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A NEW USE FOR ETHER DURING ANESTHESIA. Very frequently during the early stages of the administration of anaesthetic the patients "forgets to breathe," even before the ability to perceive peripheral irritation is lost. Even later in anesthesia, when breathing suddenly ceases we are ancustomed to use cold water externally and to slap the patient with wet towels.

Such measures are generally called for hurriedly, and it is not all uncommon for an exasperating delay to occur before the water arrives. The ether is always at hand, however, and I have found that in a large number of instances, both in man and the lower animals, the free use of ether poured upon the belly causes so great a shock by the cold produced by its evaporation as to cause a very deep inspiration, which is often followed by the normal respiratory movements. This is, of course, a simple procedure, and one which has probably been used by others, but I have never seen it so employed.--H. A. HARE, M. D., Demonstrator of Therapeutics, University of Pennsyvania, University Med. Magazine.

Papine is recommended by Dr. Merz, of Cleveland, as a substitute for morphine and opium.


HORSFORD'S ACID PHOSPHATE.--Dr. J. F, Townes, Ada, Tenn., says: "I find it a valuable reconstructive agent, repairing the system, aiding digestion, fertilizing the brain and nervous system."

The writings of the late Dr. J. Milner Fothergill contain many passages which are true ephorisms. No truth could be more tersely and forcibly said than that in the passage from his "Manual of Dietetics:" "A suspicion that there is a difference between merely getting food down into the stomach and its digestion, is abroad; and that a tablespoonful of milk and Hellin's Food

which is digested, is really better for the patient than a beeksteak which sumply passes through the alimentary canal. To supply to the much tried organism that which it really requires is to give the most efficient help to it." | In diabetes diluted phosphoric acid quiets the inordinate thirst more effectual than any other drink.

The following Clinical cases were reporied by Abrm. Livezey, A. M., M. D. in the Medical summary of Dec. 1888.

Case I. A large, stout middle-aged woman had an attack of cholera morbus, ruuning into a form of dysenteric diarrhoa, After a little usual preliminary treatment, I gave her four pills (Febricide), one to be taken 3 or 4 times a day, before taking a little simple food of hot milk and soda biscuit. The relief w: s prompt, relieving the pain, griping and irritation of the bowels, and some distressing nervous symptoms or feelings to which she was subject. Going away on a visit for some time, she called for a few pills to take with her in case of need.

II. A middle-aged woman, colored, subject to pleurodynia of left side of chest. Local applications to the part with aconite, bryonia, etc., etc., failed to give but the merest temporary relief. Five pills of Febricide, one before each meal, "settled the business," in the language of the colored patient.

III. A case of ophthalmic tarsi-some granulations of the lids, etc.--that was particularly troublesome every afternoon, eyes watery, etc., so that the patient could not read or write or attend to his books, was immediately relieved by taking a pill before breakfast and dinner.

IV. A case of inveterate sick or nervous headache of a woman, æt. 54, who still menstruated regula ly and who is alarmingly bad at that time and every few days ad interim. Febricide pills were tried, and not in vain. One before breakfast, two before dinner and supper,

gave the most marked and pleasing re- given the Cocanized Beef, Wine and


V. I had an interesting case lately. An elderly gentleman of rather nervous temperament, complained that he awoke every night before the clock struck 12, to find that his pulse was running over 100 per minute; though without fever or heat of skin, yet he did not feel very comfortable. Sometimes he was tympanitic. I gave him 6 Febricide pills, one to be taken each evening,--and, presto change! The ailment vanished before the six were taken, and he no longer hears the solemn hour of midnight tolled.

VI. A young girl, æt. 17, delicate, very thin, of a consumptive family and tendency thereto herself, had fever every afternoon and evening. A few Febricide pills taken morning and noon soon arrested the fever and she felt quite different.

VII. Another case, a nervous, restless man--a very poor sleeper, after 12 would hear the clock strike every hour, and get up in the morning feeling more fatigued than when he retured--is deriving much benefit at present by taking one pill at bedtime. I have been much I have been much pleased with their action in my own inclined to wake every person; I'm night just before 12, when I find myself tympanitic with small rapid pulse, etc. When I take a pill before supper or at near bedtime, I find I sleep much better and have a much more comfortable night. This is as far as I have tested

the Febricide to this time.

