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with. The whole of my patient's teeth appeared to have a syphilitic taint, and with increased flow of saliva, amounting to chronic salivation. These were not the only troubles I had to surmount; but that which retarded my work most was the repeated recurrence of syphilitic ulcers of the sulcus and gums generally, which, though not painful to my my patient, was still a source of considerable discomfort and militated greatly against the success of my operations. Iodia having come under my notice, I was inclined to give it a trial, and with the addition of a small proportion of liq. hydrarg. bi-chlor., taken daily before

meals for a time-also used occasionally as 2 mouth wash-the salivation became normal, the mucous membrane assumed a more healthy state and the teeth generally looked like coming back to their orginal color.

80 Fortress Road, London, N. W. We all need a brushing up once in a while, and six weeks spent with the eminent faculty of the New York Post-Graduate Medical School and Hospital, 224 East 20th St., New York City, will get au amount of information and instruction which will prove invaluable in the future.

Abies Canadensis (Geddes) diluted with fifty per cent. of glycerine, and used as an application to the vagina and os uteri, by means of a cotton swab tampou, is most effective in subduing inflammation, and curing discharges from these parts.

better than that of Potassium Iodide, as it does not nauseate the stomach, nor does it cause the other disagreeable effects of that remedy. In fact in all cases in which Iodine is indicated, the Syrup of Hydriodic Acid, as prepared by you, I consider an excellent remedy. With kindest regards, I am yours, &c.,


I have used Elixir Purgans for a number of years and consider it the best liquid cathartic that I have ever used.

A. H. BRUNDAGE, Xenia, Ohio. THE "BEST" TONIC.-The "Best" Tonic is manufactured from the Best Malt and Choicest Hops and neither Alcohol, Spirits nor Chemicals of any kind are used in its preparation.

GOUTY, KAEUEATIC AND BENAE AFFECTIONS. Dr. J. Montfort Schley, Surgeon to New York Ophthalmic Hospital, says: "I have prescribed Buffalo Lithia Water in my practice for several years, with the greatest satisfaction in Gouty and Rheumatic Affections and in Catarrh of the Bladder. I know of no Water of equal value in Gouty Affections."

CAPSULES.-Send to the old reliable house of H. Planten & Son, 224 William Street, New York, known for more than a half century for their excellent manufacture of capsules, and mention MEDICAL MONTHLY they will mail you a free sample of their goods.

PAPINE VS. MORPHIA.-I have used Papine (Battle) in several cases recently with most satisfactory results. One special advantage it seems to possess over the ordinary preparations of opium

RACINE WIS., June 6th, 1888. MR. R. W. GARDNER-MY DEAR SIR: In relation to your Syrup Hydriodic Acid, I can say that I have used it quite extensively in my practice.especially the tincture-is that its use I find it to be a very superior article in cases of Bronchial Catarrh, and in fact in all catarrhal affections of the throat and lungs. Especially is its use very advantageous in children who are suffering from congestion of the lungs from sudden colds. I like its use much

is not followed by the nausea which often succeeds the use of morphia and laudanum, which makes it exceedingly valuable in all those cases where an anodyne is indicated.

J. STINSON HARRISON, M. D. Washington, D. C.

One of the pleasantest as well as the most reliable way to administer the Bromides is to use Peacock's Bromides. The combination of the Bromides of Potassium, Sodium, Calcium, Ammonium and Lithium is very effective, as we well know from experience.

The Tip Battery, a speciality of the Jerome Kidder Manufacturing Co., 820 Broadway, N. Y. City, is a novel and most useful instrument. Well made as all of the Kidder instruments are, they save time in their operation, and are very convenient. They must be seen to be appreciated.

