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I.-Rules applicable to all Nouns.

crude forms ending in consonants; s to those ending in or u; i to those ending in e or o (o being dropped); and e to those ending in a. (ii.) Plural: add rum to crude forms ending in e, a, or

o; and um to all other crude forms.

forms ending in a consonant, e, or u; e to those 2. THE DATIVE :—(i.) Singular: add ito crude ending in a lengthen the final vowel of those ending in o or i. (ii.) Plural: add ibus to crude forms ending in consonants: bus to those ending in i, e, or u; and is to those ending in a or o, these final vowels being dropped.

3. THE ABLATIVE:-(i.) Singular: add e to crude forms ending in consonants: lengthen the final vowels of all other crude forms. (ii.) Plural: this case is exactly the same as the dative plural. II.-Rules applicable to Masculine and Feminine Nouns only.

The only grammatical method with which reference to cognate languages. The crudeI am acquainted that shows how this can be form system has, in fact, arisen out of the 1. THE GENITIVE :—(i.) Singular: add is to done, is what is called "the crude-form sys-study of Sanscrit, to which the science of tem;" the advantages of which I shall now comparative grammar owes its existence. For proceed to point out. Before I do so, however, instance; on examining the words equu-s, will premise a few explanations for the sake equum, equi, equo, equo-rum, equo-s, equi-s, it of those to whom the subject may be novel. might be difficult to determine whether equu, By the crude form of a word is meant the equo, or equi is the crude form from which word in its most simple state, that is, sepa- they come. But on comparing with them a set rated from the suffixes or other terminational of corresponding Greek words, such as TO-s, modifications which are included under the inлоv, innо-u, innợ, îññо-ɩ, înпо-vs, inπw.v, general term, inflection. A crude-form is, TO-s, there is sufficient evidence to turn the therefore, the uninflected form of a word ca- scale in favour of equo; and the Greek forms pable of being inflected; and is regarded as the enable us to explain the apparent anomalies in original word from which all the cases, tenses, those of the Latin word. persons, &c., are derived. Thus reg-is the crude These illustrations prove that the crudeform from which rex (reg-s), reg-is, reg-em form system is thoroughly analytical. It prereg-ibus, &c., are derived. From the crude form sents words stripped of all accessories, in their pac- come pax (pac-s), pac-i, pac-e, &c.; from essential simplicity of form and generality of 1. THE NOMINATIVE:-(i.) Singular: add sto trah- are formed trah-o, trah-ebant, trax-i (= meaning; it displays the various prefixes and crude forms ending in any vowel except a, and to trah-si), trac-tus, &c. So in Greek, ary-, lauad, suffixes, and shows how they modify the signi- those ending in any mute or m: crude forms endVUKT, are the crude forms from which are fications of words; and by reducing the appa-ing in a, s, r, or l, take no suffix; those ending made aig, ay-a, auy-es; daμña-s, dauzad-os,rently innumerable varieties of inflections to a in on, ero, or eri, lose their final letters. (i.) λαμπα-σι ; νυξ, νυκτος, νυκτων, &c. comparatively small number, it greatly dimi- Plural: add es to crude forms ending in conThat crude forms are scientific abstractions, nishes the labour and abridges the time requi-sonants: s to those ending in e, u, ori, the last is undeniable; for as words cannot be com- site for gaining a knowledge of language. In being changed into e: e to those ending in a; and bined in sentences without some marks of their a word, it enables the student, by means of i to those ending in o, that vowel being dropped. mutual relations, that is, in the case of analysis and classification, to grasp that vast variable words, without suffixes,-it is obvious object, the vocabulary of a language, which on that crude forms, as such, are necessarily any other plan would require the labour of a excluded from any spoken or written com- life for its acquisition. Some such method as bination of words. But on this no valid objec- this is, in fact, necessarily adopted by all men tion to their employment for grammatical when they begin to study and to think for purposes can be founded; nay, if, as I believe, themselves. The question is, whether it is not they greatly facilitate the acquisition of a better that the boy should, from the first, bei knowledge of all the varieties of inflection, and taught on the best plan, so that he may not of the principles on which compound and derived only advance as rapidly as possible in his words are formed, it must surely be admitted, studies while he is at school, but may be inthat these practical advantages far more than itiated into the proper mode of pursuing them, counterbalance the theoretical difficulty alluded should he in after years wish to continue and



But although crude forms are abstractions, they are arrived at by a process which is neither fanciful nor arbitrary, but a legitimate method of induction. This will appear from the following illustration of the mode in which

crude forms are ascertained.

extend them.

to crude forms ending in consonants, m to those 2. THE ACCUSATIVE.-(i.) Singular: add em ending in vowels. (i.) Plural: add es to crude forms ending in consonants, s to those ending in vowels.

