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C. palustris is a small plant of the same family, inhabiting cold bogs in the n. hemisphere.


Callainite. Al,P2O,,+5aq. Natural hydrous aluminum phosphate, supposed to be the mineral called Callais by Pliny. Callao. Chief seaport of Peru, 6 m. w. by s. of Lima; rebuilt 1746. Pop. ab. 35,500.

Callcott, JOHN WALL, 1766-1821. English composer chiefly of glees and catches. He studied with Haydn 1790. Musical Grammar, 1806.-His brother, SIR AUGUSTUS WALL, 1779-1844, knighted 1837, was an eminent landscape-painter.

Callicrates, ab. 444 B.C. Greek architect and sculptor, said to have invented the Corinthian capital, suggested to him by observing an acanthus overgrowing a basket.

Calligraphic Etching. See ETCHING.

Callimachus, b. ab. 540 B.C. Greek architect and sculptor, said to have originated or more probably developed the Corinthian capital.

Callimachus, d. ab. 240 B.C. Critic, grammarian, and poet of Alexandria, where he was chief librarian of the museum. We still have hymns, epigrams and portions of elegies from him. Callinus, ab. 700 B.C. Greek poet of Ephesus, earliest writer of elegies.

Calliope. Muse of epic poetry.

Callipers. Instruments used for measuring diameters of rods and cylinders in machinists' work. The ordinary ones are like a pair of dividers with the legs curved outward, so that the points may touch the work at opposite ends of a diameter. The distance between the points can then be measured by a scale.

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For exact work and manufacturing in quantities, GAUGES (q.v.), are often used instead. These may be standard gauges or simply templates of thin metal. For fine measurements a mi crometer or vernier calliper may be used. These instruments read to the one-thousandth of an inch from a fixed or adjustable zero by the method which their name indicates. Callisthenes, d. 328 B.C. Thracian comrade of Alexander, a history of whose exploits is doubtfully ascribed to him; fragments only survive.

Callisthenics. See CALISTHENICS.

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which, after suitable treatment, receives the image from a photographic negative, and is capable of yielding, on the printing-press, many prints of commercial and artistic value. Many base, as Albertype, Heliotype, and Indotint. See PHOTOnames are given to the results obtained from the gelatinous GELATINE.

Callorhinus. See OTARIADÆ.


Callot, JACQUES, 1594-1635. French genre artist, best known by his etchings.

Callus. Vegetable tissue formed by the renewed growth of cells, whose maturity has been reached, on being wounded, as in cutting or bruising a stem. A similar tissue forms normally in the sieve-plates during periods of repose.

Callus. Material exuded between and around the ends of broken bones, by means of which they unite, it being converted into true bone.

Calm. Absence of wind. Total absence is called a dead calm. When anemometers are used, a velocity too small to call for record appears as a calm; the corresponding limiting velocity therefore depends on the delicacy of the instrument.

Calmar, UNION OF. Act passed 1397 at Calmar in Sweden, by which Sweden, Denmark, and Norway agreed to be henceforth under one sovereign, who should govern each according to its respective laws and customs.

Calm-Belt. Region such as that under the equatorial belt of low pressure, or under the tropical belts of high pressure, where calms or light baffling winds prevail.

Calmet, AUGUSTIN, 1672-1757. Benedictine monk 1689; abbot of Nancy 1718, and of Senones, in his native Lorraine, 1728. Commentary, 23 vols., 1707-16; History of Lorraine, 1728. His Dictionary of the Bible, 1722-28, tr. 1732, was long and highly valued.

Calmucks, or KALMUCKS. Mongolian race, found in central Asia and s. Russia; nomadic in their habits, and mostly adherents of Lamaism. They entered Russia 1758, but in 1771 a large body of them went back to China. Russia in Europe has ab. 110,000, of whom many are Buddhists; Asiatic Russia, ab. 55,000; China an unknown number.

Calomel. Hg,Cl,. Mercurous chloride; found as a native mineral associated with cinnabar. It is used as a cathartic, especially when a very thorough effect is desired.

Calonne, CHARLES ALEXANDRE DE, 1734-1802. French financier, who, by heavy taxes and lavish borrowing, helped to bring on the Revolution; banished 1787.

