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other of the said managers and directors, who shall also read such figures and words aloud, and then the number and prize of such ticket-shall be entered, by the clerks appointed to attend the drawing of the said lottery (who shall severally take an oath, well and faithfully to write down the number of tickets drawn out of the box number A; and whatever shall be printed or written on the tickets or lots drawn out of the box number B.) in books to be prepared for that purpose, which clerks the said managers and directors shali employ and oversee, and cause them to write in separate columns the number of the ticket drawn out of the box number A, and whatever shall be printed or written in figures or words on the ticket or lot drawn out of the box number B, and then the said managers and directors shall file the said tickets and prizes together, on files to be prepared for that purpose, and so the drawing, entering, and filing shall continue, allowing half a minute for turning the wheels, between drawing each ticket, until the whole number of tickets, or lots, contained in the box number B shall be drawn.

IX. And be it further enacted, by the authority aforesaid, That at any time after two days, after the drawing shall be finished, the several adventurers their agents or assigns, who shall be actually possessed of the numbered tickets, for which fortunate lots shall be drawn, as aforesaid, shall and may appear with the said tickets in their respective possessions, before the said managers and directors, to the end that the said managers and directors, or the major part of them, that shall be present at a meeting as aforesaid, may know and write down the names of the respective persons to whom the fortunate lots shall belong, and the several sums of money so printed or written on the said fortunate tickets, or lots, respectively, shal be paid by the said managers, and directors, to the person or persons entitled to the same.

X. Provided always, That no person, or persons, Proviso. claiming any sum or sums of money by virtue of this act, shall be entitled to the same if not demanded in six months after the drawing the said lottery is finished; but the prizes, not demanded in that time, shall be applied to the public use.

XI. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That in fifteen days after the drawing the said

lished in the


The fortu- lottery is finished, the said managers and directors nate tickets shall cause to be printed, in the Gazette, the number to be pub- of the ticket drawn against each fortunate ticket, or lot, with the sum such fortunate ticket or lot contains, to the end the fortunate adventurers may have notice Managers to thereof: And if any dispute or contention shall arise, disputes con- about or concerning the property of any ticket, the cerning the said managers and directors, or any part of them, property of shall determine to whom it does belong: And if any person or persons shall forge, or counterfeit, any such ticket or tickets, or bring any forged or counterfeited ticket, or tickets, knowing the same to be such, to the said managers and directors, or any of them, to the intent to defraud any adventurer, upon this act, or any other person, or persons; that then every such person and persons so offending, being thereof convicted, in due form of law, shall be adjudged a felon, and shall suffer as in cases of felony.

any ticket.

To counterfeit a ticket, felony.

Managers & receivers commissions.

XII. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That out of the money arising by the sale of tickets, as aforesaid, the managers and directors, aforesaid, shall be allowed one per centum upon the whole money received for such tickets, in consideration of their trouble, and providing tickets, books, boxes, clerks, and all other things necessary to be done and provided by them, in and about the execution of this act; and that out of the said money shall be allowed, to the persons appointed to sell the said tickets, two pence for every ticket so to be sold by taem, respectively, as a reward for their trouble therein. Managers to XIII. And be it further enacted, by the authority pay the mo- aforesaid. That all the money remaining in the hands of the said directors, and managers, after the deductions aforesaid, and paying off all the prizes, or such of them as shall be demanded, as herein before is mentioned, shall be by the said managers and directors paid to John Robinson, esquire, treasurer of this colony, or the treasurer of the colony for the time being, appointed by, or pursuant to, an act of Assembly; to be applied and disposed of, in the same manner, and to and for the same uses, as the money raised by one act intituled, An act for raising the sum of twenty thausand pounds, for the protection of his majesty's subjects, against the insults and encroachments of the French, is by the said act directed and appointed to be applied.

ney they receive to the treasurer.


XIV. And be it further enacted, by the authority afore- Lawful to said, That it shall and may be lawful, for any person purchase or persons, natives or foreigners, bodies politic or corporate, to contribute, for or towards the advancing of the sum of six thousand pounds, current money, by paying, at or before the ninth day of December next, to the person or persons appointed to receive the same, the sum of one pound one shilling and six pence, current money, for every ticket so taken out of the said book, or books, by such person or persons, natives or foreigners, bodies politic or corporate.

be not sold

XV. And be it further enacted, That if all the said Method if all tickets shall not be sold or disposed of, before the time the tickets herein before appointed for the drawing the same, by the time that then the tickets remaining unsold, shall be drawn appointed. on account, and for the use and benefit of the country. Provided the same do not exceed five thousand; but if the remaining tickets shall exceed that number, then the said managers shall give public notice thereof, by advertising the same six times in the Virginia Gazette, and in that case shall repay to the several purchasers of tickets, their executors, administrators or assigns, so much money as shall have been by them respectively paid, or laid out in the purchase of such tickets.