III.-Rules applicable to Neuter Nouns only. add m to crude forms ending in o; change final NOMINATIVE AND ACCUSATIVE.-(i.) Singular : into e, and the vowels e and o in the terminations es and os into us all other crude forms remain unchanged. (ii) Plural: add a to all crude forms and omit the final vowel of those ending in o.* compared with tables of inflections—namely, These rules possess two great advantages, as the crude-form system to be the most philo- sions put together classes of words difIt may, perhaps, be objected that, granting perfect generality, and complete and accurate classification. The ordinary declensophical, yet it is too difficult for children; and fering widely from one another in some of that at the outset we must submit to sacrifice their inflections. Thus reg, custod, navi, imtheoretical perfection, in order that the be-perator, legion, flumen, corpos, belong to the The verbs ráoo- and quadoo-w are exactly hold, but be allowed to make a little progress one case, the nominative singular, differently ginner may not be disheartened at the thres-third declension; yet they all form at least alike in the characteristic of the present tense in the study; after which we can make him go from one another. the tense which grammarians have selected as back to first principles, and correct any errors most difficult of all, is that in reference to This case, which is the the basis whereon to build their elaborate sys- into which he may have fallen. I will not which grammars afford the least assistance; tems of derivation; and from this similarity it occupy your time by showing the dangers of it is, in fact, regarded in them as the original might be inferred that the crude formis also such a plan, the inveteracy of early impres-and primary form of each noun, from which of these verbs have similar endings. But if sions, and the difficulty of uprooting error the other cases are derived by a process of we decline to draw a conclusion from such when it has once been implanted in the mind. degradation, so to speak. Hence the absurd limited data, and proceed to compare other All this is too well known to every educator to terms, casus rectus and casus obliqui, which tenses, we shall still find a striking identity. require development here. But it will be easy still keep their ground in some grammars. Thus we have Túg w and puλág-w, Té-Tax-a for me to prove that, in this case at least, the and πεφύλαχα ; ετάχθην, and -φυλαχ best theoretically is also the least difficult The hopeless confusion to which this error Ony; TÉ-TAY-μAL and Te-day-pau. After this, tically; and that much of the most tedious gives rise is seen most clearly in the third most persons would probably conclude that drudgery which has ordinarily to be encoundeclension, the dread equally of teachers and the crude forms must be similar. A com- tered at the beginning of the study of Latin of pupils, and the opprobrium of grammarians. parison of some derived or cognate words and Greek, is by the crude form system renNor is this surprising, when it is explained acwill appear to confirm this inference: e.g.dered unnecessary, the result being obtained in cording to the method of such an authority as τακητέον, φυλακ-τέον ; τάξις, φύλαξις. Al a more satisfactory way, and with a tithe of Priscian, who commences his chapter on the more extensive search, however, makes us the labour. third declension by the statement that it "conacquainted with such words as тáy-a, táy-o, To begin at the beginning. Every teacher tains seventy-eight, or rather more, termiTáy-ev, é-Túy-η; þúλax-a, púλak-os. Now, as knows the difficulty which boys experience in nations of the nominative singular!" Take be accounted for on any known principle, it wearisome task may be said to have been ac-infer that, as their endings in that case are alike, the difference between the latter words cannot learning the declensions from a grammar; the such words as rex and par: if the nominative singular is to be our guide, we might reasonably follows that it is a radical difference; or, in complished rapidly if completed in six months. other words, that the crude forms of the verbs And what schoolmaster will deny the unsatis- their other cases would differ only in the parts are respectively ray- and pudak-; on which factory nature of the result obtained by this that are different in the nominative, namely re assumption all the various forms under which long-continued effort? How many boys have and pa: but the accusative of one is reg-em, of they appear can be satisfactorily and easily any clear notion of the object for the accom the other pac-em. So, from the forms lapis and explained on universally admitted principles. plishment of which they have been striving, or Sometimes, however, it is impossible to have a ready command of the little knowledge *These rules are confined to the endings of the ascertain what is the exact crude form without that they may have gained? Now the crude-cases, and take no notice of the various euphonic changes which frequently occur in the body of the * Relatively to its inflections, the important and form system enables us to comprise all the in-crude forms, and which must, of course, be underdistinguishing part of a crude form is its termination, flections of nouns (substantives and adjectives) stood before words can be properly declined. and generally its final letter only. in the following brief rules ;† Instit. Gram. lib. vii. cap. 7.

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navis, who could divine that their respective genitives are lapid-is and navi-s? How can a boy be expected to know, or even to remember, that the genitives singular of servus, vulnus, virtus, palus, exercitus, are servi, vulneris, virtutis, paludis, exercitus? But if he is taught that the essential forms of these words are servo, vulnes, virtut, palud, exercitu, and that the suffixes which represent the cases vary according to the terminations of the crude forms, he will not be misled by the similar end. ings of their nominatives singular, for which he is enabled to account by the application of certain general rules.

I will now briefly refer to one or two other points in which the advantages of the crudeform system are manifest.

The first of these is, that such a change the student should have any occasion to make would render it necessary for teachers to aban-use of such books, he ought to be thoroughly don the methods with which they have been familiar with the declensions and conjugations, familiar for many years; to make themselves ac- and consequently be able almost instinctively quainted, laboriously, it may be supposed, with to form the nominative singular of any noun, a new and strange nomenclature; and in lieu of and the 1st person singular of the pres. imperf. long-established modes of thought and of speech, indic. of any verb. When a dictionary is for to adopt others that may be more philosophical, the first time put into his hands, he must be but which would none the less jar upon their told that the words are arranged in it alphaminds and ears. Why, then, it may be asked, betically, according, not to their crude forms, should teachers willingly incur so much trouble but to those modifications of them just mentioned. This information will prevent him and annoyance? from experiencing the slightest inconvenience in using a dictionary.