In the use of Bromo-Caffeine we get the most delightful results. It has proved exceedingly valuable in our hands for headaches from loss of sleep, physical fatigue, excessive study, mental anxiety, neurasthenia, dysmenorrhora, pregnancy, or other ovarian irritation. Relieves insomnia, and is very useful in asthma, whooping cough, and nervous cough. Prevents tinnitus aurium during the administration of Quinine. Cures sea sickness, quiets the restlessness of alcoholism, morphia craving, etc. Relieves anxiety and promotes sleep. The profession are under obligation to Messrs. Keasbey & Mattison for the elegant manner in which it is put up. Always reliable, never disappointing, and always of the same strength and purity.

Lactopeptine, the old reliable medicine for indigestion, vomiting in pregnancy, cholera infantum, and all diseases arising from indigestion, still holds its favorite place in the estimation of the Profession, and most deservedly so. It is to be depended on under all circumstances.

The value of Pepotgenic Milk Powder has been fully demonstrated in all cases where a digested or partly digested food is required. We believe the doctors of the United States owe a greater debt of gratitude to Fairchild Bros. & Foster, than the immense demand for their goods can ever pay.

Santal-Midy, is the most valuable medicine in Gonorrhoea that we know of. A year's experience with it in a large practice, convinces us it is the remedy par excellance. E. Fougera & Co., the popular druggists, No. 30 William St., New York City, are the Agents.

We have used with great benefit Senecin as an emenagogue. It is better than any medicine of its class that we know. Send to B. Keith & Co., 75 William Street, New York City for literature upon the subject.

The Pioneer in the manufacture of seamless shirts for use in Plaster Paris Jackets was A. M. Lawson, of New York. Send to them for prices. They will be satisfactorily and surely pleasc. Years of dealing with them only confirm the facts found out by others long before.

One of the most desirable and efficient

preparations, as well as the most useful, is Gregory's Syrup of Dover's Powder. In our hands we have found it both pleasant and efficacious.

The Lockwood Buckboard as adver

tised on page X. is a wonderful wagon.

Zymoticine as advertised on page X. is well worthy a trial. Read what the manufacturers have got to say about it.

mothers are severely taxed, and the When the vital powers of nursing system is breaking down because of the strain upon it, Bovinine is of the greater service by its tonic and food properties. It stimulates the appetite, betters digestion, sustains and invigorates the overtaxed powers, and increases the quantity and quality of the milk.

The veteran piano dealer, C. M. Loomis, makes a liberal offer in his advertisement on page XV. Write him for particulars.

W. H. Schieffelin & Co., 170 William Street, New York City, will send a valuable pamphlet on Salol to any physician mentioning the NEW ENGLAND MEDICAL MONTHLY. able book.

It is a valu

Did you see the recent editorial in the New York Medical Journal endorsing the wines of the California Vintage Co., 21 Park Place, New York City. If not you should do so, as it is a most meritorius article and brushes away some of the bubbles surrounding imported


The instrument which will do more than any other for the busy doctor is the Allen Surgical Pump. It will inject, aspirate, cup, make a breast pump, a stomach pump, dilators of all sizes and kinds, &c., &c. See the advertisement of Chas. Truax &

Co., in this issue and write to them for circular mentioning the MONTHLY.

The ideal Laxative is the Syrup of Figs. Easy and sure in its action it is adapted to all ages, classes and conditions.

The old established and reliable Surgical Instrument House of John Reynders & Company, No. 303, Fourth Ave., N. Y. City, will, to any subscriber of this MONTHLY on mentioning the Journal, give special attention to their orders. The best and only the best of goods at honest prices is their motto.

Messrs. Reed & Company, of Danbury, are in every way a reliable House

firm their value as to healthfulness and comfort.

Cromwell Hall, an institute (private) for Nervous and Mental Diseases, is under the care of a most accomplished physician, Dr. W. B. Hallock. The plant is conducted in a most thoroughly scientific manner, and is delightfully situated.

Write to Derby & Kilmer Desk Co., Boston, for prices for a Roll Top Derby Desk. They are beautiful, well made and convenient.

Hayden's Viburnum Compound is a most reliable uterine tonic and anti

spasmodic, affording in most cases immediate relief, in spasmodic dysmenorrhoa, menorrhagia, convulsions, etc., when all other remedies have failed.

