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jury of its coats, a condition usually of slow development, which may occur in any of the arteries of the body, and whose danger varies according to the ease with which it may be operated upon. Those of the more deeply-seated vessels, or of those which supply large tracts of the body usually prove fatal. They are of frequent occurrence in the smaller arteries of the brain (miliary aneurisms) of the aged, and by shutting off the bloodsupply from small areas of the brain cause slight paralysis of motion or sensation. When near the surface they give rise to soft compressible and pulsatile tumors, but when deeply seated they can, as a rule, be diagnosed only by a peculiar purring sound. Unless relieved, death results from the bursting of the sack.

Angeiology. Branch of anatomy which treats of the blood vascular system.

Angeioma. Tumor consisting of enlarged vessels; e.g., a birth mark.

Angela Merici, 1511-1540. Franciscan nun who visited Jerusalem and founded at Brescia, 1537, the order of St. Ursula, to tend the poor and sick and teach the young.

Angelic Acid. C,H,.COOH. Unsaturated monobasic acid found in the angelica root. White solid, combining easily with bromine.

Angelica. Plant of the Umbelliferæ. A. Archangelica, native of Europe. The leaf-stalks are candied, especially by the French, and known as Angelique. Name also applied to other species of the genus.

Angelica-tree. Small, spiny tree, Aralia spinosa, native of e. America; also known as Hercules Club.

Angelico. Ligusticum Canadense. Plant of the Carrot Family, native of the s. Alleganies; known also as Nondo. Angelico, FRA GIOVANNI. See FIESOLE.

Angelin, NILS PETER, 1805-1876. Swedish paleontologist, whose work established the existence in that country of Silurian strata. Known also by his monograph on the Silurian Crustacea of Scandinavia.


Angels. Sinless and glorified spirits, enjoying the immediate presence of God, and serving His purposes in creation and redemption. Satan, as the great antagonist of God, has also his angels, whom he is regarded as having drawn away with himself from original purity. Some, as Swedenborg and Rothe, teach that all angels were originally men, on some planet.

Angels of the Churches. In Rev. i.-iii.; identified with the churches. as if responsible; explained variously as abstract ideas, guardian spirits, colleges of presbyters, or bishops.

Angelus Silesius. Pen-name of Johann Scheffler, M.D., 1624-1677; German R. C. poet and mystic. Some of his hymns are familiar in English renderings.

Anger. Emotion aroused by injury or threat of injury; similar to resentment, but less settled, being the sudden instinctive outburst of passion.

Angers. City of France, on the Maine, near its junction with the Loire. Pop., 1891, 72,669.

Anghiera, PIETRO MARTIRE D'. 1455-1526. Spanish priest of Italian birth, prior of Granada 1505. He left a Latin book on America, De Rebus Oceanicis, 1530.

Angina Pectoris. Neuralgia of the heart. A chronic fatal disease, in which paroxsyms of severe pain occur, accompanied by a sense of suffocation. During the intervals, which may last a few hours or several months, the general health is usually good. It attacks men more often than women, is frequently inherited, may alternate with various nervous disorders, and usually occurs in advanced life, except when caused by excessive smoking.

Angiospermæ. Class of Spermatophyta or flowering plants, having the ovules contained in a closed ovary, and including the greatest number of living species.

Angiospermia. Order of the Linnæan class Didynamia, including many plants of the Snap-dragon family, bearing their seeds in capsules or pods.

Angiosporous. Spores inclosed in a sac or membrane. Angiostomata. See OPOTERODONTA.

certain position. The position reached is called, in reference to the angle, its terminal line, the fixed point is the vertex of the angle.

Angle between Curves. Angle between the tangents to these curves at this point of meeting, taken in the plane determined by the tangents.

Angle Block. Cast-iron block of triangular section against which abut the struts or wooden braces in a Howe truss bridge. Angle Iron. Wrought iron or steel bars rolled in an L-shape. The largest size in the market is 6x6 inches and 7-16 in. thick, weighing about 51 lbs. per yard. They are used in the construction of beams and columns for bridges and buildings. A steel angle 12x12 and one inch thick was rolled 1894 by the Bethlehem Iron Co., Pa.

Angle Leaf. Ornament, in the form of a leaf, often introduced in mediæval architecture to fill out the space between the circular or polygonal base of a column and the corner of the square plinth underneath.

Angle of Capillarity. See ANGLE OF CONTACT.

