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can you, rejoined king Charles, write history, and not give offence somewhere?' That, sire,' answered Gregorio, 'not even Solomon could have done.' 'Then,' rejoined his majesty, with his usual quickness of repartee, 'be as wise as Solomon, and write only proverbs.' To the utmost of his power the Author has laboured to avoid giving offence, without obeying the royal monition; but he will not lose sight of his principles to apologise for having denounced, when required so to do, the characters of the quack, the demagogue, the purse-proud and therefore viciously-ignorant man, the confounder of principles, the unjust doer, the scorner of authority in church or state, or the infidel. He has given due praise to whig good intentions and achievements, while showing a preference for the greater security and conformity to the dicta of religion and reason of tory institutions; and when supporting the orthodox religious sentiments of our forefathers by condemning dissent, he has felt no animosity towards a single individual, no want of charity for the really pious professor, be his notions of what is required of the Christian ever so opposed in character to his own. For one especial deviation from propriety, however, he must give some explanation. He has expressed his regret, and more than his regret, that a want of reverence for things holy is a crying sin of this day. There can be but one opinion respecting the practice of discussing subjects which especially appertain to the pulpit, in the secular works of the public; but so gross has been of late the interference of even the common newspaper prints in polemical controversy, that it appeared to the Author a point of duty to relate, as clearly as his epitome of History would permit, the occurrences which have, during a long course of years, led to the recent movements in ecclesiastical matters. Had not his mind been turned to divinity studies for higher purposes than such an elucidation, he should not have dared to enter upon so sacred a ground. As respects the author's desire to uphold the church of England, it may be alleged that the opinions of a layman to that effect can least of all be charged as interested, according to the usual acceptation of the term.

In conclusion, the Author has but to intreat the patience and favour of the Historical Inquirer, while perusing a work for which he has had no model, and which he undertook solely because some such compendium, arranged in the order of time, on the contemporaneous plan, had long been demanded, and that in vain, by the public.





PERIOD XV. 1789 to 1815.-26 Years.

FROM THE OUtbreak of the french revolUTION TO ITS CLOSE.


XIII. PART II. GEORGE III. 1789-1815. Origin of the Jacobins. The
ouan Loyalists. Opening of the Scheldt. Scottish Episcopal Church
tored. Federate Republicanism. The New French Calendar. Lord
cartney's Embassy to China. Insurrection of Kosciusko. Maroon In-
rection. Alleged Escape of the Dauphin. National Distress in England.
ish Guiana founded. Mutiny amongst the British Sailors. Trinidad
ade an English Colony. Income-tax Act. Malta captured by the British.
aults on the king. Georgia incorporated with Russia. Circassia. The
ace of Amiens. Despard's Conspiracy. Restoration of the Jesuits.
eath of colonel Montgomery. Revolt of St. Domingo. The French Con-
ription. Van Diemen's Land colonised. The Modern Roscius. Buo-
aparte announces himself Emperor of France. The Empire of Germany
mited to Austria. Cape of Good Hope taken by the British. The Afri-
Slave trade abolished prospectively. Heligoland a British possession.
he Peninsular War. The Walcheren Expedition. The Tyrolese Insur-
ection. Duke of York's Trial. Jubilee of George III. Abolition of the
pal Power. The Mauritius an English colony. Death of the Princess
Amelia. Reform Agitation. Massacre of the Mamluk Beys. Murders of
he Families of Marr and Williamson. The Regency Question settled. The
Great Comet. Assassination of Mr. Perceval. Second American War.
Battle of the Shannon and Chesapeake. Brief Independence of Norway.
Restoration of Sovereigns. Luddite Riots. The Southcott Imposture.
The Royal Visit. A Severe Frost. Breton Insurrection. Ceylon made a
British colony. Ionian Republic founded. Holland and Belgium united.
The Holy Alliance. The Germanic Confederation. Escape of Count La-
valette. Genoa added to Sardinia. Wood Engraving improved by the
Bewicks. Life-boat. Deaf and Dumb Asylum. Telegraph invented.
Vaccination introduced. The Blind School. The Philanthropic Society.
Lithography invented. New London Docks. Military Asylum, Chelsea.
Gas-lighting introduced. Bude Light. Steam-carts. Haileybury College.
Phrenology promulgated. Steel Engraving. Steamboats. National Educa-
tion. Vauxhall-bridge. Law of Copyright. Safety Lamp. Turkey under Se-
lim III. and Mustafa IV. Popes: Pius VI., Pius VII. France under Louis
XVL concluded, and under Louis XVII., the Republic, and Napoleon Buona-
parte. Russia under Paul I. and Alexander 1. Sweden under Gustavus IV. and
Charles XIII. Denmark under Frederick VI. Portugal under the Re-
gency of Dom John. Germany under Leopold II. and Francis II. The
Sicilies under Ferdinand I. Switzerland made the Helvetic Republic.


