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1. Translate into English:



Le lendemain après la visite du matin, et comme il venait d'écarter son lit de la muraille, Dantès entendit frapper trois coups à intervalles égaux; il se précipita à genoux.

Est-ce vous? dit-il, me voilà !

Votre geôlier est-il parti? demanda la voix.

- Oui, répondit Dantès, il ne reviendra que ce soir. - Je puis donc agir? dit la voix.

– Oh! oui, oui, à l'instant même, je vous en supplie. Aussitôt la portion de terre sur laquelle Dantès appuyait ses deux mains sembla céder sous lui, et il vit paraître une tête, des épaules et enfin un homme tout entier qui sortit de l'excavation pratiquée.


Als der König am andern Morgen das Brot schnitt, drang die Klinge des Messers durch den Holzteller und tief in die Tischplatte. Alle Anwesenden waren erstaunt, und der König betrachtete das Messer und sah, dass es neu war.

Goldbrand wurde gerufen.

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Weisst du, woher dieses wunderbare Messer kommt ?" fragte ihn der König.

,,Nun, wer anders als Amilias wird es geschmiedet haben?" sagte Wieland.

In diesem Augenblick trat Amilias vor und sagte:,,Ja, Herr König, ich habe das Messer geschmiedet.",,Lügner!" schrie der König, ,,niemals könntest du ein solches Meisterwerk fertigen, das selbst dem berühmten Schmiede Wieland Ehre machen würde."

2. Answer Section A or Section B:

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(d) Put into indirect speech (oratio obliqua), suitably introduced:

(i) Est-ce vous? dit-il.

(ii) Je puis donc agir? (iii) Je vous en supplie.


(a) Put into indirect speech (oratio obliqua), suitably introduced :(i) Weisst du, woher dieses wunderbare Messer kommt?

(ii) Ich habe das Messer geschmiedet.

(iii) Niemals könntest du ein solches Meisterwerk fertigen. (b) Put into the subject (nominative) case :—

dem berühmten Schmiede.

(c) Put into the plural:

der König betrachtete das Messer.

3. Translate into French or German :—

At last they came to a hill. On the top of the hill was a castle, the windows of which were all open. They climbed the hill, and, having reached the top, they found themselves before the door of the castle, which was shut. They rang, but no one opened the door. Then they looked through the windows. There was no one there.



Write an essay on one of the following subjects:(1) Conscription.

(2) Science and Warfare.

(3) The Theatre.

(4) The English Novel.

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6. Find two numbers which differ by 17, and are such that three times the smaller exceeds twice the greater by 27.

7. What is the cost of 3 tons 5 cwt. 3 qrs. 11 lb. at £18 13s. 4d. per ton?

8. Find what sum of money invested to-day at 5 per cent. per annum simple interest will amount together with the interest to £924 in 2 years. 9. Find the simple interest on £843 6s. 8d. for 1 years at 4 per cent. per annum.

10. How long will it take a train 300 feet long, moving at 60 miles an hour, to pass a train 200 feet long moving at 48 feet a second, the first train having just overtaken the second?



1. Who was the first English Prince of Wales?

Who was the Black Prince'?

When and how did Joan of Arc die?

2. What were the political and personal grounds of Henry VIII's quarrel with the Papacy, and what were its consequences?

3. Give an account either of the contest over 'Ship-Money' in Charles I's reign, or of the Trial of the Seven Bishops under James II. 4. Under what circumstances and by what commanders were these battles fought: Blenheim, Aboukir Bay, Copenhagen, Saratoga, Culloden ?

5. (a) What is meant by Free Trade? When and by whom was it established as a principle of English policy?


(b) What do you know of the Reform Bill of 1832? By what Government and by what means was it carried, and what was its main effect?

6. Where are these places, and what is the special interest or importance of each ?

Agadir, Durazzo, Metz, Ladysmith, Mount Carmel, Essen, Mukden, Jena, the Shenandoah, the Falkland Islands.

