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after they had completed their year of office. Its original jurisdiction was principally in cases of murder, but it was now empowered to exercise a general supervision of morals. Its power suffered by the democratic development of the Athenian constitution, but its influence and high repute endured for several centuries. Here St. Paul preached;

Acts xvii. 19-31.

Arequipa. (1) City of Peru, in the valley of the Chile, 7,775 ft. above sea. Pop. ab. 30,000. (2) Peak of the Andes, near the city; ht. 20,320 ft.


1809-10 the people renounced their allegiance to Spain, and in
1813 a Congress was assembled at Buenos Ayres, with Povadas
tion formed. A war with Brazil for the possession of the
as dictator. In 1825 a Constitution was adopted and a federa-
region lying between the two resulted in a treaty, 1828, by
which Uruguay became independent. Other wars ended, 1852,
in Rosas' defeat and the independence of Paraguay. A financial
crisis in 1890-91, with the repudiation of the public debt, caused
the failure of Baring Bros. in London and heavy losses in

Ares. Greek god of war.
Areschoug, FREDERICH
Swedish botanist, prof. Lund.
Aretæus, ab. 60-ab. 130. Physician of Cappadocia, author
of a work, yet extant, on diseases.

Argentite. Ag,S. One of the most valuable of the silver
WILHELM CHRISTIAN, b. 1830. found in many of the best known silver mining regions of the
ores, containing 87 per cent of silver and 13 per cent of sulphur;
Skanes Flora, 1866.

Aretas. Arabian king who controlled Damascus at the time of St. Paul's conversion, and, to please the Jews, endeavored to arrest him, II. Cor. xi. 32.

Arethusa. Nereid, presiding over a fountain in the island Ortygia. See ALPHEUS.

Arethusa. Orchid, native in swampy and boggy ground in

e. N. America.

Aretino, PIETRO, 1492-1556. Italian author, noted for his satires and loose comedies; called "the scourge of princes." Aretinus, LEONARDO BRUNI, 1369-1444; chancellor of Florence 1427; tr. of Greek classics into Latin.

Arezzo. Ancient Arretium, one of the twelve confederate Etruscan cities, Roman after 310 B.C. Birthplace of Mæcenas, Guido and Pietro Aretino, Petrarch, Niccolo d'Arezzo, and Vasari. Important churches: San Francesco (1322), Santa Maria della Pieve, and the Cathedral. Pop. 12,000.

Arezzo, NICCOLO D'. Italian sculptor, active after 1388; one of the earliest forerunners of the Renaissance. Indications of the dawning style are seen in his decorative designs on the second n. door of the Florentine cathedral.

Arfvedson, JOHAN AUGUSTE, 1792-1841. Swedish chemist, who discovered the metal Lithium 1817.

Argæus, MT. In Cappadocia; greatest elevation in Asia Minor; depicted on many Græco-Roman coins. Ht. 13,100 ft. Argand, AIME, 1755-1803. Swiss chemist and physician; lamp-maker in Paris.

Argand Lamp. Invention of Dr. Aimé Argand, 1782, to effect complete combustion. The German student-lamp and Rochester burner are familiar illustrations of its principles, which consist of an annular flame admitting air to center of the flame, and a chimney to steady the light.

Argelander, FRIEDRICH WILHELM AUGUST, 1799-1875. German astronomer; at Abo 1823-32, at Helsingfors 1832-37, prof. at Bonn from 1837; a very accurate and industrious observer, author of profound researches on proper motions of stars, motion of the sun in space, and many other subjects.

Argens, JEAN BAPTISTE DE BOYER, MARQUIS D', 1704-1771. French author, long resident in Berlin. Jewish Letters, 6 vols., 1738-42; History of the Human Spirit, 14 vols., 1765-68.


Argensola, LUPERCIO LEONARDO D', 1559-1613. lyric and dramatic poet.-His brother, BARTOLOME LEONARDO, 1562-1631, was also a poet, and wrote Conquest of the Moluccas, 1609.

Argentan. See GERMAN SILVER.

Argentic Salts. See SILVER SALTS.