Prussia under Frederick William II. and III. Holland under William V. Naples under Joseph Buonaparte and Joachim Murat. Persia under Luft Ali Khan. Kaubul under Timur Khan, Zemaun, Mahmud, Shùjah-olMulk, and Mahmud restored. The Sikh Monarchy established by Runjeet Singh. Spain under Charles IV. Fall of Venice under Manini. Ireland under George III. Battles: Lord Howe's Victory, Nile, Seringapatam, Marengo, Assaye, Austerlitz, Trafalgar, Jena, Maida, Friedland, Corunna, Leipsic, Waterloo. Napoleon Buonaparte. Duke of Brunswick-Oëls. Horatio Nelson. William Pitt. Charles James Fox. The Jenkinsons. Princess de Lamballe. Lord Collingwood. Lord Edward Fitzgerald. Marquis Cornwallis. Sir Ralph Abercromby. Admiral Duncan. Marshal Ney. Marshal Macdonald. Berthier. Moreau. Pichegru. Kellermann. Kleber. Desaix. Field-marshal Suvarov. Sir John Moore. Marshal Blucher. Dumouriez. The Empress Josephine. La Fayette. Monge. Burke. Sheridan. Lagrange. Burckhardt. Captain Hardy. Monk Lewis. Lackington. Volney. Florian. Holkar. Sir Richard Worsley. Joseph Wright. Philip Hackert. Tiraboschi. Eschenburg. Baron Reding. Drs. Gall and Spurzheim. Mrs. Trimmer. Mrs. Barbauld. Charlotte Smith. Thomas Paine. Berthollet. Loutherbourg. Alexander Wilson. La Harpe. St. Pierre. Bougainville. Chenièr. Ducie. Pestalozzi. Roland. Bailly. Dr. Price. Brissot. Danton. Dannecker. Louvet. Duke of Orleans (Egalité). Lalande. Portalis. The Anquetils. Richard Cumberland. Kirke White. Hayley. Bloomfield. Edward Whitaker. Thomas Dunham Whitaker. Leyden. Ebeling. Ebel. Ginguene. Haüy. Jovellanos. Johnes. Mehul. William Nicholson. Olivier. David Ricardo. Samuel Whitbread. Aikin. Brydone. Bichat. Banks. The Bells. Bonnycastle. Corvissart. Carnot. Catalani. Mrs. Mountain. Charles Dibdin. Thomas Denman. Sir Richard Croft. Deluc. Dollond. Delambre. Emlyn. The Edgeworths. Fulton. Ugo Foscolo. Ferguson. De Gassicourt. Grattan. Costilla. Inchbald. Sophia Lee. Karamsin. Langles. Maury. Maturin. The two Milners. John Milner. Maltebrun. Naldi. Pinkerton. The Playfairs. Repton. Raffles. Rees. Salomon. Earl Stanhope. The abbé Sicard. Baroness de Staël. John Walker. Arthur Young. Dr. Wolcot. Porson. Wieland. Alfieri. Klopstock. Ireland. Dr. Lettsom. Watt. West. Kaufmann. Opie. Fuseli. Romney. Morland. Copley. Flaxman, Bartolozzi. Canova. Paisiello. Billington. Mrs. Jordan. Werner. Dr. Hutton. Count Rumford. De Lacépède. Mary of Buttermere. Close of the French Revolution

PERIOD XVI. 1815 TO 1843-28 YEARS.


CLXXIII, PART III. GEORGE III. 1815-1820. The Expedition to Algiers. Volcanic Phenomena in England. Lord Amherst's Embassy to China. Spa-fields Riots. Mission to Ashantee. Shipwrecks of the Alceste and Medusa. Waterloo-bridge. Savings' Banks. Adult Orphan Institution. Singapore an English colony. Southwark-bridge. Chinese Primrose. Resuscitation of Pompeii and Herculaneum. Assassination of the Duc de Berri. France under Louis XVIII. restored. British India under George III. concluded. Bavaria, Wurttemberg, Saxony, and Hanover, raised to the rank of sovereign states. Laplace. Wilberforce. Romilly. Gibbs. Curran. Vicesimus Knox. Edward Clarke. Gregory. Kotzebue. Parr. Cyril Jackson. The Burneys. Herbert Marsh. Viscomti. Lindley Murray. Keats. Soane. Mrs. Radcliffe. Shelley. Madame de Genlis. Beechey. Angerstein. Beethoven. Lord Erskine. Henry Mackenzie. John Kemble. Mrs. Siddons. Talma