McMunn's Elixir of Opium is a most excellent preparation, as time has well attested.

Carnrick's Food approaches nearer to human milk in constituents and digestibility than any other prepared food that has ever been produced.

Pruno-Phosphorated Syrup is a tonic of peculiar excellence, and is used with success in the treatment of Pulmonary Tubercoloisis and kindred ailments.

The New York Polyclinic and Hos

to deal with. Only the best of every-pital is a very popular institution with thing at the lowest prices are kept in their immense stock. Give them a trial. It will pay you all.

The Yale Chair is the most complete chair ever offered to the Profession. Every position known is easily and quickly obtained. Does away with moving patient to get dorsal position. Write to the Canton Surgical & Dental Chair Co., Canton, Ohio.

The Batteries of Waite & Bartlett are reliable, effective, well furnished durably made and cheap. Send for Catalogue.

Now that the cold weather is coming on we would commend most heartly to our subscribers and friends the Jaeger's Sanitary Woolen System of clothing. Two year's experience goes to


Post Graduates. Its large classes attest this most fully.

Cutler's Pocket Inhaler of Carbolate of Iodine, is a most complete and efficient instrument in the treatment of throat, nose and lung diseases. Write to W. H. Smith & Co., Buffalo, N. Y., for description, etc.

A comparative test of Scheffer's Pepsin will show its digestive strength. It competes favorably with the best Pepsin in the market and is superior to most of them.

The pharmaceutical preparation of John Wyeth Bro., of Philadelphia, are always as represented, reliable, pure, stable, palatible. We do not wonder at their popularity.

COLDEN'S LIQUID BEEF TONIC.-Dr. C. A. B. Bryce, Richmond, Va., says: "Colden's Liquid Beef Tonic is a first class preparation, containing not only the nutritive qualities of the Beef, but the permanent tonic properties of Iron, Quinine, &c. For immediate lifegiving properties it can hardly be surpassed."

235 W. 34TH ST., NEW YORK, Dec. 17, 1887. Your agent left me a physicians' sample of Malted Milk and offered to send me a large bottle which, in the hurry of the moment, and supposing it was another of the "ordinary food," I told him he need not do so. Having tried it, and finding it so palatable and faultless in taste and odor, I would be pleased to have a large bottle. I did not take your agent's address.

Yours truly,

DR. I. GREENE GARDNER. WHEELER'S TISSUE PHOSPHATES.G. A. Baynes, M. D., Professor of Hygiene, Editor Public Health Magazine, Montreal, says: "We have for some time been prescribing Dr. Wheeler's 'Elixir Ferri et Calcis Phosphatis Co.,' and must, in justice to the Doctor, state that it is quite equal, if not superior, to any compound of the kind. We have used it in the first stages of phthisis with marked benefit, as also in cases of severe dyspepsia, where everything else had failed, and in many other affections. It is a pleasant preparation, and may be taken for a long time without 'palling' on the stomach."

Mass., says: "I have been using and prescribing your Acid Phosphate for a number of years. The results have been so satisfactory as to justify me in giving it my unqualified endorsement. I have found it a refreshing and exhilarating beverage during summer months. In a case of reformed inebriety, I have observed its restorative effect in toning up the system and correcting the nervous derangement of the subject."

FELLOWS' HYPO-PHOS-PHITES-Contains The Essential Elements to the Animal Organization— Potash and Lime;

The Oxydizing Agents-Iron and Manganese;

The Tonics-Quinine and Strychnine;

And the Vitalizing ConstituentPhosphorus,

Combined in the form of a syrup, with slight alkaline reaction.

It differs in effect from all others, being pleasant to taste, receptable to the stomach, and harmless under prolonged use.

It has sustained a high reputation in America and England for efficiency in the treatment of Pulmonary Tuberculosis, Chronic Bronchitis, and other affections of the respiratory organs, and is employed also in various nervous and debilitating diseases with success.