To this the answer is twofold. The educator is morally responsible for his methods, and for The crude-form system is even more useful their influence upon those committed to his The last objection that I shall notice, is that in reference to the inflections of verbs, which care. Whatever personal inconveniences may founded on the difficulty of introducing new are far more numerous than those of nouns, attend the adoption of improvements in the books into schools; this must be done either and are expressive of many meanings so refined, art of instruction, it is the duty, then, of every partially, and then some care is required to that unless special attention is directed to teacher to submit to them: why has he volun- prevent confusion; or universally, which might them they are likely to be but imperfectly tarily engaged in the noble work of teaching, give rise to dissatisfaction on the part of those whose old books could no longer be used. A comprehended by the young student, whose if he is not prepared and willing to do so? notions about tense and mood are usually In the case now under consideration, how-little care will obviate this objection. In a extremely vague and defective. I might illus-ever, the difficulty is more apparent than real: school where the pupils are numerous and artrate the value of the crude-form system on the subject matter of instruction is the same ranged in classes, the obvious plan would be this point by means of the Greek language, in the new as in the old system-the question to adopt the new method in the classes comthe conjugation of the verbs in which is the is one of form, not of substance. I have no mencing the study of Latin or Greek; this chief difficulty to be encountered in its study; hesitation in asserting that any one who is com- would not interfere at all with the higher but our time will not at present allow me to petently acquainted with Latin or Greek may classes; and in the course of a few years the enter upon this extensive subject. master the leading principles of the crude-form change would be gradually effected throughout system in a single day; for, like all theories the school. In smaller schools, where instrucfounded on fact, it is extremely simple. The tion is addressed more directly to each pupil, facts of grammar being unchangeable, a person there can be little, if any, difficulty of this who has acquired a knowledge of them in the kind to overcome, and the innovation may be ordinary way loses no part of this when he made almost imperceptibly. adopts the crude-form system; he merely regards the facts from another point of view, and converts the technical terms of the old system into the equivalent terms of the new. Suppose a class consisting of from twenty My own experience enables me to say that this to thirty boys, of ages varying from eight to may be done with the greatest ease and rapidity. twelve, to commence the study of Latin by writI have innumerable times seen, also, with ing such exercises, and reading such lessons as how little difficulty a boy, who has made some were described at the beginning of this paper: progress in Latin or Greek, may be initiated in three months, twelve hours per week being into the crude-form system, and be put on a devoted to the study at school, the boys will par in this respect with other boys in a acquire a knowledge of the regular inflections class, who have studied on that system from the beginning. All that is required for this purpose is, to explain clearly what a crude form is, and to give the pupil such a table as the following:

One great use of studying Latin and Greek is the light which they cast upon our own language, disclosing its affinities with those and other languages, and leading to a more exact apprehension of the significations of an important part of the English vocabulary. Whatever tends to facilitate this result, by showing more clearly the connection between words and their roots, must be admitted to be extremely useful; and a few illustrations will be sufficient to prove that the erude-form system possesses that merit.

The similarity of the crude forms re, gent, milit, custod, pac, reg, audi, to the English words re-al, gent-ile, milit-ary, custod-y, pac-ific, reg-al, audi-ble, is so obvious that even a child could scarcely fail to observe it: but few persons would detect their derivation from res, gens, miles, custos, pax, rex, audio. In like manner, thaumat-urgic, gen-esis, mathematics, path-os, leth-e, aesthetics, prag-matic, are manifestly connected with the crude forms θαυματ, γεν, μαθε, παθ, λαθ (ληθ), αισθ, πραγ; but no one could be blamed for failing to see


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Crude-forms in a correspond to the 1st declension.

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2nd i or any consonant 3rd

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With a brief outline of the results which I have seen obtained from the crude-form system, will now conclude.


of nouns, of the active imperfect tenses in the indicative mood, besides a somewhat extensive vocabulary, and some insight into the principles of derivation, grammar, and concord. They will also be led to see the connection between Latin and their own language, which makes the study interesting, and acts as a powerful incentive to diligence. The next three months will enable the class to master the rest of the active and all the passive tenses of the indicative, the infinitives, participles, and gerunds, and the inflections of the pronouns. The pupils

their descent from Oavμáłw, yiyvopai, pavbáva, Crude-forms in a correspond to the 1st conjugation. will also greatly extend their knowledge of

πάσχω, λανθάνω, αἰσθάνομαι, and πράσσω.

