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I have not failed to make inquiry on that subject, and I have now the honor to acquaint you that since the year 1859 her Majesty's government have erected and lighted three lighthouses in the Bahamas, namely: one in 1860 at Lobas cay, and two in 1863, one at Elbow cay, Abaco island, and one at Great Stirrup's cay.

In addition to these a light-house will be lighted at Castle island during the present year, and a sum of money has been granted for the erection of another at the southwest point of Inagua island, a suitable site for which is now under consideration. Her Majesty's government have also sanctioned the erection of a light-house on Sombrero island, but it is not intended to erect one at present at Bird Rock, at the northwest end of Crooked island.

I may also add that it is also now under consideration to erect a light-house at West Caicos island.

I have the honor to be, with the highest consideration, sir, your most obedient, humble servant,

CHARLES FRANCIS ADAMS, Esq., &c., &c., &c.


Mr. Adams to Mr. Seward.

No. 1334.]

London, March 8, 1867.

SIR: There has been this week another and a more general attempt at insurrection in Ireland, without, however, being thus far attended with better success. The government seems this time to have been sufficiently apprised of it to make the necessary preparations for defence; but the effect on the body of the property-holders, especially in the country, has been to inspire greater alarm than ever, and to a corresponding extent to paralyze the ordinary movements of industry and trade. It is impossible to disguise the fact that the disaffection which prompts these outbreaks is very general among the poorer classes of the population, at least in the south, the centre, and the west of the island.

The newspapers contain frequent allusions to persons found among the insurgents, alleged to be Americans or American-Irish; but as yet Mr. West has not reported to me more than four or five cases of arrest in which his interposition has been solicited. Of course, whenever such persons are taken with arms in their hands, there is nothing to be urged in their behalf as matter of right. On the other hand, when there is reason to believe that innocent persons have been confounded with the guilty, I have directed Mr. West to continue his services in their behalf.

I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant,

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SIR: I have the honor to transmit a copy of the Times of yesterday containing a report of the debate in the House of Commons on Monday night on the presentation of the government measure for the extension of the franchise.

From the expression of opinion educed in the discussion, it seems certain that this bill will not pass without essential modifications; yet the disposition of the majority is not to press the government to a defeat, if it will consent to abide by the changes deemed essential to the salvation of the measure. The test will be applied on next Monday on the passage to a second reading, when the reserve, hitherto maintained as to what are deemed vital points, must come to an end. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant,



Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.

No. 1946.]

Mr. Seward to Mr. Adams.

Washington, March 21, 1867.

SIR: You will receive herewith a copy of a report, which was made on the 4th of March instant, by Brevet Major General Albert S. Terry, commanding the department of Dakota, through the Lieutenant General and the General of the armies of the United States, to the Secretary of War, and by him submitted to the President. By examining this paper you will perceive that an emigrant road stretches its way from Fort Abercrombie on the Red River of the North, by the way of Fort Berthold, on the Missouri river, thence to and beyond Fort Benton, and finally terminates in the Territory of Montana, which Territory is rich in mines, and is being rapidly settled.

This road, through a length of 500 miles, is parallel to the boundary between the United States and the British possessions, and at no point distant more than 100 miles from it. The country on both sides of the border between the Red river settlements in the east and the Rocky mountains in the west, is entirely uninhabited by civilized man, and is occupied only by bands of Sioux, Assinaboines, Blackfeet, Blood, and other Indians, who change from one side of the border to the other, as their convenience, safety, or pleasure dictates. All of these Indians are unfriendly to the white man. They are restrained from predatory attacks upon the emigrating parties only by military force. Their position gives them extraordinary opportunities for such attacks, and secures them almost absolute immunity from punishment.

The report further shows that no system of military posts is available, and that the Indians can only be held in check by movable columns. The report suggests that there is no remedy for the difficulty in the case, unless an arrangement can be made with her Majesty's government that the United States troops, when pursuing Indians who may have committed hostile acts within the jurisdiction of the United States, should be allowed to follow them for a reasonable distance in the uninhabited portions of British America.

The President cannot doubt for a moment that her Majesty's government will cordially sympathize with this government in the desire to render the important road in question secure against Indian depredations. The policy is essential to the progress of civilization on this continent. The progress of emigration along the road in question must be advantageous to British America in a degree only secondary to the benefits it secures to the United States. Aside from every question of interest, the case is one which appeals equally to the sentiment of humanity of both nations.

