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Containing a list of all the words made use of in the English Reader; divided, accented, defined, and the part of speech annexed; Alphabetically arranged, and adapted to the Orthography and Pronunciation of Walker.

When a word begins with a vowel, if the syllable end with a consonant, the vowel has its short sound; but if it end with a vowel, it has its long sound. When the pronunciation varies from this rule, a figure is placed before the vowel, which represents the same sound, as if placed above it; as in All, Art, pronounced åll, art.

The Abbreviations denoting the parts of speech explained: ar. stands for Article; a. for Adjective; n. for Noun; pro. for Pronoun; v. for Verb; pa. for Participle; ad. for Adverb; pr. for Preposition; conj. for Conjunction; int. for Interjection.

A bản dỏn, 2. to resign, forsake


A bate', v. to lessen, to grow less
Abbey, n. place for religious persons
Ab hor, v. to hate, detest, loathe
Ab horrence, n. aversion, hatred
A bide', v. to dwell in a place, bear
A bili tỷ, n. power, skill, capacity
Ab'ject, a. mean, worthless
Abject',v. to throw away
A'ble, a. capable of doing, having pow-
A bode', n. habitation, dwelling place
A bol ish, v. to repeal, destroy
A bom'î nå ble, a. detestable, hateful
A bortive, a. untimely, premature
"A bound', v. to have in great plenty
"A bout', pr. round, near to; ad. every
A bove, pr. higher, more; ad. over-
A broad', ad. without, in another
Ab'sence, n. being absent; inatten-
Ab'sent, a. not present; inattentive
Ab sent', v. to keep away, withdraw
Ab'so late, a. not limited, complete
Ab'so late lý,ad.positively completely
Ab solve', v. to set free, pardon
Ab stråcted lŷ, ad. simply, separately
Ab sûrd', a. unreasonable, inconsist-



Ab sår'di tỷ, n. not agreeable to rea-
A ban'dance, n. great plenty
A ban'dant, a plentiful, exuberant
*A bùn/dant lý, plenty, amply
"A bise', v. to treat ill, revile

A bùse', n. the ill use of any thing
A byss', n. a bottomless pit, gulf
Ac cèl'er åte, v. to quicken, hasten
Ac'cent, n. manner of pronunciation
Ac cênt', v. to note the accent

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Ac cèpt', v. to receive, admit

Ac'cep tå ble, a. agreeable, pleasing | Ac ceptance, n. reception with ap probation

Ac cèss', n. admission, approach
Ac cès'sion, n. addition; arriving at
Ac'ci dènt, n. casualty; property of a

Ac claim', n. applause, exultation
Ac com'mo date, v. to supply, suit, fit
Ac com mo da'tion, n. convenience
Ac com pi ný, v. to associate with
Ac com/piish, v. to finish, fulfil; adorn
Ac com'plish meat, n. completion; el.
egance; ornament of mind or body
Accord', v. to agree, unite; n. a com

Ac cording, pa. agreeable to
Ac cording ly, ad. consequently,


Ac cost', v. to address, salute
Ac count', n. computation; dignity,
rank; v. to compute, reckon
Ac coun'tå ble, a. subject to an ac-
Ac cả mủ làtion, n. a heaping up, in-
Accù rå cŷ, n. exactness, nicety
Ac/cù råte, a. exact, done with care
Ac'cù råte lý, ad. exactly, nicely
Ac cù sà'tion, n. a complaint, charge
Ac cùse, v. to censure, blame
Ac cù'sêr, n. one who brings a charge
Ac custom, v. to use one's self to
Ac knowledge, v. to confess, own
Ac quaint' v. to inform, make known
Ac quain'tance, n. familiarity, a per
son with whom we associate Tiar
Ac quain'têd, pa. well known, famil
Ac qui ésce', v. to yield, comply

* Adjectives are given in the positive degree, Nouns in the stagulur number, Verbs instead of participles, &c. The derivative Adverbs ending in ty, are generally omitted, and their primitives given; thus, instead of Fan-ci-tul-ly, is inserted Fan-cy, Fan-ci-ful, &c.

