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Read three times at the Council Board, and voted a concurrence with the House of Representatives, his Excellency assenting thereto. Cha. Story, Secretary.

I assent to the Enacting this Bill.


Ordered, that Samuel Penhallow, Esq., Treasurer, his debenter, amounting to eleven pounds two shillings, being so much paid by him toward the Governour and Council's entertainment, and other necessary expenses of Capt. Chisley's Company when at Nantassett, be paid him out of the Treas


[P. 252.] The several bills following, having been three several times read and passed both Houses, were consented to by his Excellency and by him signed accordingly:

An Act for the better preservation of all Mast Trees or white pine Trees within her Majesty's Province of New Hampshire.

An Act for the raising of eleaven hundred pounds for defraying the publick charge of the Province.

An Act for continuing several Rates and duties of Excise, Custome, Impost, and Tonnage of shipping.

An Act for selling of part of George Walton's estate for payment of Debts.

An Act for a free School to be kept at Portsmouth.

Ordered, that Robert Thompson be paid five pounds out of the present tax, for an Indian scalp lately taken by him at Oyster River.

Mr. Treasurer Penhallow's acct, for sundrys advanced for supplying the forces to march agt the enemy at L'Acadie and Nova Scotia, amounting to 518 8s: 10, out of which there remains due to the Province 35: 11: 54, was read at this Board and allowed and approved of, as upon file.

The muster roll on account of the service of soldjers at the fort Wm and Mary for the year 1706, signed by Capt. Shadrach Walton, am° to seventy one pounds, seven shillings and one penny, was allowed, and signed by the Gov

ernour in Council for payment of the same, and counter

signed by the Secretary.

Prorogued till Wednesday, 8th 7br, 1708.

Prorogued till Wednesday, the 17th Nov., 1708.

[P. 253.] Province of New Hampshire.

At a Council and General Assembly
held at Portsmouth by prorogation, on
Wednesday the 17th November, 1708.

His Excellency Joseph Dudley, Esq., Governour,

[blocks in formation]

Mr. Secretary Story was sent as a message to the House of Representatives to call them to this Board, who accordingly came, and his Excellency the Govern' was pleased to make the following speech, in hæc verba:


The summer is past since your last session, and by the good Providence of God wee have been preserved from any insult of the enemy, tho' their march upon us in August put us to a very great cost to defend a long frontier, being uncertain where they would make their impression.

And at last they have nothing to boast of at Haveril, tho' we might have done much more upon them if wee had taken the proper advantages offered us.

The march of soe many forces necessarily in both Provinces hath much aggravated the year's charge; notwithstanding I rose as late, and disbanded as soon, as possible.

Mr. Treasurer will lay before you, Gentlemen of the House of Representatives, the present Debt upon the Province, which I must justly expect you will take care to discharge; otherwise wee shall not be able to support our selves, if soldiers be not duly satisfied and paid.

[P. 254.] You will also remember your Agent, who is well arrived, and very diligent in yr service, and must be supplied with what is necessary for his reputation and dispatch of his attendance.

Mr. Wm Cotton was sent as a message from the House of Representatives to this Board, with the following vote: Voted that his Excellency the Governour have the thanks of this House given him for the care of this Province last summer, by covering the frontiers with soe good a number of forces, which has prevented any inroad of the enemy.

Nov. 17th. 1708, past by the House of Representatives, and sent up to the Council for concurrence.

17th Novbr, 1708.

Sam' Keais, Clerk.

Read in Council and agreed a concurrence, nemine


Cha Story, Secretary.

Adja till 10 o'clock to-morrow morning.

[P. 255.] Province of New Hampshire.

At a Council and General Assembly held at Portsmouth by adjt, Thursday, the 18th November, 1708.


His Excellency Joseph Dudley, Esq., Governour,

[blocks in formation]

The following answer to his Excellency's speech was sent up to this Board by the House of Representatives.

May it please your Excellency,- Wee, the Representatives convend in General Assembly, are highly sensible of your Excellency's great care and good conduct of this her Majesty's Province all along, which we are heartily thankful for, and pray the continuance of.

We crave leave in some measure to make answer to your Excellency's speech; wee are sensible by the Treasurer's accounts

now before the Assembly, that there is money disburst by him the last summer past, and shall be ready and willing, in the season of it, to raise so much money as may be sufficient to pay all Just Debts made appear to be due for this year; but considering the last Task [Tax?] of eleven hundred pounds being nothing near gathered into the Treasury, which at the raising thereof was accounted sufficient for payment of all Debts formerly due, also the poverty of the inhabitants and the great consternation the people will be put into if more mony should be raised, before the other tax be collected; We also pray that at the raising of the next tax, wee may be allowed to raise what money may be sufficient for supporting our agent in England.

18th Nov., 1708.

Past by the House.

Sam' Keais, Clerk.

[P. 256.] Ordered, that the Sheriff take care for the repair of the prison and the addition of a Leantoe* for a lodging for the keeper, and a yard about the whole building to prevent correspondence with the prisoners; and that he desire the advice of the Gentlemen of the Council in Portsmouth for the dimentions and manner of building; the charge to be paid by the Treasurer.

Voted, that the inhabitant freeholders of Kingston within her Majesty's Province of New Hampshire, from this day forward have free liberty for sending one Representative for the said town to sit in General Assembly.

18th November. Past by the Council and sent down to the House of Representatives for concurrence.

Cha. Story, Secretary.

Eodem die. Read in the House of Representatives and agreed a concurrence with the Honorable the Council. Sam' Keais, Clerk.

Voted, that a committee of two persons, viz., Capt. Pickerin and Major Smith, doe join with two of the Council to receive and examine the claims of all persons claiming debts due from this Province; and lay the same before his

A part of a building which appears to lean on the main building.—Web. Dic.


Excellency, Council and Assembly, at their next sitting,

order for allowance thereof. Past by the House.

Eodem die.

Sam' Keais, Clerk.

Read in Council, and ordered that Mr. Treasurer Penhallow and Mr. Plaisted be a Comittee to join with the Comittee above, and that they sit the first Monday in December next, and so the first Monday in every month during this winter, and till the next session of the General Assembly, and that the Secretary sit with the said comittee and issue forth proclamations to notify all creditors to bring in their claims.

Cha. Story, Secretary.

[P. 257.] Ordered, that Robert Ellott and John Plaisted, Esqs., be appointed a comittee to audit the following acctts of Mr. Treasurer Penhallow this afternoon, and to bring their report accordingly, viz :

An Account Am° to 15b: 11: 1a, to sundrys advanced for supply of the fort Wm and Mary.

An Acct, Amo 144: 19: 8, for subsistance of soldjers in the frontiers, &c.

An Acc1, Am° to 47: 3: 7, for sundryes advanced about entertaining the Govern' and Council, and other disburse


The said Robert Ellott and John Plaisted, Esqrs., having audited the said accts, made report to this Board that they had examined the same and find them to be just and honest acctts

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