Angle of Contact. Formed by the surface of a liquid with that of any body with which it comes in contact. See CAPIL


Angle of Deviation. Angle which a ray of light on emerging from a refracting medium forms with its direction on entering. See PRISM.

Angle of Friction. Included between a normal to a plane surface and the direction of the resultant force which causes a body to slide upon it; angle with the horizontal to which a surIts tangent is the same as the coefficient of friction. face must be inclined in order that a body may slide down it.

Angle of Incidence. Made by an incident ray of light with the normal to a reflecting or refracting surface at the point of incidence. See REFLECTION.

Angle of Reflection. Made by a reflected ray of light with the normal to the reflecting surface at the point of reflection. See REFLECTION.

Angle of Repose. Inclination of the surface of a bank of sand or earth in a condition of permanency. It lies between 30 and 40 degrees, varying with the kind of earth and the degree of moisture. It is frequently expressed by the ratio of its horizontal vertical projection; thus a slope of 1 to 1 is the same as an angle of 45°; a slope of 14 to 1 corresponds to an angle of ab. 34°. The coefficient of friction of earth upon earth is found by dividing unity by this ratio.

Anglesa, or ANGLESEA. Island of n. Wales, the ancient Mona. Pop., 1891, 50,079.

Anglesite. PbSO,. Lead sulphate, sometimes found in sufficient abundance to be mined as an ore of lead.

Angli. German tribe on w. bank of Elbe, who entered Britain with the Saxons and gave their name to England. Anglian Dialects. See ANGLO-SAXON.

churches which accept the Elizabethan model, the Ch. of EnAnglican Communion. Aggregate of those Episcopal gland being central.

Angling. See FISHING.

Anglo-Saxon. Often called OLD ENGLISH. It extends roughly from A.D. 450-1100, and in space covers the area of lation. It is a Low German dialect, nearest allied to the FrisGermanic conquest in Great Britain, excluding the Celtic popuian, and was brought to Britain by piratical settlers from the lower Elbe and the Cimbrian peninsula (Schleswig-Holstein). Its dialects are the Northumbrian (Humber to Forth), Mercian (southward to Thames), West-Saxon (south of Thames), and Kentish (in Kent and possibly Surrey). The Angles of the continent brought the Northumbrian and Mercian dialects, which are often grouped as Anglian, and furnished eventually the names England and English. The Saxons (as in names like Essex, Wessex) brought their dialect, except Kentish, which is due to the Jutes. Anglo-Saxon words are recorded from 679; but the earliest literature was Northumbrian, mainly preserved, however, in later West-Saxon copies. The language was inflected, had fairly abundant forms of declension and conjugation, and was rough, strong, and somewhat unwieldy. It forms to-day the bone and sinew of the ENGLISH LANGUAGE

Angle. Primarily, difference in direction. A plane angle (q.v.).

A, right angle; B, acute angle; C, obtuse angle.

is the measure of the amount of revolution about a fixed point which a straight line makes from a fixed initial line to reach a

Anglo-Saxons. Mixed population resulting from union of various Low German tribes which invaded England in 5th century.

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. Record of events in English history to 1154.

Anglo-Saxon Literature. Produced by those writers who employed the inflected Teutonic language, from which. after the Norman French had enriched its vocabulary and


leveled its inflectional system, modern English sprang. Most manuals of English Literature discuss it under the title of "Old English," which ended with 1100 and was followed by a transitional period occupying the following century.

Little remains from heathen times, or from the period before 449, when the Angles and Saxons crossed from the continent to England. When Augustine came to introduce Christianity among them, in 596, a desire to cultivate a literature arose. The runes and tablets of beech were abandoned for the letters and writing materials used in Europe.

The kingdom of Wessex and that of Northumbria were the principal centers of literary development. In the former the great monasteries of Winchester, Malmesbury, and Glastonbury were seats of learning. St. Aldhelm (d. 709) is claimed to have written a poem Andreas. Cynewulf (perhaps of the 8th century) wrote Crist, a religious poem on the Incarnation; Elene, which told the story of the discovery of the true Cross at Jerusalem by the empress Helena; and Juliana, a biography of a saint. Beowulf, an epic upon a Swedish hero, is the most important of Anglo-Saxon remains. Formerly dated variously from the 5th to the 11th century, it is now generally assigned to the 8th. King Alfred translated into Anglo-Saxon Beda's Ch. History, Orosius's Universal History, and works of Pope Gregory and Boethius.

