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gratifying. Let us earnestly hope that another effect will follow, namely, that it will be the means of disabusing and dispelling, once for all, that jealous and partisan suspicion which has not hesitated to accuse of disloyalty to our Reformed Faith and Church a large number of our most zealous, most devoted Clergy and laymen. Up to the present time we might, perhaps, pardon suspicion and unjust imputation; that it should be asserted or harboured any longer, would be simple calumny. On this ground-to say nothing now of the value and merits of the sermon itself-we welcome, and gladly welcome, this publication, proceeding, as it does, from one whose name, by reason of the confidential and important post which he most worthily occupies in the Church, is probably as well known throughout the whole extent of the Church of England as that of almost any one Clergyman of our communion. The spirit which animates it is a simple and loyal adherence to the Scriptural faith and tenets of our Church, and an equally simple rejection of all the figments of Romish error and superstition. Many readers, perhaps, will take it up as a test of the theological opinions of a principal officer of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, and considering it as a sample-so to speak-of the faith which the Society is engaged in spreading throughout the world, they will look forward with confidence to the future of the countries where its Missionaries are successfully labouring.

The sermon, as its title expresses, is a plain and earnest exhortation, after St. Paul's pattern, to hold fast the faith once delivered to the saints, in the face of the bold attempt made to thrust upon the land the Papal corruptions. Amongst these latter are instanced, and with great point are controverted, the doctrines of Transubstantiation-Prayers in an unknown tongue ---Veneration of Images-the cultus of the Virgin Mary-Papal Infallibility. As a summary of our main grounds of difference from Rome, the sermon will be valuable to any one who has not (in the words of the Preface) "the leisure, nor the disposition, to study a large volume." A specimen of the style, and, if we may so say, of the common-sense mode of argument with which these differences are treated, may be found in the following passage:

“I have no time to speak of many other abuses, or corruptions of truth, as the Romish doctrine of purgatory, indulgences, privileged altars, the multiplication of intercessors, the canonization of dead men. These we must pass with the simple question, Do they look like doctrines and practices drawn from Scripture, or from man's invention ? Can anything of the sort, or approaching to it, be found in the writings of St. Paul, or of the other Apostles, or even of their successors, for three centuries at least? And if not, can those who have the

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open oracles of God in their hands, and the fullest means of ascertaining the primitive belief and practice of the Church, accept for Divine law such a mass of mere human traditions? But possibly this objection may be taken to the line of argument which I have adopted :—If (it may be said) the teaching of the Church of Rome vary in so many important particulars, not only from the standard of Scripture, but from the well ascertained practice of Christian antiquity, it cannot be difficult to convict it of such variations, and to show how and when the several innovations have been introduced. Now, this is precisely what has been done again and again; done, too, so completely and conclusively, that the most consistent and logical party of that communion have abandoned the ground of antiquity as indefensible, and have taken refuge in the modern theory of development. This is virtually a surrender of all just claim to Catholicity; it is admitting the existence of articles of belief which cannot be traced to the Primitive Church, and that the creed of Rome is no longer identical with that which was taught by the Apostles."

We will only add, that the Appendix contains a very well chosen collection of weighty and telling citations from Beveridge, Sanderson, Bull, Berkeley, Blunt, on each of the points handled. They are barbed weapons made to hand for instant use, by any one challenged to reply to a Romanist.

AMONG the numerous Sermons which have been elicited by the recent progress of the Papal aggression from the Colonies, where it has long been familiar, to England itself, the discourse by Dr. WORDSWORTH, entitled Diotrephes and St. John, stands preeminent for learning and conclusive reasoning. It is well that in that metropolitan city against the spiritual liberty of which the first blow was directed, the voice of the English Church should be heard so clearly and distinctly applying to present circumstances those true scriptural principles which have directed it for the last three centuries. A cheap edition has been printed for general circulation. A plain and well-timed sermon has been published by the Rev. Daniel Butler, entitled the Old Paths of the Church of England. We are indebted to Dr. Buckland for an excellent Visitation Sermon, preached at Hastings on September 26th, on the duty of the Clergy under present circumstances, with a particular allusion to the Missionary responsibility of our Church.

Messrs. Mozley have recently printed some valuable additions to our school-literature. Langley School is a well-told story for girls, illustrating sound principles by lively incidents. Easy Lessons on the Festivals and Fasts, and a Catechism on the Holydays, convey the same kind of information, and may be advantageously used on occasions when the bulk of Nelson's admirable work is found to be objectionable.

Colonial, Foreign, and Home News.


