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Inspectors of election, their powers and duties.

the ensuing year in such district, and until their successors are elected and qualify.

(236) § 3585. SEC. 4. The boards of inspectors of each district shall be inspectors of elections in each election or township meeting held therein. They shall appoint one of their number chairman of the board, shall administer oaths, make appointments, and have the same powers and authority for preserving order and enforcing their commands and all other powers for proceeding with the elections in said district, and shall conduct the elections therein, in the same manner as now or hereafter directed by law for township inspectors of general elections held in this State, unless herein Compensation otherwise provided. They shall receive the same compensation of township inspectors from the township, and before entering upon their duties shall take and subscribe the oath of office prescribed by the constitution.

and oath of


Electors to vote in district


(237) § 3586. SEC. 5. The electors of each district shall in which they vote in the respective districts in which they reside, and for which they are registered, except such as are required to act as inspectors of election, who may vote at the polls where they act as inspectors.



(238) § 3587. SEC. 6. The board of registration of said districtors in township shall complete the registration of electors of each district in separate district registers, and shall transcribe to such district register from the township register the names of such electors as they know are qualified electors and residents of such district, and shall cause such district register to be present at every election for the use of each district board of inspectors; and for the purpose of perfecting the registration of electors in any election district said board of registration may appoint a resident qualified elector of such district, who shall make and subscribe the oath of office referred to in section four of this act, and said elector with one of the members of said board of registration may hold meetings not to exceed three in number, of one day each, giving suitable notice thereof, at such time and place in said district as said township board of registration shall direct, and after completing said district registration in the manner prescribed by existing law for the registration of electors, and before the next coming election, shall return said district register to the custody of said township board of registration.

Canvass of votes in district.

(239) § 3588. SEC. 7. The district inspectors of elec tions shall, without adjourning, publicly canvass the votes received by them, the same as prescribed by law for canvassing votes at the general elections in this State, except as herein otherwise provided, and shall on the same day make a statement in writing, setting forth in words at full length the whole number of votes given for each office, the names of persons for whom such votes for each office were given, and the whole number of votes given upon each question voted upon, and the number [of votes] given for and against the same;

canvass of

which statement shall be certified, under the hands of the in- Official spectors of election of such district, to be correct, and they township. shall deposit such statement and certificate on the day of election, together with the poll list and the register of electors and the boxes containing said ballots, with the board of inspectors of district numbered "one," and said last named board shall immediately consolidate said district reports, and the combined result shall be the official canvass of said township.

The provisions of this section for consolidating the reports of district inspectors is superseded, so far as relates to the manner of the return by inspectors, by the election law of 1891.-Belknap v. State Canvassers, 95/ 155. For law of 1891 see sections 111-155.

ing of electors

canvass votes.

(240) § 3589. SEC. 8. The electors of each election dis- Time of meettrict shall meet at one o'clock in the afternoon at the polling to transact place of each district respectively to transact such business business and as is usually transacted at township meetings by viva voce vote, and shall count or canvass the votes on each and every question which shall be submitted to them, and the result of such vote shall be counted and reported to the board of inspectors of election of precinct number one, and shall be by them consolidated and canvassed in the same manner as provided by section seven of said act: Provided, That all ques- Proviso as tions proposed to be acted upon shall be previously reported to reporting to the township board and by them reported to the board of inspectors of election of each precinct on the morning of election, and that no question shall be entertained that is not so reported.

Aud. Gen. v. Duluth, etc., R. Co., 116/125.


(241) § 3590. SEC. 9. The president and trustees of any Division in incorporated village may divide said village into as many elec- villages. tion districts, containing as nearly as possible an equal number of qualified electors, as they shall deem necessary and convenient for conducting the elections in said village. They Notice of shall give not less than fifteen days' notice of said division before the next ensuing election in said village, by posting in not less than three public places in each election district, or by publishing the same two weeks in a newspaper published in said village, a description of the boundaries of said district, and the place of holding the first election therein, and the number of said district.


(242) § 3591. SEC. 10. Said president and trustees shall Record, where make a record of the boundaries and number of each election district and file the same with the clerk of the village so divided, and may change the same by giving the notice before the ensuing election as required by [in] section nine of this act.


(243) § 3592. SEC. 11. The officers of said village who, Inspectors of by existing law, act as a board of inspectors of election of said village shall, under this act, constitute a board of inspec

Term of office of inspectors.

Manner of conducting elections.

Canvass of votes in districts.

Official canvass of village.

Registration of electors in villages.

tors for election district numbered "one" of said village, and one of said trustees, with two qualified electors who are freeholders, the latter of whom shall be residents of the election districts in which they serve, shall constitute a board of inspectors of election in each of the remaining election districts. Six days' notice of such first appointment for any district, with the place of holding the first election therein, shall be given in said district, and said inspectors shall hold their offices for one year and until their successors are appointed and qualify.

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(244) 3593. SEC. 12. Each board of district inspectors of election shall appoint one of their number chairman, and shall conduct the election in said district with the same power and authority and in the same manner, unless herein otherwise provided, as now or hereafter directed by law for inspectors of general elections held in this State, unless herein otherwise provided, and shall, at the closing of the polls, without adjourning, publicly canvass the votes received by them the same as in general elections, and declare the result, and shall on the same day make a statement in writing, setting forth the whole number of votes given for each office, the names of persons for whom such votes for each office were given, and the number of votes so given for each person; which statement shall be certified under the hands of the inspectors of such election district to be correct, and they shall deposit such statement and certificate on the day of election, together with the poll list and the register of electors and the boxes containing said ballots, with the board of inspectors of election of district numbered "one," who shall combine the reports from each district upon each question and proposition, and what persons were duly elected, and the result thereof shall be the official canvass of such village.

