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Be guile', v. to cheat, deceive
Bè have', v. to conduct, act
Bè hav'ior, [i like y] n. conduct
Be head', v. to cut off the head
Bè hind', pr. and ad. in the rear,
Be hold', v. to see, view; int. see!
Be tng, n. existence
Belch, v. to eject

Be lief, n. opinion, persuasion
Bè liève', v. to credit, trust in
Bell, n. a hollow sounding vessel
Be lông, v. to be the property of
Bè loved, a. lovely, dear to
Be low', pr. and ad. lower in place
Bè moan', v. to lament, bewail
Bend. v. to crook; n. a curve, turn
Bè nèaтH', pr. and ad. under, below
Bên è dic'tion, n. a blessing

Bên è fac' tion, n. a charitable gift
Bên è fac tôr, n. a giver, a bestower
Bè nèfi cence, n. generosity
Bè nèfi cènt, a. kind, obliging
Bên è fi'cial, a. advantageous, useful
Bên' è fit, n. kindness, advantage
Be nevolence, n. good will, charity
Bè nèv' ò lènt, a. kind, good
Be nign', a. kind, generous, liberal
Bè nig nånt, a. kind. wholesome
Be nig'ni ty, n. graciousness, kindness
Bent, n. inclination; pa. crooked
Bè réave', v. to deprive, rob
Bè sèech', v. to entreat, beg, ask
Be set', t. to perplex, waylay [above
Bè side', Bè sides', pr. near, over and
Bè speak', v. to order, address
Best, a. most good, preferable
Be stow', v. to give, to confer upon
Bè stride', v. to stride over
Be strew, [be strò'] v. to scatter
Be token, v. to signify, foreshow
Bè tray', v. to violate a trust
Bet'ter, a. superiour; v. to improve
Bè tween', pr. in the middle
Bè twixt', pr. between
Bè ware', v. to be cautious
Be wil'der, v. to perplex, mislead
Bè yond', pr. farther onward
Bl'as, v. to prepossess; n. inclination
Bid, v. to offer a price; command
Big, a. large, great; haughty
Big'ôt, n. one devoted to a party
Big'ot ry, n. blind zeal, superstition
Bill, n. the beak of a bird; a written

¡Bite, v. to pierce with the teeth; v.
act of biting

Bit'ter, a. of a hot acid taste; cruel
Bit'ter ness, n. a bitter taste; malice
Black, a. dark; n. a negro; mourning
Black, v. to make black, soil

Blade, n. the spire of grass, &c.; the
sharp part of an instrument
Blame, v. to censure; n. fault, guilt
Blame less, a. innocent, guiltless
Blånd, a. soft, mild, gentle
Blån'dish ment, n. flattery
Blank, n. void space; a. unwritten
Blås phème',v. to speak blasphemy
Blåst, v. to blight; n. a gust of wine
Blaze, v. to flame; n. a flame
Bleach, v. to whiten

Bleak, a. cold, chilly, pale
Bleat, v. to cry like a sheep
Bleed. v. to lose or let blood
Blèm'lsh, n. a stain; " to defame
Blend, v. to mix, mingle
Blèss, v. to make happy
Blès'sèd ness, n. happiness, joy
Bles'sing, n. benediction, gift
Blight, v. to blast; n. mildew
Blind, a. without sight, dark
Blind'nèss, n. want of sight
Bliss, n. great happiness, felicity
Bliss'tül, a. very happy, blessed
BliTHe's me, a. gay, cheerful
Blbat, v. to swell, enlarge
Block, n. a piece of wood; v. to shut
Blood, n. the red fluid that circulates
through the body; kindred
Blood'shed, n. the crime of murder
Blood/thirs tỷ, a cruel, inhuman
Blood', a stained with blood; cruel
Bloom, n. the blossom or flower of
tree; v. to produce blossoms
Blossom, n. the flowers of trees of
plants, v. to put forth blossoms
Blot, v. to stain; n. a blur, spot
Blow, v. to make a current of air; .
a stroke, sudden event
Blue, a. sky-coloured
Blue'ness, n. quality of being blue
Blunt, a. dull, rough; v. to dull
Blush, v. to redden in the face; n.
red or purple colour

