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Twenty five.
Twenty five.
Twenty two.
Twenty two.





Twenty five.




Pounds of Tobacco per day.

A look out after the rate of two hundred pounds of

tobacco per month.



XIII. And be it further enacted, by the authority afore- The pay of said, 'That every smith, wheel wright, carpenter, or smiths, other artificer, impressed and employed, as by the wrights, carsaid recited act is mentioned, shall be paid and allow- penters, and ed by the public after the rates following, to wit: other artifievery smith, fifty pounds of tobacco per day; and every carpenter, wheel wright, or other artificer, forty pounds of tobacco per day; and every man impressed to go in a sloop or boat, fifteen pounds of tobacco per day: And where any sloop, boat, cart or waggon, im Where wagpressed and appraised, according to the directions of gons, boats, &c. impressthe said recited act, shall be damnified, or horse or ed. ox hurt, and no justice of the peace can be got to choose and appoint two indifferent persons to enquire into such damage, then the proprietor of every such sloop, boat, cart, waggon, horse or ox, shall be paid by the public, according to the appraisement thereof, made at the time of impressing the same.

XIV. And be it further enacted, by the authority Fines on solafore aid, That if any soldier drafted out of the mili- diers disotia to guard and attend any battery, pursuant to the beying com

mands of

directions of the said recited act, shall refuse to obey their officers the commands and orders of the commanding officer at any batat such fort, every such soldier so offending, shall fortery, &c. feit and pay three pounds to our lord the king, or receive twenty lashes on his bare back, well laid on, for every such refusal.

This act to

at every ge

neral muster.

XV. And be it further enacted, by the authority aforebe published said, That this act shall be published at every general muster, during the continuance thereof, by order of the county lieutenant, or chief officer of the militia, then present, under the penalty of ten pounds, for every neglect.

Repealing clause and

XVI. And be it further enacted, by the authority aforesaid, That so much of the said recited act, and continuance. all and every other act, for so much thereof, as is contrary to any thing within the purview of this act, be, and the same is hereby suspended during the continuance of this act; and that this act shall continue and be in force, from, and after the passing thereof, for, and during the term of two years, and no longer.


XVII. And be it further enacted, That all the fines inflicted by this act, and not otherwise directed, shall be one half to our sovereign lord the king, for, and towards supplying with arins the militia of the county to which the offender belongs, and the other half to the informer, to be recovered with costs, by action of debt or information, in any court of record, within this dominion.



An Act for preventing and repelling the hostile incursions of the Indians, at enmity with the inhabitants of this colony.

I. WHEREAS divers cruel and barbarous murders have been lately committed in the upper parts of this colony, by Indians, supposed to be in the interest of the French, without any provocation from us, and contrary to the laws of nature and nations, and they still continue in sculking parties, to perpetrate their bar

barous and savage cruelties, in the most base and treacherous manner, surprising, torturing, killing and scalping, not only our men, who live dispersedly in the frontiers, but also their helpless wives and children, sparing neither age nor sex; for prevention of which shocking inhumanities, and for repelling such malicious and detestable enemies,

dian scalp,

above 12

years old.

II. BE it enacted by the Lieutenant Governor, Coun- 107. for evecil, and Burgesses, of this present General Assembly, and ry male init is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the sum of ten pounds shall be paid by the treasurer of this colony, out of the public money in his hands, to any person or persons, party or parties, either in the pay of this colony, or other the inhabitants thereof; for every male Indian enemy, above the age of twelve years, by him or them taken prisoner, killed or destroyed, within the limits of this colony, at any time within the space of two years, after the end of this session of Assembly.