ON Sept. 22d, the day after the Consecration of the Cathedral of St. John, NEWFOUNDLAND, the Bishop ordained five Priests: the Rev. Messrs. O. Rouse, W. K. White, E. A. C. Bayly, A. Gifford, and J. Moreton; and two Deacons, Messrs. Crosse and Baggs. A few days afterwards the Bishop sailed for Bermuda. The Rev. J. Chapman, who is about to return to England, received on Oct. 5th an affectionate address from his parishioners at Harbour Grace, amongst whom he has laboured for twenty-six years. Letters have been received from the Bishop of TORONTO announcing his Lordship's safe arrival at Toronto on Nov. 2d. The Bishop of QUEBEC, in the course of his triennial Visitation, recently concluded, confirmed 1,602 persons. His Lordship has received some very gratifying farewell addresses from the clergy of Richlieu, Mascouche and other districts now included in the newly formed Diocese of Montreal. On Oct. 31st the Bishop of MONTREAL consecrated a new and well-built church at Couteau du Lac, of which the Rev. J. Mountain is incumbent.

The American papers are chiefly occupied with the proceedings of the General Convention, some account of which will be found below. The South Australian Register gives a report of a Meeting of the Church Society at ADELAIDE on June 10th. The income for the past year amounted only to 931. The decrease was accounted for by the unusually large local subscriptions which have been made in various parts of the Diocese. The Bishop of MELBOURNE ordained on Trinity Sunday (May 26th) one Priest, the Rev. S. E. Blomefield, and two Deacons, Messrs. J. H. Gregory and E. Tanner,


NEWFOUNDLAND.-Consecration of the Cathedral.-We mentioned in our last number the fact that the consecration of this edifice took place on Sept. 21, St. Matthew's day but a few details of the ceremony may be interesting to many of our readers. It is generally admitted (according to the Newfoundland Times) that if the design of the architect were completed, no edifice in British North America could rival the Cathedral. The part now erected, consists only of the nave and aisles: the walls at the east end are covered by a clothing of clapboard. A temporary apse has been erected sufficient for the Holy Table and its furniture. There are two noble porches at the west and north. The interior fittings, designed by Mr. G. G. Scott, are all of English oak. Seats (all free) are provided for 800 persons. The windows were furnished chiefly by Mr. Wailes of Newcastle.

The service of Consecration began at 10 A.M. and ended at 2 P.M. The deed of Consecration recited that the first stone of the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist was laid by BISHOP SPENCER, in 1842. The offerings amounted to 140/. At a quarter past 3, the Clergy again met in the Cathedral, where the Bishop delivered his Charge, which occupied them till 6 P.M. The Registrar also read a document constituting the Archdeaconry of Newfoundland and Labrador, and collating thereto the Rev. T. F. H. Bridge, Rector of St. John's and Rural Dean of Avalon. The day

was fine, and all hearts were filled with joy and thankfulness. The western gable was adorned with a flag, bearing the arms of the see, presented by Earl Dundonald.

On the following Sunday an Ordination took place. The proceeds of the offertory, 40%., were given to the Church Society. Notice was given of the services to be used in the Cathedral, namely, daily morning and evening prayer, at 8 A.M. and 5 P.M.; the Litany, on Wednesday and Friday at 11 A.M.; Holy Communion on the first Sunday of every month, at 11 A.M., on all other Sundays at 8 A.M. In the afternoon the Bishop baptized the Rector's son, and three other children, and catechized the children of the Sunday School. The Church was crowded, many persons being unable to gain admission. All seemed delighted. On Monday, the Bishop solemnized the first marriage in the Cathedral, the bride being the daughter of the late Rector, Mr. Carrington. On Monday and Tuesday mornings the Clergy (thirty-eight in number, three being absent) met the Bishop at the Theological Institute to discuss the matters recommended in the Charge for their consideration. We conclude in the words of the Times :-" No Visitation in Newfoundland was ever graced with events of so much interest and importance. May they be abundantly blessed to the real edification of the Church in this Colony, and to the glory of GOD through JESUS CHRIST."

UNITED STATES.-The American Convention.-The following account of the proceedings of the late Convention is abridged from the Cincinnati Gazette. Next month we hope to present our readers with something more complete.

