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Durham, North Carolina, a City of Negro Enterprises, B. T. Washington, il. Ind. 70:624-50. Mr. 30. '11.

The Industrial Opportunity for Negroes in Philadelphia, J. B. Leeds, Southern Workman, 419. Jl. ’11.

Negro Life in the South, B. T. Washington. Outlook, 96:831-2 D.10, '11. Picking Cotton by Machine, W. Day. il. Sci. Am. 104:231. Mr. 4. '11.

Local Study of the Race Problem in Georgia, R. P. Brooks. Pol. Sci. Q. 26:193-221, Je. '11.

Poverty Among Northern Negroes, R. R. Wright, Jr., Southern Workman. 700. D. '11.

Saving the Negro, W. J. Northern, Southern Workman, 10, Ja. '11.
Negro Segregation in Cities, Chaut. M., '11.

Segregation Law, P. A. Bruce. Nation. Ag. 10, '11.


Fifty Years of Emancipation, Lit. Digest, O. 5, '12.

Negro as a Farmer, B. T. Washington, N. Am. F. '12.

Negroes Who Owned Slaves, C. D. Wilson, Pop. Sci. N. '12.

Regeneration of Colored Population in the Rural South, R. B. Cooley, Conf. Char. & Correc. 1911; 107-10.

Rural Negro Community, B. T. Washington, Ann. Am. Acad. Mr. '12. Southern Agriculture, Plantation System, and the Negro Problem. L. C. Gray, Ann. Am. Acad. Mr. '12.

Upbuilding of Black Durham, W. E. B. Dubois, World's Work, Ja. ’12.


National Negro Business League Meeting. Outlook. 105; 7-8. S. 6. '13. Admission to American trade unions, F. E. Wolfe, J. H. U. Studies, 30: 566-88. '12.

Color Line in the Housing Problem, S. P. Breckinridge, Survey, 29: 575-6. F. 1, '13. Conditions Among Negroes in the Cities, G. E. Haynes. Ann. Am. Acad. 49: 105-19. S. '13.

Fifty Years of Freedom. World's Work, 26: 148-9. Je. '13.

Lease of New Life in Negro Country Homes. Survey. 30: 657-8. Ag. 30, '13. Negro and the Labor Unions, B. T. Washington, Atlan. lll: 756-67. Je. '13. Negro's Economic Progress. Lit. Digest 46: 215-6. F. L. '13.

Status and Vocation of our Colored People, G. B, Foster, Survey, 29: 567-9, F. 1, '13.

Professional and Skilled Occupations, K., Miller. Ann. Am. Acad. 49: 10-8 S. '13.

Negro Organizations, B. F. Lee, Jr. Ann. Am. Acad. 49: 129-37. S. '13. Negro Home Life and Standards of Living. R. E. Park. Ann. Am. Acad. 49: 147-63, S. '13.

Development in the Tidewater Counties of Virginia, T. C. Walker. Ann. Am. Acad. 49: 28-31. S. '13.

Negro in Unskilled Labor. R. R. Wright, Jr. Ann. Am. Acad. 49: 19-27. S. '13.

Movement for the Betterment of the Negro in Philadelphia, J. T. Emlen. Maps. Ann. Am. Acad. 49: 81-92. S. '13.

Fifty Years of Freedom: Conditions in the Coast Regions, N. Christensen. Ann. Am. Acad. 49: 58-66. S. '13.

Tenancy in the Southern States, B. H. Hibbard, Q. J. Econ. 27: 482-96. My. '13.

Tenant System and some Changes since Emancipation, T. J. Edwards. Ann. Am. Acad. 49: 38-46. S. '13.

Fifty Years of Negro Progress. M. N. Work. Southern Workman. 9. Ja. '13. The Hampton Farmers' Conference. W. A. Aery. Southern Workman. 49. Ja. '13.

In a Black-belt Town. R. E. Park. Southern Workman. 142. Mr. '13. The Tuskegee Conference of 1913. W. A. Aery. Southern Workman. 177. Mr. '13.

What are Negroes Doing in Durham? Clement Richardson. Southern Workman. 385. JI. 13.

