chearful harmony and concurrence in whatsoever I could wish, gave me reputation abroad and security at home, made our neighbours solicitous for our friendship, and set a just value upon it. And, trust me, such a reputation is of such a vast importance, as made my evil subjects even despair of bringing their wicked purposes to pass, And is it possible that the same persons can continue the same together, without the same affection for me? I am sure it is impossible.And yet, I must tell you, the reputation I had from your concurrence and tenderness towards me, is not at all improved since the beginning of this session; indeed it is much lessened. And I am sure I never stood in more need of that reputation than at present, to carry me through the many difficulties, in which the public is at least concerned, as much as myself. Let me and you think never so well of ourselves, if all the world knows or believes that we are poor, that we are in extremity of want, if our friends think we can do them no good, or our enemies believe we can do them no harm, our condition is far from being prosperous. You cannot take it amiss, (you shall use as much freedom with me) that I tell you there hath not appeared that warmth in you of late in the consideration of my Revenue, as I expected, as well from some of your Messages, as my own confidence in your care and kindness. It hath been said to myself, that it is usual for the parliament to give the crown extraordinary Supplies upon emergent occasions, but not to improve the constant Revenue of the crown. I wish, and so do you, that nothing had lately been done in and by parliaments but what is usual: but if ill parliaments contrive the ruin and disinherison of the crown, God forbid but good parliaments should repair it, how unusual soever it is. If you yourselves had not in an extraordinary manner improved my Revenue, the government could not have been supported; and if

than you imagine: and therefore I cannot but expect your wisdoms will seasonably and speedily provide a remedy for that growing mischief. Believe me, gentlemen, the most disaffected subjects in England are not more unwilling to pay any tax or imposition you lay upon them, than I am to receive it; God knows, I do not long more for any blessing in this world, than that I may live to call a parliament, and not ask or receive any money from them; I will do all I can to see that happy day. I know the vast burdens the kingdom hath borne these last 20 years and more; that it is exceedingly impoverished: but, alas! what will that which is left do them good, if the government cannot be supported; if I am not able to defray the Charge that is necessary for their peace and security? I must deal plainly with you, (and I do but discharge my conscience in that plainness) if you do not, besides the improving my Revenue in the manner I have recommended to you, give me some present Supply of Money to enable me to struggle with those difficulties I am pressed with, I shall have a very melancholic summer, and shall much apprehend the public quiet.You have heard, I presume, of the late design in Ireland for the Surprize of the Castle of Dublin, which was spread all over that kingdom, and many parliament-men were engaged in it. There is an absolute necessity that I forthwith send over a sum of money thither, for the payment of the Army, and putting the Garrisons there in good order. You will not doubt but that those seditious persons there, had a correspondence with their friends here: and I pray let us not be too careless of them. I assure you, I have so great occasion for Money here, which my Revenue cannot supply me with, that I every day omit the doing somewhat that is very necessary for the public benefit. These sure are just motives to persuade you to give me a Supply, as ever moved a house of commons. And therefore I con

jure you to go chearfully about it, and let me | sir Richard did desire him so to do: and that not be disappointed in my confidence of your Mr. Vaughan and Mr. Garraway do attend the affections: and I pray remember the season earl with this Message. of the year, and how necessary it is that we make a recess at or about midsummer. I have enlarged much more to you upon this occasion than I have used to do; and you may perceive it hath not been very easy to me: but I was willing that you should understand from myself what I desire and expect from you: and the rather, because I hear some men have confidently undertaken to know my mind, who have had no authority from me, and to drive on designs very contrary to my desires. I do pray heartily that the effect of this day's conversation may be the renewing of our confidence in each other, and raising our joint reputation, which will be our strongest security, with God's blessing, the kingdom can have for its peace, plenty, and fall prosperity and upon my word, you shall have great comfort in what you shall do for me, upon this very earnest and hearty recommendation."

Four Subsidies voted.] This Speech did not fail of its desired effect, for, shortly after, the house voted his majesty four Subsidies.

Sir Rd. Temple accused of sending a Message to the King by the Earl of Bristol, undertaking for the Compliance of the House, in case a Supply should be demanded.] June 13. Upon information given to the commons, by Mr. Coventry, That his maj. had commanded him to impart to the house that a Message was delivered to his maj. by a person of quality, from sir Rd. Temple, to the effect following; viz. That sir Richard was sorry his majesty was offended with him that he could not go along with them that had undertaken his business in the house of commons: but, if his majesty would 'take his advice, and intrust him and his 'friends, he would undertake his business should be effected, and Revenue settled, better than he could desire; if the courtiers did not 'hinder it:' It was ordered, That a committee be appointed to examine the said matter, and report it to the house.