Ac qui es'cênce, n. compliance
Ac quire, v. to gain something [ed
Ac quire mènt, n. that which is gain-
Ac qui si'tion, n. the act of gaining
Ac quit, v. to discharge, set free,
'A cross', ad. athwart, laid over
Act, v. to do; n. an exploit, deed
Action, n. a thing done; exercise;
gesture; a battle; a law suit
Active, a. quick, nimble, lively
Ac tivi ty, n. quickness, nimbleness
Ac'tor, n. one that acts; a stage-player
Ac/th al lý, [t like tsh] ad. truly
Ac'tà åte, [1st t like tsh] v. to put
into action, move, excite
A cute', a. sharp; ingenious
A cuteness, n. sharpness, quickness
Ad å mån tine, a. made of adamant
A dåpt', v. to fit, suit, apply
Add, v. to join to, increase
Ad dict', v. to devote, dedicate
Ad di'tion, n. the act of adding
Ad di'tion ál, a. that which is added
Ad dress', n. a speech; manuer of
speaking; v. to speak or write to
Ad'è quâte, a. equal to, proportionate
Ad here', v. to stick to, take part with
'A dieu', ad. farewell

Ad just, v. to regulate, put in order
Ad just ment, n. regulation, order
Ad min'is têr, v. to give, dispense
Ad'min is tra'tion, n. act of adminis-

Ad'mi rå ble, a. to be admired; good
Ad må rå'tion, n. wonder; esteem
Ad mire, v. to regard; wonder at
Ad mi'rår, n. one that admires, lover
Ad mis sion, [åd mish'shůn] n. the act
of admitting, access

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Ad mit', v. to allow, suffer; let in
Ad mit/tånce, n. the act of admitting
Ad mon'ish, v. to reprove, advise
Ad mò ni'tion, n. advice; reproof
"A döpt', v. to take as one's own what
is another's; to copy

A dop'tion, n. the act of adopting
Adoration, n. divine worship,homage
A dore', v. to worship, reverence
"A dôrn', v to dress, decorate
Ad u la'tion, [âd jù là'shůn] n. high
compliment, flattery, praise
Ad u la tor y, [åd'jù là tår rè] a.


Ad'vêrb, n. a word which modifies the action of a verb, or the quality of other words

Ad'vèrse, a. contrary, calamitous
Ad versĩ tỷ, n. affliction, misery
Ad vice', n. counsel, instruction
Ad vise', v. to counsel, consult
Ad vi'ser, n. one who gives advice
Ad'vò cåte, n. a pleader, intercessor
A far', ad. at a great distance
Af få bil'i tỷ, n. courteousness
Affå ble, a. easy of manners, mild
Af fair', n. business, transaction
Affect', n. sensation, affection ; vA
move the passions

Af fèc'ted, pa. moved; conceited
Affection, n. love, kindness, zeal
Affection åte, a. fond, kind, good
Af fèction åte ly, ad. kindly
Af fin' tỷ, n. kindred

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Af illct', v. to grieve, trouble, vex
Af flic'ted, pa. troubled, grieved
Affliction, n. sorrow, distress, pain
Afflà ênce, n. plenty, riches
Afflù ènt, a. wealthy, abundant
Af ford', v. to grant; to produce
Af fright', v. to terrify; . terrour
Af front', v. to offend; n. an insult
A fraid, a. fearful, terrified
After, pr. behind, in pursuit of; a. la-
ter, latter

After wårds, ad. in succeeding time
A gain, [å gen'] ad. once more
Against, [ genst'] pr. in opposition
to; opposite in place

Age, n. any period of time; a generation; a hundred years A'ged, a. advanced in years, old A'gen cy, n. managing another's af fairs

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A'gent, n. a deputy, substitute
Ag/grå våte, v. to make worse
Ag grå vå'tion, n. the act of aggravat-
A gil'i tỷ, n. activity, speed
Ag tåte, [g soft] v. to shake, move
Ag i ta'tion, [g soft] n. motion
A go', ad. in time past

Ago nize, v. to be in extreme pain
Ag'o ny, n. anguish, pangs of death
A grèe', v. to accord, concur

A grèe'å ble, a. pleasing, suitable fiat-A grèe'a ble ness, n. pleasantness A grèe'å bly, ad. pleasingly

Ad vånce', v. to proceed; improve; n. progression, improvement Ad vance'ment, n. progression,


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Ag'ri cul tåre, [t like tsh] n. tillage Ah, int. denoting contempt, or pity pro-Aid, v. to assist; n. help, support 'Aim, v. to take sight, direct; n. direction; design

Ad van'tåge, n. superiority; gain
Ad ven ti'tious, a. accidental; added
Ad vên'tàre, [t like tsh] n. an acci-
dent, enterprise ; v. to try the chance

'Air, n. an element; appearance; to expose to the air 'Air'f, a. belonging to the air; gay

