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Judas. Welcome, Jhesu, my mayster dere,
I have the sowth in many a place

I am ful glad I fynd the here,
For I wyst nevyr wher thow wace.

Here Judas kyssyth Jhesus, and anoon alle the Jewrys come abovth hym, and ley handys on hym, and pullyn as thei were wode, and makyn on hym a gret cry alle at onys ; and aftyr this, Petyr sexyth,

I drawe my swerd now this sel;
Xal I smyte, mayster P fayn wolde I wete :

And forthwith he smytyth of Malchus here, and he cryeth “Help myn here ! myn here !” and Crystblyssyth it, and tys hol.

Jhesus. Put thy swerd in the shede fayr and wel, for he that smyth with swerd, with swerd xal be smete.

A Judas, this treson cowntyrfetyd hast thou!
And that thou xalt ful sore repent

Thou haddyst be bettyr a ben unborn now,
Thibody and sowle thou hast shent

Gamalyel. Lo, Jhesus ! thou mayst not the cace refuse, Bothe treson and eresye in the is fownde ;

Stody now fast on thin excuse,
Whylys that thou gost in cordys bownde.

Thou kallyst the kyng of this werd rownde,
Now lete me se thi gret powere,

And save thiself here, hool and sownde,
And brynge the out of this dawngere.

Leyon. Bryng forth this tretoure, spare hym nowth !
Onto Cayphas thi jewge we xal the lede.

In many a place we have the sowth,
And to thi werkys take good hede.

Rufyne. Com on, Jhesus, and folwe me;
I am ful glad that I the have;
Thou xalt ben hangyn upon a tre,
A melyon of gold xal the not save 1
Leyon. Lete me leyn hand on hym in heye,
Onto his deth Ixal hymbryng;
Shewe forth thi wychecrafte and nygramansye;
What helpyth ye now althi fals werkyng?

Jhesu. ffrendys, take hede 3e don unryth,
So unkendely with cordys to bynd me here;
And thus to falle on me be nyth,
As thow I were a thevys fere.
Many tyme beforn 3ow I dede apere;
Withinne the temple sen me 3e have,
The lawys of God to teche and lere,
To hem that wele here sowlys sawe.

Wydede 3e not me dysprave,
And herd me preche, both lowd and lowe ?

But now as wood men 3e gynne to rave,
And do thyng that 3e notwth knowe.

Gamalyel. Serys, I charge 3ow not o word more this nyth,
But onto Cayphas in hast loke 3e hym lede ;

Have hym forth with gret dyspyte,
And to his wordys take 3e non hede.

Here the Jewys lede Cryst oute of the place with gret cry and noyse, some draw.yng Cryst forward and some bakward, and so ledyng forth with here weponys alofte, and lytys brennyng. And in the meme tyme Marye Magdalene wal remmyn to oure Lady, and telle here of oure Lordys takyng,

thus seyng,

Maria Maydelene. O, inmaculate modyr, of alle women most meke!
O devowtest, in holy medytacyon evyr abydyng !
The cawse, Lady, that I to 3our person seke,
Is to wetyn yf 3e heryn ony tydyng
Of 30ur swete sone, and my reverent Lord Jhesu,
That was 3our dayly solas, 30ur gostly consolacyon
Mary. I wold 3e xuld telle me, Mawdelyn, and 3e knew,
for to here of hym it is alle myn affeccyon.

Maria Magdalene. I wold fayn telle, Lady, and I myth for
For sothe, Lady, to the Jewys he is solde;
With cordys thei have hym bownde and have hym in kepyng,
The hym bety spetously, and have hym fast in holde.
Maria Virgo. A A | A how myn hert is coldes
A hert hard as ston, how mayst thou lest?
Whan these sorweful tydyngys are the told,
So wold to God, hert, that thou mytyst brest.

A Jhesu ! Jhesu ! Jhesu ! Jhesu !
Why xuld 3e sofere this trybulacyon and advercyté?
How may thei fynd in here hertys 3ow to pursewe,
That nevyr trespacyd in no maner degré?
For nevyr thyng but that was good thowth 3e,
Wherfore than xuld 3e sofer this gret peyn?
I suppoce veryly it is for the tresspace of me,
And I wyst that myn hort xuld cleve on tweyn.

for these langowrys may I susteyn,
The swerd of sorwe hath so thyrlyd my meende ;

Alas! what may I do? alas ! what may I seyn 2
These prongys myn herte asondyr thei do rende.

Offadyr of hefne ! wher ben althi behestys
That thou promysyst me, whan a modyr thou me made?

Thiblyssyd sone I bare betwyx tweyn bestys,
And now the bryth colour of his face doth fade.

Ogood fadyr why woldyst that thin owyn dere sone xal sofre al this? And dede he nevyrajens thi precept, but evyr was obedyent; And to every creature most petyful, most jentyl, and benygn i-wys, And now for alle these kendnessys is now most shameful schent.

Why wolt thou, gracyous Fadyr, that it xal be so? May man not ellys be savyd be non other kende? 3et, Lord Fadyr, than that xal comforte myn wo, Whan man is savyd be my chylde, and browth to a good ende.

Now, dere sone, syn thou hast evyr be so ful of mercy,
That wylt not spare thiself for the love thou hast to man;

On alle mankend now have thou pety,
And also thynk on thi modyr, that hevy woman.


Primus doctor. Othou altitude of algostly ryches!
O thou incomprehensibele of grete excyllence 1

O thou luminarye of pure lyghtness
Shete oute thi bemys ontyl this audyens.

Secundus doctor. O fili Altissimi clepyd by eternalyté!
Hele this congregacion with the salve of thi passyon 1

And we prey the, Spiritus paraclyté !
With the fyre of thi love to slake alle detraccion.

Primus doctor. To the pepyl not lernyd I stonde as a techer,
Of this processyon to 3eve informacion;
And to them that be lernyd, as a gostly precher,
That in my rehersayl they may have delectacion.
Secundus doctor. Welcome of the aposteyls, the gloryous qwere,
ffyrst Petyr 3our prynce and eke 3our presydent,
And Andrewe jour half brother, togedyr in fere,
That ffyrst ffowlyd Cryst be on assent.
Primus doctor. O şe tweyn luminaryes, Jamys and John
Contynually brennyng as bryght as the sonn bem :
With the chene of charyté, bothe knyt in on,
And offeryd of 30ur modyr to Cryst in Jherusalem.

Secundus doctor. Welcome, Phelypp, that convertyd Samaryan And convertyd the tresorere of the quene Cabdas :

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