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No. 40, A.]

[Published Feb. 25, 1897.


AN ACT to appropriate to the governor's contingent fund a sum of money therein named.

The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows:

SECTION 1. There is hereby appropriated to fund for 1897-8 the governor's contingert fund, out of any moneys in the state treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of two thousand dollars per annum for the years 1897 and 1898.

SECTION 2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication.

Approved Feb. 24, 1897.

Writ of error

to be issued by

of defendant.

No. 59, A.]


[Published Feb. 27, 1897.

AN ACT to amend section 4719, of the revised statutes relating to new trials in criminal


The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows:

SECTION 1. Section 4719, of the revised statsupreme court utes is hereby amended by adding at the end on application of said section the following: When an application for a new trial under this section shall have been heretofore refused, or shall be hereafter refused, a writ of error shall, on the ap

*Amended by chapter 172, laws 1897.

Sec- Granting a new trial, when and how ceeded with.



plication of the defendant, be issued from the
supreme court to bring such matter before it,
and upon such writ the supreme court shall
have the power to review the order refusing to
grant a new trial and render such judgment
therein as it may deem proper, provided such
writ shall be applied for within two years from
the date of such order; so that said section
when amended shall read as follows:
tion 4719. The circuit court may at
term in which the trial of any indictment
information shall be had, or within one year
thereafter, and in either case before or after
judgment, on the petition or motion in writing
of the defendant, grant a new trial for any
cause for which by law a new trial may be
granted, or when it shall appear to the court
that justice has not been done, and on such
terms or conditions as the court may direct.
Such petition or motion shall be signed by the
defendant, or his attorney, and shall set forth
specifically the grounds upon which the defend-
ant will rely for a new trial, and the same shall
be filed with the clerk of the court of the
county in which the action was tried at least
twenty days before the argument of such mo-
tion; but the court may by order fix a shorter
time. If the defendant desires to use any af-
fidavits upon such motion, copies of the same
shall be served upon the district attorney at
least twenty days before the argument of the
motion, or such shorter time as the court may
by order designate. When an application for
a new trial under this section shall have been
heretofore refused, or shall be hereafter re-
fused, a writ of error shall, on the application
of the defendant be issued from the supreme
court to bring such matter before it; and upon
such writ the supreme court shall have the
power to review the order refusing to grant a
new trial, and under such judgment therein as
it may deem proper; provided, such writ shall
be applied for within two years from the date
of such order.

may be pro

SECTION 2. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication.

Approved Feb. 26, 1897.

No. 8, S.]

[Published Feb. 27, 1897.


ers of public

ized to loan public funds to school district No. 2, Appleton.


AN ACT to authorize the commissioners of public lands to invest a portion of the trust funds of the state in the bonds of school district number two, of the city of Appleton.

The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows:

SECTION 1. The commissioners of the public lands are hereby authorized to loan and invest a portion of the trust funds of this state, not lands author exceeding in the aggregate the sum of twentyfive thousand dollars, in the bonds of school district number two, of the city of Appleton, in the county of Outagamie; provided, that said school district shall not, during the period for which said bonds, or any part of them, shall remain unpaid, become indebted or contract debts for a greater amount, including debts heretofore contracted, as well as that herein referred to, than five per cent. of the average taxable property, as the same shall appear from the last two assessment rolls.

Application for loan to be

retary of state.

SECTION 2. Before said school district shall filed with sec- contract for said loan, and before any of the funds shall be delivered to said school district in exchange for said bonds, the school board of said school district shall file its application for said loan with the secretary of state, and also file its acceptance of the provisions of this act, and of the terms and limitations herein provided.

4 per cent. in

SECTION 3. Said indebtedness and the bonds Bonds to bear therefor shall bear interest at the rate of four terest to be paid annually. per cent. per annum, and said interest shall be paid annually, in advance, and the said principal sum shall be paid as follows: Two hundred and fifty dollars, February 1st, 1898; two hundred and fifty dollars, February 1st, 1899; two hundred and fifty dollars, February 1st, 1900; two hundred and fifty dollars, February 1st, 1901; fifteen hundred dollars, February 1st. 1902; fifteen hundred dollars, February 1st, 1903; fifteen hundred dollars, February 1st, 1904; fifteen hundred dollars, February 1st, 1905; fifteen hundred dollars, February 1st, 1906, and sixteen thousand five hundred dollars, February 1st, 1907.

the Interest and

principal dre

tioned to the

annually with

SECTION 4. Each and every year until whole loan be paid, the secretary of state shall, to be apporwhen he apportions the state taxes among the county of several counties, add to the state tax which Outagamie, would be properly chargeable to said county the state tax. of Outagamie, the annual interest due the state on said loan, together with that part of the principal sum so loaned then maturing, and the same shall be levied and collected out of the taxable property of said school district number two, in said city of Appleton, in the county of Outagamie, and paid over to the county treasurer of said county of Outagamie, and by him to the state treasurer in the same manner as other taxes are collected and paid.

SECTION 5. The taxable property of said school district shall stand charged for the payment of said debt and interest, and the several officers shall perform their duties to carry out the provisions of this act, and said officers shall be punished for neglect or refusal to perform such duties, as the same are provided in sections 5, 6 and 7, of the laws of 1881, and acts of the legislature amendatory thereto.

SECTION 6. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication.

Approved Feb. 26, 1897.

Publication of



in weekly

newspapers, as well as daily newspapers.

No. 299, S.]

[Published Feb. 27, 1897.


AN ACT to amend chapter 302, laws of 1891, entitled, "An act relating to forms for and statements of licensed insurance companies," an amendatory of section 1971, of the revised statutes, entitled, "Of insurance corporations."

The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows:

SECTION 1. Chapter 302, laws of 1891, is hereby amended by inserting after the word may be made "other" where it occurs in the thirty-seventh line of section 1, of said chapter 302, and before the word "newspaper," the word "daily," and by inserting after the word "newspaper" where it occurs in said thirty-seventh line of said section 1, "or for six successive weeks in weekly newspaper," so that said section when amended shall read as follows: Section 1. The commissioner of insurance shall prepare and furnish to each insurance corporation organized under the laws of this state, and to the attorneys of corporations incorporated in other states and countries, doing any business of insurance in this state, printed forms of annual and other statements, as required by the laws of this state to be made by such corporations, and he may make such changes in such forms as shall seem best adapted to elicit from them a true exhibit of their condition, in relation to the matters required by law to be reported to the commissioner of insurance; and all such corporations are required to make their annual and other statements, as required by said commissioner of insurance; and he may, for such reasons as he shall deem sufficient, extend the time for filing such annual statements, not exceeding sixty days. He shall cause the

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