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And save thisylf in every plyght
ffrom harm and hurte, and scappys alle;
for it is wretyn with aungelys bryght
That ben in hevyn, thi faderes halle,
The to kepe bothe day and nyght,
Xul be ful redy as thitharalle,
Hurt that thou non have.
That thou stomele not ageyn the ston,
And hurt thi fote as thou dost gon,
Aungelle be redy alle everychon,
In weys the to save.

Jhesus. It is wretyn in holy book,
Thi Lorde God thou xalt not tempte;
Alle thynge must obeye to Goddys look,
Out of his myght is non exempt;
Out of thi cursydnes and cruel crook,
By Godysgrace man xal be redempt :—
Whan thou to helle, thi brennynge brook,
To endles peyne xal evyr be dempt,
Therin alwey to abyde.
Thi Lorde God thou tempt no more,
It is nott syttenge to thi lore,
I bydde the sese anon therfore,
And tempte God in no tyde.

Sathan. Ow! in gloteny nor in veynglory it dotheryght
nott avayl -
Cryst for to tempt, it profyteth me ryght nought;
I must now begynne to have a newe travayl, -
In covetyse to tempt hymit comyth now in my thought.
for if I went thus away and shrynkyd as a snayle,
Lorn were the labore alle that I have wrought;
Therfore in covetyse oure syre I xal asayle,

And assay into that synne yf he may be brought, Anon forthe ryght. Syr, 3itt onys I pray to the, To this hy; hyl comforthe with me, I xal the shewe many a ceté, And many a wurthy syght.

Tunc Jhesus transit cum diabolo super montem et diabolus dicit,

Into the northe loke fforthe evyn pleyn,
The towre of Babylony ther mayst thouse;
The ceté of Jerusalem stondyth ther ageyn,
And evyn fast therby stondyth Galyle.
Nazareth, Naverne, and the kyngdom of Spayn,
3abulon, and Neptalym, that is a ryche countré,
Both 3ebee and Salmana, thou mayst se serteyn,
Itayl and Archage that wurthy remys be,
Bothe Jannense and Jurye.
Rome doth stonde before the ryght,
The temple of Salamon as sylver bryght,
And here mayst thouse opynly with syght
Bothe fraunce and Normandye.

Turne the now on this syde and se here Lumbardye,
Of spycery ther growyth many an c. balys;
Archas and Aragon, and grett Almonye,
Parys and Portyngale, and the towne of Galys:
Pownteys and Poperynge, and also Pycardye,
Erlonde, Scottlonde, and the londe of Walys.
Grete pylis and castellys thou mayst se with eye,
3a, and alle the wyd werde without mo talys,
Alle this longygh to me.
If thou wylt knele down to the grownde,
And wurchepp me now in this stownde,

Alle this world, that is so rownd,
Ixal it gyve to the '

Jhesus. Go a bak, thou fowle Sathanas
In holy Scrypture wretyn it is,
Thi Lorde God to wurchipp in every plas,
As for his thralle and thou servaunt his.
Sathan. Out, out, harrow ! alas! alas !
I woundyr sore what is he this?
I cannot brynge hym to no trespas,
Nere be no synne to don amys,
He byddyth me gon abakke
What that he is I kannot se,
Whethyr God or man, what that he be
I kannot telle in no degré:
for sorwe I lete a crakke.

Hic venient angeli cantantes et ministrantes ei:— “Gloria tibi, Domine !” Dicens.

Jhesus. Now, alle mankende, exaumple take
By these grete werkys that thou dost se,
How that the devylle of helle so blake
In synne was besy to tempte me;
for alle hise maystryes that he dyd make,
He is overcom and now doth file;
Alle this I suffyr for mannys sake,
To teche the how thou xalt rewle the,
Whan the devylle dothe the assayle.
Loke thou concente nevyr to synne,
For no sleytys, ne for no gynne,
And than the victory xalt thou wynne,
The devyl xal lesyn alle his travayl.

To suffyr temptacion it is grett peyn,
If thou withstonde it thou wynnyst grett mede,

Of God the more grace thou hast serteyn,
If thou with-sett the devyl in his dede.
Thow that the fende tempt the ageyn,
Of his power take thou no drede;
for God hath the 3ovyn bothe myght and mayn,
Hym for to with-sytt evyr at nede,
Thou hast more myght than he.
Whan the devyl doth tempte the thoo,
Shewe thi myght agens thi foo,
Whan thi sowle partyth the froo,
In blysse than xal it be. Amen f


Hic de muliere in adulterio deprehensa.

Jhesus. Nolo mortem peccatoris |
Man for thi synne take repentaunce,
If thou amende that is amys,
Than hevyn xal be thin herytaunce;
Thow thou have don agens God grevauns,
3ett mercy to haske loke thou be bolde,
His mercy doth passe in trewe balauns,
Alle cruel jugement be many folde.

Thow that 30ur synnys be nevyr so grett,
for hem be sad and aske mercy;
Sone of my fadyr grace 3e may gett,
With the leste teer wepynge owte of 30ur ey.
My fadyr me sent the, man, to bye,
Alle thiraunsom mysylfe must pay;
for love of the mysylfe wyl dye,
Iff thou aske mercy, Isey nevyr nay.

Into the erthe from hevyn above,
Thisorwe to sese and joy to restore,

Man, I cam down, alle for thi love,
Love me ageyn, I aske no more

Thow thou myshappe and synne ful sore,
3it turne agen and mercy crave;

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