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Main street, St. Louis, next door to the JUNATHIAN

Bank of Missouri.

N. B. Deposits received, Drafts and Notes from all parts of the Union collected and Exchange on the East and South for sale at all times.

Aiso Branches of Exchange and Banking Houses at San Francisco and Sacramento Cities, California.

LOARE, RENICK & CO., baners un, ext change dealers, No. 132 Main street, west side, third door north of Vine street, St. Louis, Mo. Interest paid to depositors, drafts and notes collected, sight and time bills purchased and sight exchange on the eastern cities and New Orleans for sale at the lowest rates in sums to suit purchasers.

Jahan-deciso de Cut, bankers and

exchange dealers on the north-west corner of Main and Olive streets, St. Louis, Mo. Inturests paid to depositors, drafts and notes collected, sight and time bills purchased and exchange on the eastern cities and New Orleans for sale at the lowest rates.

A. BENJIST & CO., bankers and ex

1. change

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IN M. CANNON, Slater, No. 15 and 17 South Sixth street, St. Louis, would respectfully inform the public that, having now completed his arrangements, he is prepared to make contracts for any work in his line. He bas in his employ practical slaters, and is well prepared to execute in a workmanlike manner, and with dispatch, all orders entrusted


COLLEGE, St. Louis, Mo., incorporated by the General Assembly, January 24, 1851. With full authority to "grant diplomas, award degrees, confer honors, and exercise all and singular, the privileges common to Commercial Colleges, authorized by law in other States."-Charter, Sec. 2.

JONATHAN JONES, Master of AccountsPresident and acting Professor of theory and practice of book-keeping, commercial calculations, commercial correspondence, &c.

JAMES W. RICHARDSON, Practical Aecountant-Permanent Associate in book-keeping Department.

CHARLES STEWART, Professor of Mathematics-In special charge of commercial calculations.

FLETCHER M. HAIGHT, Esq., Professor of Commercial Law.

JOSEPH P. HORTIZ, Professor of Penmanship.

N. B. For information in regard to the terms, the course of instruction and all business connected with the above, call at the "Book-keeping Department,"corner of Fourth and Chestnut streets, or address Jonathan Jones, St. Louis, Mo.

Paper Hangings.

JOHN S. WATSON, (late of Wilgus & Watson) No. 54* 40' Pine street, between Second and Third, next door above the old stand of Wilgus & Watson, house, steamboat, sign and ornamental painter, grainer, glazier, whitener and paper hanger; also, dealer in all the latest styles of French and American paper hangings. He keeps constantly on hand and ready for sale mixed paints of all colors, oils, varnishes, Japan, turpentine, white lead, putty, and a large and superior assortment of French and American window glass, which will be cut to any size to suit customers. Particular attention paid to estimating on houses or steamboats. November.

WOLF & ENGERT, importers and dealers

in Paper Hangings, Colors and Fancy Papers, No. 49 South Second street, between Elm and Myrtle, St. Louis, Mo. Constantly on hand, all kinds of oil and water colors, paper-hangings, chimney screens, tester pieces, window shades. marble, marroquin, Gold and Silver paper, painters' and Dutch gold bronze, lead pencils, paint boxes, paint brushes, drawing paper, &c. April, 1850.


to his care. He keeps constantly on hand, and PERSONS wishing to obtain transcripts of

for sale, Welch slate, rich tiles, sheet lead, slate flagging, slate hearths, copper, brass and iron slating nails, Rosendale cement, and all other articles pertaining to his business. He will strip from roofs zinc, sheet iron. tin, or other covering, and substitute therefor slate. biate removed from one roof, can be used to adva stage on another, which is not the case with any other roofing material. His terms are such as cannot but prove satisfactory. Apply as above.

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records in New Madrid county, can pro cure them without delay by addressing the undersigned. And to avoid the inconvenience of remitting small sums, the records will be directed to George iegrim & Co.. St. Louis, who will deliver the same upon the payment of the fees. WM. MOSELEY, Recorder of New Madrid Co., Mo. March, 1861.

Horse Shoeing.

OHN MULLERY, Premium Horse


as usual pay particular attention to the various diseases affecting the feet of horses, and will guarantee to give general satisfaction in either of the above departments.