Board n. a flat piece of wood; v. attack; to give or receive diet Roast. v. to brag, exult Boast'ful, a. proud, haughty, vain Boat, n. a small vessel used on rivers Bode. v. to presage, portend Böd't lý, ad. relating to the body Body, n. matter; corporation Bog, n. a marsh, fen, swamp Botl, v. to be agitated by heat Bishop, n. head order of the clergyBots/ter ods, a. lond, furious, stormy

Billow, n. a large roaring wave
Bind, v. to fasten, gird, enwrap
Bird, n. a name applied to fowls [life
Birth, [berth] n.the act of coming into
Birth right, [berth'rite] n. right, privi-
lege by birth

Bold, a. brave, daring, impudent
Bold'ness, n. courage, impudence
Bolt, n. the bar of a door; arrow; v.
to fasten; to spring out
Bond, n. an obligation; a. enslaved
Bon'dage, n. captivity, slavery
Bond'mån, n. a man slave
Bone, n. part of the body [or write
Book, n. a volume in which we read
Boon, n. a gift, grant; a. gay, merry
Boot, n. covering for the leg; profit
Border, n. an edging; boundary
Born, pr. brought into the world
Borne, pa. carried, brought
Borrow, v. to take on credit
Bo'som, n. the breast, heart
Both, ad. the two; conj. as well
Båt'tle, n. a vessel to contain liquids
Bot'tôm, n. the lowest part
Bligh, n. branch of a tree
Bound, n. a limit, mark; a. destined
for; v. to jump, spring
Boun'da ry, n. limit, mark, restraint
Bound less. a. unlimited, infinite
Boun'tè oùs, [t like tsh] a. liberal
Boun'ti ful, a. liberal, generous
Boun'tý n. generosity, free gift
Bourn, n. a bound, limit; brook
Bourn'less, a. without bounds
Bow, n. a bending; v. to bend, stoop
Bow, n. an instrument; a knot
Bowels, n. intestines
Bower, n. an arbour

Bowl, n. a vessel to hold liquids; the
hollow part of any thing
Bow'string, n. a string used for a bow
Boy, n. a male child, lad
Boy Ish, a. like a boy, childish
Brain, n. substance within the skull
Brake, n. an instrument for dressing
flax; a thicket of brambles
Bram'ble, n. a rough prickly shrub
Branch, n. a small bough; offspring;
v. to spread in branches
Brass, n. a yellow metal
Brave. a. courageous, gallant, noble
Bra ver †, n. courage, heroism
Bray, v. to make a harsh noise
Bra zen, a. made of brass; bold
Breach, n. an opening, gap
Bread, n. food made of flour or meal
Breadth, n. measure from side to side
Break, v. to part by force; to become
a bankrupt; to tame
Breast, n. part of the body
Breath, n. air respired. life
Breaтнe, v. to draw breath, live
Breed, n. a kind; v. to procreate
Breeze, n. a gentle gale