A larm', s. a notice of danger; v. to give notice of danger, surprise "A lås', int. denoting pity or grief Alchy mist, n. professor of alchymy Al cove', n. a recess to sit or lie in Al ex ån'drine, n. a verse of 12 sylla


Al ien ate, [ale'yên åte] v. to trans-
fer; to withdraw; a. withdrawn

A light', v. to descend, dismount
A like', ad. with resemblance
A live', a. active; not dead
All, a. every one, the whole
Al lay', v. to abate, pacify
Al lege, v. to affirm, declare
Al lè giance, n. the duty of subjects
Al lè vi åte, v. to ease, soften
Al lè vi å'tion, n. the act of making
more light

Alley, n. a narrow passage
Al Hance, n. a union by treaty
Al lot, v. to parcel out, distribute
Al low, v. to admit, grant
Al lowance, n. a salary; deduction
Al lure'. to entice, decoy
Al lurement, n. enticement
Al lu sion, [ål lù/zhun] n. a hint
Ally, v. to unite by compact, or


A'ml å ble, a. lovely, pleasing
Am'I cå ble, a. friendly, kind
A mid', IA midst', pr. amongst, in
A miss ad. wrong, faultily
*A mỏng, 1A mỏngst,pr.mingled with
Am'd rous, a. fond, loving
A mount', v. to rise in value, increase
n. the sum total
Am phi thè'à tre, n. a round or oval
Am'ple, a. large, wide, liberal
Am ply, ad. largely, liberally
A muse', v. to entertain, please
A muse'mênt, n. diversion
An, ar. denoting one, any, or some
*A nål'ò gý, n. resemblance, similari-
ty of one thing to another
An'ar chý, n. want of government
An'cès tor, n. predecessor; forefather
An'cès try, n. lineage, descent, birth
Anch'&r, n. an iron instrument for
holding ships; v. to cast anchor
'An cient, [ane'tshent] a. old
And, conj. the particle by which sen-
tences or terms are joined

A new, [å nd'] ad. newly, over again
An'gel, n. a celestial spirit
An ger, [ång'gur] n. resentment
An'gry, a. provoked, enraged
mar-An'gulsh, n. pain, excessive pain

riage; n. a friend, confederate 'Al mighty, a. of unlimited power; n. God, the Divine Being Al'most, ad. nearly, near A lone', a. without company A long', ad. onward, at length A 18of, ad. at a distance A loud', ad, with much noise Al read'ý, ad. now, at this time Al'so, ad. in the same manner *Al'tår, n. a place for divine offerings,

or communion

Al'ter, v. to change, vary

Al ter à'tion, n. a change made Al tér nåte lý, ad. by turns, mutually "Al тHough', conj. nowithstanding Al to gêTH'er, [g hard] completely Al' ways, ad. perpetually, ever Am, first person of the verb to be A main', ad. vehemently. fiercely A måss', v. to heap up, collect "A maze', v. to astonish, confuse "A måze'ment, n. admiration, fear Am bås så dör, n. a person sent on publick business to a foreign country Am'ber, n. a yellow transparent substance of a gummous consistence Am bi gu'l tỷ, n. obscurity of words Am big'à oùs, a. doubtful, mysterious Am bi'tion, n. an earnest desire of preferment, or power Am bi'tious, . aspiring, proud, vain

An'I mål, n. a living creature; a. per-
taining to an animal

An'f måte, a. living; v. to give life
An'i mà tèd, a. lively; pa. enlivened
An i mos'i tý, n. aversion, hatred
An'nåls, n.histories digested into years
An nex', v. to unite, join, add
An ni'hi låte, v. to annul, destroy
An ni hi là'tion, n. act of destroying
An no, v. to injure, molest
An'ni al, a. yearly, once a year
"A noint', v. to rub with oil
An 8TH'ér, a. not the same, one more
An'swer, v. to reply; n. a reply
An'swêr å ble, a. that to which a re-
ply may be made; accountable
Ant, n. an emmet, pismire
An'them, n. a divine song
An tic'i påte, [c like s] v. to foretaste
Anx l'è tỷ, n. solicitude, uneasiness
Anx ious, [ank'shus] a. solicitous
Anx ious ly, [ank'shûs lè] ad. much
concerned, very eager
Any, [ên'ne] a. every, either
A pace, ad. quickly, speedily
A párt'ment, n. part of a house
Aper tåre, [t like tsh] n. an opening
A pol' gy, n. an excuse [ligion
A pos'ta tize, v. to change one's m
"A pos'tle, n. a messenger sent
preach the gospel