An Act to explain an act, intituled, An act for raising the sum of twenty thousand pounds, for the protection of his majes ty's subjects, against the insults and encroachments of the French; and for other purposes therein mentioned.

I. WHEREAS by an act passed at a former ses- Preamble, sion of this present General Assembly, intituled, An act for raising the sum of twenty thousand pounds, for the protection of his majesty's subjects, against the insults and encroachments of the French; it is

According to what lists of

tithables sheriff's are to collect the duty.

How the

sheriff is to act if any tithable should not

amongst other things enacted, that the sum of two shillings and six pence, or thirty pounds of tobacco, at the option of the payer, should be paid by every tithable person within this dominion, on or before the tenth day of April, now last past, to the sheriff of each county; and the further sum of two shillings and six pence, or thirty pounds of tobacco, at the option of the payer, should also be paid to such sheriff, by every such tithable person, on or before the tenth day of October, now next ensuing, to be collected, levied, accounted for, and applied as in the said act of Assembly is directed. And whereas it hath been doubted, whether the sheriffs in this colony are to collect the last mentioned duty or tax, from the tithable persons according to the lists taken before, and subsisting at the time of passing the said act, or according 'to the lists to be taken this present year, for explaining whereof,

11. BE it enacted by the Lieutenant Governor, Council, and Burgesses, of this present General Assembly, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the last mentioned tax or duty, of two shilling and six pence, or thirty pounds of tobacco, shall be paid to and received by the sheriff of each county, according to the lists of tithables taken and returned for this present year. And that the clerks of the several county courts, shall, as soon as such lists be taken and returned to them, respectively, make out and deliver to the sheriff of the county fair copies of such lists, for such sheriff's direction in collecting the said duty.

III. And be it further enacted, That where the sherifs shall discover any tithables not inlisted, such sheriff shall be and is hereby impowered and required to collect and levy the said duty of two shillings and six be listed, or pence, or thirty pounds of tobacco, upon the persons the duty not so discovered, and account for upon oath, and pay the paid. same in the same manner as if such tithables had been inlisted. And where any sheriff dies, or is removed from his office before he hath collected all the said duties respectively, it shall and may be lawful for the succeeding sheriff or sheriffs, to make distress upon the slaves, goods, or chattels, of the person or persons so chargeable, and to make sale thereof, in the manner by law directed, in the case of other distress


And whereas many persons chargeable with the

tax or duty aforesaid, have (imagining that they were obliged to pay the whole tax, ordered to be levied in the said act, according to the list of tithables, taken before the passing the said act) to avoid any further trouble, paid the whole tax into the hands of the sheriffs of their respective counties.

mer sheriff.

IV. Be it further enacted, by the authority aforesaid, where the That in every such case, where the person paying the whole duty same can make it appear, either by the receipt of the has been sheriff, or other legal proof, that he, or she, has al- paid to a forready paid the last mentioned tax, in the act before mentioned, that then so much of the money, that shall appear to have been paid, as aforesaid, shall be allowed by the sheriff in the collecting the last mentioned tax, according to the explanation given by this act. And whereas it hath been represented, that it is necessary in this time of danger, that Fort Cumberland, in Maryland, should be immediately garrisoned.


V. Be it further enacted, That the sum of six hun- Fort Cumdred pounds be paid by the treasurer of this colony, berland garout of the money raised, or to be raised, by the taxes imposed by the said act, to the honourable Robert Dinwiddie, esquire, his majesty's lieutenant governor, and commander in chief of the colony and dominion of Virginia; to be applied towards garrisoning the said fort. And whereas it is necessary that the further sum of ten thousand pounds current money, should be raised for the purposes mentioned in the said act:

Duties on

negroes per

VI. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the sum of two shillings shall be paid for every poll. tithable negroe, mulatto, or Indian slave, within this colony, by the owner or proprietor thereof, to the sheriff of the county wherein such tithables are inlisted, on or before the tenth day of April, next ensuing. Land tax And that the sum of one shilling and three pence for every hundred acres of land, and so proportionably for a greater or lesser quantity, shall be paid by the owner and proprietor thereof, on the same tenth day of April, to tye sheriff of the county where such lands lie, and to be collected by and according to the rent rolls delivered to the sheriffs respectively, for the collection of his majesty's quit-rents. And for enabling the sheriffs to collect the said land tax, from the proprietors of land, within the territory of the right honourable Thomas Lord Fairfax.

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