I might, did time permit, give numerous illustrations of the utility of the crude-form system by comparing Latin with its modern descendenta, the Romance languages, and thereby prove its value to the intelligent student of Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, or French. Those who may wish to pursue this subject should consult such works as the Grammaire Comparée, of Raynouard, and the Grammatik and Etymologisches Wörterbuch, der Romanischen Sprachen, of F. Diez. In these they will find abundant proofs of the advantages of the crudeform system, which are the more striking, as their authors make no direct reference to it. The superiority of the method of study which I have endeavoured to explain, as a means of intellectual culture and development, will hardly be denied; and the limits within which I must confine myself compel me to be content with this mere allusion to the topic.

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words, and of the principal rules of syntax. In three months more, the class will complete the elementary course, and read a small portion of Caesar's Gallic war.

A similar table may be made for Greek. If a boy can decline a noun when he knows! This is no imaginary sketch, but a faithful to which declension it belongs, this table will outline of what has repeatedly taken place enable him to perform the same process upon under my own tuition at University College the corresponding class of crude forms, and School. I do not, of course, say that all also to determine, in most cases, what is the the members of a class could accomplish this crude form of a given word. If, for instance, amount of work; there are laggards and dul he knows that custodibus belongs to the 3rd lards in every school and class; but even of declension, and cornibus to the 4th, the table them it may fairly be asserted that what little shows that the crudef orm of the one must be they learn on this plan they really know: custod, and of the other cornu. Similarly, as-while the intelligent and industrious portion of suming that moverunt is of the 2nd conju- the class (which will, I believe, always bear a gation, and constituerunt of the 3rd, the student would see at once that the crude form of the former is move, of the other constitu.

direct ratio to the degree in which the reason of the pupils is addressed and exercisedy possesses an amount of knowledge which would scarcely be acquired in thrice the time on the ordinary plan."

Great stress has often been laid on the diffi culties to which those taught on the crude-form Similar results have been obtained in Greek I come now to the consideration of the prac-system are subjected, through the want of tical difficulties which hinder the general intro- dictionaries founded on that method. These classes, which I have generally found able to duction of this system into schools. difficulties are wholly imaginary. Long before begin the reading of the Anabasis about seven

or eight months after the commencement of
the study of the language.
Those who remember the years of dull
uninteresting drudgery which they spent in
endeavouring to commit to memory the Greek
and Latin Grammars, will admit that this
account presents a satisfactory contrast to their
own experience: should they be inclined to
think that it is "too good to be true," I can
only say, let them put the matter fairly to the
test, and I venture to predict that the result
will fully confirm my statements.

In this paper, I have quoted no authorities in support of my views: my feeling in such matters is expressed by a pithy sentence of Cicero's-plus apud me argumenta quam testes valent; but I cannot sit down without expressing my satisfaction that in attaching so high a value to the crude-form system, I am confirmed by the opinions of such eminent scholars as Dr. Kennedy, the President of our Council; of Professors Key and Malden, by whom I was first made acquainted with the method; and of our respected Dean, Dr. Jacob, whose Latin and Greek Grammars were, I believe, the earliest published in this country, in which the crude-form system was adopted.