June 20. It was resolved, That the king be humbly desired, that he would be graciously pleased to name the person that did deliver the Message to his majesty from sir Rd. Temple: and that his majesty's two principal secretaries of state, Mr. Treasurer, and sir William Compton, do attend his majesty, and acquaint him with the desires of this house.

June 26. Mr. Secretary Morrice acquainted the house, That he had received command from his majesty to declare to the house, That the earl of Bristol was the person that did deliver the Message from sir Rd. Temple to his majesty. Upon which it was resolved, That a copy of the first Message sent by his majesty, against sir Rd. Temple, be sent to the earl of Bristol: and he be made acquainted, That the king hath sent word to this house, That he brought the Message to him, from sir Richard; and his Answer desired, Whether

June 27. Mr. Vaughan reported, "That he and Mr. Garraway had attended the earl of Bristol; and had acquainted him with the order of this house; and with the transcript of so much of his majesty's Message, as did relate to the Message which he did receive from sir Rd. Temple: and that his lordship did render his most humble and hearty thanks to this house, That, in such an important matter, and so much concerning his honour, they did signify their desires to him in so obliging a manner: but, in regard the thing was of so great consequence, partly relating to his majesty, and also concerning his own honour, and the reputation of a member of this house, he could not intrust any other person to deliver his Answer, for fear of mistakes which might thereby happen; and because he might probably if present clear any matter which might further accrue and, therefore, that he might give full satisfaction to so illustrious a representative of his country, he desired a day might be prefixed, when he might be admitted to give an account to the house, in person, concerning this matter: and that he would make his address to the lords, that he might be permitted so to do." Upon this, it was resolved, That Wednesday next be appointed for the earl of Bristol personally to give in his Answer to the house.


The Earl of Bristol's Speech, before the Commons, thereon.] July 1. The house having received information, that the earl of Bristol was at the door, and did pray admittance into the house, to give an account, in person, of the matter concerning sir Rd. Temple, his lordship was, by direction of the house, placed in a chair, set for him on purpose, on the left side of the house, within the bar: and Mr. Speaker did open unto him his majesty's Message, and the votes and proceedings of the house thereupon, concerning sir Richard Temple. This being done,

The Earl of Bristol rose and addressed the house as follows:-" Mr. Speaker; Were I to be wrought upon by the arts and menaces of my enemies, or by the alarms of my friends in my behalf, contrary to the firmness and assurance which a clean heart and a good conscience does always uphold in a man of honour, I should have appeared in this place with such fear and trembling, as could not chuse but disorder any man's reason and elocution: the niceness of the subject upon which I am brought hither, were enough to discompose one; but over and above that, I am not ignorant what personal prejudices I am under, and how industriously they have been improved among you. But when I look round this illustrious assembly, and see three parts of it composed of men who wear, as I do, a sword by their sides, and who have drawn it so often' for the king's service, gentlemen of birth, integrity, fortune, all apprehensions vanish from