BrerH'rên, n. the plural of brother
Brevity, n. shortness, conciseness

Bribe, v. to give bribes; n. a reward
given to pervert judgement
Bridge, n. a building over water for the
convenience of passing
Brier, n. a prickly bush
Bright, a. shining, clear; witty
Brigh'ten, v. to polish, make bright
Brightly, ad. with lustre; wittily
Bright'nèss, n. lustre; acuteness
Bring, v. to fetch, conduct
Brink, n. a precipice, edge, side
Brisk, a. quick, lively, strong
Briskly, ad. actively, nimbly
Brit'tle, a. apt to break, weak
Broad, a. wide, extended; vulgar
Brood, n. offspring, progeny
Brook, n. a rivulet
BroTH'êr, n. a male born of the same
BroTH'er hood, n. union, society, class
Brow, n. the forehead; edge
Brown, n. the name of a colour
Brush, n. an instrument for sweeping;
v. to rub with a brush
Bråte, n. a creature without reason
Bub'ble, n. a water bladder
Båd, n. the first shoot of a plant ¡
v. to put forth buds
Båf foon', n. a low jester
Build, v. to construct
Building, n. an edifice, fabrick
Bilk, n. magnitude, size
Balky, a. large, of great size
Bården, v. to oppress; n. a load
Bår'den some, a. grievous, heavy
Bårn, v. to consume by fire; n. a hurt
or wound caused by fire
Burnish, v. to polish, brighten
Burst, v. to break; n. an eruption
Bur y, [ber'rè] v. to inter, hide
Bush, n. a thick shrub, bough
Bus i ly, [biz/ze lè] ad. actively
Busi ness, [biz/nès) n. employment
Bås/kin, n. a kind of half boot
Bis'tle, n. a tumult; v. to hurry
Bus y, [biz/zè] a. employed
But, coni. except, nevertheless
Båt'cher, n. one who kills animals ;
v. to kill, slay

Buy, v. to purchase, to treat for
By, pr. denoting the agent, cause
By'stån dêr, n. a looker on

Cab'in, n. an apartment in a ship
Ca'dênce, n. a fall of the voice
Ca làm? tỷ, n. affliction, misery
Cal'ch låte, v. to compute, reckon
Calif, n. chief priest of the Saracens
Call, v. to invite; n. an address
Calidu, a. wanting feathers, bare
Calm, v. to quiet; n. serenity; a. still
Calmly, ad. quietly coolly

Câlm'ness, n. tranquillity, mildness
Cal'ům ný, n. slander, false charge
Camp, n. tents for soldiers
Cân, v. to be able; n. a cup
Cân'did, a. fair, honest
Cân'die, n. tallow or wax formed
round a wick for burning [candles
Cân die stick, n. instrument to hold
Candour, n. an open temper
Cân non, n. a large gun
Cân'not, v. to be unable
Cå noe', n. a small boat
Can'ton, n. the division of a country;
a clan; v. to divide land
Cap, n. a covering for the head
Ca på ble, a. qualified, intelligent
Cå på cious, a. wide, vast, large
Ca pac'i tỷ, [c like s] n. ability, space
Cap'i tål, a. principal; n. chief city
Ca price', n. a whim, fancy, freak
Ca pricious, a. whimsical, odd
Captive, n. a prisoner, slave
Car, n. a cart, chariot'

Cår å vån så rỷ, n. a house built for
the reception of travellers
Care, n. charge; v. to regard, heed
Ca réer', n. course of action; race
Careful, a. cautious, diligent
Care'less, a. negligent, heedless
Cárni vål, n. a popish feast
Car'81, n. a song of joy; v. to sing
Car pet, [kár/pit] n. a covering
Car'rý, v. to convey, bear
Cárt, n. a carriage; v. to carry
Carve, v. to cut stone, meat, &c.
Cås cade', n. a cataract, waterfall
Case, n. a covering, sheath
Cast, v. to throw; n. a throw
Cas'tle, n. a fortified house
Cash 1 tỷ, [s like zh] n. accident
Cat'å råct, n. a waterfall, cascade
Cả tås trỏ phẻ, n. disaster, final event
Catch, v. to stop, seize, ensnare
Cath'b lick, n. a papist; a. universal
Cat'tle, n. beasts of pasture
Cause, n. a reason; v. to effect
Caution, n. prudence; v. to warn
Cautious, a. wary, watchful, prudent
Cầutious lý, ad. prudently
Cave, n. a cavern, den, hollow
Cavern, n. a hollow place, den
Cav'il, v. to raise objections
Cav'i tỷ, n. hollowness, a cavern
Caw, v. to cry as a rook or crow
Cease, v. to leave off, stop, fail
Ceaseless, a. perpetual, incessant
Ce'dår, n. a kind of tree
Ceiling, n. the inner roof
Cel'è bråte, v. to praise, solemnize
Ce les tial, [sè lès'tshal] a. heavenly
Cell, n. a small close room; cave

