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When the Speaker may take the Chair.

Forty must be present, 81

Reason of non-adjournment till four o'clock, 81
And swearing in of members in the interim, 81

If forty are not present, the Speaker of his own authority adjourns the house, 81

The same rule holds with committees of the whole house, 81 Speaker may take the chair on the black rod's knocking at the door, 82

Mode of adjournment where forty members are not present, 82 Mode of proceeding on a division, and not forty present, 82 Speaker, or Chairman, counts as one, 82


As to not admitting Strangers into the House.

Their exclusion is a motion of course, 82


Of Leave to make a Motion.

Leave is necessary only where the orders of the day have been proceeded on, 83

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Course where only one member sides on a division, 84

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Of Messages between Lords and Commons.

From the Commons to the Lords, 85

From the Lords to the Commons, 85

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