(245) 3594. SEC. 13. The registration of electors shall be conducted in said village by the board of registration thereof, in the same manner as above provided for the registration in township election districts, and where not so provided, then by existing laws for registration of electors, and all such persons appointed or elected as herein provided shall, before entering upon the duties of their office, make and subscribe the constitutional oath of office of this State, and said villages may provide for the payment of such officers. (246) SEC. 14. The township board of any township divisions into which has been or may hereafter be divided into two or more election districts under the provisions of this act, may at any time abolish said division into election districts, and said action so abolishing said division into election districts shall be entered upon the records of said board, and subsequent elections in said township shall be conducted in the same manner as if no division of said township into election districts had ever been made: Provided however, That this act shall

May abolish

election districts.


not apply to divisions made by special act of the State legislature.

Added, 1901, act 21.


An Act to provide for the holding of primaries in cities of not less than fifteen thousand inhabitants, and not over one hundred fifty thousand inhabitants, and to punish frauds thereon, and by delegates elected thereat, and the corruption and attempted corruption of such delegates.

[Act 135 of 1895.]

The People of the State of Michigan enact:


(247) § 3514. SECTION 1. That the word "primary" in How the word this act shall be construed to mean an assemblage of voters be construed. 'primary" of any political party duly convened for any of the purposes set forth in this act, and that the words "primary elections," as used in this act, shall be construed so as to embrace all elections held by any political party, convention, organization or delegation therefrom, for the purpose of choosing candidates for office, or for choosing delegates to any convention or conventions to be held by the party holding such primary, or for the purpose of electing officers of any political organization, convention or association.

See sections 356-364 for the protection of primary elections and conventions.

be held in the

same time.

(248) § 3515. SEC. 2. The primaries of any political Primaries to parties in cities included in this act, shall be held by the different several wards of each such city, and all the wards shall hold wards at the their primaries for the same party at the same time: Pro- Proviso as to vided, That in any city whose population is fifty thousand and holding pri not more than one hundred and fifty thousand, such primaries ing precincts. may, by direction of the principal committee of any party organization in any such city, be held by the voting precincts of the several wards of said city. Any ward or precinct fail- In case ward ing to hold its party primary at the time designated therefor, primary. as provided in section three of this act, shall not be represented at the election or convention of its party, so far as relates to the special purpose for which such primary was called.

fail to hold

(249) § 3516. SEC. 3. The time for holding the prima- Time of holdries in any city shall be determined by the principal commit- ing primaries. tee of the party having in charge the particular matter for which the primary is called. Notices of the time for holding Notice of time said primaries shall be given by the city or ward committee of the respective parties in the same manner as provided in section nine of act three hundred and three of the session

for holding.

When council may provide booths.

laws of one thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven, as amended by act one hundred and seventy-five of the session laws of one thousand eight hundred and ninety-three.

The section above mentioned is section 364 of this compilation.

(250) § 3517. SEC. 4. The common council of any city embraced in this act may, in their discretion, cause the election booths of their respective cities to be provided or erected within ten days after they shall have received notice from the chairman of any duly organized committee, whose duty it shall be to call the same, that the booths will be needed for Proviso as to holding a primary: Provided, That the chairman of such

notice on


Time of holding primaries in cities.

Board of inspectors to preside at primaries.

Members of ward committee.

committee shall serve such notice upon the clerk or recorder of said city, at least twenty days before the time fixed for holding such primary.

(251) § 3518. SEC. 5. The primaries in any city affected by this act and containing less than thirty thousand inhabitants shall be held between the hours of four and eight o'clock p. m., standard time. The primaries in any city affected by this act and containing more than thirty thousand inhabitants shall be held between the hours of two o'clock and eight o'clock p. m., standard time.

Am. 1899, Act 22.

(252) § 3519. SEC. 6. Each primary shall be presided over by a board of inspectors, which shall be composed of a chairman, who shall be a member of the ward committee of the party holding said primary, residing in the ward where the primary is held, and of two qualified voters chosen from the residents of said ward, and who shall belong to the party holding such primary. Each political party desiring to hold primary elections shall, at the first primary election after this act takes effect, elect a member of the ward committee and two inspectors of primaries for each ward or voting precinct, Two inspectors whose term of office shall be for two years. At the first primary held after this act takes effect, each political party shall choose two inspectors, and if there be no member of its ward committee, also a chairman of such committee, by a viva voce vote of the electors of the party holding such primary present Vacancy, how at the opening of said primary. And if any member of such board of primary inspectors shall be absent, or for any reason be disqualified from sitting on the board of which he is a member, such vacancy shall be filled by a viva voce vote of the voters of the party holding such primary at the opening of the same.

to be chosen.


Who eligible to vote at primaries.

(253) § 3520. SEC. 7. No voter whose name does not appear on the registration list of the last preceding election, or when the committee of any party shall have adopted party registration and his name does not appear upon [such] each party registration books, shall be allowed to vote at any pri

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