Ap pål', o. to fright, terrify

Ar'rò gånt, a. proud, presumptuous - -
Ar rò gånt lý, ad. haughtily, proudly
Arrow, n. a pointed weapon
*Art, n. skill, science, dexterity
Artful, a. cunning, crafty

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Arti clen. one of the parts of speech; condition of a covenant distinct Ar tic'ù låte, v. to form words ; a. Artic à la tion, n. the act of forming words; a joint or knot

Arti fice, n. trick, fraud, device

Ar tifi cer, n. an artist, manufac



Ap på'rent, a plain, visible
Ap på rent lý, ad. evidently, openly
Ap peal', n. an application for justice;
v. to refer to another
Ap pear', v. to be in sight, seem
Ap pearance, n. the act of coming
into sight; not reality; show
Ap pèn dage, n. something added
Ap pèn dix, n. supplement, addition
Ap'pe tite, n. desire of food, &c.
Ap plaud', v. to praise, commend
Ap plause', n. approbation, praise
Ap pli ca'tion, n. act of applying
Ap piy, v. to put to certain use Ar ti fi'cial, a. made by art, not natu-
Ap point', v. to determine
Ar tiller ý, n. weapons of war
Ap pre ciation [c like sh] n. due esti-Art/ist, n. a professor of an art
Ap pre hend', v. to seize; understand *Art less, a. unskilful; simple
Appre hen'sion.n.seizure; conception As, conj. in the same manner, like
Approach', v. to draw or bring near As cend', v. to go up, rise
to; n. the act of drawing near As cên'dånt, n. elevation ; a. superiour
Ap pro ba tion, n. the act of approving As cên' den cỷ, n. influence, power
Ap pro pri åte, v. to set apart, annex As cent', n. an eminence, rise
to; a. peculiar; assigned
As cêr tàin', v. to make certain
Ap prove v. to like or allow of As cribe', v. to attribute, impute
Apt, a. fit, ready, qualified
'A shà mêd, a. abashed, confused
Ar'bî têr, n. an umpire, judge A shore', ad. on shore, on the land
Ar'bt trå ry, a. absolute, unlimited A side', ad. on one side; apart
Ar bi tra'tion, n. a decision
Ask, v. to make request, claim
*Arbour, n. a bower
"A slånt', ad. obliquely, on one side


*Arch, n. part of a circle; v. to form A sleep', ad. sleeping, at rest
an arch; a chief, mirthful
*Arch angel, n. a chief angel
Arch důch'èss, n. wife of an archduke
*Ar/chi têct, n. a builder, designer
*Ar'dent, a. fierce, affectionate
*Ar'dour, n. heat, zeal, affection
*Ar'da oås, [d like j] a. difficult
Are, the plural of the present tense
of the verb to be

*Argả mềnt, n. controversy, debate
*Argà mên'tå tive, a. containing ar-

"A right', ad. rightly, in order
A rise v. to rise up, ascend
*Ark, n. a vessel; chest

Arm, n. a limb of the body; v. to
furnish with arms

Ar'moår, n. defensive arms
Army, n. large body of armed men
Arò måt'ick, a. spicy, fragrant
A round', ad. and pr. about
*A rôúse', v. to awake; excite
Ar ràign', v. to indict, accuse
Ar range, v. to put in order [in order
Ar range'ment, n. the act of putting
Ar ray, v. to put in order; to dress;
n. order of battle; dress

Ar rêst', v. to seize on; n. a seizure
Ar ri'vål, n. act of coming to a place
Ar rive, v. to come to a place
Ar'rò gånce, n. haughtiness, pride

As'pect, n. a look, air, appearance
As per'i tỷ, n. roughness, unevenness/
As pire', v. to aim at, desire
As sås'sin, n. a secret murderer
As såult', n. an attack; v. to attack
As sêm'ble, v. to meet together
As sem blý, n. a company assembled
As sent', n. consent; v. to agree
As sèrt', v. to affirm, maintain
As ser'tion, n. a positive affirmation
As sid u ous, [ås sîd'jà is] a. diligent
As sign', v. to mark out, appoint
As sist', v. to help, aid

As sis'tance, n. help, aid, relief
As so'ci åte, [c like sh] v. to unite,

join with; n. a companion
As so cl à'tion, [c like sh] n. union
As suåge', v. to soften, ease, abate
As sume', v. to take, claim
As su rance, [àsh shù'råns] n. confi-
dence, want of modesty; security
As sure, [åsh shùre'] v. to assert
As su red ly, [âîsh shù'rèd lè] ad. cor-