Calophyllum. Genus of trees of the natural family Guttifera. Some species produce timber resembling mahogany, others medicinal resins. The fruit of most are edible and from which an oil is expressed, used in lamps. Natives of warm climates.

Calorescence (CALOR). When a beam of radiant energy is passed through a solution of iodine in bisulphide of carbon, all non-luminous rays are absorbed; but if the transmitted radiation be brought to a focus by a lens, a piece of platinum may be rendered luminous and become a source of radiation for rays of all lengths. If the light emitted by the platinum be examined by a prism, it will give a continuous spectrum. Prof. Tyndale investigated and named this phenomenon.

Caloric. Quantity of heat necessary to raise one kilogram of water one degree Centigrade. The British thermal unit equals 0.251996 of the French caloric, or the B. t. u. for a pound of water is of the French caloric to the kilogram. Con

versely, the caloric is 3.968 B. t. u.

Caloric Engine, or HOT-AIR ENGINE. One in which the motive power is supplied by the expansion of air by heat. A given volume of air is brought in thin sheets into contact with heated metal, and is instantly expanded by that heat. This expansive force is exerted against a piston to drive it outward. When the outward stroke is completed, the air is either exits heat is withdrawn, and its volume diminished, so that athausted, or, better still, is transferred to a cooling-jacket where mospheric pressure may become greater than the inside pressure, and help to carry the working piston inward again. Most of that the phase of the cranks may so influence the pistons as to the caloric engines have two cranks at 90° with each other, so give the maximum effect to the increase and decrease of volume of air. The best known are Stirling's, Wilcox's, Roper's, Shaw's, Ericcson's, Belou's, Laubereau's, Rider's, and Merrill's. In some of them the products of the combustion of the fire have been passed through the cylinder; in one the pressure of the air is



kept up by compression above two atmospheres. One great limitation of the caloric engine is the fact that for large powers

Calotype. Photographic process invented by Dr. Fox Talbot 1840; since known as the TALBOTYPE (q.v.).


Rider's Hot-Air Engine.

it becomes of great weight and bulk. Their theoretical efficiency is less than 50 per cent. See GAS ENGINE.

Calorific Power. Capacity of a body to give off heat when rapidly combined chemically with oxygen, or burned. It is an exact measure also of the amount of heat necessary to decompose the combination with oxygen. The following table gives the calorific power of a number of the ordinary combustibles in British thermal units.



Calovius, or Kalaù, ABRAHAM, 1612-1686. Lutheran theologian, prof. at Königsberg 1637 and Wittenberg 1650; opponent of CALIXTUS (q.v.), whom he accused of SYNCRETISM (q.v.). Caloyers. Monks of Greek Ch.

Calpee. Town of India; taken by Sir Hugh Rose after defeating the Sepoys, May 22-23, 1858.

Calpurnius Siculus. Roman pastoral poet, imitator of Virgil and Theocritus.

Calthrops. Sponge spicules with four rays, so placed that any three being used for a tripod support, the fourth points upward; present in the genus Theonella.

Caltrop, or CROW'S-FOOT. Sharp four-pronged piece of iron, formerly scattered to check an attack by cavalry.

Caltrops. Tribulus terrestris. Low plant of the natural family Zygophyllaceae, with spiny fruit; native of the Old World, introduced into America.



Calumba, AMERICAN. Frasera Carolinensis.
Herb of the Gentian family, native of the s. e. U. S., with an
exceedingly bitter root.

Calumba Root. Jateorhiza Calumba. Climbing shrub of the Moonseed family, bearing large roots of officinal repute, native of the e. coast of Africa. The False Calumba (Coscinum fenestratum) of the same family is a native of Ceylon.

Calumet. Peace-pipe used by Indians after signing a treaty. The bowl is usually of red soapstone, and the stem of reed or painted wood, ab. 24 ft. long.

Calvaert, DENIS, 1555-1619. Flemish painter.

Calvary. Place of Our Lord's crucifixion; possibly the Ref. skull-shaped eminence near Jeremiah's Grotto; often represented in R. C. devotions.


