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of it. Give me leave to make you a nosegay (Blumenstrauß). With great pleasure; and I'll help you. Don't forget Geranium that smells so sweet, and Dahlias (Georginen), though scentless, they are pleasant to the eye, have got some of all colours.


26. In the orchard (Obstgarten) and kitchen garden. Should you like to take a turn (Gang) in the kitchen garden? Willingly. Let us go and look at the vegetables (Gemüse). What a quantity of cabbages; cauliflower. We use (verbrauchen) a great many in the family (für das Haus). Have you planted any kidney (türkische) beans? I have some out of the ground (aufgeschoffen) already. I have got some up (aufgegangen). There are all kinds of salad, onions, celery and here is a fine bed of asparagus. These peas are in blossom already. This bed is full of spinage. When we go through his garden, we come to an orchard of about four acres, there you find the largest-fruit trees you ever saw. I have not yet seen your conservatory (hot - house, Treibhaus). You will find there a great variety of tropical plants, some of them of great beauty. This is a plant which I never observed before; it is not a production of here? You may probably have seen it before, but not in this shape; it is the tea plant. All your plants thrive (gedeihen) surprisingly. What a fine spalier! Strawberries are now in their time (reifen). Have you many cherries. They have generally failed (nicht gerathen). I hope there will be plenty of peaches, nuts, apples, pears, almonds, chesnuts. I think so. What do you think of the wine? It is too early to judge of it now. The grapes of this country are renowned. You cannot possibly consume such a quantity of fruit, unless you make cyder. I do, and you know we are here famous for both cyder and perry. If you please, we will return, and go into the pavilion, rest a little, and return through the park.

27. In the park. I have heard your park is full of large trees and very beautiful. I shall lead you to it, but before you must refresh yourself a little. I feel not in the least tired. The avenues are magnificent. How straight and long is this Linden - tree alley. Thick tufted (did belaubt) oaks and beeches form a vault impenetrable to the rays of the sun. Why is that fenced up? It is kept ground (eine Schonung). The banks of that small river are delightful. Let us sit a moment beneath that leafy tree, which gives so delicious a shade. Here is a magnificent bason (Wasserbecken). See the waterworks playing. The spout (Strahl) of the fountain rises to a prodigious height. Cast your eyes on this side. Do you see that pavilion of rustic building on that hill? I perceive it indistinctly. From thence one sees immense plains, meadows enamelled (geschmückt) with flowers, smiling vines bordered by a brook which goes winding (meandering, hinschlängeln) through the valley. Here is a pond full of fishes. This park must be very extensive, since it contains so many things. It is two leagues in circumference. The white thorn is quite ornamental (eine wahre Pracht) in the hedges. Hark! I hear a cuckoo, and a blackbird. 'Tis really enchanting! It gives me a great joy (es freut mich unendlich) to have seen all this. I am happy beyond expression (unaussprechlich). And the birds are so musical, that our walk is most delightful. Did you observe, what a number of cowslips (Schlüsselblumen) there were in the meadow we crossed just now? I have taken some with me, look here.

28. Return. We shall just have time to go to the other side of the wood and return home through that village. There Mr. Joyful resides. Then we may as well pay him a short visit, and at the same time introduce your friend to Mrs. Sorrowless. Well, just as you please, I shall be happy to make her acquaintance, and gratefully accept your kindness.

Pray, tell me (Sagen Sie mir doch) in what sort of a situation is the village? It is, as you will see, very retired (einsam) tho' in a good neighbourhood. How slowly have we been walking through the park. No wonder, when we are so delighted and have so many things to see. There the village appears already behind those trees! Come let us walk quicker (faster) and we shall see another prospect. What do you say to this scene? I never saw a more lovely place. From the back of that house, you have a fine view of one arm of the river and the woods at a distance. I have heard a great deal of it. When we get there you can see the vessels passing on the river. It must contribute greatly to enliven the scene. The whole seems nothing but pleasure grounds (Lustgärten ). See, they are already cutting the grass, and some are making hay. It must be hard work for the mowers, how well they keep time (Takt halten) with their stroke (3ug); it is really a very pretty sight. There's a man ploughing, another harrowing, and a little farther a shepherd with a flock of sheep wandering over a field. The nearer we come the more lively and active the scene grows. This avenue leads to the mansion and if I see right Mr. Joyful stands at the door.