As to the

Latin. In Dr. Pinches' school four hours only | was an enthusiast, thoroughly acquainted with per week is the average time allotted to it. It his subject, who insisted that his plans must had struck him that it was a fault in the sys- be adopted in their integrity; on the other, the tem advocated in the paper that no Delectus Dean was an advocate of moderate views, was employed, but that learners were supposed which extensive experience had convinced him to pass from the elementary course at once to were more practical than those which he had the reading of Caesar and Xenophon-the for- embraced in earlier life. Thus they were former an admirable author, no doubt, but not a tunately placed for arriving at a sound conparticularly easy one. Again, it seemed to be clusion. Enthusiasm, Mr. Payne observed, is expected that boys should analyze every word always deserving of respect; without it prothat occurred in their reading, -a thing that gress is scarcely possible; and the enthusiasm they could not do. Lastly, Dr. Pinches re- of to-day becomes the common-sense of the marked that the rules for the inflections of next generation. The paper was interesting, nouns, which Mr. Robson had read, appeared and showed the advantages which teachers to be too complicated to be readily understood would derive from being masters of this delior committed to memory by boys. cate and complicated machine, which Mr. Mr. LONG stated that he agreed with Mr. Robson had set in action with so much facility; Robson in attaching great value to the ana- but this machine was not one which could be lytical system of studying the Classics, and entrusted to the rude hands of boys. It was, had for many years adopted that plan in his he continued, an erroneous assumption that own school; but as to crude-forms, he was of children ought to understand everything that the same opinion as the Dean. He reiterated they are taught; such was once his opinion, Dr. Pinches' objections to the rules of inflection but longer and wider experience had convinced contained in the paper, and to the early reading him that it was a mistaken one. of Caesar. As to the decline of the study of practical working of the crude-form system, he the Classics, it must be recollected that school- might state that he had himself received pupils boys are now required to be instructed in a far who had been carefully taught on it, and greater variety of subjects than formerly; and by means of Mr. Robson's own books, but that the mental labour and the time devoted whose mental condition was such as to illusDr. JACOB expressed his concurrence with to these modern studies, rendered it impossible trate the evils of the method, being essentially most of the opinions advanced by Mr. Robson, that Latin and Greek should be studied but could not agree with him in thinking that thoroughly. Mr. Long highly recommended the crude-form system was adapted for elemen- to the attention of teachers a work which he tary instruction. Crude forms had been rightly has used for thirty years, namely, Bosworth's defined in the paper as "philosophical ab- Latin Construing. Its merits, he said, are, that stractions" but these are things which boys it is carefully graduated, and is an excellent do not easily comprehend. Another objection introduction to the reading of the classical was, that the adoption of the crude-form system authors. would necessitate a complete change of all Mr. WINGFIELD considered that the failures school-books-the evils of which would be very of boys in examinations were attributable, not great dictionaries, also, would need to be to the badness of the ordinary system, but to modified, so as to suit the new method. A the imperfect manner in which it is taught. further serious difficulty was, that compa- This is shown by the fact, that great numbers ratively few assistant-masters would be found of candidates display almost entire ignorance either willing or competent to teach on the of even the declensions. To obviate this, Mr. crude-form system. For the instruction of Wingfield recommended a weekly repetition of adults, however, that plan is decidedly the all the declensions and conjugations. By this best; and for the higher classes in schools even, means he has found that boys could readily be some knowledge of it would be extremely use- so drilled as to repeat those inflections with the ful; and by them it might be readily under- same rapidity and accuracy as the multiplication stood. Dr. Jacob stated that his first acquaint- table. One objection to the crude-form system ance with the crude-form system was made is, that it creates two difficulties in place of about thirty years ago, when he was a student one; inasmuch as the pupil has to learn the at Oxford, through reading some articles in crude-form in addition to the nominative sinthe Quarterly Journal of Education, with which gular. The chief cause of the unsatisfactory rehe was much struck: further study of the sub-sults too often obtained through the established ject led him to the conclusion that it was desir-system of elementary classical instruction is, able to introduce the system into schools; and that so many of those who undertake to teach he consequently drew up a Latin grammar en- are utterly incompetent to do so. tirely based upon it, which was published in Mr. ISBISTER could speak from experience in 1836; in the second edition also of this work, he confirmation of Dr. Jacob's views on this subadhered to the same method. But subsequent ject, having been connected with an Institution experience having convinced him that the ordi- in which there were classes for older students nary plan was preferable for beginners, he had, in as well as a school for boys, and in which Mr. the later editions of the Latin grammar, and also Robson's works had been used. They were in his Greek grammar, reverted to the classi- found to answer well in the college classes, but fication of declensions and conjugations; but in to be too difficult for the boys. Dr. Jacob's order that the advantages derivable from the Grammar was therefore adopted instead of crude-form system might not be lost, he had, them. Mr. Isbister thought that the analytical in the various tables of inflections, placed under method was much more commonly employed each word its crude form. By this means, he than Mr. Robson seemed to suppose; and he had endeavoured to combine the advantages admitted that the crude-form system had done of both systems. good by calling the attention of teachers to the Dr. PINCHES was glad to hear the crude-advantages of that plan of studying language.

Mr. ROBSON, in reply, referred to his discouraging position, not a single speaker having supported his views; and expressed his regret at the absence of an old friend and former colleague, whose practical acquaintance with the working of the crude-form system would have enabled him to speak with authority on the subject. As to the alleged difficulty experienced by boys in understanding the system, Mr. Robson could only say, that during fourteen years' experience as a master in University College School, where he had to instruct boys of all ages and capacities in Greek and Latin upon the crude-form system, he had never met with such a case; but, on the contrary, had always found that the system greatly simpli fied the study. Mr. Robson explained that several of the speakers had entirely misunderstood his object in drawing up the rules for the formation of the cases. Nothing could be further from his intention, or more opposed to his views, than the notion that such rules were to be given all together, or be committed to memory. In practice, these rules would be presented to the pupil one by one, each being illustrated by numerous examples, for translation and retranslation. They were brought together in the paper simply for the purpose of showing how the crude-form system classifies and generalizes the inflections, irrespectively of the declensions. Lastly, he protested against the rote system of learning, which one of the speakers had eulogized; and denied that any knowledge, deserving of the name, could possibly be acquired by so unintellectual a process.

The next Evening Meeting will be held on the 18th of November, (the 2nd, not the 3rd Wednesday in the month), when Mr. Dibdin will read a paper on "The Education of the Eye."

us to be the best, which mingles a domestic with a

form system so lucidly explained; but thought He believed that Mr. Robson was mistaken SCHOOL AND HOME. That education seems to that the views of Dr. Jacob must command also in thinking that the nominative singular the assent of practical teachers. In judging of is usually made the starting point in the de-school life, and which gives to a youth the advanthe results obtained on the ordinary method, it clensions; the genitive being more frequently tage which is to be derived from the learning of a must be recollected that in very many of the employed for that purpose. schools which send up pupils for examination at the College, far less time than that mentioned by Mr. Robson could be devoted to

The CHAIRMAN said he thought that every one might learn something from the evening's discussion. On the one hand, the reader of the Paper

master, and the emulation which results from the society of other boys, together with the affectionate vigilance which he must experience in the house of his parents.-Edinburgh Review.


Delivered before the


By Sir J. G. SHAW LEFEVRE, President of the
Department of Education.