Ce ment', v. to join together
Cêm'ent, n. that which unites
Cên so'ri ous, a. apt to censure
Cen'sù rå ble, [s like sh] a. blameable
Cen'sure, [s like sh] n. blame, re-
prouch; v. to blame, revile
Centre, n. the middle
Cena ry, [t like tsh] n. a. hundred
Cêr è mo ni ål, a. formal

Cèr è moni os, a. formal [of civility
Cêr'è môn ý, n. outward rite; forms
Cer tain, a. sure, undoubted
Certain lý, ad. surely, without fail
Certain tỷ, n. exemption from doubt
Ces sa'tion, n. a stop, rest, pause
Chain n. a line of links; a series; v.
to fasten with a chain
Chair, n. a moveable seat
Chamber, n. apartment in a house
Chance, n. fortune, event, luck
Change, v. to alter; n. alteration
Change å ble, a. inconstant, fickle
Channel, [e like i] n. the course for a
stream of water, narrow sea
Chaos, n. a confused mass of matter
Chapel, n. a place of worship
Chaplet, n. a wreath for the head
Chapter, n. a division of a book
Chår åc têr, n. reputation; letter
Chår åc tè ris'ti cål,
Chår åc tè ris'tick,


Char'ac tè rize, v. to give a charac ter; to mark; imprint

Charge, v. to enjoin, impute; to ac

cuse; n. expense; command
Charge à ble, a. expensive; accusable
Charit, n. a carriage of pleasure
Chår i åt éer, n. driver of a chariot
Char'i tå ble, a. kind, bountiful
Char'i tý, n. tenderness, love; alms
Charm, n. a spell or enchantment; v.
to bewitch, delight

Chase, v. to hunt; n. a pursuit
Chasm, n. an opening, cleft
Chaste, a. pure, undefiled
Chas'ten, v. to punish, correct
Châs tise', v. to punish, correct
Chås/tise ment, n. correction
Chât'tår, v. to make a noise like birds,
or with the teeth

Cheaply, ad. at a low price or rate
Cheat, v. to defraud; n. a fraud
Check, n. a restraint; order on a bank;
v. to reprove, stop

Check'er, v. to vary, diversify
Cheek, n. the side of the face
Cheer, n. gavety; v. to incite
Cheerful, a. full of mirth, gay
Cheerful ness, n. liveliness, mirth
Chèer less, a. sad, gloomy, dismal
Chèq'uer, see Checker

Cher'ish, v. to nurse, support
Chér åb, n. a celestial spirit
Chide, v. to reprove, blame
Chief, a. principal; n. a leader
Child, n. an infant, offspring
Children, n. descendants
Chill, a. cold, depressed; n. chilness
v. to make cold, depress
Chilly, a. somewhat cold, frosty
Chime, n. a sound of bells, agreement;
v. to sound together, agree
Chi mêr't cål, a. imaginary, fancied
Chink, v. to jingle; n. an aperture
Chip, n. a fragment cut off; v. to cut
into small pieces

Choice, n. a thing chosen ; a. of great

Choir, [kwire] n. a body of singers
Choose, v. to make choice, select
Choral, a. belonging to a choir
Cho'ras, n. concert, choir
Christ, n. the Saviour

Christ ian, [krist'yůn] n. a professor
of the religion of Christ
Chris ti ån'I tỷ, [1st t like tsh] n. the
religion taught by Christ
Church, n. a place of divine worship;
a collective body of christians
Circle, [I like è] n. a round body
Circlêt, [I like é] n. a small circle
Circuit, [ser/kit] n. a space, extent
Cir'ch lär, [t like ê] a. round
Circa låte, [t like e] v. to pass about
Cir cum'fè rence, [i like e] n. a
cle. compass, periphery
Cir'cům stance, [i like e] n. event
Ctr câm vô là'tion, [1st í like e] n.
turning round or about

