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The following is printed from the treaty, which was published by authority, in 1784.]

Articles for a Treaty of Peace and firm Friendship, between the Honourable Thomas Hodges, Efq; Prefident and Governor, and the Council of Bombay, in Behalf of the Honourable United English Eaft India Company, on the one Part, and the Nabob Hyder Ally Khan Behauder, &c. Titles, for the Countries of Myfure, Hyder Nagur, and Soondah, on the other Part.

I. THAT agreeable to the third article of the treaty of peace, concluded between the honourable the prefident and council of Madras, and the Nabob Hyder Ally Khan Behauder, there be, from this day, a firm peace and friendship between the honourable English Eaft India company and the faid Nabob, and their fucceffors, to continue for ever.

II. That the honourable company may have free liberty to build a commodious factory and warehouses at Onore, by the water-fide, or any place they may pitch upon; and that they may enclose the compound with a fuitable wall; and the ground allotted them fhall be rent-free; they fhall also have permiffion to cut timber, bring ftones, hay, and wood, for their use: in like manner, they fhall have a factory at Carwar; and the Nabob promifes to oblige the Rajah of Bilguey, to give all the pepper, produced in his country, to the honourable company, at the fame price as they may purchase this article at Onore.

III. That the honourable company fhall likewise have the fole and exclufive right of purchafing all the pepper, and fandal-wood, produced in the Nabob's dominions, the prices of which must be fettled agreeable to former cuftom; the amount, or as much of it as the honourable company choofe, to be made good in guns, mufkets, falt, faltpetre, lead, and gunpowder;. and the balance made good in ready money.

IV. That

IV. That the honourable company fhall have free liberty to export from Mangulore, or other ports of the Nabob's dominions, whatever rice they may want for Tellicherry or Bombay; three hundred corges of which is, as ufual, to be free of the duty called Adlamy.

V. That the English shall have free liberty of trading in the feveral ports of the Nabob's dominions, on the Malabar coaft, paying customs at the rate of one and a half per cent. on the fale of all goods; and to have permiffion to re-export any goods which will not fell, free of cuftoms, on fignifying the fame to the custom-master: no cuftoms to be charged on gold and filver, nor on any articles for the immediate ufe and confumption of the English, their fervants, and dependants.

VI. The Nabob obliges himself to affift the English in recovering their juft debts from his fubjects, by compelling them to make good the fame, on the debts being fully proved to his fatisfaction.

VII. That the honourable company, and the Englifh in general, fhall have free liberty to cut and pur chase masts, timber, and plank, at Onore, Mangulore, or any other ports of the Nabob's country, teal excepted.

VIII. That no veffels, of what kind or denomination foever, belonging to the English, fhall pay anchorage in any of the Nabob's ports, but have free liberty to go out and come in, without hinderance or moleftation.

IX. Whatever veffels, belonging to the English, may be drove on fhore, on any part of the Nabob's dominions, whether by ftrefs of weather, or otherwise, his killedars, officers, and fubjects, are to affift them, that their goods may be faved, and delivered to the proprietors.

X. That

X. That the faid Nabob fhall not affift the enemies of the English, nor, on the other hand, fhall the English affift the enemies of the Nabob; but should af fiftance be afforded on either part hereafter, the officers and men who may be fent to them, are to be paid at the following rates, by the parties to whom they may be fent; viz.

The commiffion officers to be paid at the difcretion of the party affifted, but with the concurrence and approbation of the party who affifts.

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XI. Should at any time difputes arise, between the fervants of the English factories and the Nabob's fubjects, fervants, or dependants, and the former be found culpable, they fhall be fent to the English refident to be punished, as fhall the Nabob's people to his kille-, dars, hummuldars, &c. if they are found to be in fault. The fervants of the English factory, as well as their families, fhall be entirely under the honourable company's protection.

XII. That the faid Nabob fhall not grant any new firmaund, or privileges, to any European nation whatever, or fuffer any of them to establish any new fettlements in any part of his dominions: in all matters of trade or bufinefs, the English to have the preference; and in matters of ceremony or ftate, they are to take rank of all other European nations, as well as the country powers.

XIII. The faid Nabob hereby ratifies and confirms the grant which he executed in February 1766, and delivered to Meffieurs Sparks and Townfend, relative to the privileges and immunities the honourable company poffeffed, in the feveral countries he conquered upon this coaft, before he took poffeffion thereof; and hereby binds and obliges himself, to compel whoever may be in poffeffion of thofe countries, to grant to the honourable company the produce thereof, as well


as the full enjoyment of all their rights and privileges therein, in their utmost extent.

In witnefs of all which, the faid contracting parties have interchangeably figned and fealed two inftruments, of the fame tenor and date; viz. the faid president and council, on behalf of the Englifh East India company, in Bombay Castle, this 8th day of Auguft, in the year of the Christian æra 1770, and the faid Nabob Hyder Ally Khan Behauder.

[The following is printed from the treaty, which was published by authority, in 1784.]

Treaty of Peace with the Nabob Tippoo Sultaun Bahauder.




TREATY of perpetual peace and friendship between the honourable the English Eaft India company, and the Nabob Tippoo Sultaun Bahauder, on his own behalf, for the countries of Seringapatam, Hyder Nagur, &c. and all his other poffeffions; fettled by Anthony Sadleir, George Leonard Staunton, and John Huddlefton, Efquires, on behalf of the honourable English Eaft India company, for all their poffeffions, and for the Carnatic Payen Gaut, by virtue of powers delegated to the right honourable the prefident and felect committee of Fort Saint George, for that purpofe, by the honourable the governor general and council, appointed by the King and parliament of Great Britain to direct and controul all political affairs of the honourable English East India company in India,


and by the faid Nabob, agreeable to the following articles, which are to be ftrictly and invariably observed, as long as the fun and moon fhall laft, by both parties; that is to fay, by the English company and the three governments of Bengal, Madras, and Bombay, and the Nabob Tippoo Sultaun, Bahauder.

I. Peace and friendship fhall immediately take place between the faid company and the Nabob Tippoo Sultaun, Bahauder, and their friends and allies; particularly including therein the rajahs of Tanjore and Travencore, who are friends and allies to the English, and the Carnatic Payen Gaut, alfo Tippoo Sultaun's friends and allies; the Biby of Cananore, and the rajahs or zemindars of the Malabar coaft, are included in this treaty: the English will not directly or indirectly affift the enemies of the Nabob Tippoo Sultaun, Bahauder, nor make war upon his friends or allies; and the Nabob Tippoo Sultaun, Bahauder, will not directly or indirectly affift the enemies, nor make war upon the friends or allies of the English.

II. Immediately after figning and fealing the treaty by the Nabob Tippoo Sultaun, Bahauder, and the three English commiffioners, the faid Nabob fhall send orders for the complete evacuation of the Carnatic, and the restoration of all the forts and places in it, now poffeffed by his troops, the forts of Amboorgur and Satgur excepted; and fuch evacuation and restoration fhall actually and effectually be made in the space of thirty days from the day of figning the treaty. And the faid Nabob fhall alfo, immediately after figning the treaty, fend orders for the release of all the perfons who were taken and made prifoners in the late war, and now alive, whether European or native; and for their being fafely conducted to and delivered at fuch English forts or fettlements as fhall be nearest to the places where they now are, fo that the faid release and delivery of the prifoners fhall actually and VOL. II. effectually


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