Northumbria produced Adannan and Caedmon, whose Paraphrase of Bible History is extant. The venerable Beda (d. 735) was a famous scholar and composed many works, prose and verse, in Latin; and Alcuin, who followed him by half a century, was summoned by Charlemagne to his court and died there 804. Like Beda, he wrote in Latin. The Durham Gospels, in an Angle dialect, and the Homilies of Aelfric, Abp. of Canterbury (d. 1006), are the last Saxon works of importance. In the transition or Semi-Saxon period the most celebrated works remaining are the Ormulum, the Brut of Layamon, and the Ancren Riwle.

Angola. Portuguese W. Africa, s. and w. of Congo Free State; area ab. 600,000 sq. mi.

Angora. City of Asia Minor, the ancient ANCYRA. Pop. ab. 30,000. Here Bajazet I. was defeated and made prisoner


by a point on a rotating body at a unit's distance from the axis of rotation. It is equal to 2 X number of turns in one second of time. [7-3.1416] The linear velocity of any point at a distance R from the axis-R X angular velocity.

Angus, JOSEPH. D.D., b. 1816. Pres. Regent's Park (Baptist) College, London, from 1849. Bible Handbook, 1854; Handbook of English Literature, 1865.

Anhalt. Ancient German principality. It became independent in 13th cent., and was often divided among branches of the reigning family, and is now a state of the German empire. Area 906 sq. m.; pop., 1890, 271,759. Anharmonic Ratio. If a straight line be cut in four points their anharmonic ratio is the product of the extreme segments divided by the product of the mean segment and that included between the extreme points. If four lines meet in a common point their anharmonic ratio is the product of the sines of the extreme angles divided by the product of the sine of the mean angle into that of the angle bounded by the extreme lines. If in either case this ratio equals unity it is called "harmonic."

Anhydrides. Chemical compounds obtained from certain acids by the removal of water. H,SO,-H,O-SO,, sulphuric anhydride. They form acids with water and salts with bases or oxides. Two main classes are known in organic chemistry; those formed from acids, as acetic anhydride and succinic anhydride and those formed from phenols, as the phtaleines.

Anhydrite. CaSO,. Anhydrous calcium sulphate, frequently found associated with deposits of rock salt. Anhydro-bases. Compounds conceived to be formed by the abstraction of water from the anilides of the ortho-diamido compounds; obtained by the reduction of the ortho-nitro- anilides.

Anicetus. Bp. of Rome ab. 155-167; friend and host of the martyr Polycarp.

Anilide. Compound formed from aniline by substitution of an oxygenated acid radical for the hydrogen of the amido group in aniline. Thus acetanilide is C,H,.NH.CH,CO. See ACETANILIDE.

Aniline. C,H,NH,. Bpt. 185°C. Phenylamine. First obtained by Unverdorben in 1826 in distillation of indigo, and occurs in small quantities in coal tar and bone oil. It is a liquid of basic character derived from benzene by substituting the NH, group for one hydrogen atom. Made in large quantities, for use in the manufacture of the aniline colors, by treating nitrobenzene with iron-borings and hydrochloric acid

[graphic][merged small]

Angora Cat (Felis maniculata domestica angorensis).

by Tamerlane, July 28, 1402, and his army practically annihilated. It was regained by the Turks 1415. The region is noted for its cats and goats, which have fine long and lustrous hair.

Angostura Bark. Galipea cusparia. Bark of a tall tree of the Rue Family, native of n. Brazil and Venezuela; used as a febrifuge.

Angot, ALFRED. b. ab. 1850. Assistant in Central Meteorological Bureau of France; author of annual volume of climatological statistics.

Angouléme. City of France, on left bank of the Charente. Pop., 1891, 36,960.

Angström, ANDERS JONAS. 1814-1874. Swedish physicist, prof. Upsala 1858. He made investigations in heat, magnetism, and especially in optics, and supplemented Kirchhoff's work on the solar spectrum. Spectre solaire, 1869; Spectres des Gas simples, 1871; Temperature de la Terre, 1871.

Anguillidæ. Small free-living thread-worms. Some are parasitic on plants, as in mildewed wheat grains. They grow with the sprouting wheat and pass into its ear, becoming sexually mature when the ear is ripe; finally the entire interior of the wheat-grain becomes filled with their eggs. To this group also belong the familiar Vinegar Eels."