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a man, who hath served and suffered for the submission avow whatever his majesty is pleased king as I have done. Mr. Speaker, I know to affirm of me; but, having discharged that the time of this house, upon whose prudent de- duty towards my sovereign, I hope I may be liberations the happiness of the king and king- allowed to lay the fault home upon myself, dom depends, is too precious to have any part and to tell you, that my tongue, I know not of it spent in vindication of me: but, since not by what distemper, delivered that which, I only the reputation and innocence of one of protest to God, was never in my thoughts; I your members depends upon what I shall say, was so far from thinking to deliver such a but even his majesty's honour may in some Message from sir Rd. Temple, that I did not sort be concerned in the right apprehension of think myself charged with any thing by way it, I hope it will be thought no presumption in Message. It is true, Mr. Speaker, that, being me to beg of you, as I do, in all humility, one full of indignation at ill oflices done him, I quarter of an hour's patience and attention.- made a warm address to his majesty in sir Rd. AIr. Speaker, I am here exposed as the Bearer Temple's behalf, wherein I expressed his grief, of a Message to his majesty from sir Richard that his majesty should be offended with him, Temple, which he hath thought worthy to be and having joined thereunto some reasonings complained of to this house, and which sir Rd. of his to justify his conduct, in relation to his Temple affirms he never sent. Lay your hands majesty's service, very agreeable to my own upon your hearts, gentlemen, and say truly, sentiments, I pursued his expressions with such does not your innate candour pity my condi- of my own, as (all circumstances considered) tion, brought into a streight, in all appearance the most unattentive person, and the most so inextricable? For, on the one side, if I avow biassed with passion against sir Richard Temto have carried from sir Rd. Temple the Mes-ple, might have easily understood it to be no sage, which his maj. has been pleased to make undertaking of his, but only a warm discourse, so high and so unusual an expression of his and confident undertaking of my own.-Sir being offended at, and which sir Rd. Temple Rd. Temple being thus cleared, without the denies to have sent, how can men of honour least contradiction to his majesty, if to underforgive me so ungentlemanly a proceeding to- take for you, gentlemen, be a guilt, it is only I wards a person who hath trusted me, as a that stand guilty before you. But you are too friend, to do him (as he thought) a good office noble, I am sure, and too just, to condemn mo with his majesty? On the other side, Mr. in your judgments, before you have heard the Speaker, should I disavow the having delivered nature and circumstances of my undertaking; the Message from sir Rd. Temple, which his which, with your leave, I shall declare to the majesty hath thought fit to affirm, that he re- full, taking the matter (as I must needs, to ceived from him and by me, what subject can be rightly understood) from an higher oribe strong enough not to sink for ever under ginal. Mr. Speaker, having had the honour the weight of such a contradiction to his so- heretofore of discharging, with approbation, vereign? I ask you again, gentlemen, does not a place of so high trust, as that of Secrethe condition you see me brought into, by the tary of State to his majesty's father of blessed arts of my enemies, move you at the saine time memory, and to himself: aud since my quitto pity and indignation? Mr. Speaker, when ting that place, being admitted so frequently David was put to his choice of one of the three to the happiness of his princely conversation, calamities, he made election of the plague. you cannot imagine, but that sometimes he And why? that he might fall into the hands of vouchsafed to speak to me of business, espeGod, and not of men. In like manner, Mr. cially of parliaments, where I have the honour Speaker, if one of the two extremes, with at present to be a peer, and have heretofore which I am threatened, be, as it appears, un- been as much versed, as some of my contemavoidable, let me fall into the hands of God's poraries, in the proceedings of the honourable vice-gerent the king: the world will never house of commons. I confess, that, before this pardon me an unworthy action; his goodness, last assembling, he did it more than once, and I am sure, would in time pardon a generous the opinion I most constantly delivered confault. But when you have heard me out, gen- cerning this house was, that never king was so tlemen, I am confident you will find, that I happy in a house of commons, as he was in shall need neither the world's pardon nor the you; a house composed of so many gentlemen king's, but only yours. In the first place, of birth and fortune, eminent in their faithMr. Speaker, I am bound to clear sir Richard fulness to him, and such as could never be susTemple, which I here do upon my honour, pected of any sinister designs, or of any other that he never sent by me a Message to the dependance, but upon the crown, and upon the king, that had in it the least tincture of an care of those that chose them, and such as in undertaking of his; which I conceive could be the last sessions had manifested their affections the only part that could give offence to his to him by such large Aids and Supplies; majesty, or be a ground for the Complaint adding, that nothing could be more important made against him.-In the next place, if the to his service, than to make and preserve you king, who, the law says, can do no wrong, still popular with those that sent you. To hath thought fit to affirm, that I brought him which end I took the liberty to tell him, that if that undertaking Message from sir Rd. Tem- the necessity of his affairs, (of which I, having ple, it must needs be true, and I do with all no part in his council, was no good judge) could