29. At Dinner. Ladies and Gentlemen, will you please to enter the dining hall? I shall lead the way and you John, show the foreign gentlemen up stairs. Let us go to the dining room; dinner is on the table (served up). Do me the favour to take a seat, this is your place. Thank you. Please to take your seats. Do you take soup, Sir (Madam)? I will thank you (wenn ich bitten darf) for a little. This soup is excellent. Madam, may I help you (vorlegen) to a slice (Stückchen) of this boiled beef, it looks very tender. I'll take a little, if you please. How do you find it? I fear it is not done (gar, weich) enough for you, or it is overdone (zu weich). Now what can I offer you? I will take a little of the larded (gespickt) veal. Will you allow me the honour of helping you to some fish? thank you, I have just eaten some. Pray taste (fosten) a bit of this partridge-pie? I had rather have some of that fowl pie (Hühnerpastete). You are very welcome. John (waiter), some clean plates. Take away these, and bring hot ones. You did not eat any fish? I prefer a piece of roastbeef or any thing roasted. If you will pass me (zukommen lassen) that fowl (Huhn), I will carve (vorlegen) it. What shall I offer you, a wing or leg (Reule)? I will trouble (bitten) you for a wing if you please. The sauce is before you. Is the fowl tender (weich)? It is very good indeed (wirklich). I shall thank you (ich bitte Sie um) for a bit of this leg of mutton. Are you fond of (effen Sie gern) the outside (das Braune) or fat? I hope it is a piece to your liking. What do you think of the wine? It is pretty good, but rather poor (schwach). I will thank you for the decanter (Karaffine) of water (for bread etc.). John take my plate for (bringe auf meinen Teller) a few potatoes (turnips etc.). Have the goodness to pass (zu_reichen) the salt-cellar. Sir, your plate is quite dry (Sie haben keine Sauce); let me give you some gravy. You don't drink; perhaps you prefer claret (red wine) to white, or hock. Please to choose. I'll stay to this here (ich will mich an diesen hier halten). It is entirely to my liking (Geschmacke). But we'll taste of some other still. Will you take a glass of this Burgundy? Just to taste it, for heavy wines don't agree (bekommen) with me. It will do you no harm (schaden), for it is not adulterated (verfälscht). Well, to your health! I have the honour of drinking your health! (Madam, Sir, Miss W.) I pledge you (auf die Ihrige)! That's an excellent wine and has a fine flavour (Blume). It is a wine of a good body (viel Körper). Mr. K., may I trouble you to put (pour) some wine into Mrs. K's. glass? Madam, may I have the pleasure of taking a glass of wine with you (auf Ihre Gesundheit zu trinken)? With much pleasure. How do you like this lamb (Lamm

braten)? It is very good. I am very glad it is to your taste. I shall carve; meanwhile please to season (mischen, machen) this sallad. Bring me the oil-cruet, the whole cruet- stand (Plattmenage). Look, Sir, if it is to your liking. I fear I have not turned (gemengt) it enough, and perhaps put too much vinegar to it. If you are fond of olives and capers, put some in. I assure you, it is delicious. Help yourself to (langen Sie zu) what you like best. A little meat yet. Not quite so large a piece, if you please. Take a little anchovy, soy or ketchup (Sardellen oder Champignonsfauce)! It deserves a trial (es ist des Versuches werth), I can assure you. You take no vegetables (Gemüse)! Take what you please, there is spinage, cauliflower, celery, pease and asparagus. They look indeed quite tempting (einladend), but I can eat no more. You are but a poor eater (effen nur sehr wenig). Indeed, I am no great eater. I, Madam, have given you a proof of the contrary. Have the goodness to ring the bell (flingeln).