Angular Velocity. Space passed over in a unit of time

Cylinder for making Aniline.

which effects the reaction by hydrogen. The reaction taking place is: C,H,NO,+3H,―C,H,.NH,+2H,O. It is pro

Aniline Black. Nigraniline. C,,H,,N,2HCI. duced upon the fiber by a solution in water of aniline hydrochloride, potassium chlorate, copper sulphocyanide, and ammonium chloride. After dyeing the goods are run through an alkaline bath. Ammonium vanadate is substituted for the copper salt.

[blocks in formation]

Aniline Blue. Triphenyl rosaniline hydrochloride, CH, (C,H,),N,. HCl. First made by Girard and de Laire 1861. Opal or cotton blue, soluble in alcohol, not soluble in water. Now made by heating rosaniline, aniline and benzoic acid in irou still until the desired shade is produced. It is then cooled somewhat, run into methyl alcohol, brought to boiling, one fourth part hydrochloric acid added, and run to crystallizing tank.

Aniline Brown. Bismark Brown, Triamidoazobenzene, NH,C,H,N,C,H,(NH),. Dinitrobenzene is reduced to metaphenylene-diamine by iron and hydrochloric acid, the iron salts decomposed by milk of lime and filtered out. By the action of nitrous acid upon metaphenylene-diamine the coloring matter is produced.

Aniline Colors. Properly, artificial dye-stuffs prepared from aniline and its derivatives. More broadly, all coal tar



Aniline Green. Malachite Green 3(CH,N,Cl). 2ZnCl2+2H,O. Made by treating 1 part benzoic anhydride with 2 parts dimethylaniline and 14 parts zinc chloride, and oxidizing with lead peroxide.

Aniline Hydrochloride. C,H,NH,.HCI. White crystalline substance prepared by the neutralization of aniline with hydrochloric acid. Easily soluble in water. The aniline can be recovered by the addition of an alkali to the solution of the salt.

Aniline Oil. Commercial aniline, various qualities consisting of aniline, aniline and toluidine, or toluidine with some impurities.


Aniline Red. Magenta C,H,N,Cl. Obtained by Hofmann 1843. Made by the action of arsenic oxide upon a mixture of aniline and toluidine. 2(C,H,N)+4(C,H,N) +3As, 0,=2(C2,H,,N ̧.)+3As2O ̧+6H2O.

Aniline Yellow. Amidoazobenzene. C,H,N,C,H,NH,. Disc. by Mène 1861. Made by treating aniline and anilinehydrochloride with potassium nitrite.

larvæ as stages in their development. The term is a popular one, and has no meaning in classification.

reside in it.

Animalculists. Those who believed the germ which develops into the foetus to be the spermatozoon, or at least to Animal Fluids. Normally found in the body and necessary for the digestion, absorption, and distribution of the food. They furnish vehicles for the removal of the waste of the body, and lubricate surfaces which are in contact with each other. The gastric juice, perspiration, and vaginal mucus are normally acid, the urine occasionally so; all the other fluids are alkaline. The gastric juice, saliva, secretions of the pancreas, and intestines, bile, blood and lymph are concerned in the assimilation of the food; the urine and perspiration remove deleterious and joints, abdomen and other cavities act as lubricants. The sperwaste products; the tears, mucus, and watery fluids found in the matic fluid and milk are usually included, and are alkaline.

Animal Heat. Developed by the processes which take place within a living body, the evolution of which ceases at death. In man it maintains the temperature of the body at ab. 98.5°.