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Cal. Power. 14,035 a 12,600 b 12,240 b


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9,000 b

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7,200 b


18.616 a

Dry Wood

7,200 b

Ord. Ill. Gas

18,000 b

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[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Anth'cite Coal, Fr'ch 15,689 b

CO to CO,

4,325 a

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(a) From experiments of Favre and Silberman.
(b) Calculated from Morin and Tresca.

Calorimeter. Apparatus used in tests of boilers to determine the percentage of water entrained with the steam in the steam-pipe. The most usual is the barrel calorimeter proposed by Hirn. A barrel containing a known weight of water at an observed temperature stands on a scale platform. Steam is blown into the water through a hose from the steam-pipe where the observation is to be made until a given weight is condensed, and the new temperature is observed after the water has been stirred. Then from either of two formulæ, U-Hx+(W-x)h or U-Wh+ Lx, the per cent of steam in the sample added to the barrel can be determined. In these formulæ, U-total heat units imparted to water; H-heat units imparted per pound of steam; h-heat units imparted per pound of water; W weight of steam and water added to the barrel; x= weight of steam alone, and L latent heat of steam at the pressure used. Such devices give unreliable results, except in the most careful hands, showing wide variations where none exist. The continuous calorimeters proposed by Van Buren, Skeel, Hoadley, Kent, and Barrus avoid several elements of uncertainty in the barrel method. The term is also applied in boiler practice to the aggregate area of the openings in the tubes through which the hot gases pass.

Calorimotor. Form of galvanic cell devised by Dr. Hare of Phila., in which the internal resistance is reduced to a minimum. In one form large sheets of copper and of zinc, separated by a layer of cloth, are rolled into a cylinder. Ordinarily a few large plates of zinc, connected together, are combined with a few large copper plates, also connected. When the plates are immersed in acidulated water, the calorimotor, owing to its low internal resistance, gives a large current, and is capable of remarkably powerful heating effects.

Calottistes. Society of wits in the time of Louis XIV.; named from the Calotte (skull-cap), which they invited the objects of their satire to wear; dissolved by Fleury ab. 1720.

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Calvert, FREDERICK CRACE, 1819-1873. English chemist who succeeded in making known the disinfecting value of carbolic acid. Dyeing and Calico-printing, 1878.


Calvert, GEORGE HENRY, 1803-1889. American dramatist, poet, and journalist, descended from Lord Baltimore.

Calvert, LEONARD, ab. 1606-1647. Gov. of Md. from 1634; brother of Cecil, Lord Baltimore.

Calvi. Seaport of Corsica, surrendered to the British Aug. 10, 1794, after 59 days' siege; retaken 1795.

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Calvinistic Methodists. Sect originating with Whitefield 1741, and now strongest in Wales.

Calycanthaceæ. Natural family of flowering plants, of the class Angiospermae and sub-class Dicotyledones, comprising two genera and ab. four species, growing in N. America and e. Asia.


Camarilla. Courtiers, in Spain and elsewhere, as against ministers of state.

Camarina. Ancient city of s. Sicily, founded from Syracuse 599 B.C.

Camarosaurus. Most gigantic of land animals. A Dinosaur, described in 1878 by E. D. Cope, had both fore and hind Calycanthemous. Sepals colored so as to resemble limbs well developed, the tail long and large, one dorsal vertebra 3 ft. in diameter, and the femur 6 ft. long; the total Calyceraceæ. Natural family of flowering plants, of the length was 80 feet. In the lower cretaceous beds of Dakota class Angiosperma and sub-class Dicotyledones, and series coelias alatus, which, it has been estimated, could browse from was found a similar animal but of more slender build, AmphiGamopetala, comprising three genera and ab. 20 species, grow-branches 30 ft. high, and in length may have exceeded Caming mostly in s. portions of S. America. arosaurus. A vertebra has been found which was 6 ft. high;

Calyciflora. Polypetalous exogenous plants, bearing the this must have belonged to a Dinosaur over 100 ft. long. stamens on the calyx.

Calycinal. Pertaining to or borne on the calyx.

Calycle. Whorl of bracts outside the calyx, like an exterior calyx, as in the flowers of the Strawberry.