MURRAY & DORMAN, Iron Railing Printing Establishment, No. 35 Locust M'

Manufactory, corner of Third and Pine streets, continue to manufacture at the above establishment, all kinds of plain and ornamental iron railing, balconies, bank and jail doors, book safes, fire-vaults, iron window shutters, iron awnings, lightning rods, bedsteads, gratings, and in fact, any thing which can be formed of iron.

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street between Main and Second, St. Louis, Mo.

HARLES & HAMMOND, Book and Job Printers, Main street, St. Louis, Mo.



St. Louis, Mo., Wanzer Minor & Co., 126 Pearl street, New York, Moses Wanzen and Henry J. Minor, New York, Archibald Young, t. Louis.

N. B.-We manufacture all of our own goods, and sell by wholesale at the lowest possible prices.

412 Main street, (opposite the Bank,) St. Louis, W.


April, 1851,

Washington Steam Sash Factory.


WASHINGTON Avenue and 14th street, south side,

St. Louis, Mo., makes Doors, Sash and Blinds,

L. & J. BIGELOW & CO., Great Western Clothing Emporium, wholesale and retail, No. 124 Second street, corner of Vine. Baker, Nelson & Co., Cedar st., New York⚫


WOOLEN MILL, Canton Illinois.

Also, Door and Window Frames. Terms moderate. PIPER & EVERETT, Manufacturers of Cloths,

N. B.-Slitting and Planing done here.


WOOD-ENGRAVER, No. 19 Chesnut street, up stairs, (between Main & Second str., opposite the City Hall, St. Louis, Mo. Every description of Wood Cuts, Portraits, Fac-similes. Buildings. Type, Labels, Borders. Notary Seals, &c. &c. I would recommend myself by executing at very reasonable prices, the finest work that can be done in this city. Proofs of my work can be seen at my office.


MR. P. A. PIGNERO begs to inform the public, and the Ladies more particularly, that he has taken the store, corner of Fine & Fourth streets, under Planters' House, to which he will remove hie establishment for False Hair, of every variety, and for Pomatums, Combs, &c. &c. Mr. Pignero has recently received from the East a large and seleet lot of Wigs. Cues, and False Hair, manufactured in every style and to suit every taste. He begs for an examination of his stook. The Gentlemen's Shaving and Hair Dressing Saloon will remain at the old stand, opposite the Planters' House,"

Satinetts, Flanels and Blankets. Nov. 15th, 1851.


Land Agency Notice.

WORTHINGTON G. SNETHEN continues to practice Law in the Supreme Court; to attend to cases before Congress; to proseeute Claims and settle accounts against the Departments and Boards of Commissioners to procure Patents at home and abroad; to obtain Pensions and Bounty lands; to collect debts, dividends, legacies and inheritances in any part of the United States and in foreign countries; to make investments of funds in Loans and Stocks and on Bonds and Mortgage. and to negociate the purchase and sale of Loans, Land and Patent-rights in any State of the Union. Particular attention paid to California Land Title cases coming up to the U. S. Supreme Court on appeal.

Communications prepaid. addressed to W. G. SNETHEN, 5, Carroll Place, Capitol Hill, Washington, D. C., will meet with prompt attention.






M. TARVER & H. COBB, Editors & Proprietors.



No. 97, CHESNUT STREET, 2 doors west of the Post Office.

THE WESTERN JOURNAL is designed to embrace every subject connected with Agriculture, Commerce, Manufactures, Mechanic Arts, Mines, and Internal Improvement.

A portion of the work will be appropriated to Statistics, which will be collected and arranged with reference to the leading subjects contained in the respective numbers.

The development of the vast resources of the valley of the Missis sippi, and the improvement of the intellectual and social condition of its inhabitants, will be constantly kept in view; and the leading article of each number will be devoted to the advancement of these objects. In attempting to illustrate and give direction to the economy connected with the leading pursuits of the country, the Editors have undertaken more than has been done, or proposed by any other journal with which they are acquainted.

Owing to the enlargement of the work, six numbers will hereafter constitute a volume, and a general Index will be made out to accompany the 6th and 12th numbers.

Publishers of Newspapers who will insert the foregoing pros. pectus in their papers, once in three months, will be furnished with the work for one year.

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