Argentine Republic. State of S. America, including the s. part of the continent e. of the summit of the Andes. Its area is 1.200,000 sq. m. their foothills; the remainder of broad plains, partially timbered The w. part consists of the Andes with in the north, becoming more arid and grass-covered in the middle (the pampas region) and sterile in the s. portion, or what was formerly Patagonia. The most important industry is the raising of cattle and sheep, and the principal commerce is in their products. Railroad building is very active; in 1892 there were ab. 7,000 miles in operation. The capital is Buenos Ayres, on the La Plata, founded 1535, pop. 550,000. Other important cities are Cordova, Rosario, and La Plata. Pop. ab. 3,500,000, including nearly 600,000 of European birth.

The region about the mouth of the Rio de la Plata was first explored 1512. The country was dependent on the Government of Paraguay till 1620, when Buenos Ayres became the seat of government, but still subject to the vice-royalty of Peru. In


Argillite. Lithological name for clay slate.

Arginusæ. Three small islands s. e. from Lesbos, famous for naval victory of Athenians over Laceden onians 406 B.C. Argives. People of ancient Argolis.

Argo. Ship in which Jason, Hercules, Theseus, Castor and Pollux, with 45 other heroes, called Argonauts, sailed to Aea (Colchis) to fetch the Golden Fleece. Athena superintended its building. California gold miners, 1849, were called Argo


Argo. Southern constellation. Mean right ascension 8h; mean declination 50°.

Argol. Crude cream of tartar, potassium bitartrate, formed
in interior of wine casks.
Agamemnon at time of Trojan war.
Argolis. Ancient state of n. e. Peloponnesus, ruled by
and Mycenæ one of the chief cities.
Argos was its capital,

Solid-191° C. Absorption spectrum differs from all others.
Argon. At. wt. 20. Sp. gr. 0.138. liq.-121° C. 50.6 Atm.
Constituent of the atmosphere, discovered, 1894, by Lord Ray-
leigh, by passing air, freed from moisture, carbon dioxide and
oxygen, over heated magnesium turnings leaving volume
not warrant a final decision as to its elemental nature.
of Argon. Chemically it is very inert. Facts yet obtained do

Argonauta. See DIBRANCHIATA.

Argonauts. See ARGO.

Argos. Capital of Argolis, famous for worship of Hera (Juno). It emerges in history ab. 750 B. C. as chief state in the peninsula; frequently at war with Sparta; joined Achæan

[graphic][merged small]

of Achaia.
League 243, and in 146 B.C. became part of the Roman province
Argot. Slang of thieves in various countries.

for eloquence and consistency; imprisoned 1814-20, exiled
Arguelles, AUGUSTIN. 1776-1844. Spanish liberal, eminent
1823-32; tutor to Isabella 1841.

Argument, or ARGUMENTATION. Process of proof; expressing the ratiocinative as opposed to the intuitive mode of obtaining knowledge. Argumentum ad hominem is appeal to personal conditions or opinions; A. baculinum is club-law.

another depends, thus the refraction varies with the altitude, Argument. In mathematics, a quantity upon which the attitude is then the argument in finding the refraction.


Argument of an Imaginary. The base angle of the right triangle of which the sides are the reals of the normal imaginary and the hypothenuse the modulus.

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Argyle, GEORGE JOHN DOUGLAS CAMPBELL, 8TH DUKE OF (1847), b. 1823. Scottish statesman and author; Presbytery, 1848; Reign of

Sec. for India 1868-74 and 1880-81.
Law, 1866; Primeval Man, 1869.
Argyropulos, JOHANNES, 1416-1473. Greek teacher in
Italy; tr. Aristotle.

Arhagea. Group of Nemertean worms, having no ciliated grooves on the head. It includes the Palæonemertea and Haplonemertea.

Arhan. Sanskrit name of the perfected Arya, those who have mastered the four spiritual truths and thereby entered the path to Nirvana. Also applied to all the disciples of Sakyamuni. The Chinese Buddhists apply it especially to the famous 18 and 500 disciples whom they call Lo-hân.

Ari, "THE WISE," 1067-1148. Icelandic historian. His Book of Kings and Icelanders exist only in fragments; the Settlements is his in part.

