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tinue the fame till his Imperial Majefty fhall have reduced the kingdom of Sicily, and till his kingdoms and provinces in Italy fhall enjoy full fecurity. It is farther agreed, and that in exprefs words, that if, by 'reafon of the fuccours which their Britannic and most Chriftian Majefties, and the Lords the States General, fhall furnish to his Imperial Majefty, by virtue and in execution of the prefent treaty, the Kings of Spain and Sardinia, or either of them, fhall declare or wage war against any one of the faid contractors, either by attacking them in their dominions, or by violently detaining their fubjects or fhips, their goods and merchandizes, by fea or land, in that cafe the two other of the contracting Powers fhall immediately declare war against the faid Kings of Spain and Sardinia, or against him of the two Kings who fhall have dénounced or waged war against any one of the faid contracting Powers; nor fhall they lay down their arms before the Emperor fhall be poffeffed of Sicily, and made fecure with regard to his kingdoms and provinces in Italy, and likewife juft fatisfaction fhall be given to him of the three contracting Powers who fhall have been invaded or fuffered damage by reason of the prefent treaty.

IV. When only one of the two Kings aforefaid, who have not yet confented to the conditions of peace to be made with his Imperial Majefty, fhall accept them, he likewife fhall join himself with the four contracting Powers, to compel him that fhall refufe the faid conditions, and fhall furnish his quota of fuccours according to the diftribution to be made thereupon.

V. If the Catholic King, out of regard to the public good, and a perfuafion that an exchange of the kingdoms of Sicily and Sardinia is neceffary for the maintenance of the general peace, fhall agree thereto, and embrace the conditions of peace to be made with the Emperor as above; and on the other hand, if the King of Sardinia fhall reject fuch an exchange, and perfift

in retaining Sicily, in that cafe the King of Spain fhall reftore Sardinia to the Emperor, who (faving his fupreme dominion over it) fhall put the fame into the cuftody of the moft Serene King of Great Britain, and of the Lords the States General, for fo long time, till Sicily being reduced, the King of Sardinia fhall fign the above-mentioned conditions of a treaty with the Emperor, and fhall agree to accept the kingdom of Sardinia as an equivalent for the kingdom of Sicily; which being done, he fhall be admitted into the poffeflion thereof by the King of Great Britain and the States General. But if his Imperial Majefty fhould not be able to conquer Sicily, and reduce it under his power, in that cafe the King of Great Britain, and the States General, fhall refiore to him the kingdom of Sardinia; and in the mean time his Imperial Majefty fhall enjoy the revenues of the faid kingdom, which fhall exceed the charge of keeping


VI. But in cafe the King of Sardinia fhall confent to the faid exchange, and the King of Spain fhall refufe, in this case the Emperor, being aided by the fuccours of the reft of the contractors, fhall attack Sardinia; with which fuccours they on their part promife to furnish him; as the Emperor promifes on his part, that he will not lay down his arms till he fhall have poffeffed himself of the whole kingdom of Sardinia, which immediately after fuch poffeffion he fhall give up to the King of Sardinia.

VII. But if both the Kings of Spain and Sardinia fhall oppose the exchange of Sicily and Sardinia, the Emperor, together with the fuccours of the allies, fhall in the first place attack Sicily, and having reduced it, he fhall turn his arms against Sardinia, with fuch a number of forces, befides the fuccours of the allies, as he fhall judge neceffary for both expeditions: and, having likewife. reduced Sardinia, his Imperial Majesty shall commit the cuftody thereof to the King of



Great Britain, and to the Lords the States General, till the King of Sardinia fhall have figned the conditions of peace to be made with the Emperor, and fhall confent to accept the kingdom of Sardinia as an equivalent for the kingdom of Sicily, which then is to be delivered up to him by his Britannic Majesty and the States General; and in the mean time his Imperial Majefty fhall enjoy the revenues of that kingdom, which fhall exceed the charge of keeping it.