Animal Kingdom. Divided into three great series, the Protozoa, Mesozoa, and Metazoa. The last has these sub-kingdoms: Porifera, Colentera, Vermes, Arthropoda, Mollusca, Molluscoida, Echinodermata, Tunicata (eight groups known as Invertebrates), and Vertebrata. The Invertebrates are often considered by themselves, and divided into the Acælomata and the Coelomata. Some authors establish a group Chordata, including the Vertebrates and Tunicates. Cuvier, followed by Agassiz, recognized four types: the Radiates, Articulates, Molluscs and Vertebrates, but this division is more artificial than natural, and is now no longer retained. The group Vermes is composed of several phyla, each of which is separated from the others by as strong characters as divide most of the sub-kingdoms. Ali these groups were fully evolved when the earliest strata, which show organic remains, were laid down. Animal. All natural things have been recognized as be- As the previous strata are sometimes termed azoic, it simply longing to one of three kingdoms, the Mineral, Vegetable, or means that they contain no fossils, not that at that period of Animal. A little study has shown us that there is a profound geological history there existed no animals. The earliest andistinction between living and inanimate things, that plants cestors of each sub-kingdom almost certainly possessed no firm and animals are essentially governed by similar laws in their skeleton, and they were besides of microscopic size. The subgrowth and being, and that the substance (living matter or pro- kingdoms, as is true of any group of Taxonomy, are not to be toplasm) which composes the active part of their structure is, considered as following each other in a series, although it is as far as our physical and chemical tests go, incapable of dis- possible to place them in such a sequence that the simplest or tinction. In defining an animal as distinguished from a plant, lowest" forms stand first enumerated and the most complex we must take a general survey of many features, and each statehighest" last. They were probably simultaneously evolved ment will require qualification by exceptions. Animals ulti-by simple phylogenetic differentiation, which principle operated mately depend for food upon the materials manufactured by at once on the earliest differentiated groups to produce fu ther the aid of chlorophyl, which is almost the exclusive property of differentiation. In a certain sense all animals are equally old, a large part of the vegetable kingdom. Animals also as a rule but doubtless swimming forms preceded land forms, and flying actively seek their food, and are hence gifted with more acute sensation and have locomotor organs, a nervous system, sense, and digestive organs. Many of the lower animals (sponges, hydroids, sea lilies, etc.) resemble vegetables so far in external features as to deceive all but the scientific observer. There are about half a million species of animals, of which about half are insects. See BIOLOGY, PROTOPLASM, ANIMAL KINGDOM.

Animal Charcoal (BONE BLACK). The decolorizing power of this material was first observed by Lowitz in 1800. In 1812, Derosne introduced it for decolorizing sugars. It is made by charring the bones of cattle in retorts, after extracting the fat with a solvent ; ammonia and bone oil are products of the distillation and are condensed in scrubbers of coke. The yield is 65 per cent charcoal, 10 per cent fat, 5 per cent bone oil, and 10 per cent ammonia as sulphate. The charcoal consists of carbor 10.51, calcium and magnesium phosphates, fluoride, etc., 80.21, calcium carbonate 8.30. A pound of charcoal will decolorize as much raw sugar.

Animal Magnetism. See HYPNOTISM.

Animal Worship. An expression of religious sentiment, which is found among nearly all races and peoples, and which is part of the widely extended belief among primitive man that everything in nature had a soul. The chief deities of many religions are represented in the form of animals, notably in ancient Egypt and among the early and existing tribes of N. America. The bull, lion, serpent, eagle and tortoise are among the principal animals worshiped. The latter is regarded as the ancestor of the human race by many of the American tribes, a belief of which indications exist at the present day in China.

Animalcules. Animals too small to be seen by the naked eye, or at least so small as to appear like specks. The entire subkingdom of the Protozoa belongs here; also the simpler forms of Calenterates, Vermes, Polyzoa, Crustacea, and Tunicata; also the embryos of the marine animals that have free swimming

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animals were last evolved.

Animal Pole (FORMATIVE POLE). That pole of eggs with considerable yolk, where the most protoplasm is gathered and the nucleus also, and where segmentation takes place with greatest rapidity to form the micromeres of the segmenting ovum. When the yolk is excessive, as in the eggs of birds, reptiles and some fishes, the formation of the large segments (macromeres) apparently drops out, so that the micromeres remain as a germinal disc, which spreads from the animal pole, surrounding the entire yolk and closing at the vegetative pole, sometimes elsewhere. to form a sort of blastopore."

Animal Strength. A horse working 10 hours per day can exert a traction of 100 lbs. at a speed of 24 miles per hour, on a tow-path, or whin, or circular power. For a short time he can exert an effort sufficient to do the 33.000 ft. lbs. per minute called for by the nominal horse-power of steam engines. A man, pushing or pulling on a level, will do about as much as a horse in a working day of 10 hours; but at a crank of derrick or winch, or in pumping, where he depends mostly on the arms, a man will do about 1-10th of a horse-power of work.

Animism. The conception that matter has a life or soul, a belief common to priniitive people who regard all things having motion, and even many destitute of power of motion in themselves, as having life. They frequently considered all things that man made, his tools and weapons, as endowed with life and often an extension of his own personality. Remarkable illustrations of this are found among the American Indian tribes, who ceremonially give life to their daily instruments, nourish and feed them, and ceremonially kill them at the deatli of their owner. The grotesque objects we designate as idols are expression of the sentiment, and all charms and amulets, many of which are carried even by intelligent people at the present day, are survivals of this primitive idea.

