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But all my frendys, that arn me dere,
Late us go, the tyme drawyth ny;

We may no lengere abydyn here,
for I must walke to Betany.

The tyme is come, the day drawyth nere,
Onto my deth I must in hast;

Now, Petyr, make halle thi felawys chere,
My flesche for fere is quakyng fast.

Here Jhesus goth to Betany-ward, and his dyscipulys folwyng with sad contenawns, Jhesus selyng,


Now, my dere frendys and bretheryn echone,
Remembyr the wordys that I xal sey;

The tyme is come that I must gon,
for to fulfylle the prophesey.

That is seyd that I xal dey,
The fendys power fro 3ow to flem ;

Weche deth I wole not deney,
Mannys sowle my spouse for to redem.

The oyle of mercy is grawntyd playn
Be this jorné that I xal take ;

Be my fadyr I am sent sertayn,
Betwyx God and man an ende to make.

Man for my brother may I not forsake,
Nor shewe hym unkendenesse be no wey;

In peynys for hym my body schal schake,
And for love of man, man xal dey.

Here Jhesus and his discipules go toward the mount of Olyvet; and whan he comyth a lytyl ther besyde, in a place lyche to a park, he byddyt his dyscipules ahyde hym ther, and seyth to Petyr or he goth,

Petyr, with thi felawys here xalt thou abyde,
And weche tyl I come ageyn;

I must make my prayere here 3ou besyde,
My flesche quakyth sore for fere and peyn.

Petrus. Lord, thi request doth me constreyn;
In this place I xal abyde stylle

Not remeve tyl that thou comyst ageyn,
In confermyng, Lord, of thi wylle.

Here Jhesu goth to Olyvet and settyth hym downe on his knes, and prayth to his fadyr, thus seyng,

O, fadyr fadyr for my sake
This gret passyon thou take fro me
Weche arn ordeyned that I xal take,
3yf mannys sowle savyd may be.
And 3yf it behove, Fadyr, for me
To save mannys sowle that xuld spylle,
I am redy in eche degré,
The vyl of the for to fulfylle.

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Petyr Petyr thou slepyst fast,
Awake thi felawys and sclepe no more ;

Of my deth 3e are not agast,
3e take 3our rest and I peyn sore.

Here Cryst goth ageyn the second tyme to Olyvet, and seyth knelyng,

fadyr in hevyn, I beseche the
Remeve my peynes be thi gret grace,
And lete me fro this deth fle,
As I dede nevyr no trespace
The watyr and blood owth of my face,
Dystyllyth for peynes that I xal take ;
My flesche quakyth in ferful case,
As thow the joyntes asondre xuld schake.

Here Jhesus goth agen to his discipulis and fyndyth hem asclepe; Jhesus thus seyng, latyng hem lune,

fadyr, the thrydde tyme I come ageyn,
fulleche myn erdon for to spede;
Delyver me, Fadyr, fro this peyn,
Weche is reducyd with ful gret drede.
Onto thisone, Fadyr, take hede
Thou wotyst I dede nevyr dede but good
It is not for me this peyn I lede,
But for man I swete bothe watyr and blode.

Here an aungel descendyth to Jhesus, and bryngyth to hym a chalys, with an host therin.

Angelus. Heyl, bothe God and man indede 1
The fadyr hath sent the this present,
He bad that thou xuldyst not drede,
But fulfylle his entent.
As the parlement of hefne hath ment
That mannys sowlexal now redemyd be ;
ffrom hefne to herd, Lord, thou wore sent,
That dede appendyth onto the.

This chalys ys thi blood, this bred is thi body,
for mannys synne evyr offeryd xal be;

To the fadyr of heffne that is almythty,
Thi dyscipulis and alle presthood xal offere fore the.

Here the aungel ascendyth agen sodeynly.

Jhesu. fadyr, thiwyl fulfyllyd xal be,
It is nowth to say agens the case;

I xal fulfylle the prophesye,
And sofre deth for mannys trespace.

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Judas is redy, with pepyl strong,
And doth his part me to betray.

Ryse up, serys, I 3ou pray !
Onclose 3our eyne for my sake;

We xal walke into the way,
And sen hem come that xul me take.

Petyr, whan thouseyst I am forsake
Amonge myn frendys, and stond alone,

Alle the cher that thou kanst make,
Geve to thi bretheryn everychone.

Here Jhesus with his dyscipulis goth into the place, and ther aral come in a r. personys weyl be-seen in white armeys, and breyanderes, and some dysgysed in odyr garmentes, with swerdys, gleyvys, and other straunge wepons, as cressettys, with feyr and lanternys and torchis lyth ; and Judas formest of al conveyng hem to Jhesu be contenawns. Jhesus thus,

Serys, in 3our wey 3e have gret hast
To seke hym that wyl not fle;
Of 30w I am ryth nowth agast,-
Telle me, serys, whom seke 3e P
Leyon. Whom we seke here I telle the now,
A tretour is worthy to suffer deth;
We knowe he is here among 3ow,-
His name is Jhesus of Najareth.

Jhesu. Serys, I am here that wyl not fle,
Do to me all that 3e kan;

Forsothe I telle 3ow I am he,
Jhesus of Najareth, that same man.

Here alle the Jewys falle sodeynly to the erde, whan thei here Cryst speke, and quhan byddyth hem rysyn, thei rysyn agen, Cryst thus seyng,

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