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pursued by Dr. Smith in the emergency was to pass a large catheter down as far as the stricture, and then inject a few drops of a fourper-cent. solution of cocaine through the instrument. Ten minutes later the patient was able to pass his water freely, the bladder being thus emptied without any further assistance. The suggestion to employ cocaine in this connection presented itself, so Dr. Smith affirms, as the result of observing the mucous membrane of the nose under the influence of the drug, and the success achieved by it will probably encourage others to try it under like circumstances. [We warn all against using the oleate for this purpose. We have found it to cause most agonizing pain for a few minutes when injected into the urethra 10 per cent. strong.-EDS.]

THE URINE IN TABES DORSALIS.-The following facts are set forth by MM. Livon and Alezias as the result of a series of researches on the urine of patients affected with an apyrexial disease of the cord, namely, tabes dorsalis: A tendency to diminution of the urea eliminated in the twenty-four hours; a diminution in the total daily discharge of phosphoric acid, with a tendency to proportional augmentation of the discharge of earthy phosphates; a great variation in the elimination of chlorine, with a bias in favor of hyperchloruria. Intravenous injections of tabetic urines appear to be sufficiently toxic in their action, since it has been found that from twelve to twenty-four cubic centimeters of urine per kilogram of body weight of animals was sufficient to kill dogs.—Lancet.—Practitioner and News.

NOTE UPON THE LOCAL USE OF FLUID EXTRACT OF QUEBRA CHO. -Mr. Bordeaux writes to the Archives Méd. Belges that, according to his investigations which have been conducted within the last few years, quebracho is an energetic aid to cicatrization. Painted upon fresh wounds with a smooth edge, it produces transient stimulation and slight pain, just like collodion, and secures healing by first intention. It can also be used with good results in burns and frost-bite, if the ulcerated spots have a good ruddy aspect. The fluid extract of quebracho hardens in an hour after being painted on, and forms a dry crust resembling dried blood, which clings firmly to the tissue and can only be removed by warm water. The secretions of the wound dry up, and if the crust falls

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off the wound has healed, so that here healing under a scab can be properly spoken of. One great advantage of this treatment eonsists in the fact that all bandages may be dispensed with.-Medical and Surgical Reporter.

ALTHOUGH it may be said that Thompsonianism, with its "Composition " and lobelia, has loug since taken a back seat, and the Pepper System of Medicine is being largely introduced.

PROF. BARTHOLOW states: "Gelseminum will often do more good in irritable bladder than any other remedy. It is especially adapted to those women of hysterical type, troubled by irritability at the neck of the bladder, calling for constant urination.-Journal of Reconstructives.

PINE-WOOL, made at the Acmé Fibre Works, near this city, makes an excellent dressing for wounds and for some skin diseases. It is light, balsamic, cleanly and cheap. We have written of it before, and more experience with it fully bears out our good opinion. This pine-wool is made from the needles of the long-leaf pine, and its preparation is entirely unique. We do not know if it is yet on sale, but presume that it may be had of the Acmé Company in this city.

THE SPREAD OF LEPROSY.-Within a brief period past the civilized world seems to have been awaking to a realization of the fact that, instead of leprosy proving to be the harmless curiosity that a few years ago it was held to be, it has in truth become a dreadful menace, calling for close attention and strong defensive efforts. The Practitioner and News has from the first insisted that leprosy is a contagious malady, and that at any time, should telluric or epidemic conditions favor it, the world may again witness such melancholy scenes as were only too common in the middle ages. It is not necessary now to repeat arguments to prove its contagiousness. The abundant evidence of this fact, brought to light in the recent past, has silenced all opponents. It remains now only to show how extensively it is spreading, and to make known the symptoms, so that early diagnosis may enable men to guard against the danger of infection. Leprosy, perhaps the most dreadful of all diseases, may in the near future require to be combated with more perseverance than has been exhibited in the history of any other contagious disease whatever.-Practitioner and News.

THE fluid contents of an ovarian cyst always contain cholesterine, which is never found in cystic fibroid.-Indiana Medical Journal.