Anion. Constituent of an electrolyte which goes to the anode. See ELECTRODE.



Anise Hyssop. Vleckia Foeniculum. Herb of the Mint by the French 1604, as Port Royal; unsuccessfully attacked by
Family, native of the western States.
Mass. 1707. On the conquest of Acadia by the English, 1710, its
Anise-seed. Pimp-name was changed to A. in honor of Queen Anne. It was the
capital till superseded by Halifax 1750. Pop. ab. 2,800.


inella Anisum. Plant of the Carrot Family, native of s. Europe, cultivated for its aromatic fruit.

Anise Star. Illicium anisatum. Shrub of the Magnolia Family, native of China, producing a highly aromatic star-shaped


Anisic Acid. C.H.:(O. CH,)COOH. Methyl derivative of para-oxybenzoic acid. Beautiful rhombic prisms. Prepared from the dimethyl salt of para-oxybenzoic acid by saponification. Anisobranchiata. See CTENOBRANCHIATA.

Ann Arbor. City of Mich., on Huron R., capital of Washtenaw Co., seat of State univ. Pop., 1890, 9,431.

Annas. Father-in-law of Caiaphas, Jewish High Priest, and associated with him in the condemnation of our Lord. Himself formerly High Priest, he saw five sons High Priests after him, and enjoyed an influence so great that Renan holds him mainly responsible for the death of Christ.

Annatto. Bixa Orellana. Small tree of the natural order

Bixinea, native of tropical America, but widely diffused through warm regions by cultivation. The seed pulp yields the commercial article.

Anne, 1665-1714. Queen of England 1702; second daughter of James II.; married 1683 to Prince George of Denmark. Her reign was celebrated for literary activity.

Anne of Austria, 1602–1666. Daughter of Philip II. of Spain; married 1615 to Louis XIII. of France; regent 1643. Anne of Brittany, 1476-1514. Heir of Francis II., Duke to Louis XII. Jan. 1499.

Anisodactylous. Arrangement of the toes of birds, in of Brittany. Married to Charles VIII. of France, Dec. 1491, and which three (out of four) are turned forward.

Anisol. C,H,.O.CH,. Bpt. 152°C. Methyl-phenyl ether. The methyl salt of phenol or carbolic acid. Liquid of agreeable odor, formed by the action of methyl iodide upon sodium phenate.

Anisol Red. Anisolazo-B-naphtholdisulphonic acid. CH,O.C.H.N,.C,,H,(HSO,),.OH. Dye-stuff prepared by the action of diazoanisidine upon B-naphtholdisulphonic acid. Sodium salt is used.

Anisopleura. Section of Gastropoda having the gills belonging to one side more or less suppressed; or both gills may be absent, as in Heteropods, or placed externally, as in Nudibranches. There are two divisions, the Streptoneura and Enthyneura. These animals may be conceived as having had their dorsal portion rotated so as to stretch the original left side around to the right, thus pushing the right-side organs onto the left. The anus is thus brought forward to the neck, and the intestine forms a loop. The original left-side organs are usually aborted, i.e., not present on the new right side. Anisopoda. See ISOPODA.

Anisopola. See HoMOSTAURA.

Anjou. Ancient French province, including the present department of Maine-et-Loire. Godfrey, its count in 12th century, was ancestor of the Plantagenets, and it belonged to kings of England 1154-1204. From Count Charles sprang kings of Naples, Sicily, and Hungary. A. became a fief of Naples, but returned to the French crown by inheritance 1328. In 1360 King John made his son Louis duke of A. Louis afterward became King of Naples. Louis XI. took A. from René II., last of that dynasty, reannexing it to France 1484. Since then A. has given honorary title to princes of the royal family. Anker, MATHIAS JOSEPH, 1771-1843. Austrian mineralogist; associate and the successor of Mohs as prof. at Gratz. He wrote on the mineralogy of Styria.

Ankerite. Calcium-magnesium-iron carbonate resembling dolomite.

Ann, CAPE. On e. coast of Mass.

Anne of Cleves, 1515-1557. 4th queen of Henry VIII. of England; married Jan. 6, 1540, and divorced July 9, 1540.