Aria. Musical composition for solo voice or instrument with accompaniment, consisting generally of three divisions, the third being a repetition of the first. It had its origin ab. 1650, and in the operatic form of the 18th century was thus classified: Aria cantabile, a flowing melody lightly acccompanied; Aria di portamento, in a sustained style; Aria di mezzo carattere, more fully developed and embellished; Aria parlante, Aria di nota e parola, Aria agitato, Aria di strepito, or Aria infuriata, charged with more passionate emotion; Aria di bravura, or Aria d'agilità, florid and designed to display the singer's skill.

Ariadne. Daughter of Minos, King of Crete. She fell in love with Theseus and gave him the clew by which he found his way out of the Labyrinth; accompanied him on his return to Athens, but was deserted by him in Naxos, and became the wife of Dionysus.

Arianism. Movement proceeding from ARIUS (q.v.), intended to make the mystery of the Trinity plainer. It declared the Son to have proceeded not from the Being but from the Will of God, and to be of different substance both from the Father and the World, which God created through Him. Condemned by the First General Council, at Nicæa, 325, it died very slowly in the Empire, and much more slowly among the Teutonic tribes, some of which, especially the Visigoths of Spain, held it almost to 600, and the Lombards till toward 700. Arias Montanus, BENEDICTUS, 1527-1598. Spanish Benedictine monk, editor of the Antwerp Polyglot Bible, 1568-72; famous as an Orientalist.

Aries. See ZODIAC.

Arietta. Diminutive of Aria.


Aril. Accessory seed-covering found in certain plants, as in the white water-lily; formed by growth of a membrane at or near the base of the ovule after fertilization.

Arillode. Accessory seed-covering resembling an aril, but

developing from the apex of the ovule downward, as in Mace.

Ariobarzanes. (1) Three kings of Pontus. One of them revolted from Artaxerxes 362 B.C., reigned 363-337, and may be regarded as the founder of kingdom of Pontus. (2) Three kings of Cappadocia. One reigned 93-63 B.C. under the Romans. His grandson ruled 51-42, and aided Pompey against Cæsar.

Arion, 7th century B.C. Poet of Lesbos; inventor of dithyrambic verse. His life being threatened by sailors, he invoked the gods, threw himself into the sea, and was borne to land by a song-loving dolphin. This legend is depicted on many Greek coins.

Ariosto, LODOVICO, 1474-1533. Italian poet, made famous by his epic Orlando Furioso, 1516-32. He wrote also comedies, satires, and sonnets.

Ariovistus. Leader of German tribes who invaded Gaul ab. 72 B.C.; defeated by Cæsar 58 B.C.

Arista, MARIANO, 1802-1855. Mexican general, defeated at Palo Alto 1846; pres. of Mexico 1850-53.

Aristænetus, ab. 500. Greek letter-writer.

Aristæus. Son of Apollo, protector of vineyards, herds, and beehives.

Aristarchus, ab. 222-150 B.C. Most famous of Greek

critics and grammarians, b. at Samothrace. He studied at Alexandria, was tutor to Ptolemy Epiphanes and Ptolemy Physcon, head of a grammatical school there, and devoted his life to the criticism and interpretation of Greek authors. His text of Homer is the basis of ours. When Physcon maltreated the Alexandrian scholars, he fled to Cyprus, where he committed suicide. He opposed the school of Pergamus, led by Crates of Mallus. He is often mentioned in the Venetian scholia to Homer, though no genuine works have survived.

Aristarchus, OF SAMOS. Astronomer at Alexandria 280264 B.C. Author of a work on the magnitudes and distances of the sun and moon; said to have been the first to maintain the doctrine, afterward established by Copernicus, that the earth moves round the sun, though Pythagoras is believed to have taught something of this kind secretly.

Aristeas. Mythical person said to have been sent ab. 273 B.C. by Ptolemy Philadelphus to Jerusalem to obtain a copy of the Hebrew Scriptures and procure men to translate it into Greek. In the legend he brought 70 elders, who in 72 days made the version called the Septuagint.

Aristeides, d. 467 B.C. Athenian, called "the Just." He fought at Marathon 490 B.C.; archon 489; ostracized through influence of his rival Themistocles 482; aided the Greeks at Salamis 480; was recalled, and commanded the Athenians at


Platæa 479.

Aristeides. Alleged inventor of Greek romance; date and place unknown.