THE USE OF WATER AT MEALS.-Opinions differ as to the effect of the free ingestion of water at meal times, but the view generally received is probably that it dilutes the gastric juice, and so retards digestion. Apart from the fact that a moderate delay in the process is by no means a disadvantage, as Sir William Roberts has shown in his explanation of the popularity of tea and coffee, it is more than doubtful whether any such effect is in reality produced. When ingested during meals, water may do good by washing out the digested food and by exposing the undigested part more thoroughly to the action of the digestive ferments. Pepsin is a catalyptic body, and a given quantity will work almost indefinitely, provided the peptones are removed as they are formed. The good effects of water, drunk freely before meals, has, however, another beneficial result-it washes away the mucus which is secreted by the mucous membrane during the intervals of repose, and favors peristalsis of the whole alimentary tract. The membrane thus cleansed is in a much better condition to receive food and convert it into soluble compounds. The accumulation of mucus is specially marked in the morning, when the gastric walls are covered with a thick, tenacious layer. Food entering the stomach at this time will become covered with this tenacious coating, which for a time protects it from the action of the gastric ferments, and so retards digestion. The viscid contents, a normal condition in the morning before breakfast, is not suitable to receive food. Exercise before partaking of a meal stimulates the circulation of the blood and facilitates the flow of blood through the vessels. A glass of water washes out the mucus, partially distends the stomach, wakes up peristalsis, and prepares the alimentary canal for the morning meal. Observation has shown that non-irritating liquids pass directly through the "tubular" stomach, and even if food be present they only mix with it to a slight extent. According to Dr. Leuf, who has made this subject a special study, cold water should be given to persons who have sufficient vitality to react, and hot water to the others. In chronic gastric catarrh it is extremely beneficial to drink warm or hot water before meals, and salt is said in most cases to add to the good effect produced.-British Medical Journal,


Report of the New York State Board of Health for 1887.

Eclectic Magazine of Foreign Literature for November. E. R. Pelton, New York.

Diseases of the Heart. Second Part. M.D., Physician's Leisure Home Library.

By Dujardin Beaumetz,
Geo. S. Davis, Detroit.

Sixth Annual Report of the State Board of Health of New Hampshire. Vol. VI. 1887. Manchester, John B. Clarke, 1887.

An Address at the Opening of the Memphis Hospital Medical College, October 4, 1887. By T. J. Crofford, M.D., Professor of Philosophy.

Treatise on Human Physiology, for the Use of Students and Practitioners of Medicine. By Henry C. Chapman, M.D. 8vo. Sheep. Pp. 944. Lea Brothers & Co., Philadelphia, 1887.


G. E. MATHEWs, M.D., Ringwood, N. C., writes: "I find your Lactated Food everything you claim for it, being the very thing for infants with cholera infantum or other bowel troubles."

AN ALVINE MOTOR-Various are the means resorted to for the relief of chronic constipation, but unfortunately most of them are, in a sense, futile since the effect is but temporary. Dr. George W. Hoagland, of Columbus, Ohio, writes that he uses "ELIXIR PURGANS" (LILLY) with the very greatest satisfaction, and cordially recommends it to other practitioners. This preparation is used extensively in Carney Hospital and the Lying-in Hospital, in this city; the Children's Hospital, New York; the New York Ophthalmic Hospital, and others, while it is held in high esteem by a large number of physicians. Dr. G. A. Jordan, of Worcester, Mass., says it is certanly the best "alvine motor" he has ever used, and that it gives satisfaction in every instance.-Mass. Med. Journal.

Entered at the Post Office, Wilmington, N. C., as Second-Class Mail-Matter.

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Anatomy, Descriptive and Surgical. By Henry Gray, F. R. S. Drawings by H. V.
Carter, M. D. Edited by Dr. W. W. Keen


Text-Book of Therapeutics and Materia Medica. By Robert T. Edes, A. B., M. D.....
A Complete Hand-Book of Treatment, arranged as an Alphabetical Index. By Wm.
Aitken, M. D.........



Four Months Among the Surgeons of Europe. By N. Senn, M. D....




Dr. Richard Dillard; N. C. Asylum for the Insane: Antiferbin; Spanish Needles for
Asthma; Spirits Turpentine; Raleigh Academy of Medicine; Antipyrine for
Asthina; The Map of the Tongue; Leprosy Contagious.


Ipecachuanha: Antibyrine Adulterated; The Doctor; Cocaine in Vomiting; A
Quack Medicine; Dr. James E. Reeves....


Cholera Bacillus; Tr. Iron and Chlorate Potash; Limit of Taste.
Dr. S. D. Thruston; Ehrlich's Test; Decorated by the Sultan.


Cocaine in Stricture...

How to Pass a Catheter: Dr. Asa Gray; Treatment of Migraine...
Lessons from Specialists...........





The Urine in Tabes Dorsalis; The Local Use of Quebracho.....

Gelseminum in Irritable Bladder; Pine-Wool for Dressing; Spread of Ueprosy.
Wajer at Meals..




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