Anne of Denmark, 1574-1612. Wife of James I. of England 1589.

Annealing. Operation of heating, followed by retarded cooling, by which steel and glass are rendered less brittle. It has been found in steel that local heating in the process of fabrication causes molecular strains in the structure of the piece; also that severe mechanical treatment, such as punching and shearing, has a tendency to send the carbon into the combined state with the metal at the affected edges. The heating and slow cooling dissipate the local strains from the first set of causes, restore the softness, and lower the elastic limit, which have been effected by the second causes. An annealed structural piece is not under initial strain before being placed to withstand a proportion of working strain in service.

Annelida (ANNULATA). Articulated worms, having a brain, circum-oesophageal nerve ring, a ventral nerve chain,a vascular system and often setæ, or processes for locomotion. Many are hermaphrodite, and some multiply asexually by transverse division, the segments having retained a measure of individuality. They form the sub-classes Chatopoda, Gephyrca, and Hirudinea.

Nereis pelagica.

Annihilationism. Doctrine that those who remain impenitent will cease to exist, either at death, or at the last judgment.

Anning, MARY, 1799-1847. Native of Lyme Regis, England, who contributed in no small degree to our knowledge of the great Enalio-Saurians and other forms of organic life entombed in that vicinity. She developed the remains of many fine Ichhave been presented to comparative anatomists in a form for study.

Anna. Prophetess who in the Temple joined Simeon in thyosauri and Plesiosauri, which, without her care, would never recognizing the infant Jesus.

Anna, ST. Supposed mother of the Virgin Mary. Her day in the Roman calendar is July 26.

Annabergite. Ni, As,O,+8aq. Hydrous nickel arsenate. Rare mineral found in Saxony.

Anna Comnena, 1083-ab. 1150. Daughter of Alexius I. She married Nicephorus Bryennius, and conspired against her brother John, then emperor, who spared her life. At 60 she entered a convent and wrote a life of her father, 1069-1118.

Anna Ivanovna, b. 1693. Empress of Russia 1730-40. Her reign is noted for the atrocious tyranny of her creature Biren. Annals. Favorite variety of historical composition among the Romans, in which events were briefly given, arranged under single years. The Pontifex Maximus wrote the Annales Maximi, and many authors also followed this plan.

Annam. See ANAM.

Annapolis. City and seaport, capital of Maryland; on the Severn, 2 m. from Chesapeake Bay. It contains the U.S. Naval Academy. Pop., 1890, 7,604.

Annapolis, NOVA SCOTIA. Oldest European settlement n. of Gulf of Mexico except Santa Fé and St. Augustine; founded

Annuity. Yearly sum of money granted by one party to another in fee, for life or for years, charging the personal estate of the grantor. If the grant is a burden imposed upon land it is a rent charge. The value to accrue or in arrears may be reckoned at simple or compound interest, giving the elements of an arithmetical or a geometrical progression. Problems in annuities are solved by the laws of these series.

Annular Eclipse. Central eclipse of the sun when the bodies are so situated that the apparent diameter of the sun exceeds that of the moon, thus showing a ring or annulus of light around the limb of the moon.

the centers of the driving and driven wheel are both on the Annular Wheel. Operating by inside gear, in which same side of the point of contact, both wheels turning in the same direction. There is less obliquity when the number of teeth differ widely with a given arc of contact than in the case of outside gear.

Annulata. Sub-order of lizards, with snake-like body, hard scaleless skin divided into rings crossed by longitudinal furrows. The sternum is absent, and so usually are extremities, though small front feet may be present. Eyelids are absent. They are

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mostly American and live, like the Caecilians, underground, gen- a slender body, and a long, strong tail. This fossil may be said erally in ant-hills. The tongue is short and thick. Amphisbæna to mark the beginning of vertebrate palæontology. is an example. See ANNELIDA.



Amphisbæna fuliginosa.

Annuloida. Group including Echinoderms and the ScoAnnulosa. Group of bilateral and segmented Invertebrates, including the Scolecida, Anarthropoda, and Arthropoda. Annulus. Elastic ring of thick-walled cells which embraces the sporange in certain ferns, and by parting, causes its rupture at maturity, thus expelling the spores. Also, a layer of cells around the operculum of a moss sporange. Also, the portion of the volva of a mushroom remaining attached to the stalk. Annulus Piscatorius. Papal signet-ring, with the effigy of St. Peter fishing; first assumed at the Pope's coronation. Annunciation, FEAST OF THE. March 25, commemorating the visit of Gabriel to the Virgin Mary, to announce the coming

birth of the Saviour.