The Negro in Business. W. A. Aery. Southern Workman. 522. O. *13.

Negro Property Holding in Tidewater Virginia. T. C. Walker. Southern Workman. 622. N. '13.


Lynching of Negroes, T. N. Page, No. Am. Ja., '04.

New Negro Crime. Harp. W. Ja. 23, '04.

Virginia Negro Reform School, Helen W. Ludlow, So. Workman, N., '04.
Farm for Juvenile Negro Offenders, Cur. Lit. F. '05.

Race Riots in Ohio. Outlook, Mr. 10, '06.

Anti-Negro Riots in Atlanta, F. Gibson, Harp. W., O. 13 '06.

Atlanta Massacre, Ind. O. 4, '06.

Atlanta Riots, Symposium, Outlook, N. 3, '06.

Tragedy at Atlanta, J. T. Graves & W. E. B. DuBois, World Today, N., '06. Wind and the Whirlwind, Ind. S. 27, '06.

Medicine for the Mob, Outlook, F. 2, '07.

Race Riots and Lynch Laws, the Cause and Cure, H. Alexander, Outlook, F. 2, '07.

Following the Color Line, R. S. Baker, Am. M. Ap.-Ag., '07.

Negro and Justice, Ind. O. 17, '07.

Proposed Vagrant Law, Ind. Ja. 17, '07.

Atlanta Outdone in Springfield, Ind. Aug. 20, '08.

Why the Difference? Negro Crimes in Portsmouth, Va., and Springfield, W. A. Woodbridge, Ind. S. 10, '08.

Race Riot in Lincoln's City, G. Taylor, Char. Ag. 29, '08.
Race War in the North, W. E. Walling, Ind. S. 3, '08.

So-Called Race Riot at Springfield, Char. S. 19, '08.

Birmingham Probation Plan for the Little Negro, L. McCrae, Char. Mr.

14, '08.

Convict Lease System of Georgia, A. J. McKelway, Outlook, S. 12, '08.
Mob or Court, Outlook, Ap. 4, '08.

Law and Order and the Negro, B. T. Washington, Outlook, N. 6, '09.
Crime, Kelly Miller, Southern Workman, S., '09.

Brave Sheriff, Outlook, Mr. 5, '10.

Race Rioter, H. M. Lyon, Am. M., F., '10.

Negro and Crime, R. R. Wright, Jr., Southern Workman, Mr., '10.

Criminal Statistics, R. R. Wright, Jr., Southern Workman, My., '11. Negro Crime and Strong Drink, B. T. Washington, Jour. Am. Inst. Crime and Criminal Law, S., '12.

Negro Criminality in the South, M. N. Work. Ann. Am. Acad. 49: 74-80. S. '13.

Lynching, John J. Chapman On. Southern Workman. 55. Ja. '13.

Health and Sanitation

Negro Physicians, W. Hubbard, Southern Workman, F. '03.
Negro Physicians, G. S. Dickerman, Southern_Workman, D., '04.
Tuberculosis Among Virginia Negroes, J. J. France, Southern Workman,

S., '05.

Negro and Tubercule Bacillus, Lillian Brandt, Southern Workman, D., '05. Better Housing, Harriet Quimby, Southern Workman, N., '05.

Housing and Sanitation in Relation to Mortality, R. R. Wright, Jr., Southern Workman, S., '06.

Fresh Air Work Among Colored Children in New York, M. W. Ovington, Charities, O. 13, '06.

Negro Doctor in the South, B. T. Washington, Ind. Je. 11, '07.

Tuberculosis Among Negroes, T. J. Jones. Southern Workman, N., '11.
Tuberculosis Among the Negroes, R. Wilson, Jr., Char. N. 7, '08.
Negro Outlook, B. Warner, Southern Workman, S., '08.

Tuberculosis Due to Race Tendency, R. Wilson, Jr., Southern Workman,

D., '08.

Anti-Tuberculosis League. C. P. Wertenbaker, Southern Workman, S., '09. Negro Hospitals, G. C. Hall, Southern Workman, O., '10.