ST. PAUL, April 16, 1888. Allow me to thank you for your kindness in snding me the Restorative Wine of Coca and the Cocanized Beef, Wine and Iron. I have been using your preparation for a good while. You, some months since, sent me a sample and I have used it entirely in place of Vin Mariani, which I formerly used. My patients much prefer it to any other preparation in the market. I have

Iron to patients that seemed to be in need of it and it has given good satisfaction. I think your Restorative Wine of Coca has about superseded all other similar preparations. I am always careful to specify your brand and will not accept any other. Again thanking you kind favor, I remain,




Third and Roberts Streets. P. S.-Allow me to say that your Natrolithis Water, which I have been prescribing for years, is without a rival in the classes of disease for which it is


Extract from a lecture on Antiseptics, at the Post Graduate School, New York, by Dr. Robert T. Morris.

"In certain forms of leucorrhoea, dependent upon catarrh of the mucous membrane of the uterine canal, Campho-Phenique is a very satisfactory drug for local application after the cervical canal has been dilated in order to allow of easy access to the interior of the uterus. In connection with other

appropriate treatment, the local application of Campho-Phenique is readily responded to by the deep-seated cervical glands, in many cases in which response cannot be easily obtained by the use of the orthodox remedies described in the text books.

NERVOUS HEADACHE. With the constantly increasing nervous disorders of the female portion of my practice, I find that Peacock's Bromides does more to relieve such patients and lesson the cares and anxities of the physician, than anything I have ever tried. I had a female patient lately who had to go to bed for four or five days, at each menstrual period, on account of nervous headache. headache. One bottle cured her, and the three last periods have been easy and no headache. I use it in all classes of nervous troubles with great benefit. GEO. H. F. HOUSE, M. D.

Clayton, Ind.

In these days when food adulteration is so common,it is a comfort to find an article for the table that is thoroughly reliable. Walter Baker & Co.'s breakfast cocoa is eminent in this limited class. No chemicals are used in its manufacture and it is absolutely pure. It forms moreover a delicious and healthful drink, as refreshing, and more nutritious, than tea or coffee, and free from the injurious effects that those beverages sometimes produce. And it is very cheap withal. The house of Walter Baker & Co., has maintained for more than 100 years a great and honored repute by the excellence and purity of its manufactures.

[blocks in formation]

H. T. Betchtold, M. D., O'Fallon, Ills., says: After experimenting for several months with Campho-Phenique, I am convinced that as an antiseptic and local anæsthetic it stands first on the list of like preparations and am using it very extensively now. I have used CamphoPhenique in a case of chronic ulcer of twenty-two years standing, by dressing same with absorbent cotton saturated in Campho-Phenique, pure. After repeated dressings, the ulcerated tissues are now nearly healed. In all cases of chronic catarrh, I have used it with marked success. It would be impossible for me to do without CamphoPhenique.

UTERINE STYPTIC.-John Adderly, M. D., Skibbereen, County Cork, Ireland, says: It gives me great pleasure to add my testimony to the great value of S. H. Kennedy's Extract of Pinus Canadensis, which I consider a most valuable uterine styptic, seeming not only to possess the power of arresting uterine hemmorhage, but to produce a healthy action of the parts. I used it with a patient who had been suffering for a number of years from menorrhagia. Extract of Pinus Canadensis applied to the os uteri on cotton wool, and also used as a lotion, arrested the hemorrhage immediately, and the Aletris Cordial, which was taken internally, helped to invigorate the system and promote a cure which I had at one time considered incurable. I should not wish to be without these remedies in similar cases, and shall continue the use of them in my practice. as I consider they gave most satisfactory results.

The Hungarian wines imported by Mr. Wortman, and advertised on page 16, are pronounced the finest in the United States by connoisseurs. This tokay is of most delicate bouquet, ripe age, and wonderful building power. Of all the importations we have used in the sick room these are the best we have ever had experience with.

DANBURY, CONN., JUNE 15, 1889.




Instructor in Surgery at the Post Graduate Medi


cal School, New York,

HE word antisepsis is usually suggestive of wounds, but an important feature in the treatment of some of the catarrhs consists in the prevention of decomposition of the discharges, and thereby lessening the secondary, inflammation which is dependent upon such fermentation; fermentation and decomposition are used as synonymous terms. In the majority of cases of hypertrophic naso-pharyngeal catarrh, a primary cause for the inflammation is the friction of the air passing through a channel which is narrowed by some deformity of its walls.