VIII. In cafe the Catholic King and the King of Sardinia, or either of them, fhall refufe to accept and execute the abovefaid conditions of peace to them propofed, and for that reason the four contracting Powers fhould be compelled to proceed against them, or either of them, by open force; it is expressly covenanted, that the Emperor (what progrefs foever his arms may make againft the faid two Kings, or either of them) fhall be content, and ought to acquiefce in the advantages, by mutual confent allotted to him in the faid conditions, power nevertheless being reserved to his Imperial Majefty of recovering the rights which he pretends to have over that part of the dutchy of Milan, which the King of Sardinia now poffeffes, either by war, or by a treaty of peace fubfequent upon fuch war; power being likewife referved to the other three allies, in cafe fuch a war fhould be undertaken against the Kings of Spain and Sardinia, to agree with his Imperial Majesty in appointing fome other Prince, in whofe favour his Imperial Majefty may difpofe of that part of the dutchy of Montferrat, now poffeffed by the King of Sardinia, in exclusion of the faid King; and to what other Prince or Princes he may, with the confent of the empire, grant the letters of expectative, containing the eventual inveftiture of the ftates now poffeffed by the Grand Duke of Tuscany, and by the Duke of Parma and Placentia, in exclufion of the fons of the prefent Queen of Spain. This declaration being added, that in no time or cafe whatfoever, either his Imperial Majefty, or any Prince of the


House of Austria, who fhall poffefs the kingdoms, dominions, and provinces of Italy, may affert or gain to himself the faid dutchies of Tuscany and Parma.

IX. But if his Imperial Majefty, after his efforts by a fufficient number of forces, and the fuccours and other means of the allies, and by ufing all convenient diligence, fhould not be able by arms to fubdue, or to establish himself in the poffeffion of Sicily, the contracting Powers do agree and declare, that his Imperial Majefty is, and fhall be in that cafe, altogether free and difcharged from every obligation entered into by this treaty, of agreeing to make a peace with the Kings of Spain and Sardinia, on the conditions abovementioned. All other the articles of this treaty nevertheless to remain good, which mutually regard his Imperial Majefty, their Britannic and moft Chriftian Majefties, and the Lords the States General of the United Netherlands.

X. However, as the fecurity and tranquillity of Europe is the end and scope of the renunciations to be made by his Imperial Majefty, and by his Catholic Majefty, for themselves, their defcendants, and fucceffors, of all pretenfions to the kingdom of Spain, and the Indies, on the one part; and on the kingdoms, dominions, and provinces of Italy, and the Auftrian Netherlands, on the other part; the faid renunciations fhall be made, on the one and the other part, in manner and form as in the fecond and fourth articles of the conditions of a peace to be made between his Imperial Majesty, and his Royal Catholic Majefty, has been agreed. And though the Catholic King fhould refufe to accept the aforefaid conditions, the Emperor nevertheless fhall caufe the inftruments of his renunciation to be dispatched, the publication whereof shall however be deferred till the day of figning the peace with the Catholic King. And if the Catholic King fhould conftantly perfift in rejecting the faid peace, his Imperial Majefty nevertheless, at the time when the




ratifications of this treaty fhall be exchanged, fhall deliver to the King of Great Britain a folemn act of the faid renunciations, which his Britannic Majefty, purfuant to the common agreement of the contracting Powers, doth promise fhall not be exhibited to the moft Chriftian King before his Imperial Majefty fhall come into the poffeffion of Sicily. But that being obtained, then the exhibition, as well as publication of the faid act of his Imperial Majefty's renunciations, fhall be performed upon the firft demand of the moft Christian King. And thofe renunciations fhall take place, whether the Catholic King fhall fign the peace with the Emperor or no; by reafon that, in this last cafe, the guaranty of the contracting parties fhall be to the Emperor in lieu of that fecurity which otherwise the renunciations of the Catholic King would have given to his Imperial Majefty for Sicily, the other States of Italy, and the provinces of the Netherlands.

XI. His Imperial Majesty doth promise that he will not attempt or enterprife any thing against the Catholic King, or the King of Sardinia, or in general, against the neutrality of Italy, in that space of three months allowed them for accepting the conditions of their peace with the Emperor. But, if within the space of three months, the Catholic King, inftead of accepting the faid conditions, fhall rather perfift in the profecuting of his hoftilities against his Imperial Majefty; or if the King of Sardinia fhould with arms attack the provinces which the Emperor poffefes in Italy, in that cafe their Britannic and moft Chriftian Majefties, and the Lords the States General, oblige themfelves inftantly to furnish his Imperial Majefty, for his defence, with the fuccours which, in virtue of the treaty this day figned, they have mutually agreed to lend one another for their reciprocal defence; and that jointly or feparately, and without waiting the expiration of the two months otherwife prefixed in the faid treaty for the employng of friendly offices. And if the fuccours fpecified


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