CLXXIV. GEORGE IV. 1820-1830. Cato-street Conspiracy. Alleged Miracles of Prince Hohenlohe. Lampeter College founded. Fall of Interest. Mexican Revolution. Babbage's Calculating Engine. Murder of Mr. Weare. Spanish South America independent. Expedition to the North Pole. Execution of Mr. Fauntleroy. Death of the King and Queen of the Sandwich Isles in London. New London-bridge. Final Cession of the Isle of Man to the British Crown. Malacca made an English settlement. Suppression of the Janizaries. Equalization of British Weights and Measures. The first Temperance Society. The Insolvent-laws consolidated. Catholic Emancipation granted. Swan River colonised. Corn-law Act passed. Increase of Absenteeism. Sir Felix Booth's Expedition. Inundation of Moray. St. Katharine's Docks. Promulgation of Homoöpathy. Algiers made a French settlement. Deontology promulgated. Epsom Race-stand. Decline of the Drama. Alterations in Dress. France under Charles X. Popes: Leo XII. and Pius VIII. British India under George IV. Spain under Ferdinand VII. Portugal under John VI. Foundation of Modern Greece. The Councils of the Church. Brazil raised to an empire. Kaubul under Ayub, Habeeb Oolah, and Dost Mohammed. Ireland under George IV. Caroline, queen of England. Sir Walter Scott. Lord Byron. Talleyrand. Lord Castlereagh. Mr. Canning. The Scotts. Bishop Jebb. Bishop Heber. Judge Park. Hon. Philip Pusey. Alexander Bennett. John Prince. Thomas Prince. Last Earl of Bridgewater. Bridgewater Treatises. Sir Humphry Davy. Sir Thomas Lawrence. Mrs. Hemans. Hannah More. Weber. Henry Hunt. Hogg, the Ettrick Shepherd. Sir John Leicester. Goethe. Mr. Combe. Captain Clapperton. Thomas Hope. Bishop Hobart. Crabbe. Oberlin. Cobhett. Cuvier. Malthus. The Malthusian Doctrines. Judge Littledale. Richard Froude. Cardinal Weld. David Wilkie. Alexander Knox. Rowland Hill. Adam Clarke. Robert Hall. Edward Irving. Jeremy Bentham. Lady Hester Stanhope. Kean. Ali Pacha. Prince Ypsilanti. Miss Landon. John Abernethy. Sir Astley Cooper. Sir Sidney Smith. Dr. Kitchener. Caspar Hauser. Cherubini. Nollekens. Stothard. Callcott, Charles Lamb. Edmund Lodge. Rossi. Haynes Bayley. Galt. Alison. Charles Mathews. Grimaldi. Thomas Dibdin. Belzoni. Raeburn. David Douglas 261 CLXXV. WILLIAM IV. 1830-1837. Rick-burning. Steam-coaches. Extension of Judicial Courts. The Cold-water Cure. Expulsion of the duke of Brunswick. Breaking out of the Asiatic Cholera. Bristol Riots. Separation of Belgium from Holland. Reform of the Game Laws. Rise of the Mormonites. American Revivals. Passing of the Reform Bill. Insurrection of the duchess de Berri. Siege of Antwerp. Succession war in Spain. Revolt of Egypt. China Trade thrown open. Durham University founded. Reform of the Factory system. Poor-law Amendment Act. Trades' Union Agitation. Burning of the Houses of Parliament. Opening of a new parliament. Bringing in and passing of Bills in parliament. St. Stephen's chapel. Abolition of Negro-slavery effected. Tumult in the Kirk of Scotland. Reform of English Corporations. Return of Halley's Comet. Reduction of Newspaper Stamps. London University chartered. Revolution in Burmah. Isle of Juan Fernandez colonised. India-rubber clothing. Turkey under Mahmud II. France_during 'the Three Days.' Portugal under Pedro IV. and Maria II. Spain under the Regency of Queen Maria Christina. The Netherlands under William I. Sweden under Charles XIV., Bernadotte. Egypt under Mehemet Ali. Kingdom of Herat founded. British India under William IV. Marquis Wellesley. Marquis Camden. Bishop Burgess. Lord Teignmouth. Lord Hill. Dugald Stewart. Lord Woodhouselee. Last earl of Bridgewater. Lord Tenterden. Grove Price. Michael Thomas Sadler. Mr. Coke, of Holkam. Robert Southey. Dr. Arnold, of Rugby. Hazlitt. Sir Alexander Burnes. Thomas Platt. Bishop Otter. Theodore Hook. Chantrey. Allan Cunningham. Sir John Malcolm.