The friction produces a congestion of the mucous membrane in the vicinity of the part which is rubbed hard by the passing stream of air. A profuse discharge of mucus follows as a result of the congestion. The mucus ferments, and the products of the decomposition being irritating, the mucous membranes far and near become involved in an inflammatory process. A crooked nasal septum or a deformed turbinated bone, as we all know is usually to be found at the bottom of a naso-pharyngeal catarrh, and the first step in treatment would naturally be a removal of the original cause, but treatment which I have been in the habit of employing,

preliminary to operative procedures has frequently controlled the disease so easily and so well that the patients did not think it necessary to undergo any operation. The treatment to which I shall refer is applicable to a pretty large proportion of the cases of hypertrophic catarrh that are seen in every-day office practice in this part of America.

We must, in the first place, remove the abundant secretion from the surface of the mucous membrane if we expect to get good results from any local application. It is no wonder that many remedies indicated for the relief of catarrh are inert, if we consider that they often come in contact with the diseased surfaces in a very imperfect way. We might as well spray a patient's hair with an astringent for the purpose of quieting an over active braiu as to spray the surface of a flood of muco-pus with remedies for the congested membranes beneath it.

Peroxide of hydrogen is by all odds. the best local application for cleaning up the floor and walls of the nasal room. A fifteen volume preparation can be obtained at any first class drug store in the country, and this is to be used either in full strength or diluted somewhat with water according to the sensitiveness of the mucous membranes of the patient. The peroxide is sprayed generally through the nasal canals and after waiting a few moments the patient snorts and blows the froth from his nostrils. The process is repeated until in a short time the muco-pus is decomposed. If the patient happens to have

a dark moustache we must be careful about getting the peroxide into it. The peroxide of hydrogen is the "golden hair dye" of the nymphs du pave and as it is no respector of persons it will turn a dark moustache in a short time to a lovely yellow. A dark browed vindictive man of large size with a canary bird moustache will strike terror to the heart of the small doctor. The mucous membranes having been exposed by the peroxide of hydrogen, a spray of ten per cent, cocaine solution is thrown upon them for the purpose of temporarily driving the blood out of the swollen capillary vessels, and then we apply with a camels hair brush or a large mouthed injector a coating composed of one drachm of powdered alum (or hydrastis] one ounce of boro-glyceride and two or three ounces of glycerine. The glycerine because of its affinity for water causes a rapid exosmostis of serum from the overloaded connective tissues and allows of a freer circulation of blood through the vessels of the catarrhal region. The boro-glyceride

which adheres like honey to the membranes acts as an antiseptic and prevents fermentation of the serous and mucous discharges. The alum and hydrastis act in their ordinary way as astringents and they do not irritate when used in connection with the emmollient boro-glyceride. For a description of the chemical composition of boroglyceride see the National Formulary for 1888, page 5. The drug can be obtained anywhere in the large cities to-day, but two or three years ago a good deal of difficulty was experienced in obtaining it. The above described treatment is applied about once daily by the patient himself after he has received instructions,

The remedies applicable for the relief of certain forms of hypertrophic nasopharyngeal catarrh are very useful indeed in the treatment of many forms of leucorrhoea, when other kinds of appropriate mechanical and general treatment are judiciously combined. How many women are there who do not drizzle just a little? and yet the principles of treatment that are involved in the treatment of nasal catarrh will put a stop to most of the catarrhs of the endometrium. THE ISLAND OF JAMAICA AS A WINTER SANITARIUM.



UST returned from a winter holiday,

a large part of which was passed in the beautiful island in the West Indies whose claims as a health resort are to be considered in this article, it is a pleasure as well as duty to testify to its great value as a climate cure in many forms of disease, and to its freedom from malaria or zymosis in any form. Long experience in travel, and personal acquaintance with nearly every place visited by seekers after healthh, ave convinced me, that tables of figures of ranges of humidity or barometric pressure, are of much less value ΟΙ importance in making up an estimate of a place, than a hundred less imposing things that only present themselves for personal inspection.

It is of course essential to know how

hot, how cold, how wet or how dry are the localities to which we advise our patients to travel; but the chances are at least even that when they get there it turns out to be an exceptional season and all signs have failed. "Never saw such weather before at this time of the year;" "Nothing like it," etc., etc.

So I have decided in this article to

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