"On some other Planet there may be a better Dietetic Preparation than "Imperial Granum, but not on this.""The American Analyst, New York.

"Platt's Chlorides" has become a PHOSPHATIC URINARY DEPOSITS.-"household word" with the profession To allay incessant desire to urinate and irritability of the bladder, when due to phosphatic urinary deposits: R. Acid. Benzoici

Soda Borat

Lith. Hydrangea

2 drachms. 3 drachms.

12 ounces.

M. Sig.: A tablespoonful three times a day.

HORSFORD'S ACID PHOSPHATE.-Dr. H. P. Atherton, Great Barrington,

and enlightened people of all classes and all climes. In the hot months, the time of putrefaction and decay of vegetable life, it is a valuable adjunct to the household supplies, and should be kept in every family; especially in every sick room. It is a deodorizer as well as a disinfectant. See advertisement, and mention this JOURNAL in ordering a supply.

Now that winter is coming on Cod Liver Oil properties will be more in demand. Scott & Bowne make a most elegant preparation, palatible, and containing 50 per cent. of pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil. For consumption it is the food par excellance.

Have you ever placed an order with the Hasting's Truss Co. of Philadelphia? Of course you have and were pleased every single time, both with the goods sent and the dealings of the gentlemanly


London Essence of Beef is a splendid

article of diet. It is condensed beef

be added to the Mellin's Food, and should be gradually increased as the child is found to bear it.


"VOCAL FAILURE.”—Dr. Chas. Sajous writes: "In vocal failure the effect of Vin Mariani Coca is most satisfactory, not only through its bracing action upon the vocal apparatus, but as a general tonic. I do not hesitate heartily to recommend it and thus add my name to the long list of laryngologists who have indorsed it."

The solubility of Coated Pills is a matter of very great importance to the physician who may desire to prescribe those of quinine and other medicines

offensive to the taste and smell. Various experiments for different sources have demonstrated the fact that the sugar

juice, more delicate in flavor than the finest soup, more nourishing and stimulating than any other preparation. Invalids relish it; children love it. Essence of Beef has been used in Eng-coated pills prepared by Wm. R. land for twenty-five years and the Warner & Co. are the most soluble and present consumption of the preparation reliable in this respect. Those conis enormous. A teaspoonful of Essence taining quinine are made of good of Beef should always be given to bot-material and full strength, as demontle-fed or to marasmic children. They grow fat on it. It is often the only food that consumptives will take.

The stomach retains Essence when everything else is rejected.

The food of an infant, ill with cholera infantum or summer diarrhea, is a matter of the highest importance, and it is now well known that until milk in every form has been strictly excluded from the diet, no relief can be expected. Experience has proved that Mellin's Food, dissolved in water only,

is the best diet in these diseases. Given
in small amounts frequently repeated,
the stomach will retain it
trouble; if advisable, it can be used
cold. The great difficulty in the treat-
ment of these complaints is thus immed-
iately overcome, for the child will be
nourished and its strength maintained.
The great desideratum in such cases is
food, proper food; this being obtained,
the medical treatment becomes an easy
matter. When convalescence has been
established, a small amount of milk can

strated by chemical analyses. These facts were established by Leroy M. Yale, M. D., of New York, and A. B. Lyons, Analytical Chemist, Detroit, and others. And the well-known reputation of the house is a sufficient guarantee.-Southern Medical Record.

Aletris Cordial (Rio), in teaspoonful doses four times a day, by its faithful use, will often render Emmet's operation unnecessary. The uterus becomes smaller, the leucorrhea diminishes, the erosions heal, and the displacements be

come rectified.

"Maltine is a valuable food, a food of priceless value at times of emergency. In fact, in very grave gastric cases it is a food which may often be resorted to when at one's wits' end what to do."

excellent nerve Caulocorea is an tonie, and has met with much favor by those who have used-it in practice. It is of intrinsic value in painful menstruation and is worthy of careful trial.— Med. Summary.

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