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His promys mekely ther abydynge,
for dowteles this forseyd Jhesus
Whiche from 30w is take,
In a clowde as 3e hym seyn
Steyng up, so Xal comyn ageyn,
Of al mankynde, this is serteyn,
Jugement xal he make.

O ! 3e bretheryn, attendyth to me,
And takyth good hede what I xal seyn,
It behovyth the Scripture fulfylled to be,
That of Davyd was seyd with wourdys pleyn,
Of Judas whiche was the gyde serteyn
Of hem that Cryst slew cruelly,
Whiche aftyr from dethe ros up ageyn,
And hath abedyn in erthe ful days fourty;
And aftyr alle this,
Before oure eye,
In a bryght skye,
He dede up stye
To hevyn blys.

This seyd Judas was amonge us,
Noumbryd apoustylle, and had lyche dygmyté,
But whan he betrayd oure Lord Jhesus,
He hynge hymself upon a tre.
In whos sted mustenedys ordeyned be
Another, oure noumbre for to restore,
On of tho whiche, as weel knowe we,
Han be conversaunt here longe before
In oure company,
Whiche xal wyttnes
Berun expresse
To more and lesse
Of Crystys resurrexion stedfastly.

Hic statuent duos, Joseph Justum et Mathiam, etc.

O! sovereyn Lorde, whiche of every man
The hertys dost knowe most inwardly,
With alle the lowlyness we may or kan,
To the we prey ful benygnely,
That thou vowchesaff, thorwe thy mercy,
Us hym to shewe, whiche in this cas
Thou lykyst to chesyn effectuously,
To ocapye the lott of Judas plas!

Hic dabunt sortes et cadet super Mathiam, etc.

Now gramercy, Lord!
And to fulfylle
Thin holy wylle,
As it is skylle,

We alle accorde /


Modo de die Pentecost. Apostoli dicant genuflect. Spiritus Sanctus decendat super eos, etc.

Petrus, Andreas, Jacobus major.
Honowre, wurchipp, and reverens.
Johannes, Philippus, Jacobus minor.

Glorye, grace, and goodnes.
Thomas, Bartholomeus, Symon.
Dygnité, vertu, and excellence.
Matheus, Judas, Matheas.

Bewté, blyssynge, and bryghtnes.

Petrus. Be to that lord heye wurthynes!
Andreas. Whiche hath performyd that he us hyght.
Jacobus major. And us enbawmyd with suche swetnes.
Johannes. Whiche to dyscrye ffer passyth oure myght.
Philippus. This we alle wel kenne.
Jacobus minor. Now gracious Lord Jhesu,
Thomas. Conferme us in thi vertu !
Bartholomeus. And graunt us grace evyr it to sewl
Symon. Sey we alle togedyr, Amen Amen :

Et omnes osculant terram.

Primus Judaeus. Now felawys, take hede, for be my trewthe, 3ondyr syttyth a dronkyn felacheppe.

Secundus Judaeus. To don hem good it were grett ruthe.
Tertius Judaeus. 3a, I prey God 3eve hem alle shenscheppe.
Primus Judaeus. Muste in here brayn so sclyly dothe
That theicheteryn and chateryn as they jays were.
Secundus Judaeus. 3a, were they ony wel browth asclepe,
It wore almes to the revere hem to bere,
There hem to baptyze.
Primus Judaeus. That were, as thynkyth me,
A jentyl sporte to se,
A bettyr game to be
Cowde no man devyse.

Petrus. Serys, alas! what do 3e mene 2
Why scorne 3e now thus Goddys grace 2
It is nothynge as 3e do wene,
Ther is no drunke man in this place;
Wherefore ryght grett is 3owre trespace :
But, syres, lyst what it doth sygnifye;
fulfyllyd is now to mannys solace,
Of Johel the pregnaunt prophecye,
In whiche that he,
That 3e hanseyn,
In wourdys pleyn,
Declareth serteyn :
Now blyssyd God be Amen.


Ad mea facta pater assit Deus et sua mater /

Doctor. Ryhte worchepful sovereynes, liketh yow to here
Of the assumpcion of the gloryous moder Mary P
That seynt Jhon the evangelist wrot and tauht, as Ilere,
In a book clepid Apocriphun, wythowtyn dyswary.
At fourten yer sche conseyved Crystein hire matere clere, .
And in the fifteneyer sche chyldyd, this avowe dare I;
Here lyvyng wyth that swete sone thre and thretty yere,
And after his deth in erthexij, yer dede sche tary.
Now acounte me thise yeris wysely,
And I sey the age was of this maide Marye,
When sche assumpte above the Ierarchye,
Thre score yer, as Scripture dothe specyfye,
Legenda Sanctorum autorysyth this trewely.

She was inhabith in Juré by the mounte of Syon,
After the assencion of hir sone conseyved in spoused,
Alle the holy placys in erthe that Criste duellydon,
Devouthly sche went hem honoryng the Godhed;
fferste to the place there Criste cristenyd was clepid flum
There he fastyd and takyn was by malicious falshed,
There he beryed was and roos victoryously alon,
There he assendid alle hevenys God in his manhed;
Thus was sche occupyed I rede.
And meche sche was in the temple preyand.
Now blissid mot sche be we owe to be seyand,

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