As tonish, v. to amaze, confound
As ton'ish mênt, n. amazement

A stray, ad. out of the right way
"A sun'dér, ad. apart, separately
At, pr. in, by, near by, towards
A'thè ist, n. one who disbelieves the
existence of a God, an infidel

At'mos phère, n. the surrounding air | Back wård, a. unwilling; dull

Atom, n. a small particle

'A tone', v. to expiate, satisfy
'A trocious, a. wicked, enormous
At tåch', v. to arrest, seize

At tâch/ment, n. a seizure; regard
At tåck', v. to assault; n. an assault
At tàin', v. to gain, overtake

At tàin'å ble, a. that which may be

At tàin'der, n. an attaining in law
At tàin'ment, n. acquisition, quality
At tempt, v. to try; n. a trial, effort
At tênd', v. to wait for; accompany
At tên dánce, n. the act of waiting
At tên'dånt, n. one that attends
At tên'tion, n. the act of attending
At tên'tive, a. heedful, regardful
At tên'tive ly, ad. diligently
At test', v. to bear witness of
At'tick, a. fine, elegant, delicate
At tire', n. clothes, dress; v. to dress
At tract', v. to allure; to draw
At traction, n. the power of drawing
At tråc'tive, a. inviting, alluring
At' tri bute, n. a quality, property
At trib'åte, v. to ascribe, impute
'Au'dî ênce, n. hearers; a hearing
Aught, n. any thing
August, n. the eighth month in the
Au gust', a. magnificent, noble
Au stère', a. severe, rigid, harsh
*Author, n. a writer, maker


Au thor'i tỷ, n. legal power, rule
Au'tumn, n. third season of the year
Aux il ia ry, [awg zîl'yå rẻ] a. helping
"A vàil', v. to profit; n. use, effect
Av'å rice, n. covetousness

Av'è nùe, n. an entrance to a place
A ver. v. to affirm, declare
A verse', a. unfavourable, contrary
"A version, n. hatred, dislike

Av ò cà'tion, n. act of calling away
A võid', v. to shun, escape, quit
A wait, v, to wait for, attend

Båd, a. ill, wicked, hurtful
Baffle, v. to elude, confound
Bait, v. to put on a bait; to take re
freshment; n. a temptation
Bål'ance, v. to make equal; n. a pair
of scales; difference of accounts
Båle'fül, a. sorrowful, sad
Båll, n. any thing round; an enter-
tainment of dancing

Balm, n. the name of a plant
Balin', a. of or like balm, fragrant
Bånd, n. a bandage; a
Båne, n. poison, ruin, mischiet
Bane fil, a. poisonous, hurtful
Bån'ish, v. to send or drive away
Bånk, n. the side of a river; a banking
company, or their edifice
Bån'quet, n. a feast; v. to feast
Bår, v. to fasten; n. a hinderance
Bár bar'i tý, n. cruelty, inhumanity
Bar bå roùs, a. cruel; uncivilized
Bare, a. naked, plain, lean
Båre ly, ad. merely; nakedly
Bark, n. rind of a tree; a small ship;
v. to make a noise like a dog
Barn, n. storehouse

Bår'rên, a. unfruitful; dull
Base, n. the foundation; a. vile
Båse'ness, n. vileness, meanness
Ba'sis, n. the foundation, support
Båt, n. a stick; an animal
Båt'tle, n. a fight, combat [tree
Bay, a. a colour; n. arm of a sea; a
Bè, v. to exist, have existence
Beam, n. a main timber; ray of light;
v. to emit rays or beams
Bear, n. an animal; v. to endure
Beard, n. the hair on the chin
Beast, n. an irrational animal
Beat, 2. to strike; conquer [gant
Beaute ous, [t like tsh] a. fair, ele-
Beau'ti fül, a. fair, lovely
Beau'ti fy, v. to adorn, embellish
Beauty, n. handsomeness

A wake, v. to rouse from sleep; a. Beaver, n. an animal

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Rè cause', conj. for this reason
Berkon, v. to make a sign
Pè côme', v. to fit, befit
Bed, n. a place to sleep on

Be dew, bè dù'] v. to moisten gently
Bée, n. the insect that makes honey
Rè fall. v. to happen, come to pass
Eè fore, pr. in front; ad. sooner
Re friend', v. to favour, use kindly
Peg, v. to ask alms, entreat
Bè'get', [g hard] v. to produce
Peg går, n. one who lives by begging
Be gin', [g hard] v. to commence
Be gin'ning, [g hard] n. commence-


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