Health Problems of the Negro, J. A. Kenney, Ann. Am. Acad. Mr., '11. Chicago Housing Conditions: The Problem of the Negro, A. P. Comstock, Am. J. Soc. S., '12.

The Housing Problem in Texas, G. W. Briggs, Galveston, 1911. Hull House Maps and Papers, by residents of Hull House, New York, 1895. Nerro Self Help and Negro Health, Proceedings of the Hampton Institute Negro Conference, 1911, pp. 71-73.

The Negro and Public Health, Oscar Dowling, Proceedings of the Southern Sociclical Congress, 1912.

Experience in Organizing Negro Anti-Tuberculosis Leagues, C. P. Wer erbaker, Proceedings of the Southern Sociological Congress, 1912.

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y Years of Public Health. S. B. Jones. Ann, Am. Acad. 49: 138-46 S. '13. Negro Women as Trained Nurses in Chicago, R. McMurdy. Survey. 31: 159-N 8. '13.

Drink, drugs, and sudden death. Lit. Digest, 47: 618. O. 11, '13.


Disfranchisement of the Negro, T. N. Page, Scrib. '04.

In the Difteenth Amendment Been Justified? J. E. Boyle, Arena My., '04.
Negre rd the Fourteenth Amendment, H. Alexander, Harp. W. Mr. 19, '04.
Negro Disfranchisement in Maryland, Nation. Ja. 7, '04.
Why Disfranchisement is Bad, A. H. Grimke, Atlan. Jl., '04.


Reduction of Southern Representation in Congress, Outlook, Ja. 7, '05. Reduction of Representation in the South, J. B. Knox, Outlook, Ja. 21, '05. Southern View of the 14th Amendment, Harp. W., Ja., 21, '05.

Is the Negro Disfranchised? W. H. Smith, Outlook, Ap. 29, '05.


President Johnson and Negro Suffrage, J. Schouler, Outlook, Ja. 13, '06. Southern Representation in Congress, S. J. Bowie, Ind. Ja. 18, '06. Suffrage Limitation in Louisiana, J. L. W. Woodville, Pol. Sci. Q., Je., '06. Three Amendments, J. Bascour, Ann. Am. Acad. My., '06.


Georgia Disfranchisement, Nation, Ag. 8, '07.

Power of the Southern Election Registrar, T. J. Jones, Outlook. N. 9, '07. Suffrage in Georgia, A. J. McKelway, Outlook, S. 14, '07.

Reconstruction Period, P. J. Hamilton, Review of Dial. N. 1, '07.


Repeal of the Fifteenth Amendment, T. B. Edgington, No. Am. Jl, '08. Ballot as a Whip, H. Bumstead, Ind. Je. 11, '08.

Fifteenth Amendment, J. W. Hood, Ind. S. 17, '08.

Negro in Politics, R. S. Baker, Am. M. Je., '08.

First Days of Reconstruction, C. Schurz, McClure, My., '08.

President Johnson and his War on Congress, C. Schurz McClure, Je.. '08. Reconstruction in South Carolina, J. S. Reynolds, Review of Pol. Sci. Q. D., '07.

Repudiation of Johnson's Policy, C. Schurz, McClure, Jl., '08.

South After the War, C. Schurz, McClure. Ap.. '08.

Suffrage in Georgia, Outlook, N. 7, '08.


Negro Disfranchisement and the Negro in Business, B. T. Washington, Outlook, O. 9, '09.

Negro in a Democracy, R. S. Baker, Ind. S. 9, '09.

Banquo's Ghost of American Politics, Cur. Lit. Jl., '09.

President, the South and the Negro, J. C. Hemphill, Harp. W. Ja. 9, '09. Self-Reconstruction in Maryland, 1864-1867, W. S. Myers, J. H. U. Studies, Ja., '09.


Negro Suffrage in a Democracy, R. S. Baker, Atlan. D., '10.
Negro Suffrage in Maryland, Outlook. Ap. 16, '10.

Nullification inary and. Nation. AD., . 19.

Suffrage in Maryland, Ind. Ap. 21, '10.