Turning from these vast numbers of schools in agitation, and require discussion and soluand scholars, let us consider for a moment tion. With regard to the workhouse schools their multifarious variety. At the lowest step and reformatory institutions, the anomaly of the ladder we have the infant schools; next presents itself of providing a better and more to these we may place the ragged schools, the careful training for the criminal boy, and for reformatory schools, the workhouse schools, the children of the destitute, than can be and then, in their successive order, the national obtained for the family of the labourer by his On Friday, August 16th, the several Sec-and parochial schools, in the various parts of own industry and economy-an anomaly distions of the Association having resumed their the kingdom, the middle-class schools, the couraging to his industry and self-denial, and sittings in the courts respectively assigned to public schools, the colleges, and, lastly, the impressing him with a sense of injustice, them, Sir JOHN G. SHAW LEFEVRE, Vice universities. Every one of these institutions inasmuch as it creates an artificial competition Chancellor of the University of London, read has, during the last few years, occupied more in the labour market against his own children. the following address, which we have much or less the attention both of private individuals In former years, when I took a part in the pleasure in presenting to our readers, with the and of the public. Many have been set on introduction of the great changes of the Poor author's permission, in anticipation of its foot and supported by private means, by Law in England, I felt the force of this арpearance in the proceedings of the Associa- benevolent and public-spirited associations; difficulty, and I have never yet seen the soluothers have been assisted from the public tion of it. As regards almost all the schools resources; almost all have undergone searching for the lower classes, we have still the problem I KNOW that it is superfluous to ask for that inquiry by Royal or by Parliamentary Com- before us, how to reconcile with the demand indulgence which a stranger is sure to receive missions, and have been reformed and improved for juvenile labour the continuance of schooling at your hands. I will, therefore, only observe by active legislative measures. long enough to prevent the instruction passing that I have more than usual claim to it; for But this is not all that has been done for away like a mere dream. The late Royal notwithstanding my somewhat mature age, this education. The like activity has been displayed Commission of Inquiry, quoting from one of is the first occasion in my life that I have in reference to the final stage of education-I their intelligent assistant commissioners, Mr. been called upon to perform a duty of this mean professional education. This, in its Fraser,-that in the country districts, nature. But it is not this that forms my many branches, has undergone similar investi- the average, we must make up our minds to see principal embarrassment; it is the immense gations and similar experimental changes, the last of boys, as far as the day school is conimportance and the vast extent of the subject The English Inns of Court have occupied cerned, at 10 or 11, and of girls on the outside itself, and the impossibility of dealing with themselves with the consideration of legal at 12,"-state their views thus:-" Believing more than a small portion of it in the time education. I may venture to say, in passing, this to be the fact, and that in country districts which I may reasonably occupy. I am guided, that their progress has been somewhat slow, 11 years of age will not cease to be a good however, to the selection of that small portion, and their advances most cautious, notwith-average for the day school, we have inquired by the consideration that any pretension which I standing they have been stimulated by Parlia- whether it may not be possible, even on this may have to the chair of the educational section ment, notwithstanding they have been advised basis, to give children a good start in education, of this Association rests mainly, if not entirely, by a Royal Commission, in which the illus- and to render the knowledge of humbler subjects on my official position in two important bodies trious jurist, the late Lord Chancellor of and arts, now comparatively neglected, but having considerable influence on education-I Ireland, took a distinguished part, and not- peculiarly adapted to early years, the one mean the University of London, in which I withstanding they have had the advantage of absolute necessity for the minds of common have held the post of Vice-Chancellor for the example and the successful experience of men, and an invaluable substratum for a later about 20 years, and the Civil Service Com- the excellent arrangements both in the King's teaching, attainable by all. We have already mission, in which I have acted since its com- Inns and in Edinburgh for the due education adverted to the aid which may be gradually mencement in 1855. I shall accordingly limit of the Bar. Much more activity has been given to this later teaching by means of evening myself for the most part to those points on displayed by the medical profession in securing schools. If these two means can be combined which my experience derived from those avoca- for all its members sound courses of instruction for a poor child; if he can receive an education tions may entitle me to form an opinion, and under the regulations of the council established sound, as far as it goes, till the age of 10 or may enable me to furnish information to the under the new Medical Act. If it were advisable, 11, in the day school; if, from that time Association. I must ask your permission, I might enumerate many other instances of onwards, he has an opportunity of continuing nevertheless, to offer to you in the outset some the advance of professional education. I might his first teaching in the evening school, and if observations of a general character. notice the preparatory training for military it is made possible to establish an evening I think that I may remark, without fear of officers, their examinations on admission into school in almost every village in the country: contradiction, that the present time is peculiarly the service, the examinations and training for we believe that popular education will be placed favourable for the consideration and adoption, the civil service in this country and India, to on a foundation at once suited to the education by the public and the Government, of any which I shall presently and particularly advert, of the labourer, and calculated, while it offers suggestions which may originate from this the extensive organization for education in to all children the necessary amount of teachAssociation on the all-important subject of practical science and art as applicable to ing, to give full cultivation to those who, even education. There never was a period in which manufactures, and the enforcement of the in the humbler classes, are found endowed there existed a greater fermentation of public adequate instruction of those who are to be with superior mental powers, and with the opinion on any subject of social economy. intrusted with commands in the mercantile legitimate desire to raise themselves by their There is not any subject connected with social marine of this country. All these various improvement." I must say that if this limited economy involving the immediate and pro- schemes of education are at this moment more period of attendance at the day-school is all spective welfare of so large a mass of the or less occupying the attention of the classes population. There never has been a subject to which they relate. Old prejudices are being upon which there has been greater unanimity put aside, ancient privileges are abandoned, as to the object to be obtained, and a greater and although, as I said before, there is much diversity of opinion as to the means of obtaining difference of opinion as to the means, there is it. The recent Commission on the state of a common end which all are pursuing-the popular education tell us that in England and instructing and elevating each profession and Wales there are, in round numbers, 59,000 employment, and the better fitting those who week-day schools, with two millions and a follow it to perform their duties to their fellow half of scholars on their books, nine-tenths of men. whom are the children of the poorer classes. I have dwelt so much on what has been The Commissioners of National Education in already done, or is now doing, in the matter this portion of the United Kingdom speak of of education, that I may have raised a mo800,000 children, in 1859, on the rolls of the mentary inference that there is hardly any 5,400 schools then within their cognisance. occasion or opportunity for the aid of this I advert to these enormous numbers, not only Association. Such is far from being the case; as showing the magnitude of the subject, but for, notwithstanding all the progress that has as indicating the great value even of any single been made towards providing the means of suggestion for facilitating elementary instruc-education for every class, many questions of tion, multiplied as it may be by the numbers grave importance, and some of which are at of those who may receive benefit from it. the very root of the existing systems, are still