Calycle, or THECA. Coral cup; circular, radiately ribbed depression in the coral coenenchyma in which the polyp lives. Calycophoridæ. Sub-order of Siphonophores, having long stems, but no pneumatophore or dactylozoöids. There is a double row of nectocalyces or one or two large ones (Diphyes). Next, on the stem, come regular groups of appendages that can be drawn into the cavity of the nectocalyx. Each group consists of a nutritive polyp, a tentacle provided with kidney-shaped groups of nematocysts, gonophores with sexual cells on the manubrium, and usually the cluster is covered by an umbrellashaped hydrophyllium.

Calycozoa. See LUCERNARIÆ.

Calydonian Hunt. Mythical pursuit of a wild boar of surpassing size and strength, which Diana had sent to ravage

Camass. Camassia esculenta. Bulbous herb of the Lily family, native of n. w. N. America. Its bulbs are collected by the Indians, to whom it is an important food. It is known as Quamash.

Camayeu. Painting in one color; monochrome. Cambacérès, JEAN JACQUES REGIS DE, 1753-1824. Chancellor of French Empire 1805, Duke of Parma 1808; exiled 1816-18. His Project of a Civil Code, 1796, became the basis of the CODE NAPOLEON (q.v.). Cambay Ancient town of w. India, once large and rich, now decayed through partial filling up of Gulf of C. Pop. ab. 36,000.

Camber (OF BRIDGES). Bridges are usually built so as to have a slight upward curve above the horizontal line joining the supports. The object of this curve, or camber, is to prevent the bridge from deflecting below the horizontal line when loaded. The amount of camber at the center of the bridge is usually about one five-hundredth of the span.

Cambiform. Prismatic, thin-walled cells occurring in the fibro-vascular bundles of plants.

Cambist. A person understanding the operations of exchange and the value of foreign moneys. It is a term of great antiquity.

Cambium. Layer of formative tissue immediately under the bark of exogenous plants. Cambodia. Country of s. e. Asia, s. of Siam. The surface


Calydonian Hunt.

the territory of Calydon. Meleager, Jason, and Theseus had part in it. Out of the quarrel over the head and hide arose a bitter war.

Calypso. Nymph of the island Ogygia, who loved Ulysses and kept him 7 years.

Calypso. Beautiful orchid, C. bulbosa, found in cold bogs in the n. hemisphere.

Calypter (CALYPTRA). Hood or cap which surmounts the sporange or capsule of the mosses.

Calyptoblastea, or CALYPTOBLASTICA. See CAMPANULARIÆ. Also termed Calyptoblastea Leptomedusæ.

Calyptrogen. One of the layers of meristem in the tissues of the roots of plants.

Calyx. Outer of the two floral envelopes in a flower. Calyx. Body of a Crinoid, or Stone-lily, borne by the stalk. Cam. In machine design, an organ by which a rotary motion is transformed into a reciprocating one. The rotary motion may be continuous or a rocking motion through a small angle. In this second case the cam is called a "wiper." The usual cam is a non-circular disk rotating round a center, and imparting motion to a rod by pressing its edge against a roller on the end of the latter. Where the weight of the rod cannot be utilized to bring it back to its original position, a side-cam must be used, in which a projecting ledge passes between two rollers on the rod. A roller in a groove is objectionable on account of the wear at the opposite points, when the motion of the roller must be instantly reversed. Cams are much used for moving the valves of large steam engines, in printing-press and sewing-machine work, and in special automatic manufacturing machinery.

Cam, DIOGO. Portuguese explorer, who discovered the mouth of the Congo 1484, and sailed to 22° s. lat.

Camaldolites, or CAMALDULIANS. Order of monks founded 1012 by Romuald, ab. 950-1027, at Camaldoli near Arezzo; removed to Venice 1212.