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Anogens. See BRYOPHYTA.

Anointing. Perfusion with olive oil; a festal usage much followed in warm Eastern climates; transferred into symbolism of the descent of Divine graces at the inauguration, in Israel, of kings and priests. The names Christ and Messiah signify The Anointed One.

Anomaly. In meteorology, amount by which a given observed quantity is greater or less than a value that is assumed as an ideal or theoretical normal value. See DEPARTURE.

Anomaly, ECCENTRIC. The orbit of a planet or comet being an ellipse, let a circle be described having its major axis for a diameter; from the place of the planet draw a line perpendicular to this axis and joining with the center of the circle the point where this perpendicular intersects the circle. The angle between this line and the major axis is the eccentric anomaly.

Anomaly, MEAN. Angular distance at which a planet or comet would be from its perihelion if it had moved uniformly with its mean or average velocity.

Anomaly, TRUE. Angle between two lines drawn respectively from the center of the sun to the place of a planet or comet and to the perihelion of its orbit.

Anonaceæ. Natural family of flowering plants, of the class Angiosperma and sub-class Dicotyledones, comprising 61 genera and ab. 400 species, distributed throughout Asia, Africa, tropical and subtropical America, and N. America; commonly called the Custard-Apple Family.

Anomodontia. The Dicynodontia in a broad sense, including also Rhynchocephalia and Theriodontia.

Anomoura. Group of Decapod crustacea, with characters intermediate between those of Macrura and of the Brachyura; e.g., the Hermit Crabs. The abdomen is partly rudimentary, some of the appendages are absent, others are modified to help hold the body in the helicoid shell of some gasteropod mollusc, which the animal inhabits and carries about with him. When the shell becomes too small, a new house is sought.

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Anoplotherium commune.

Anoplura. Order of Ametabolic insects, including Pediculus (the louse). This is parasitic, with mouth parts formed for suction, and the eyes are simple ocelli only. One species (P. tabescentium) causes the disease known as Phthiriasis. This group is ordinarily included with the Mallophaga, as Aptera or Parasitica under the group Rhynchoti (Hemiptera), of which these forms are regarded as degenerated types. Anorthite. CaAl,Si,O.. Variety of feldspar, triclinic in crystallization, containing calcium as the characteristic basic element.

Anselm, 1033-1109. Scholastic philosopher and theologian. Abbot at Bec in Normandy 1078; Abp. of Canterbury 1093. In his contests with William Rufus and Henry I. he showed great firmness in defending the claims of the Church. He is considered the ablest of the Schoolmen who tried to base theological dogmas on reason.

Anseres. Linnæan order of natatorial birds, including those having webbed feet, as in the Duck, or lobed feet, as in the Grebe. Families: Alcidæ, Anatidae, Colymbidæ, Laridae, Pelecanidæ, and Procellaride. In a restricted sense, only the Ducks and Geese. See LAMELLIROSTRES and ANATIDE.

Anserinæ (GEESE). Sub-family of Anatidae, distinguished from Ducks chiefly by having stronger and longer legs set further forward, comparatively shorter wings, and shorter and deeper bill, with much smaller lamella. Anser includes Land Geese, and Branta, the Sea Geese. Of these B. bernicla is the BARNACLE GOOSE (q.v.). A number of genera of so-called Geese do not belong to the Anatidae, though nearly related. Of these are: the Cape Barren Goose of Australia, now domes

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ticated, distinguished by having a large green cere which reaches nearly to the tip of the bill; the Semipalmated Goose, also of Australia, with rudimentary webs; the Spur-winged Goose of Africa, the Egyptian Goose, and the Orinoco Goose. They represent the genera Cereopsis, Anseranas, Plectropterus, and Alopochen.

Ansgar, ST., ab. 800-865. Apostle of Scandinavia; b. in Picardy. He labored in Denmark and Sweden 826-831; Bp. of Hamburg 831, and of Bremen 846, these being headquarters for his evangelizing work in the north.

Anson, LORD GEORGE, 1697-1762. English naval officer and explorer. He circumnavigated the globe 1742-44, defeated a French fleet 1747, and was first Lord of the Admiralty 1751-56. Ansonia. Manufacturing town of New Haven Co., Conn. Pop., 1890, 10,342.

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