that we can expect in rural districts, it appears to me of paramount necessity that the principal efforts of the teachers should be directed to the better instructing of the children in the elementary subjects of reading, writing, and arithmetic; and that, as compared with these, everything beyond, so far as secular education is concerned, should be treated as secondary. This matter seems to be of pressing importance; for it appears that, notwithstanding the intelligence and accomplishments of the trained teachers, they fail in imparting to the children the power of reading tolerably, and of simultaneously understanding what they read. I may further observe that the question of what should be taught is not limited to the schools of the labouring classes; the difficulty is very similar with regard to the middle schools, and even the public schools and Universities. In all these there are two conflcting alternatives = whether the matters taught should be selected

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with a view to improve and develope the mental her claims to a separate privilege of this nature, of Arts, it is unnecessary to say more than powers, of with a view to be useful in the ordi and consented to give up her name of an Uni-that it involves the necessity of somewhat nary business of life. The former appears to me versity, and to be affiliated with King's College, higher attainments than at Oxford or Camto be the safest principle of selection; but how and many other Colleges and schools, amongst bridge, in order to pass, and that the standard this principle is to be applied--whether Latin which were included several in Ireland, to the for honours resembles that at Cambridge, to and Greek are indispensable subjects for that new University of London. I shall not offer such an extent, indeed, that there are several purpose, or whether other languages or branches any apology for entering into some details instances in which graduates of the University of knowledge, taught with equal care, and as as to the University of London, and this for of London, having found it desirable to pass of knowledge, taught be equally efficacious, thoroughly, would not be equally efficacious, several reasons. It was a large educational through Cambridge, have taken thevery highest are questions upon wirich much difference of experiment, and I rejoice to say it has been mathematical honours; fully justifying those opinion may exist. Another question akin to successful. It has already been, and is likely which they had previously obtained. these, and which requires consideration in again to be, the model of other newly founded The degree of Master of Arts, which is reference to education, is, what should be the Universities. It is as much a University for granted as of course in the older Universities limits of general and professional education, Ireland as for England; and although as yet to Bachelors of a given standing, is only given where the one is to 201609 and the oth; gy is to little known here, it offers some facilities for in the University of London upon an examinabegin, or whether t they can o be carried on degrees 1 arts to non-residents, which the tion of a high character in classics, or mathetogether Upon this I venture to le to say that the regulations of the great Trish Universities, matics, or mental science, and by this means tendency y of professional to encroach on general liberal as they are, do not afford, and it grants an inducement is held out to students to prolong education should be watched with the greatest degrees in science which have not yet been their education beyond their ordinary Bachelor's vigilance. This i not only because the en founded in those Universities! The University degree. This may be considered as in some gagements of an active profession prevent of London differs essentially from all that have degree compensating for the want of fellowships. further opportunity of self-education, but be hitherto existed in the United Kingdom'; it is Then discretion confided to the senate as to cause the time apparently gained by shortening not an educating, but an examining body. It making regulations, the entire absence of all the general education is often lost, from the is governed and managed by a senate of persons restrictions, as in the case of Oxford and mind not being sufficiently matured to com- chosen by the Crown, which comprises some Cambridge, and of all antiquated usages, have mence professional study. If I were not afraid of the most distinguished public men of this enabled them to look at one single object, the of wearying I might point out many country in combination with men of the highest promotion of sound education, and from time other important questions which deserve the eminence in literature and science, of whom I to time to introduce such improvements as their attention of those who interest themselves i in will only name Grote, Sir George Lewis, own experience or the criticism of others may the progress of education. I look forward to Paraday, and Sir John Lubbock. The Univer have suggested. Amongst these I may mention some of them being raised and discussed here; sity has the power of conferring degrees in arts, two very important changes which have recently for I can say in all sincerity, I am come here to medicine, and law, and in other branches of been made with respect to the degrees in the learn, and not to teach. I feel, indeed, that I knowledge, but its principal action has been in University of London, and which, although of have extended my general remarks to a greater arts and in medicine. With regard to the latter, an experimental character, promise satisfactory length than is becoming and therefore hasten the opportunities of studying medicine in Lon results. Up to the year 1857 the University the topic topics which I have a more just claim don necessarily surpass those in any other part could only grant degrees in arts to colleges to place before you. end of the Kingdom, possibly in any other part of and schools affiliated to it by the Secretary of I have adverted to the movement and progress the world and it is not surprising that by a State. These colleges and institutions were throughout the whole field of education. In carefully framed code of regulations, from in many parts of the kingdom; in some of no part has it been more remarkable than in time to time revised by the light of subsequent them the students were resident under college the Universities. And here I feel called upon experience, the University has placed itself in discipline, in others they merely attended to add that the University of London has, the first rank of institutions for medical educa- classes and lectures, living at their houses; owing to peculiar circumstances, been able to tion, and that its graduates, how arriving at the senate had no means of controlling or even take the lead in various changes in which it the maturity of their reputation, occupy the ascertaining their condition. It appeared, has been followed by some of the older institu- foremost places in hospitals and general prac- therefore, that there was no definite principle tions. I must be allowed to say a few words tice. The University. However, in providing upon which the privilege of obtaining degrees respecting its origin. It was incorporated adequate conditions for securing the requisite should be limited to persons coming from these under the advice of the then Government, and medical and surgical knowledge for its gra- colleges and institutions, and that those eduespecially of Lord Monteagle, then carefully in view the point to cated elsewhere might be equally fit for this of the Exchequer, who took the most lively which I have before adverted, their general distinction. A precedent to this effect was interest in it. But its real origin dates from education. This has been effected by requiring found to existom the University of Dublin, an earlier period, and is due the