Cambodian Types.-The Queen Mother.

is level, and is drained by the Mekong R. For centuries an in


dependent kingdom, it became tributary to Siam ab. 1545, later to Annam, and is now held by France, Area 32,390 sq. m.; pop. ab. 1,500,000. Cambon, JOSEPH, 1754-1820. Financier of the French Rev



Cambray, BATTLE OF. Cambray, LEAGUE OF. Dec. 10, 1508, between Pope Julius II., the Emperor Maximilian, Louis XII. of France, and Ferdinand of Spain, for the purpose of partitioning Venice. Cambray, PEACE OF. Treaty between Francis I. and Charles V., negotiated 1529 by Louisa of Savoy, Francis' mother, and Margaret of Austria, Charles' aunt; hence called Paix des Dames.

Cambria. Wales; land of the Cimbri or Cymry. Cambrian. System or series of fossiliferous rocks lying immediately below the Ordovician. The term is derived from N. Wales (ancient Cambria), where some of the strata were first studied by Sedgwick. Much difference of opinion exists as to the extent and subdivision of these rocks; their general relationship is given below. The lowest Cambrian strata contain the oldest undisputed fauna known. Even here, however, we find well represented almost all the groups of Invertebrates. Trilobites are exceptionally well developed. These facts prove a long preceding era, the life of which is totally unknown.

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Cambridge. Town of England, on the Cam, 50 m. n. of London; chartered 1200; seat of the famous university. Pop., 1891, 36,983.

Cambridge. City of Middlesex co., Mass., on Charles R., closely adjacent to Boston, of which it is in effect a suburb; chiefly noted as the seat of Harvard University, the oldest (founded in 1636) and in most respects the best equipped of American institutions of learning. It has some manufacturing interests and several publishing houses. It was founded as "Newe Town" 1631, incorporated 1633, and chartered 1846. Pop., 1890, 70,028.

Cambridge, ADA. See CROSS, MRS. A. C.

Cambridge Divinity School. Department of Harvard Univ.; founded 1819; undenominational. It has 6 professors

and ab. 36 students.

Cambridge Greensand. See CRETACEOUS SYSTEM. Cambridge Platform. System of Congregational discipline adopted for their government June 1648 by the New England churches.

Cambridge Platonists. Liberal theologians of Emanuel Coll., Cambridge, ab. 1650. They included Cudworth, Whichcot, H. More, and J. Smith.

Cambridge, UNIVERSITY OF. Originated 1110. The first

Large Quadrangle, Trinity College, Cambridge. college, Peterhouse, was founded 1286, Pembroke 1347, Corpus


Christi 1352. It now has 17 endowed colleges and 3 "hostels." The young women in Newnham and Girton colleges are admitted to the Cambridge examinations, but do not obtain degrees. There are ab. 3,000 students. The Univ. library contains over 400,000 vols. and MSS., and some of the college libraries are of high value.


Cambro-Silurian. System or series of rocks formerly called the Lower Silurian; now usually known as Ordovidefeat of the English by Wallace, Sept. 10, 1297. Cambuskenneth. In Scotland, near Stirling; scene of a

Cambyses. Second king of Persia, son of Cyrus the Great. He reigned 529-22 B.C.; conquered Egypt 525, and was detested for his cruelties.

Camden. City of Camden co., N. J.,on the Delaware opposite Philadelphia. Pop., 1890, 58,313.

the first, Aug. 16, 1780, Cornwallis defeated Gates, mortally Camden, S. C. Scene of two battles of the Revolution. In wounding Baron De Kalb; in the other, April 25, 1781, Greene was repulsed by the English.

Camden, CHARLES PRATT, EARL OF, 1713-1794. Chief-justice of Common Pleas 1762, baron 1765, lord-chancellor 1766-70, pres. of council from 1782, earl 1786.

Camden, WILLIAM, 1551-1623. English antiquary. Britannia, 1586. He is commemorated by the Camden Society, founded 1838 to publish old documents bearing on British history.