Climb, v. to ascend up any place
Clime, n. climate, region

Clock, n. an instrument to show time
Clod, n. a lump of earth or clay
Clois'ter, n. a religious retirement; a

piazza; v. to shut up in a cloister
Close, v. to shut, finish; n. end, issue
Close, a. shut fast, confined
Closely, ad. secretly; nearly
Cloth, n. any thing woven
Cloтне, v. to dress, cover, invest
Clothes, n. raiment, garments
CloTH'ing, n. dress, raiment
Cloud, n. a body of vapours in the air.
v. to darken with clouds
Cloud/topt, a. topped with clouds
Cloudy, a. dark, obscure
Coach'mån, n. the driver of a coach
Coarse, a. not fine, rough, rude
Coarse'ness, n. roughness, rudeness
Coast, n. shore; v. to sail near to
Cock, n. the male of birds; a spout to
let out liquids; part of a gun
Coffin. n. a chest for dead bodies
Co In cide', v. to agree
Cold, a. not hot; n. coldness
Colin, n. a kind of bird

Collect', v. to gather together
C81 lec'tion, n. things gathered
Collège, n. a house for learning
Cò los sål, a. gigantick, large
Colour, n. hue, dye; v. to dye, tinge
Côl'oår ing, n. an art in painting
cir-Column, n. a pillar; part of a page
Com båt, n. a battle; v. to fight
Com bine', v. to unite, agree, link
Come, v. to draw near, happen
Com et, [kom'it] n. a blazing star
Comfort, v. to make glad; n. joy
Com för tå ble, a. giving comfort
Côm'för ter, n. one who comforts
Comfort less, a. without comfort
Com mánd', v. to govern, order ; n. the


Cit'i zen, n. a freeman, townsman
Citron, 2. a fruit resembling a lemon
City, n. an incorporated town
Civil, a. civilized; polite
Ci vili ty, n. freedom, politeness
Clack, n. part of a mill; v. to make
repeated noises, to talk fast
Clad, pa. clothed, invested
Claim, n. a demand; v. to demand
Clâm'our, n. outcry, noise
Clap, n. a loud noise; v. to strike to-
gether; to applaud

Clash, n. a collision; v. to meet
Clåss, n. a rank; v. to set in order
Clas'si cål, a. learned, elegant
Clay, n. a common sort of earth
Clean'li ness, n. purity, neatness
Clear, a. pure; v. to remove, brighten
Cleave, v. to divide; to stick to
Cleft, n. a crack, opening
Clêmên cý, n. mercy, humanity
Cliff, Clift, n. a steep rock, precipice
Sli'måte, n. a tract of land, the air

act of commanding, power
Com mence', v. to begin, assume
Com mencement, n. a beginning
Com men'då ble, a. laudable, worthy
Cóm mêr'cial, a. relating to trade
Com misèr åte, v. to pity

Com mission,n. a trust; v. to empower
Com mit', v. to do; to intrust
Com mo'di oùs, a. convenient
Com'mon, a. vulgar, usual; n. publick
ground, open country
Com'mon wealth, n. the publick
Com mo'tion, n. tumult, disturbance
Com måne', v. to converse, impart
Com ma'ni cåte, v. to impart, reveal
Cốm mủ nỉ cảtion, n, the act of ima

parting or exchanging, conference Com mu ni ca tive, a. free, ready


Côm màn'ion, [i like y] n. taking the
Lord's supper; union

Com ma'ni ty, n. the commonwealth
Com pån'ion, [i like y] n. a partner
Com på ný, n. assembly of persons
Com pår å tive ly, ad. by way of

Com pare', v. to liken, estimate
Com pår'i sön, n. act of comparing
Com'påss, n. space; v. to surround
Com på sion, n. pity, mercy
Com pås'sion åte, a. merciful, tender
Com peer', n. an equal, companion
Com pèl, v. to oblige, drive
Com pèn så tion, n. a recompense
Com'pe tence, n. sufficiency
Com'pe tent, a. fit, qualified
Com pe ti'tion, n. contest, rivalship
Com pi là'tion, n. a collection
Com piler, n. one who compiles
Com pla cen cỷ, n. civility, joy
Com plain', v. to murmur; accuse
Com plai ner, n. one who complains
Com plaint', n. accusation; disease
Com plète', v. to finish; a. perfect
Com plex ion. [kom plèk'shan] n. the