III. Provided always, That in case the present hos- How the retilities shall cease, within the said two years, and the ward may be governor, or commander in chief of this colony, with discontinuthe advice of the council, shall by proclamation signify the same, and direct the said reward to be discontinued, then the said reward, shall immediately after publishing the said proclamation, cease and be discontinued accordingly: And to entitle persons to the said reward;


IV. Be it further enacted, by the authority aforesaid, How persons That every Indian enemy, so to be taken prisoner, become entishall be delivered to the keeper of the public goal in tled to the the city of Williamsburg, to be by him safely kept, until discharged by the governor, or commander in chief of this colony; and the scalp of every Indian, so to be killed or destroyed, as aforesaid, shall be produced to the governor, or commander in chief, and the person or persons taking prisoner, killing or destroying such Indian enemy, shall prove by affidavits, or his or their oath, the time and place of his or their performing the same before the governor, or commander in chief, who is thereupon desired to issue his warrant to the treasurer, for paying the reward aforesaid. And for preserving the lives and friendship of such Indians, as are under the protection of, or in alliance with his majesty,

Felony to

in alliance

V. Be it further enacted, by the authority aforesaid. kill an Indian That if any person or persons, shall within the said with his ma- two years, knowingly and wilfully kill or destroy any jesty. Indian in alliance, peace and friendship with his majesty and his subjects in this colony, the person or persons so offending, shall be adjudged a felon; and shail suffer as in cases of felony: And the governor is hereby desired to notify this act to the neighbouring Indians, under the protection of, or in alliance with his majesty, as soon as conveniently may be.


neral the


An Act to recover his majesty's Quit-Rents. collected by the Sheriffs in a summary way.

I. WHEREAS many of the sheriffs of this colony have of late years to the great prejudice of his majesty, kept the money collected by them for his quitrents, and other dues in their own hands till judgment could be obtained against them at law; and it has been found, that the legal methods of proceedings on these occasions, are tedious and dilatory, and are an encou ragement to such unjust practices; for remedy whereof,

Judgment II. BE it enacted by the Lieutenant Governor, Courmay be had cil, and Burgesses, of this present General Assembly, in general court on she- and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, riff failing to That if any sheriff has neglected, or shall hereafter pay to the neglect to pay to the officers of his majesty's revenue, receiver ge- on or before the day appointed by law for that pur quit-rents by pose, such sum or sums of money, as such sheriff shall him received have received and collected for the quit-rents, and other he having dues of his majesty within his county, that then it shall ten days no- and may be lawful for his majesty's receiver-general in this colony, at the next, or any other succeeding general court, to demand judgment against such sheriff; for the same with costs, and the said court is here


by authorised and required to give judgment accordingly: Provided, Such sheriff have ten days previous notice thereof.


An Act to regulate the price of Indian Corn in the present scarcity.

I. WHEREAS there is likely to be a great scarci- Preamble. ty of Indian Corn in this colony, occasioned by the long drought, and it is apprehended that some persons through avarice, may be induced to exact and extort exorbitant prices for their corn, from the poor and necessitous; for prevention whereof,

barrel for In

11. BE it enacted by the Lieutenant Governor, CounNo person to cil, and Burgesses, of this present General Assembly, and demand it is hereby enacted, by the authority of the same, That more than it shall not be lawful for any person or persons to ex- 12s. 6d. per act demand, charge or receive, from and after the pas- dian corn. sing of this act, until the tenth day of October, in the year, one thousand seven hundred and fifty six, from any other person or persons a greater price or value for their Indian corn or meal made of the same, than twelve shillings and six pence per barrel, delivered at their own houses, and so proportionably for a greater or lesser quantity, or if removed by the seller, and carried to the buyer, then with a reasonable allowance for the carriage or transportation thereof: And if any person or persons shall directly or indirectly exact, demand, charge or receive a greater price or value, from any other person or persons, for their Indian corn or meal made of the same, within the time aforesaid, he, she, or they so offending, shall forfeit and pay the sum of five pounds for every barrel of Indian corn or meal made of the same, or any lesser quantity thereof by him, her or them so sold, at a greater or higher rate, price or value, to be recovered with costs, in a summary way, by petition in any county court in this colony; one moiety thereof to the prosecutor, and the other moiety, to the churchwardens of the parish, Ú U U-Vol. 6.

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