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merce, in the same manner that they have authorized the various states to legislate upon the sale of intoxicating liquors.

[No. 2, S.]


For the passage of an act to strengthen the national


To the honorable the senate and the house of representatives of the United States, in congress assembled:

The memorial of the legislature of the state of Wiscon sin respectfully represents:

Whereas, The people of the United States in recent years have been disastrously affected by uncertainties respecting the future value of the money by which existing contracts may be discharged and business transactions be conducted, and it was the intent and purpose of the verdict rendered at the last national election to effectually remove such uncertainty; and,

Whereas, much time will necessarily elapse before such intent and purpose can be crystalized into legislative enactments, and it is of the highest importance that a return of prosperity be not delayed by the thought that the legislative branch of the government may not fully respond to the popular verdict rendered as aforsaid;

Now therefore, To the end that all uncertainties in that regard may be effectually removed, your memorialists respectfully ask that a congressional declaration be passed, to be approved by the president of the United States, so as to have the force of law, in the form and in the spirit of the declaration of March 18th, 1869, which was similarly made to meet a similar emergency, after a

It is not the purpose of this memorial to ask that any state be deprived of jurisdiction which it now possesses in this behalf, but it is respectfully prayed that there shall be promptly submitted to the legislatures of the respective states an amendment to the constitution of the United States which shall give congress full and complete concurrent jurisdiction to enact legislation for the suppression of this evil, regardless of state lines.

Resolved, That the governor be, and he is hereby, requested to transmit a copy of this memorial to the president of the senate, and to the speaker of the house of representatives, and to each of the senators and representatives from the state of Wisconsin.

[No. 3, S.]


Requesting delegation of power to the various states to legislate with reference to the licensing and sale of cigarettes and cigarette paper within the various states.

To the honorable the senate and house of representatives of the United States of America, in congress assembled:

The memorial of the legislature of the state of Wisconsin, respectfully shows that several of the states of the Union consider the sale of cigarettes therein to minors and others to be an evil, which is seriously affecting the health of the inhabitants of such states, and under the constitution of the United States, congress having the exclusive power to regulate the sale of articles of commerce between the states, the state of Wisconsin respectfully requests its senators and members of congress to use all reasonable efforts to procure the passage of an act of congress, delegating to and authorizing the various states of the union to legislate upon this subject of com

merce, in the same manner that they have authorized the various states to legislate upon the sale of intoxicating liquors.

[No. 2, S.]


For the passage of an act to strengthen the national credit.

To the honorable the senate and the house of representatives of the United States, in congress assembled:

The memorial of the legislature of the state of Wisconsin respectfully represents:

Whereas, The people of the United States in recent years have been disastrously affected by uncertainties respecting the future value of the money by which existing contracts may be discharged and business transactions be conducted, and it was the intent and purpose of the verdict rendered at the last national election to effectually remove such uncertainty; and,

Whereas, much time will necessarily elapse before such intent and purpose can be crystalized into legislative enactments, and it is of the highest importance that a return of prosperity be not delayed by the thought that the legislative branch of the government may not fully respond to the popular verdict rendered as aforsaid;

Now therefore, To the end that all uncertainties in that regard may be effectually removed, your memorialists respectfully ask that a congressional declaration be passed, to be approved by the president of the United States, so as to have the force of law, in the form and in the spirit of the declaration of March 18th, 1869, which was similarly made to meet a similar emergency, after a

similar popular decision, pledging the faith, credit and honor of the United States to the payment on demand of all its obligations, issued to circulate as money, and all of its other obligations as they mature, in gold or silver coin of the present legal weight and fineness, at the option of the respective holders of such obligations, and to the preservation of all legal tender money equal in value to that of the United States gold coin of the present weight and fineness;

Resolved, That the senators and members of congress from this state be, and they are hereby requested to use all honorable means to secure the congressional declaration herein indicated, and that a duly authenticated copy of this memorial and of these resolutions be transmitted to the president of the United States, to the secretary of the treasury, to the president of the senate and the speaker of the house of representatives, and to each of our senators and representatives in congress.

[No. 4, S.]


Whereas, There is now pending in congress a bill (H. R. 4339) to establish a national military park to commemorate the campaign, siege and defense of Vicksburg; and

Whereas, The operations that culminated almost simultaneously at Gettysburg and Vicksburg in July, 1863, not only mark the turning point in the war of the rebellion, but also constitute one of the great epochs in the history of our country, and should both be commemorated in the most impressive and enduring manner possible; and

Whereas, the establishment of a national military park at Vicksburg will be a most fitting and appropriate monument to the great commander whose genius planned these operations and directed them to a successful issue; and

Whereas, the state of Wisconsin has an especial interest in this bill for the reason that of her gallant soldiers, eleven regiments of infantry, two of cavalry and three batteries of artillery, participated in the operations it is intended to commemorate; therefore,

The legislature of the state of Wisconsin, by this current resolution, asks that the above named bill (H. R. 4339) be passed during this session of congress and requests the senators and members of the house of representatives in congress from Wisconsin to labor earnestly for its passage; and the secretary of state is hereby directed to send a copy of this resolution to the senators and members of the house of representatives from Wisconsin, to the Hon. Thomas B. Reed, speaker of the house of representatives, and to the Hon. John A. F. Hull, chairman of the house committee on military affairs.

[No. 6, S.]


Resolved, by the senate, the assembly concurring, that a joint committee of five be appointed, consisting of two members from the senate and three members from the assembly and that the same be authorized and directed to call upon the different state officers and heads of departments in the state capitol and ascertain and report the number of assistants, book-keepers, clerks and employes respectively in each of the state offices and departments, and the compensation of such assistants, book

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