7. Where are the homes of the Finns, Kurds, Letts, Pathans, Turcomans, Bedouins, Magyars, Croats, Dyaks, Cossacks?

8. What possessions had Germany in Africa before the war, and what British provinces lay beside them?

Translate into Latin :


I. I fear, exclaimed he, that the patient may die, while we are deliberating.

2. He made a law hindering the lending out of money at high interest.

3. He promised to come to celebrate my birthday with me, but has been prevented by some untoward occurrence.

4. Can anything be more ridiculous than to acquire wealth for thankless and greedy heirs?

5. Someone is to blame, but who the culprit may be, I know not. 6. While walking about gazing at the stars, he fell into an open well. 7. One may not do an injury to another for one's own benefit. 8. Avoid that action about which you are in doubt whether it be right or wrong.



1. Translate into French or German

A king sent his son to France in order to see the country and in order to study the language. 'You will stay in France for two years,' he said, and after that you will return to your own country.' The prince departed, and at the end of two years he sent this letter to his father: 'I like France better than England, and I wish to remain here. You are very old and you will soon die; but my brother will be king instead of me. You wish me to be king, but I wish to be free, and to pass my life in this country. Farewell.'

2. Translate into English :


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Le lendemain à la même heure, le geôlier rentra. ' Eh bien,' lui demanda le geôlier, 'êtes-vous plus raisonnable aujourd'hui ?' Dantès ne répondit pas. "Voyons donc,' dit le geôlier, un peu de courage! Que désirez-vous?' 'Je désire parler au gouverneur.' 'Eh?' dit le geôlier avec impatience, je vous ai déjà dit que c'est impossible. Si vous m'ennuyez à me répéter toujours la même chose, je ne vous apporterai plus à manger.' Et bien !' dit Dantès, 'si tu ne m'apportes plus à manger, je mourrai de faim, voilà tout.' Écoutez,' reprit le

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geôlier d'un ton plus adouci, soyez bien sage, on vous permettra la promenade, et peut-être qu'un jour, pendant que vous vous promènerez, le gouverneur passera: alors vous l'interrogerez, et, s'il veut vous répondre, cela le regarde.'


Im Lande Seeland herrschte Wate, ein mächtiger Fürst, berühmt durch seine Tapferkeit. Als seine drei Söhne zu Jünglingen herangewachsen waren, fragte der Vater sie, welche Kunst sie erlernen wollten. Da sprach Eigel, der älteste:,,Ich will ein Bogenschütze werden." Der zweite Sohn, Helferich, sagte:,,Ich will ein Arzt werden." Der jüngste Sohn, Wieland, war des Vaters Liebling. Er sagte nachdenklich: Ich möchte ein Schmied werden."

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Da lachte sein Vater und sprach: Das hätte ich mir denken können! Wohlan, meine Söhne, ich will euren Wünschen entsprechen."

Nun zogen Eigel und Helferich fort aus der Fürstenburg. Aber den jüngsten Sohn Wieland begleitete der Vater selbst zu Mimer, der ein. berühmter Waffenschmied in deutschen Gauen war. Und Meister Mimer versprach dem Fürsten, aus seinem Sohne Wieland einen tüchtigen Schmied zu machen.



[Choose ONE subject for an Essay.]

I. War.

2. The Centenary of Waterloo.

3. Your favourite Author.

4. Summer Holidays.





1. Draw a diagram of the celestial sphere as seen by an observer at about the latitude of Dublin, showing the declination and right ascension, and the celestial longitude and latitude of a star.

2. Over what portions of the earth is it possible to have a midnight sun, and over what portion is it possible for the sun to be in the zenith at noon?

3. The observed meridian zenith distances of a circumpolar star are 35° and 47°. Given that the tangents of these angles are 7 and 1.07, and that the coefficient of refraction is 58.2", find the latitude of the place and the declination of the star.

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