admit of it, he ought not in prudence to let you give him any Money this sitting, but rather to oblige you wholly to apply yourselves to the making of such laws as might endear both him and you to the people; by which means, at another meeting, be would be master of the hearts and purses of his subjects. But in case. his necessities should urge him to press you, before the rising, for a new Supply, that he ought, by all means, to let it be accompanied, if not preceded by some eminent Acts for the Reformation of former Abuses, and for the securing his subjects from the like for the future. I persisted, Mr. Speaker, in pressing, upon all occasions, this advice to his majesty, till within some few weeks after their meeting; when finding myself (I know not by what misfortune) fallen under some prejudice, I thought that a total forbearance from speaking to him of any business, would be the best way of my serving him. And I protest unto you, gentlemen, with all sincerity, that from that time, until that of his majesty's expressing to me some displeasure against sir Rd. Temple, I never once opened my lips to him of any public adair whatsoever it is true, Mr. Speaker, that a ground being given me to enter again with his majesty, upon a subject which my heart was still full of, I laid hold on the occasion, and in pursuance of what I had said in behalf of sir Rd, Temple, told his majesty, perhaps with more freedom and fervour than did become me, that I found his courtiers gave him wrong measures, both of the temper of the bouse of commons, and of the means to attain from them any new Supplies, whether by way of present, gift, or of such establishments in his revenues, as might indeed put him out of necessity; since there could be no reasonable hopes of obtaining from them any such assistance, but by a committance, if not a precedence of such Acts, as might be grateful and beneficial to his subjects, and secure them, that what shall be given hereafter should he better managed for his majesty's service, than those vast sums that had been formerly granted: that if his majesty, in his princely wisdom, should think fit to drive on his business upon solid grounds, and not upon the false and self-interested measures of some courtiers, he had a house of commons composed of members so full of affection to his person, and zeal for his prosperity and glory, that not only sir Rd. Temple, but the most unprejudiced and wisest men of the kingdom, as well as myself, durst undertake for them. See here, gentleinen, the bold undertaking that such a house of commons would never let him want such present Supplies, as the true necessity of his affairs should require, nor such an established | Revenue, as is fit to support the greatness and honour of his crown. If this was a criminal undertaking, you have, before you, gentlemen, confitentem reum; but whilst I am endeavouring to clear sir Rd. Temple, and to vindicate or arraign myself, according as you shall be pleased to understand it, by telling you VOL. IV.

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what passed from me to his majesty, I must not omit to give him the honour due to him for the kingly Reply he made to me upon this occasion, which was, That he had a true sense of the merit of the house of commens 'towards him, even far beyond what I had expressed, and this was the reason why, relying so entirely as he did, upon the affections of that whole body, he was, and ever should be offended at any proposition to carry on his business there by oflicious undertakings and cabals, either of his courtiers or others. An expression fit to be written with the rays of the sun, that all the world may read it; an expression which cannot chuse but inflame the affections of all this noble assembly that hear me, and carry you to make good these happy impressions of you, which are so deeply stampt in his royal breast: such as I should think it a crime to doubt, but that all suspicions being now vanished of his majesty's owning the Supply desired, to any acts or contrivances of others, your own zeal for his service will, even in the proportion and timeliness of that, exceed the vain proposals of all pickthank undertakers.-Mr. Speaker, I should have here put a period to your trouble of hearing me, did I not think I might incur the imputation of much weakness and supineness in my own highest concernments, if, valuing, as I do, above all earthly concernments, the favour and the esteem of my country, of which you are the illustrious representatives; and knowing what industry has been used to blast me with you, I should not lay hold on this just occasion to remove from me some unjust prejudices under which I have laboured. And this Mr. Speaker, I humbly beg leave to do in very few words. I appeal, gentlemen, to numbers of you, that hear me, whether I have not been represented unto you for the giver of advice of a far different tenor from what you have heard upon this occasion; whether I have not been painted out unto you for an inflamer of his majesty against his par liament; for an enemy of the Church of England, and for a dangerous driver on of the Papistical interest. It is true, Mr. Speaker, I ama Catholic of the Church of Rome, but not of the Court of Rome; no Negotiator there of Cardinal's Caps for his majesty's subjects and domestics, a true Roman Catholic as to the other world, but a true Englishman as to this: such a one, as had we a king inclined to that profession (as on the contrary, we have one the most firm and constant to the Protestant Religion, that ever sat upon the throne) I would tell him as freely as the Duke of Sully, being a Protestant, told his grandfather, Henry IV. That if he meant to be a king he must be a constant professor and maintainer of the Religiou established in his dominions. Believe me, gentlemen, Roman Catholic as I am, there is no man amongst you all, more throughly persuaded than I am, that the true pillars, that can uphold this monarchy, must ever be the maintenance of the subjects just