30. The dessert. John, put on the dessert, bring Champaign and other glasses. Change the knives and forks etc. Take a little cheese, it very much improves (erhöht) the taste of old hock. What fruit will you take? I will take a bunch of grapes, or a peach. You had better take both, you will find a peach very refreshing. You have no appetite. You have helped (vorgelegt) me to too much of all, so that I am not able to eat more. Here are pears, apples, strawberries, walnuts etc. This melon is scarcely ripe. I will trouble you for a dessert spoon to take a little sugar. Take a little Madeira with it (dazu). I have pealed (geschält) this apple for you, and you must not refuse it. How can I, when it comes from so fair hands. Take some more Champaign. Please to pass (weiter gehen zu lassen) this bottle. You eat almost nothing. You eat scarce any thing. It is impossible for me to eat any more. I have eaten a good deal (viel); much more than I should have done. I have enjoyed my dinner very much (es hat mir sehr gut geschmeckt). You have had only pot-luck (was die Kelle giebt). On the contrary, it is princely fare (Essen). Every thing is excellent, and all very well drest (zubereifet), the wines exquisite, I assure you, I never saw a dinner more handsomely served and never ate a better. You pay a compliment to my dinner, which it does not deserve. Not at all, I assure you. I speak my real opinion. Let's drink once more (noch eins)! Then give a toast (Gesundheit) to it. May we all live in prosperity, and be friends for ever (ewig)! That's a good sentiment (Gedanke). Shall we have another bottle? No, not a drop more, let us rise from table. Much good may it do you (wohl bekomme es Jhuen)!

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31. Making enquiries before undertaking a Journey. How many miles is it from here to N.? Near one hundred and fifty. What sort of a road is it from hence (hier aus) to the first stage? Is the road (way) good? It is tolerable (ziemlich). How is it in winter? Almost impassable (unfahrbar). But in this season it is pretty good. A little while ago it was overflowed (unter Wasser) and you find yet many puddles (Pfüße). Are there any mountains or rivers to pass? But very few. Is the road safe? Yes, Sir, it is a great thoroughfare (wird sehr befahren). It is much frequented. I hope there is no danger of robbers. There is no danger upon this road, but when you come into the forests, it is unsafe, and you had (thäten) better not travel there by night. Do we go through many towns, and which are the most remarkable? There are several worth looking at. Are there any good inns, and which are the best? There are some good and some bad ones. They are all dear and mostly uncomfortable. How many days does it take (gebraucht man) to get to S.? Three by the diligence, and two by the post (Extrapost). Are the posthouses well provided (in guter Ordnung)? Tolerably. Can we depend upon having fresh horses (Vorspann) and is it necessary to wait for them a long while. You are

generally soon served (accomodated). How much must be paid for each horse? Commonly half a dollar for each horse per mile, but the price varies in every country. Are the postillions insolent? I never found them so, when they are well paid. What must be given to them? If you are satisfied with them, half a dollar, or one Dollar. In how many days is the whole journey performed? It is commonly a matter of three days. No longer, then I prefer going by the stage-coach (Schnellpost). I was told that there are two different roads to N. which is the best (the most pleasant)? That from W. is by far the most agreeable, for the other one, though shorter, is very hilly, sandy and sometimes scarcely passable.

Are there any rivers to cross (muß man übersehen)? Is there a ferry (Fähre) and is it capacious? It is an easy passage. After passing the river, the country is quite flat (mountainous, boggy, marshy). The road is bordered (umgeben) with precipices. I like variety on the road. You told me you were going the same way in a few days; when do you set off? On Wednesday next at seven in the evening. Will you accept me as a fellow traveller? I should indeed be delighted with your company. Well! I will go with you; how do you travel? I first intended to travel post, but upon second thoughts (näherer Ueberlegung) I find it better to go by the diligence. Have you taken your place? No. I am going to do it to-morrow morning. Will you have the goodness to take one for me. at the same time. Certainly: what place will you have? I should like a place in the coupé to see the country through which we shall pass. Very well, I will take two. What is the fare (Postgeld)? Twenty four Dollars to W.; the last town before we come to another principality, and there we are to pay again. Must I have a pass-port? Yes, you will want one when you arrive at W. But I have been told that one can travel without a pass-port. So you can, and it is only in coming into a foreign principality (country) that you must produce one. Where must I procure it? At the H. ambassador's, and you must get it signed (visiren lassen) by the Police. Very well, I will do the needful.

32. Meeting before setting out. I hear you are going to N., is it a journey of pleasure? No, Sir. Some important business calls me there. Have you any commission to give me for that place? Were I not afraid (fürchtete ich nicht) of giving you so much trouble, I should charge you with a letter. Make no compliments, if I can be of any use to you, give me your commands. I am very much obliged to you. Since you are so kind, I shall avail myself of (benußen) your offer. When do you think of setting out? The day after to-morrow. How long do you mean to be abroad (abwesend)? It is rather (etwas) uncertain. If I can speedily despatch (beendigen) my business, I'll be back again in a few weeks. I suppose you stop at W. for a short time. I shall, to visit my relations. If you give me leave, I'll call upon you in the evening and bring the letter. Come rather on Wednesday morning to breakfast with me. I thank you, I will. Adieu till then (auf Widersehen)! Good bye!

