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The Officers here after named are appointed a Council of War, or any five of them, whereof Colonel Hilton or Major [P. 236.] Smith to be one, to proceed to the examination and judgment of any military offences in breach of the articles of Warr of any Officer* or soldier that is or has been in the pay of the Province, and to report the proceedings to the Governour before execution, in all cases:

[blocks in formation]

Mr. Thomas Packer's debenter, am° to 791: 6o, about provisions and medicines for the wounded Squaw, was sent to the Representatives to make report, which was accordingly done, (as upon file) viz., the difference between Colonel Packer's account and the allowances of the As. sembly, 25: 10: 8, due to ballance to the said Packer and

*An Act relating to Troopers.

Province of New Hamp're. [SEAL.] Whereas there is noe punishment or fine inflicted by Law upon any Troopers in the Province for any disorder, disturbance or military offence, which at any time. may be committed by them:

Be it enacted by his Excellency the Gov'r, Council and Representatives convened in General Assembly, and by the Authority of the same, that all troopers within this province who shall be guilty of any disorder or disobedience to their superior officers, or committ any military offence, shall pay double the fine sett by the Law upon foot souldjers; and in other cases where the punishment is corporal, shall undergoe the same punishments as the foot souldjers, to be inflicted by the officers as the Law provides for foot souldjers - any Law, usage or custom to the contrary notwithstanding.

16th October, 1707. This bill was read three times in the House of Representatives and past to be enacted, and sent up to the Council for concurrence.


Eodem die. This bill was read three several times at the Council Board, and voted a concurrence with the House of Representatives, His Excellency assenting thereto.

CHA. STORY, Secretary.

I assent to the enacting this Bill.


allowed by the Assembly,- fifty three pounds, fifteen shillings, four pence.

53: 15: 4.

To advance of the Treasurer in necessaries for the Indian Squaw, and wages for the nurse, 18: 0: 0

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The sum of seventy-one ponnds, fifteen shillings, four pence, being allowed by the Assembly to the Treasurer and Mr. Packer, is the present allowance and ordered to be paid. J. DUDLEY.

22 October, 1707.

Ordered, that all soldiers that travel to their regular musters be carried over all ferryes in this Province for half ferriage pay; And that all soldiers immediately in the Queen's service and under pay, be transported over any of the said ferryes for two pence per piece.

Adjd till Monday next, 10 o'clock, ante merediem.

Monday, the 20th October. Met, and adja to Wednesday, the 224 instant, 10 of the clock, ante merediem.

[P. 237.] Province of New Hampshire.

At a Council and General Assembly held at Portsmouth by adj', on Wednesday the 224 of October, 1707. Present,

His Excellency Joseph Dudley, Esq., Governour,

Major W Vaughan,

Peter Coffin,

Robert Ellott,

John Gerrish,

Esqrs. Sam' Penhallow, Esqrs.
John Plaisted,

A vote was sent up to this Board from the House of Representatives, that a bill relating to troopers may be engrossed.*

*See bill on preceding page.

A vote was sent from this Board, in hæc verba :

Voted, that five pounds be given unto Robert Thompson out of the Treasury, for his encouragement in bringing in an Indian scalp, was read at this Board and consented to by the Council, and ordered to be paid out of the Treasury.

The following vote was sent up from the House of Representatives, in hæc verba:

Voted, that an address be made to her Majesty to represent the distressed state of this Province by reason of the War, and pray for relief of small arms and ammunition.

Also another to Justify the Governour in his good conduct here against the malicious aspersions of male-contents, and that the Council be prayed to Join with us therein; and his Excellency humbly desired to give his fiat thereto.

Past by the House.

Per. Sam' Keais.

Read in Council and agreed to, nemine contra dicente. Cha. Story, Secretary.

Adja till the afternoon.

[P. 238.]

Province of New Hampshire.

At a Council and General Assembly held at Portsmouth by adj', on Wednesday, the 224 October, 1707.


His Excellency Joseph Dudley, Esq., Governour,

[blocks in formation]

The following Address being three several times read at this Board was sent down to the House of Representatives and agreed upon by both Houses:

To the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty:

The humble Address of your Majesty's Council and Representatives of your Majesty's Province of New Hampshire convened in General Assembly,

Humbly sheweth:

That notwithstanding his late majestie was graciously pleased out of his princely reguard to send a supply of Artillery and ammunition for your majesty's fort at Great Island; since which the great expense of rebuilding said fort and constant keeping men in pay for the better defense of this your Majesty's Province towards the sea, together with the extraordinary charge of defending the frontiers by land against the Indian rebels, assisted by the French from Canada and Port Royal, has reduced your Majesty's poor subjects to a great distress; many of whom have been necessitated to remove, by which our number and strength are lessened; others cannot provide for their families but with hazard of their lives, many fields lying untilled, [P. 239.] unless such as are under covert of the garrisons; at present we labor under a great want of good small arms and ammunition, which are daily wasted and lost in the wilderness in pursuit of the enemy, and by reason of our poverty cannot be supplied.

Your Majesty's petitioners, therefore, most humbly pray of your most Excellent Majesty that of your Majesty's Royal Bounty they may be supplied with such a quantity of small arms of several sorts, and ammunition proper for them, as well as for the great ordinance at your Majesty's fort in this Province, which will at all times be thriftily expended for the defense of your Majesty's good subjects; and we shall ever pray for the increase of your Majesty's glorious victories over the enemies of the repose of Europe, and your Majesty's long and happy reign over us. Portsm° in New Hampshire in New England, 224 October, 1707. We are your Majesty's most dutiful and obedient subjects. Charles Story, Secretary.

Signed in presence and by order of the Council.

John Pickerin, Speaker.

Signed in presence and by order of the House of Representa


To the Queen's Most Excell. Majesty:

The humble address of your Majesty's Council and Representatives of your Majesty's Province of New Hampshire, convened in General Assembly,

Most humbly sheweth:

That since our late address to your most Sacred Majesty, representing the poor and distressed condition of this your Majesty's Province, we are surprized with advice from England that several disaffected persons have petitioned your Majesty for the remove of Colonel Dudley, our present Governour, for male-administration, which we are well assured was done out of a particular pique by the principal of the said petitioners, who drew in others to subscribe that knew nothing of Colonel Dudley, nor had any families or concerns in New England; and we admire the more thereat, for that your Majesty had then received an address from the Council and Assembly of this Province, humbly representing the great care and good conduct of Colonel Dudley in the Government thereof, both as to the War as well as civil administration; And we are humbly bold to let your Majesty know that we are still of the same opinion, having daily instances of the indefatigable pains for the defense of the frontiers against the French and Indian enemy, who, by the prudent foresight and good intelligence which he has always gained of the enemies motion, and where they designed to make an attack, has sent seasonable relief so as that their designs have been totally defeated and your Majesty's good subjects and their estates thereby preserved.

We therefore most humbly pray that the malicious insinuations of a few male-contents may have no impression upon your [P. 241.] Majesty to the prejudice of Colonel Dudley, but that if it consists with your Majesty's good pleasure he may be still continued in his Government, whereby we firmly believe your Majesty's honor, the interests of the Crown and the welfare and prosperity of your good subjects here will be better promoted than by another person, not so well acquainted with the affairs of this country.

It only remains that we continue to render our most sincere thanks to Almighty God for the success of your Majesty's victorious arms and the happy union of your Majesty's Kingdoms of Great Britain, which will for ever advance your Majesty's Glory and tend to the ruin of the enemy of the repose of Europe, most

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