Aristeides, P. AELIUS, ab. 117-185. Of Smyrna; best orator of his time; 55 orations and 2 minor treatises remain. Aristeides, QUINTILIANUS. Greek writer of unknown date, whose work on music is extant.

Aristippus, ab. 435-ab.326 B.C. Greek philosopher, founder of the Cyrenaic school; pupil, but scarcely disciple, of Socrates. He taught that pleasure is the end of life, but must be attained by prudence.

Aristo. Stoic teacher at Athens 3d century B.C.

Aristobulus. Name of several eminent Jews. 1. Alexandrian teacher and writer ab. 160 B.C. II. High-priest, son of John Hyrcanus; king 107-105 B.C. III. Son of Alexander Jannæus; king ab. 70-63 B.C., then a Roman captive and officer, d. ab. 48 B.C. IV. Son and victim of Herod the Great. V. Son of the last, residing privately at Rome. VI. King of Armenia and Chalcis, 55-62.-Also, a Greek historian of Alexander's conquests.

Aristocracy. Class of people holding prescriptive rights; literally, the rule of the best; second stage in the Aristotelian analysis of government of the One, of the Few, and of the Many. Social evolution indicates the steady decrease of the

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[blocks in formation]


on Greek music, is to be found in Meibom's Antiquæ Musica Scriptores, 1652.

Arithmetic. Science of numbers. Its beginning is found everywhere with the beginnings of civilization. Egyptian monuments show figures evidently using their hands for counting. The Roman numerals were used in Europe until the 15th century. Our present notation is of Hindoo origin, derived through the Arabs. Traces of it are found in Aryabhatta, an early Hindoo writer. With the nine digits and zero to denote position, an indefinite range is obtained. The basic notions of reckoning are addition and subtraction: then multiplication and division: still further involution and evolution. Fractions with their decimal notation, the processes of percentage, the progressions and analysis complete the subdivisions of the subject. Much has been written on the " Theory of Numbers" and their relations when combined.

Arithmetical Complement of a Logarithm. Remainder found by subtracting the logarithm from 10; used in computations by common logarithms to compact addition and subtraction of logarithms into one operation, 10 being subtracted from the sum for each complement used to obtain the required result.


Arithmetical Mean. Half sum of two magnitudes. Arithmetical Progression. Series whose terms increase or decrease by a constant difference. Analysis of the series shows that any term equals the first term increased by the constant difference multiplied by the number of terms less one: if n=number of terms; a, the first term; d, the difference; and an the last of the n terms, an=a+ (n-1) d. (1). The sum of the n terms equals the sum of the first term and last term multiplied by the number of terms. (aan) (2). Equations (1) and (2)-three elements betemperate and warm regions of the globe; commonly called ing known, will solve algebraically all questions in Arithmet

Birthwort (Aristolochia clematitis.)

the Birthwort family.

Aristomenes. Half legendary hero of Messenia. He successfully resisted Sparta 685-668 B.C.; withdrew to Arcadia, whence he continued to harass the Spartans, and d. in Rhodes. Aristophanes, ab.444-ab.380 B.C. Greatest of Athenian writers of comedy; classed with the Old Comedy, although his style suggested the Middle and New schools. He employed the play to satirize and combat tendencies in politics, religion, and education which he considered to be dangerous to Athens, and caricatured the champions of obnoxious changes, especially the Sophists. Eleven of his 40 plays remain: the Acharnians. Knights, Clouds, Wasps, Birds, Peace, Lysistrata, Thesmophoriazusa, First Plutus, Frogs, and Ecclesiazusa.

Aristophanes, OF BYZANTIUM, ab. 264-ab. 185 B.C. Grammarian at Alexandria, librarian at the Museum; teacher of Aristarchus, maker of the canon or list of classic authors, and great literary and textual critic. He introduced the use of accents in Greek, and wrote many works which have perished. Aristotle, 384-322 B.C. Son of Nicomachus, a physician of Greek descent; b. at Stageira on the Macedonian frontier. He went to Athens at 17, and for twenty years was the pupil and associate of Plato. In 347 he went to the court of Hermeas at Atarneus in Asia Minor, whose niece he married. Later he removed to Mitylene, whence he was called by Philip of Macedon to be the tutor of Alexander the Great. In 335 he returned to Athens, where he established the Peripatetic school of philosophy and wrote the works now extant. On the death of Alexander, with whose cause he was identified, he fled from Athens, and died shortly afterward in Chalcis.