You will, therefore, bring the subject to the notice of Lord Stanley. In doing so, you will distinctly admit that this government does not claim as a right that its armed forces shall in any case cross the frontier. You will assure Lord Stanley that whatever concession her Majesty's government may make will be received with due acknowledgments of her sovereign authority within the British dominions. You will further say that the United States would be ready to accept the desired concession under such prudential restraints, and to give such proper guarantees against any possible abuse by the civil or military agency of the United States as her Britannic Majesty's government might reasonably presume, and also to accept the concession with any limitation of time. You will also take care to assure Lord Stanley, if her Britannic Majesty's government should think it necessary to decline our request, that then the United States will consider any plan or proposition which her Britannic Majesty's government may make to secure the desired result by some other course of procedure. In this connection, however, you will say that the high character of the military authorities by whom the proposition is made and sanctioned, is deemed a very reliable

guarantee for the exercise of all necessary caution in the movement and operation of our military forces on the remote and uninhabited portions of the frontier in regard to which so extraordinary a privilege is desired. As the spring season advances emigration may be expected to be vigorously renewed, and the facilities for Indian aggressions increase with the growing temptation.

You will use all reasonable urgency to obtain an early reply.
I am, sir, your obedient servant,

CHARLES FRANCIS ADAMS, Esq., &c., &c., &c.


Mr. Stanton to Mr. Seward.

WAR DEPARTMENT, Washington City, March 20, 1867.

SIR: I have the honor to transmit, for the consideration of the Department of State, a copy of a communication, dated March 4, received from the commanding general of the military department of Dakota, respecting the pursuit of hostile Indians in her Britannic Majesty's dominions.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

Hon. WILLIAM H. SEWARD, Secretary of State.


Secretary of War.

General Terry to General Nichols.


Fort Snelling, Minnesota, March 4, 1867. GENERAL: I have the honor to represent to the Lieutenant General commanding that I apprehend serious difficulty in protecting adequately the emigrant road from this State to western Montana, owing to its proximity to the boundary line between the United States and the British possessions.

Leaving Fort Abercrombie on the Red River of the North, this road runs northwesterly to Fort Berthold on the Missouri river and thence in the river valley to and beyond Fort Benton. From Berthold to Benton, a distance of 500 miles, its general direction is parallel to the boundary, and at no point is it distant more than 100 miles from it.

The country on both sides of the border between the Red river settlements on the east and the Rocky mountains on the west is uninhabited by civilized man, and is occupied only by bands of Sioux, Assinaboines, Blackfeet, Blood, and other Ind ans who change from one side to the other as their convenience, safety, or caprice may dictate. None of these Indians are friendly to the whites; they can be restrained from predatory attacks upon emigrants only by military force. For such attacks their position gives them admirable opportunities, and the proximity of the boundary line secures them almost absolute immunity from punishment. The country along the route is open, so open that Indians can move in any direction, and it is manifestly impossible to protect so long and so exposed a route by any system of posts; the Indians can only be held in check by movable columns which shall promptly pursue, overtake, and punish bands guilty of hostilities. But here arises the difficulty: from whatever point upon which a foray may be made, a march of two days will place the Indians in a secure refuge beyond the border, and under its cover they could move to the east or west, avoid the troops opposed to them, and again descend upon the route.

That this is no imaginary difficulty is fully proved by the fact that in repeated instances hostile bands when pursued have sought this refuge.

I can see no remedy for this difficulty unless the government of her Britannic Majesty would consent that our troops, when pursuing Indians who have committed hostile acts within our jurisdiction, should follow them for a reasonable distance in the uninhabited portions of British America.

I am well aware that no government would consent that the troops of another nation should follow criminals into any portion of its dominions occupied by civilized society; but I have thought it not only possible but probable that in this case, in the interest of civilization as against the enemy of the common civilization of the two countries, assent might be given to the crossing of a merely conventional line running through a pathless wilderness, and I therefore respectfully suggest that a proposition to this effect be made to her Majesty's government. I have the honor to be, general, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

Brevet Brig. Gen. W. A. NICHOLS, A. A. G.,

ALFRED H. TERRY, Brevet Major General Commanding.

Headquarters Mil. Div. of the Missouri, St. Louis, Mo.