Oct. 2. First day.-Twenty-three Bishops, and a number of clerical and lay deputies, assembled in Christ Church, Cincinnati, for Morning Prayers and Holy Communion: the Sermon was preached by Bishop Smith, of Kentucky, from Eph. iii. 10. After service the Bishops retired to their room. Clerical deputies from twenty-six Dioceses, and lay deputies from seventeen, answered to their names. Dr. Wyatt, of Baltimore, was elected President unanimously: Dr. Howe, of Philadelphia, was, after a contest, elected Secretary. The House of Bishops sent a resolution, in which the House of Deputies concurred, that the Convention should meet every morning for Divine Service, at half-past 8, proceed thence to business, take a recess at half-past 1, re-assemble at half-past 3, and adjourn at 6 P.M. Oct. 3.-A motion "That the House of Bishops be requested to favour the House with their opinion as to the proper posture to be observed in the baptismal service was, after protracted discussion, "laid on the table" many speakers apprehending that it might afford a precedent for modifying the rubrics without reference to the House of Deputies.

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Oct. 4.-Standing Committees were announced on the state of the Church -the General Theological Seminary-the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Board-the admission of New Dioceses-the Consecration of Bishops Canons-Elections-the Prayer Book-Expenses-unfinished Business. Reports were received from, and matters of detail referred to, various Committees. The House declined to concur in a proposal by the House of Bishops to substitute September for October as the time for future meeting of the Convention,

Oct. 5.-The House of Bishops concurred in a resolution admitting the Diocese of Texas into union with the Convention. A m on for altering the constitution of the General Theological Seminary, apparently with a view to diminish the influence of the Diocese of New York, and to increase the influence of the Church generally in its government, was referred to the Committee on the Seminary.

Oct. 7.—It was resolved to appoint a Committee to revise the German

Prayer Book: also to refer to the Committee on rules a motion for regulating the constitution of Standing Committees. A motion was made and subsequently adopted to amend a certain Canon, so as to require that the call for a special meeting of the House of Bishops shall be made within a reasonable time after the application by five Bishops to the presiding Bishop. Oct. 8.-A memorial from Maryland was presented, praying for legislation touching the claims of the Bishop to administer the Lord's Supper in a parish church without invitation from the Rector, to appropriate the offerings collected on such an occasion, and to pronounce the absolution whenever he is present, at morning or evening prayer, in any Church in his Diocese. The Bishop disclaimed the two last of these " claims.”

Oct. 9.-Reports from various Standing Committees were received. A Committee of four Clergymen and three Laymen was appointed to consider the memorial from Maryland. The Report from the Committee on the General Theological Seminary led to much discussion respecting its government and efficiency.

Oct. 10.-New York was fixed for the place of meeting of the next general Convention. The government of the Theological Seminary was further discussed.

Oct. 11.-Reports from various Standing Committees were received. The Committee on the Maryland memorial recommended the adoption of a Canon in which the Bishop's claim is substantially acknowledged as valid. The minority of the Committee presented also a report, recommending the postponement of legislation on the subject.

Oct. 12.-The Committee on Canons reported a Canon authorizing a Diocese, having a suspended Bishop, to elect an assistant Bishop, which was adopted. Debates were continued on ministers removing from one Diocese to another, and on the Report of the Committee on the Maryland memorial.

Oct. 14.-Messages, on various matters, were received from the House of Bishops. Debates were continued.

Oct. 15.-The Canon reported by the Committee on the Maryland memorial, was finally adopted by a large majority in each order.

Oct. 16.-The Reports of the Missionary Bishops Boone, Southgate, Kemper, and Freeman, were read. The resignation of Bishop Southgate had been accepted by the House of Bishops. A Canon was adopted authorizing the election of an assistant Bishop in a Diocese where the Bishop is indefinitely suspended. The Rev. John Payne was elected Missionary Bishop for West Africa.

Memorials from the Dioceses of New York and Pennsylvania in behalf of the suspended Bishops Onderdonk were rejected by the House of Bishops. At the close, the Bishops entered and joined with the House in prayer, and the House then adjourned.

STATISTICS OF THE AMERICAN CHURCH.-The Church Almanac for 1851 again calls our attention to the rapid progress of our Apostolic Communion in this land of free opinions. The summary it gives us is as follows:Dioceses, 29; Bishops, 32; Priests and Deacons, 1,557; whole number of Clergy, 1,589; Candidates for Orders (in 19 Dioceses), 152.

Baptisms (estimated for 8 Dioceses)-Adults, 2,698; Infants, 15,816— Total, 19,313; Confirmed (estimated for 2 Dioceses), 7,461; Communicants (estimated for 5 Dioceses), 87,794.

Marriages (in 21 Dioceses), 2,957; Burials (in 21 Dioceses), 5,939; Sunday School teachers (in 19 Dioceses), 4,823; Scholars (in 23 Dioceses), 41,255.

Churches Consecrated (in 18 Dioceses), 52. Offerings (in 15 Dioceses), 317,374 12 dollars.

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