His writings were long lost: those now attributed to him were pub. about 50 B.C. They exercised a great influence on the Arabic and Scholastic philosophy, and are regarded as the most important contributions ever made to philosophy and science. They cover nearly the whole field of knowledge, and make advances in every department. The Organum develops formal logic much as it is now taught, and contains important discussion of scientific method and of dialectic. The Rhetoric and the fragment On Poetry contain many acute observations on human nature and conduct, which are elaborated with greater thoroughness and insight in the Ethics. In the Poletics both the ideal state and the actual political condition of Greece are discussed. In his writings on metaphysics, psychology, and science, he treats both the most abstruse problems of philosophy and an immense range of special facts. Physical and natural science may be regarded almost as his creation.

Aristotle's Lantern. System of teeth guarding the mouth of Sea-urchins. There are five teeth set in as many ossicles (the alveoli), which in turn unite at their bases each with two pairs of ossicles, and a central process.

Aristoxenus, fl. ab. 350 B.C. Greek philosopher, pupil of Aristotle. His treatise on Rhythm exists only as a fragment, but his valuable Elements of Harmony, the oldest known book




ical Progression.

Arius, 256-336. Heresiarch; Alexandrian presbyter of much ability and learning. His views have been condemned by modern Unitarians, as making Christ to be no more man than God; but they long convulsed Christendom, and his sudden death was regarded by the orthodox as a special providence. See ARIANISM.


Arizona. S. w. territory of U. S. Its area is 113,020 sq.

of canons.

The n. e. part, including nearly half its area, consists of an arid plateau, having a mean elevation of from 6,000 to 7,000 ft., in which the Colorado River has cut its stupendous series near sea level up to 2,000 ft.. the limits of the high plateau being sharply outlined in most places by an abrupt descent. This lower region is composed of desert plains and valleys, intersected by narrow, sharp mountain ranges. The climate is extremely hot and arid, and agriculture is impossible anywhere without the aid of irrigation. The industries consist mainly of gold and silver mining, with a little agriculture and sheepraising. The capital is Prescott. A. was organized as a Territory 1863. from lands ceded by Mexico 1848, or purchased 1853. Pop., 1890, 59,620, besides 16,933 Indians.

The s. w. part is comparatively low, ranging from

Ark. Vessel in which Noah and his family escaped the Flood; 300 cubits long, 50 wide, and 80 high. It rested on Mt. Ararat: Gen. vi.-viii.-The ark to which the infant Moses was committed was of papyrus reeds: Ex. ii. 3.

Ark. Large box or caisson, formerly used to convey coal destination. Coal was thus floated down the Lehigh and Delaor ore down a river; the lumber was sold on arriving at its ware from Mauch Chunk to Phila. prior to 1830.

Ark of the Covenant. Chest of acacia-wood, overlaid with gold, 2 cubits long, 1 broad and deep, containing the two Tables of the Law, given to Moses at Sinai, and especially symbolizing the Divine presence. It was lost at the sack of Jerusalem and never recovered.

The n. w. part, including nearly half its area, is broken and Arkansas. One of the s. w. States. Its area is 53,850 sq.m. hilly, in some places rising to mountains of 2,500 to 2,800 ft., consisting of ridges with e. and w. trend, forming part of the Ozark hill region. The e. part is low and mainly alluvial, and large areas are subject to overflow in time of flood. The principal streams are the Mississippi, Arkansas, White and Washita. The Ozark hill region is composed of carboniferous beds, the hills and mountains being of sandstone. The s. portion is mainly composed of Eocene beds, except the alluvial tracts, which are Quaternary. The dominating industry is agriculture, and chiefly the raising of cotton. In 1890 the value of farm products was ab. $88,000,000. The cotton crop of 1891 was 830,000 bales. The State is covered with magnificent forests, and the cutting and manufacture of lumber is an industry of large and growing importance. Its railroads in 1891 had a total length of 2,287 m. The capital is Little Rock, on

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