Prussia under Frederick William II. and III. Holland under William V. Naples under Joseph Buonaparte and Joachim Murat. Persia under Luft Ali Khan. Kaubul under Timur Khan, Zemaun, Mahmud, Shùjah-olMulk, and Mahmud restored. The Sikh Monarchy established by Runjeet Singh. Spain under Charles IV. Fall of Venice under Manini. Ireland under George III. Battles: Lord Howe's Victory, Nile, Seringapatam, Marengo, Assaye, Austerlitz, Trafalgar, Jena, Maida, Friedland, Corunna, Leipsic, Waterloo. Napoleon Buonaparte. Duke of Brunswick-Oëls. Horatio Nelson. William Pitt. Charles James Fox. The Jenkinsons. Princess de Lamballe. Lord Collingwood. Lord Edward Fitzgerald. Marquis Cornwallis. Sir Ralph Abercromby. Admiral Duncan. Marshal Ney. Marshal Macdonald. Berthier. Moreau. Pichegru. Kellermann. Kleber. Desaix. Field-marshal Suvarov. Sir John Moore. Marshal Blucher. Dumouriez. The Empress Josephine. La Fayette. Monge. Burke. Sheridan. Lagrange. Burckhardt. Captain Hardy. Monk Lewis. Lackington. Volney. Florian. Holkar. Sir Richard Worsley. Joseph Wright. Philip Hackert. Tiraboschi. Eschenburg. Baron Reding. Drs. Gall and Spurzheim. Mrs. Trimmer. Mrs. Barbauld. Charlotte Smith. Thomas Paine. Berthollet. Loutherbourg. Alexander Wilson. La Harpe. St. Pierre. Bougainville. Chenièr. Ducie. Pestalozzi. Roland. Bailly. Dr. Price. Brissot. Danton. Dannecker. Louvet. Duke of Orleans (Egalité). Lalande. Portalis. The Anquetils. Richard Cumberland. Kirke White. Hayley. Bloomfield. Edward Whitaker. Thomas Dunham Whitaker. Leyden. Ebeling. Ebel. Ginguene. Haüy. Jovellanos. Johnes. Mehul. William Nicholson. Olivier. David Ricardo. Samuel Whitbread. Aikin. Brydone. Bichat. Banks. The Bells. Bonnycastle. Corvissart. Carnot. Catalani. Mrs. Mountain. Charles Dibdin. Thomas Denman. Sir Richard Croft. Deluc. Dollond. Delambre. Emlyn. The Edgeworths. Fulton. Ugo Foscolo. Ferguson. De Gassicourt. Grattan. Costilla. Inchbald. Sophia Lee. Karamsin. Langles. Maury. Maturin. The two Milners. John Milner. Maltebrun. Naldi. Pinkerton. The Playfairs. Repton. Raffles. Rees. Salomon. Earl Stanhope. The abbé Sicard. Baroness de Staël. John Walker. Arthur Young. Dr. Wolcot. Porson. Wieland. Alfieri. Klopstock. Ireland. Dr. Lettsom. Watt. West. Kaufmann. Opie. Fuseli. Romney. Morland. Copley. Flaxman, Bartolozzi. Canova. Paisiello. Billington. Mrs. Jordan. Werner. Dr. Hutton. Count Rumford. De Lacépède. Mary of Buttermere. Close of the French Revolution

PERIOD XVI. 1815 TO 1843-28 YEARS.


CLXXIII. PART III. GEORGE III. 1815-1820. The Expedition to Algiers. Volcanic Phenomena in England. Lord Amherst's Embassy to China. Spa-fields Riots. Mission to Ashantee. Shipwrecks of the Alceste and Medusa. Waterloo-bridge. Savings' Banks. Adult Orphan Institution. Singapore an English colony. Southwark-bridge. Chinese Primrose. Resuscitation of Pompeii and Herculaneum. Assassination of the Duc de Berri. France under Louis XVIII. restored. British India under George III. concluded. Bavaria, Wurttemberg, Saxony, and Hanover, raised to the rank of sovereign states. Laplace. Wilberforce. Romilly. Gibbs. Curran. Vicesimus Knox. Edward Clarke. Gregory. Kotzebue. Parr. Cyril Jackson. The Burneys. Herbert Marsh. Viscomti. Lindley Murray. Keats. Soane. Mrs. Radcliffe. Shelley. Madame de Genlis. Beechey. Angerstein. Beethoven. Lord Erskine. Henry Mackenzie. John Kemble. Mrs. Siddons. Talma




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