rights and liberties, and the careful preservation of that State Ecclesiastical, whereof his majesty is the supreme governor; and I do clearly profess, that should the Pope himself, invade that Ecclesiastical right of his, I should as readily draw my sword against him as against the late usurper. Mr. Speaker, one prejudice more I am under, which ought to have great weight indeed with this honourable house, if there were a real ground for it; and that is, that the earl of Bristol is one of those, who by the vast Grants that he hath got of the king, hath, in part, contributed to the groans of the people, to find their king still in such necessity, after such unexampled charges laid upon the subjects for his Supplies. It is true, Mr. Speaker, that though I have neither offices to keep, nor offices to sell, his majesty's gifts 'to me have been great, in proportion to my merit, which is none: for in serving and suffering for him with faithfulness, I did but my duty, which carries a reward with itself, enough to raise a comfort to me, from the very ruin of my fortune. It is also true, I have had the satisfaction from his majesty, that he never refused me any thing I asked him for myself. But I hope I shall make it appear also, that I have not only been a very modest asker, but also a most careful one, to ask nothing considerable, but what carried advantage with it, as well to his majesty's interest as my own. I know well, Mr. Speaker, that, with so kind and so generous a nature as our king is, an ill proportion of bounty to merit, and consequently the largeness and kindness of his royal heart that way, may have contributed much to the present streights he is in. Happy is the nation that bath nothing to fear for the public, but from the virtues of their prince. It is your proper work, gentlemen, to reduce the effects of them to a right temperament, by your prudent inspection; and may you begin it with all my concernments, which I most readily lay at your feet, humbly begging of you to appoint a time, when I may display them all faithfully before you; in hopes that no man, who hath been a partaker of his majesty's bounty, will prove himself so unworthy of it, as not to follow the example. Mr. Speaker, If having thus poured out my soul before you, I have been so happy as to have begot in this honourable house a right persuasion of the sincerity of my heart, I expect and implore two gracious effects of it. The first, that you will be pleased to grant me your pardon, if the same zeal for his majesty's service, and the good of my country, which made me presume (being no counsellor) to press upon his majesty my opinion in matters of such importance, has transported me also, at this time, in some sort, so as to become your adviser. You have heard, gentlemen, of the dumb man, whose tongue was set free by the imminent danger of his father's life; wonder not then, gentlemen, that such a lover of his. king and country as i am, having seen them, within these three years in a prospect of such


glory and happiness, both at home and abroad, and finding to what a sad condition things are now reduced, (by what means it is more proper for you to enquire, and may Heaven bless your inspection ;) wonder not, I say, gentlemen, that a man so affected as I am, should, by some eruptions of heart, let you see, that periculum patric ought to have a more powerful effect upon a man of public soul, thau periculum patris, and is capable, if I were a mute, to make me become a counsellor. The next is, Mr. Speaker, that if (as I said before, I have been so happy in what I expressed, as to have raised in you some more favourable thoughts concerning me, you would vouchsafe me some demonstration of it, whereby I may no more be made, by my enemies, such a bugbear as I am: as if a gracious look of his majesty upon me, were enough to ruin all his affairs with you. I shall then continue the way I am in with comfort; but if I be so unfortunate, as that there still remains in this incomparable representative of my country, any umbrage of danger to it by my access to his majesty; as dear as the conversation of the amiablest prince that ever breathed is to me, I shall banish myself for ever from his sight, into the obscurest part of his dominions, rather than continue upon me the jealousy of those on whom his prosperity depends; or if this be not enough, I shall once more try my fortune abroad, where, I trust, this sword, this head, and this heart shall make me live as heretofore, in spite of my enemies, with lustre to myself and some honour to my nation."

After the earl had finished his speech he withdrew; the house then proceeded in the debate of the matter and caine to the following Resolutions: "That this house is satisfied,' that sir R. Temple hath not broke any privilege of this house, in the matter in question concerning him. That this return be made from the house, to the Answer of the earl of Bristol: viz. That the earl of Bristol, in the account which he hath given this house, in the matter concerning sir R. Temple, hath carried himself with all dutifulness towards his majesty; hath cleared the member of this house; and that the house is well satisfied with his respect to them."-His lordship was again called in and Mr. Speaker acquainted him with the return of the house.-Ordered, That such members of the house, as are of his majesty's privy-council, do acquaint his maj. with the said Vote: That sir Rd. Temple have the leave of this house, to petition his majesty for his favour; and to give him satisfaction, as to the other informations mentioned in his majesty's Message.


Articles of High Treason, exhibited by the earl of Bristol against Lord Clarendon.] July 10. This day the earl of Bristol exhibited into the house of lords, the following

ARTICLES OF HIGH TREASON, and other heinous Misdemeanors, against Edw. earl of Clarendon, lord Chancellor of England. That, being in place of highest trust and


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