33. Conversation in a stage-coach (Diligence). Well here I am, it is almost time to start, is it not? We have yet time enough, I have sent our trunks to the stage, so we have time to change some money (to get some change) (flein Geld). The horses are put to. The coach is ready. Now gentlemen, please to get in. Where is mý trunk packed? Your trunk is well fastened (befestigt); it is tied quite tight. Are you going to N.? Yes, Sir. I shall have the pleasure of your company. All in order! Good bye.

This carriage is very narrow (spacious). I sit quite at my ease (bequem). Is this parcel troublesome to you? Not in the least. Let us place our legs between one another. Give me leave to stretch my legs a little to put this foot forwarder (weiter zu rücken). There, that will do (so ist's

gut)! You do not in the least inconvenience (geniren) me. May I ask whence you come? I come from K. Did you ever travel (bereisen) this way before? The road is perfectly known to me. Give me leave to pull up (let down) this window. The dust is very troublesome. What a fine prospect (landscape). When we have got over this spot (Stelle) it is so no more. Why so? The country is then very desolate for some miles. We are going very slowly forward, drive on coachman (postillion)! I can't drive faster, we are going up hill. It begins to rain a little and the wind comes (proceeds) from that side, we must let down the window. Can you sleep in a coach (in the carriage)? No, Sir, I can never, however fatigued. How much have we made of the way (zurückgelegt)? Near four post-leagues. Where do we stop to dine? At R. I believe, after which we don't stop to take any refreshment till we arrive at S., in the evening. Where do they change horses? At R. where we dine. Is it permitted to smoke, I see one of the gentlemen does. Properly not; but if there are no ladies it is not objected to, at least very seldom. Then I shall smoke a segar. Can you bear the smell of Tobacco? if not, I desist (unterlassen). No, I don't object to the smell of tobacco at all. Now the postillion is driving too fast. But he drives steadily (behutsam). How fortunate we are to have such fine weather. There's a by-way (Nebenweg), where does that go to? To C. a market town. How do you call that castle situated on that hill? It is the famous tower of R. Are we still far from the town? No more than a good league. I wish I was already at R. Have patience, we shall soon be there. What are we stopping for? We are at the gates of R. We dine here and then continue our journey. I am not sorry, for I begin to want my dinner. And I also, the journey has given me a good appetite. The coach stops. Let down the steps (Tritt). Please to walk in

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34. Continuation. Now, let us sit down to table, for the conductor will not give us too much time for dinner. You have a good half hour, gentlemen. (Siehe das Gespräch At dinner.) Do we take coffee? I don't think we shall have time. Come, ladies and gentlemen, the coach is waiting. Well, did you make a good dinner (hat es geschmeckt)? Yes, pretty good, but I don't like to be hurried (treiben). It is always so in travelling by the diligences. But it is yet worse by the mail. Yes, they give you less time for meals. Well, here we are off again, where shall we stop next? We stop no more, till we arrive at M. Will it be there light (hell) enough to see the town. I suppose not, but at this time of the year we have scarcely any night. Do you sleep well in travelling? I doze (schlummere) now and then, but I can't go soundly (fest) to sleep. For my part I sleep like a top (Kreisel d. h. wie todt). Don't let me keep you awake (lassen Sie sich nicht abhalten) when you feel inclined to sleep. I think I will take a little nap (Schläfchen). Do so, and I will awake you when there is any thing remarkable. The country appears to be well cultivated. Now, Sir, look to the right far away over the fields. I am looking; what is there remarkable? What do you perceive? I perceive something like an old castle. It was built by the first king who reigned in this country. What road is that on the left hand? It is the main road (Hauptstraße) to B. Is it a shorter way than by (über) C.? No, it is some miles longer. Do you see that country seat on the hill to the left? Yes, embosomed (von Wald umgeben, versteckt) in the wood, to whom does it belong? It belongs at present to Prince C. It is well worth visiting. Now, wake up, rouse up (ermuntern)! here we are at N. I thank you, I was soundly asleep. If I may judge by your snoring, I should think so. Did I snore? Yes, pretty well. Here we are in the coach-yard. What man is that, looking. at the trunks? It is the custom-house officer.

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