Camel. Genus Camelus. Ruminating animal, with outer upper incisors present and tusk-like, as is also the first premolar. Canine teeth present, upper lip cleft, nostrils closable at will, neck vertebræ long, two toes functional, and with pads and nails. One hump of fat on back of Dromedary (Arabian camel), and two humps on Bactrian species of Central Asia. Stomach has no manyplies, the rumen has water-cells. A camel can travel 300 m. in 5 days without drinking. Color sandy, rarely white, length 10 ft., height 7 ft. Wild camel, supposed to have escaped keen sight and scent, lives ab. 30 yrs., and brings forth one foal from owners, is found in Asia and in Arizona. The camel has at a time. The Arabian camel's load averages 500 lbs., the Bactrian can carry twice the weight, but only for short distances. Its gait is ab. 24 m. per hour. Some of the camels bred for speed and known as dromedaries travel 100 m. a day. Camels have been successfully imported into Australia for exploration of the interior, and in 1857 the U. S. made a similar successful experiment in New Mexico and Arizona. The Civil War prevented the extension of their use, but camels are still employed in Nevada. See TYLOPA. For American camels see GUANACO, LLAMA, VICUNA.

Camel. Device for floating vessels over shoals.

Camellia. Genus of showy-flowered shrubs of the natural family Ternstroemiaceae, natives of e. Asia, widely cultivated. The Chinese extract an oil from the seeds.

Camelopardellidæ, or DEVEXA. Family of the section Pecora of the sub-order Ruminantia. The Giraffe, the only living representative, is adapted for feeding upon the leaves of trees by having an extremely long neck and vertical development of the front of the body, which causes the back to slope strongly toward the tail. There are but the normal number (7) of cervical vertebræ. Short, persistent horns, consisting of separate ossifications placed on the sutures between the frontal A central horn of similar nature is placed upon the sagittal and parietals, and covered by a hairy skin, exist in both sexes.

suture. There are but two toes to the feet. The animal lives south of the Sahara, and is sometimes 18 ft. high, but is inoffensive. The name Camelopard is due to its being spotted like the leopard and having a long neck like the camel.

Camelot. One of King Arthur's capitals, by some identified with Queen's Camel, Somersetshire. Shakespeare's C. is Tintagel or Camelford in Cornwall.

Camenæ. Roman name for the Nine Muses. It originally designated certain fountain nymphs who presided over childbirth, and had the gift of prophecy.

Cameniata, JOANNES. Greek historian, who wrote on the capture of Thessalonica by the Arabs 904.

Cameo. Engraved gem in relief, generally cut from a stone like agate or onyx, with layers of different colors, so that the design appears in one or more colors or a background of another color. This art flourished in highest perfection_during the Alexandrian period and under the early Roman Empire, but was revived by the Renaissance.

Cameralist. Financier; a person skilled in the principles




and system of public revenue. A term scarcely used outside Mickle 1776. His lyrics were largely the product of his later Germany. life, which was spent in poverty.

Cameralistics. Science of public finance. This word is almost confined to Germany.

Camera Lucida. Optical instrument depending for its action upon the principle of internal total reflection. By its means the outlines of objects may be traced as projected by the eye upon a sheet of paper. Invented by Wollaston 1804 and improved by Amici. Amici's consists of a triangular glass prism, right angled at B. One of its perpendicular faces is turned toward the object that has to be drawn and the other K



Camera Lucida.

side placed at right angles to an inclined plate of glass, n m. The dotted lines in the figure show the direction of the rays of light.

Camera Obscura.

Instrument invented ab. 1569 by Baptista Porta of Naples. It consists of a dark room or box, into which rays of light from without are admitted through a very small opening. If a screen be placed in the chamber opposite the opening, inverted images of outside objects will be | obtained on the screen in their natural colors, but reduced in size. It was soon found that a convex lens placed in such an opening produced a much sharper and, because of the much greater quantity of light admitted, much brighter image. The chief use of the camera at present is for photographic purposes, in which case the screen is replaced by a sensitive plate upon which the image is thrown.


Camerarius, or Liebhard, JOACHIM, 1500-1574. Prof. Nuremberg 1526; Tübingen 1535, and Leipzig from 1541. of Melancthon, 1566. His other works relate mainly to the classics.

Cameron, JOHN, 1579-1625. Scottish theologian, prof. at Saumur 1618, Glasgow 1622, and Montauban 1624; founder of a school that extended the decree of election to all human beings.

Cameron, RICHARD. Scottish field-preacher, killed in a skirmish 1680; founder of the "Cameronians" or Reformed Presbyterians.