Con car', v. to agree, unite
Con car'rênce, n. union, joint claim
Con cus'sion, n. the act of shaking
Con dèmn', v. to pass sentence on
Con de scend', v. to yield, submit
com-Con de scèn'sion, n. submission
Con di'tion, n. rank, quality
Con dole', v. to lament, mourn
Con du'cive, a. promoting, helping
Conduct, n. behaviour, economy
Con duct', v. to guide, manage
Côn dûc'tor, n. a leader, director
Cône, n. a solid body like a sugar-loaf
Con fer', v. to discourse; bestow
Con/fer ence, n. a discourse, parley
Côn fess', v. to acknowledge, own
Con'fès sör, n. one who hears confes
sions; one who confesses
Côn fide', v. to trust in
Con'fi dênce, n. assurance, boldness
Con'fi dent, a. positive, bold
Con fine', v. to limit; imprison
Con'fine, n. boundary, limit
Con fine mènt, n. imprisonment
Con firm', [i like e] v. to fix, establish
Con form', v. to comply with
Con for mi tỷ, n. a compliance with
Con found', v. to mix; to perplex
Côn fuse', v. to confound, perplex
Con fu sion, [kón fù'zhůn] n. disorder
Con fà tà'tion, n. the act of confuting
Con fate', v. to disprove, baffle
Con gè'ni ål, a. partaking of the same
nature, like

colour of the face, &c. Com pliance, n. submission Com'pli câte. a. compounded of many parts; v. to join, entangle Com pli ca tion, n. mixture of things Com pli ment, n. an act of civility Com piy, v. to yield to, submit Com pose', v. to form; to quiet Com po si'tion, n. a mixture; a written work, invention

Com po sure, [s like zh] n. calmness
Com pound', v. to mingle; n. a mix-
ture; mass of ingredients

Com pre hend', v. to include, conceive
Com prẻ hen'sive, a. full, capacious
Com prise', v. to include, contain
Com pål'sive, a. forcible

Com pate', v. to reckon, calculate
Con céal', v. to hide, keep secret
Cón céal'ment, n. the act of hiding
Con cèit', n. fancy; v. to imagine
Con cèive', v. to form; understand
Côn ception, n. the act of conceiving,
idea, sentiment

Côn gråt'à låte, [1st t like tsh] v. to compliment, to wish joy to

Con jèc'tàre, [t like tsh] n. a guess,

supposition; v. to guess, suppose Con junc'tion, n. a union, league Con junct'ly, ad. jointly

Con junc'tare, [t like tsh] n. critical


Côn nèct', v. to join, unite

Con nex ion,[kon nêk'shûn] n.relation
Côn nà'bî ål, a. matrimonial
Conquer, v. to overcome
Conquer ör, n. one that overcomes
Con quest, n. a victory
Con'science, n. natural knowledge
Con sci en tious, [kon shẻ ên'shus]
a. scrupulous, just, exact
Con'scious, a. inwardly persuaded
Con'scious ness, n. perception
Con'sè cråte, v. to make sacred
[cile Côn sent', n. concord; v. to agree
recon-Con'sè quênce, n. importance

Con cèrn', n. an affair; v. to affect
Con cèr'ning, pr. relating to
Cón'cert, n. harmony, musick
Con cert', v. to contrive, settle
Côn cès'sion, n. a thing yielded
Con cil iate, [kon stl'yate] v. to
Côn clude', v. to finish, close
Con clu sion, [kỗn klú’zhůn] n. close
Cón'cord, n. harmony, union
Côn'course, n. persons assembled
Con crè'tion, n. union of parts

Con'sè quênt ly, ad. in consequence of
Côn sid/êr, v. to think; examine
Con sider à ble, a. worthy of regard
Con sid er å'tion, n. serious thought,
regard; compensation

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