one to whom for mediche hate triculation which granted degrees to individuals not resi

we owe so many other measures of social im- examination," on their admission into the dent for educated in the college, but who GO provement to our great schoolmaster, using University, as for those who intend to proceed passed successive examinations for a prescribed that title in its highest sense, to one whom I in arts. This matriculation examination, number of terms. Following in this course, will only venture to designate here as the equally app 100874 applicable students in arts and the University of London obtained a new President of this Association, He was mainly medicine, was a new feature in University charter, empowering them to grant degrees in the founder of the previous மர் institution, under education in England. It enforces the necessity arts to any one, wherever educated, who should the appellation of the London University, of a certain, though limited, knowledge of fulfil the requisite conditions of age and chawhich now Hourishes under the title of Univer- Greek and Latin, chemistry, mathematics, and racter, and should pass the matriculation sity College. It was through his influence, ex- French, on every student on his first admission. examination, and two subsequent examinations ample, and exertions, that the first effort was This arrangement has had a much wider result at proper intervals, previous to the Bachelor made to put an end to the monopoly of high than was anticipated by the senate. The of Arts degree. A considerable number of education possessed, in England at least, certificate of matriculation, and the examina- persons have been found to avail themselves of by the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, tion in order to obtain it, are regarded by the this new opening to academic study, and an to open the door of academic knowledge to public as a kind of minor degree, and give to opportunity will thus be afforded of comparing those who were shut out by their nonconformist those who pass it a higher status than could the results of public or collegiate, and private opinions, and to extend its Benefits to those liave been supposed; but, what is of more or home education.The other change to who could not find the time or the means for the importance, the matriculation acts most be- which I have adverted was made in consequence three years residence in those ancient institu- neficially on the schools, whether public or of the earnest solicitation of the principal scientions. Although University College offered private, from which the students may proceed. tific men in England. They represented to us the means of studying the same branches of Our standard of admission becomes their that those who intended to pursue the higher High knowledge which were studied at the old standard of education. The candidates exert branches of science were excluded from degrees Universities, as well as other sciences and themselves to pass to take honours and and honours by the classical requirements languages which had not formed part of their prizes; but the competition is felt also among attached to degrees in arts, and that, without Course, it did not obtain the privilege to which the schools themselves, which gain propor- abandoning altogether the study of the ancient it was fairly entitled, of granting academical tionate credit by the success or failure of their languages, a curriculum might be formed quite degroes; but when the establishment of the scholars. I have enlarged on this peculiarity as useful for the development of the intellectual present University of London was under con- of the system, as well on account of its novelty powers, and leading gradually, but without sideration, University College, in a most dis- as on account of its success. To sinora interruption, into the higher department of interested and public-spirited manner, waived With respect to the examination for Bachelors science. The Senate, after careful inquiry and

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