Cameron, SIMON, 1799-1889. U. S. Senator fom Pa. 1845-49, 1857-61, and 1866-77; Sec. of War 1861-2; Minister to Russia 1862-3.-His son, JAMES DONALD, b. 1833, has been U. S. Sen

ator since 1877.

Cameron, VERNEY LOVETT, b. 1844. English explorer. Across Africa, 1876; Our Future Highway to India, 1880; Gold Coast, 1883.

Cameron, WILLIAM, 1751-1811. Scottish poet; minister at Kirknewton from 1786; author, in whole or part, of many of the Scotch Paraphrases, 1781.

Cameroons. German protectorate (since 1884) on w. coast of Africa, e. of mouth of the Niger. The Cameroon Mts. are at one point ab. 13,750 ft. high.

Camillus, MARCUS FURIUS, 447-365 B.C. Roman general, five times dictator. He took Veii 396 B.C., and defeated the Gauls 390 and 367.

Camisards. Huguenots of Languedoc who resisted oppression, and were killed or exiled 1705; named from the camisa or blouse worn in camisades or night attacks.

Camoens, LUIS DE, 1524-1580. Portuguese epic and lyric poet. His Lusiad, one of the greatest of national poems, was written in India between 1556 and 1569, and pub. 1572; tr. by

Luis de Camoens.

Camomile. See CHAMOMILE.

Camorra. Secret society in Naples, whose members terrorized the country, taxing all trades and classes, and committing many crimes. In 1874, 200 of them were exiled.

Camouflet. Military mine containing so small a charge as to produce no crater when exploded. Its object is to destroy an enemy's mine or gallery, or to produce suffocation in the latter.

Camp, WALTER, b. 1859. Member of the Advisory Committee on Athletics at Yale Univ. Book of College Sports; American Foot-Ball; Foot-Ball Facts and Figures, 1895.

Camp. Any temporary location for troops in campaign, where, under tents or improvised shelter, they may sojourn for a brief period; when without shelter they are said to be in bivouac. Camps are also established to hold important military positions, and to invest or lay siege to a strongly defended work; e.g., at Petersburg, Va., 1864-65. The choice of location, form, arrangement, etc., are greatly influenced by the object of its establishment; and in time of war, owing to liability of attack by surprise, these must conform to tactical requirements for rapidity of formation and movement.

Camp, INTRENCHED. Military position defended by field intrenchments, which are occupied by an army ready for battle. During the last year of the Rebellion both armies habitually intrenched their positions.

Campagna. Plain about Rome, long desolate and malarious, now partly redeemed by drainage.

Campaign. Series of military operations undertaken by an army for a specific strategical purpose; e.g., Grant's overland campaign in 1864. Its object was the defeat of Lee's army and capture of Richmond. Operations began with crossing the Rapidan early in May, 1864, followed by the battles of the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, Cold Harbor, etc., and ended with the passage of the James R. at Fort Powhatan in June, 1864. It resulted in the investment of Lee's army and siege of Petersburg.

teacher, Memoirs of Marie Antoinette, 1823. Campan, JEANNE LOUISE HENRIETTE, 1752-1822. French

Campana Collection OF ANTIQUITIES. In the Louvre, Paris; especially rich in Greek vases and in Etruscan objects; purchased from the Vatican 1861.

the quartermaster, relating to the domestic rather than the Camp and Garrison Equipage. Articles issued by warlike purpose of the soldier, and carried by an army in the field or used in garrison, such as tents, fittings, camp utensils, shovels, axes, and clothing.

Campanella, TOMMASO, 1568-1639. Italian philosopher and poet, imprisoned at Naples 1599-1626, and seven times tortured. After some years at Rome, he went to France, 1634, to escape Spanish persecution. He was a Dominican monk, with opinions in some respects beyond his time. Spanish Monarchy, 1640; tr. 1658; De Sensu Rerum, 1620; Civitas Solis, 1623; Atheismus Triumphatus, 1631; Philosophia Rationalis, 1637; Philosophia Universalis seu Metaphysica, 1638.

Campania. Ancient province of w. Italy, s. of Latium; a favorite retreat of the Roman nobles in summer; originally inhabited by the Oscans, who were conquered by the Etruscans. The Campani of Roman times were a mixed race.

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