HEADQUARTERS MILITARY DIVISION OF THE MISSOURI, Saint Louis, March 8, 1867. Respectfully referred to the General commanding the armies of the United States, and his attention invited to that point of General Terry's letter which refers to the habit of hostile Indians taking refuge within British territory when pursued. This actually occurred in the expeditions of Generals Sully and Sibley, and will occur again. Inasmuch as no part of the British territory west of the Red River of the North is occupied by a civilized people, I have reason to believe, on a proper representation, that her Britannic Majesty's government will consent to a pursuit to a reasonable extent, say 100 miles. If the Indians learn that this ine does not offer them protection, they will be deterred from the commission of crime. No damage can possiby arise to British property or nationality, as our troops are regulars, governed by the same general laws as prevail in the English army.

W. T. SHERMAN, Lieutenant General Commanding.


March 16, 1867.

Respectfully referred to the Secretary of War.

U. S. GRANT, General.

Mr. Seward to Mr. Adams.

[Telegram per cable.]


Washington, March 25, 1867.

CHARLES FRANCIS ADAMS, Esq., &c., &c., &c. :

Direct Redfield to appeal from Wood's judgment in Wagner case. Expla

nations by letter.


No. 1951.]

Mr. Seward to Mr. Adams.


Washington, March 25, 1867.

SIR: I transmit a copy of a letter of the 16th instant, addressed to me by Patrick Rogers, esq., and of the papers therein referred to, in relation to the case of his son, John H. Rogers, who it appears is a prisoner at Mountjoy prison, at or near Dublin.

You will, at your earliest convenience, submit these papers to her Britannic Majesty's government, inquire into the matter, and ask for the release or early trial of the prisoner, as the case shall warrant.

I am, sir, your obedient servant,

CHARLES FRANCIS ADAMS, Esq., &c., &c., &c.


Mr. Rogers to Mr. Seward.

275 GRAND STREET, WILLIAMSBURG, LONG ISLAND, March 16, 1867. SIR: I have the honor to transmit herewith copies of the following letters and documents,


1. One from William B. West, United States consul at Dublin, Ireland, to my son, John H. Rogers, an American citizen, now imprisoned in Mountjoy prison, at or near Dublin Ireland.

2. One from my son, John H. Rogers, to William B. West, consul, &c., in reply to the above.

3. One from myself, and mailed this day, to Consul William B. West, transmitting seven 7) enclosures, copies of which are sent herewith, and requesting that official to acknowledge

their receipt, and to make such demand for his release of those in whose custody my son is imprisoned as the laws of this republic and the honor of our flag demand.

I beg leave further to request of you, in your official capacity, to take such steps to cause my son to be set at liberty as may be proper. I opine that on the papers sent to our consul at Dublin, and with the patriotic co-operation of your department, there will be very little difficulty in securing his immediate discharge.

I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

Hon. WILLIAM H. SEWARD, Secretary of State.


Mr. West to Mr. Rogers.


Dublin, February 22, 1867.

SIR: I have to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 19th_instant, informing me that you were arrested under the "habeas corpus suspension act," and that you are a nativeborn citizen of the United States.

I regret to say that I would not be justified in taking any measure for your release on the grounds of your citizenship without having evidence thereof in my possession; so that, in order to avail yourself of my services, it will be necessary that you obtain legal proofs of your birth in the United States.

In writing this, I of course assume that you have been in no way implicated in the Fenian movement.

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SIR: Yours of February 22 came to hand yesterday. With yourself I regret that you will not be justified in taking any measures for my release, on the grounds of citizenship, without having legal proofs of the same, and which will necessarily call for my further imprisonment. I will write immediately for the document in question and have it transmitted to you. I have also to request that any money which may be sent to you for my use, you will acquaint me of the fact, as I have instructed my frinds to direct it to your care. Hoping that you will take charge of same and forgive the inconvenience arising therefrom,

I remain your obedient servant,


United States Consul, Dublin.


Copies of the foregoing were received by me at Williamsburg, Long Island, on the 12th day of March, A. D. 1867.

Mr. Patrick Rogers to Consul West.


P. R.

275 Grand street, March 15, 1867.

SIR: In your letter bearing date February 22, 1867, to my son John H. Rogers, now in Mountjoy prison, at or near Dublin, you say that in order to avail himself of your services, it will be necessary that he obtain legal proofs of his birth in the United States.

As legal proofs of the birth and citizenship of John H. Rogers in the United States, I have the honor to transmit herewith the following documents, viz:

1. A duly exemplified copy of my certificate of naturalization in the marine court of the city of New York.

2. A true copy of my original application to said court to become a citizen of the United States, duly certified by the clerk of the court, with the seal of the court attached.

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