American Negro as a Political Factor, K. Miller, 19th Cent. Ag. 10,

Same Cond. R. of Rs. S., '10.

Grandfather Clause in Oklahoma, Outlook. Ag. 20, '10.

Grandfather Clause in Oklahoma and Maryland, N. 26, '10.

New Disfranchisement Plan, Ind. Mr. 31, ’10.

Democratic Split in the South, Ind. My. 26, '10.

Diary of, in Reconstruction Period, G. Wells, Atlan. F.-D., '10.

Letter of William Henry Prescott on Reconstruction in South Carolina, 1867 Am. Hist. R. Ap., '10.

Reconstruction and Its Benefits, W. E. B. DuBois. Am. Hist. R. Jl., '10.


Fifteenth Amendment, Ind. S. 21, '11.

Message to the North, C. T. Crowell, Ind. My. 11, '11.

Diary of the Reconstruction Period, G. Wells, Atlan. Ja. '11.


Is the Negro Having a Fair Chance? B. T. Washington, Cent. N., '12. Negro Delegates. Nations. Ja. 20, '12.

Progressives and the Colored Man. T. Roosevelt, Outlook, Ag. 24, '12. Negro in the Chicago Primary, G. W. Ellis, Ind. Ap. 25, '12.

Recent Administration in Virginia, F. A. Magruder, J. H. U. Studies 30, 78-94, '12.

Australian and Massachusetts Ballot and Ballot Reform. C. L. Jones, Readings on Parties and Elections 244-50.


Problems of Citizenship, R. S. Baker. Ann. Am. Acad. 49: 93-104. S. '13. President and the Negro, Nation. 97: 114. Ag. 7, '13.

President Wilson and the Color Line. Lit. Digest. 47: 270. Ag. 23, '13. Finish of the Civil Rights Act. Lit. Digest, 47: 8 Jl. 5, '13.

President and the Segregation at Washington. O. G. Villard. No. Am. 198; 800-7. D. '13.


Negro Churches, Nation. My., '04.

What the North is Doing for the Christian Development of the Southern Negro. A. F. Beard, Mis. R. S., '04.

Negro Church, W. E. B. DuBois, Sci. Q., D., '04.

Work of Southern Presbyterians for Negroes, John Little, Southern Workman, Ag. '04.

Race Rich in Spiritual Content, H. T. Kealing, Southern Workman, Ja., '04.
Y. M. C. A. Work, Kelly Miller, Southern Workman, F., '04.

Colored Minister, George W. Henderson, Southern Workman, Mr., '04.
Religious Life of the Negro, B. T. Washington, No. Am. Jl., '05.
Episcopal Convention and The Negroes, Ind. S., '07.

Social Work and Influence of the Negro Church. R. R. Wright, Jr., Ann. Am. Acad. N., '07.

Evolution of a Kentucky Negro Mission, L. J. Speed, Char. S. 21, '07.
Religious Side of Negro Questions, D. D. Little, Southern Workman, Jl. '07.
Southerner on Colored Evangelization, W. C. Wells, Mis. R. Je., '08.
South and Negro Evangelization, Mis. R. Ag., '08.

Ministers and Physicians, W. P. Thirkield, Southern Workman, '08.
Church and Community, M. N. Work, Southern Workman, 08.

Christian South and Negro Education, T. Bratton, Southern Workman, Je.. '08.

Church and the Negroes, S. H. Bishop, Spie

Mr. and N., '09.

Past and Present Among the Negroes of Southern Virginia, J. S. Russell, Spirit Mis., Ap., '09.

Negro and Religion, H. H. Johnson, 19th Cent. Jl., '10. Same Cond. Cur. Lit. Ag., '10.

Romance of Negro, S. H. Bishop, Southern Workman, Jl., '10.

Young Southern White Man and Negro, J. M. Gandy, Southern Workman, D., '10.

Tuskegee Religious Work, J. D. Stevenson, Southern Workman, Jl., '10.
Saving the Negro, W. J. Northern, Southern Workman, Ja., '11.
Church and the Negro. Ind. 75: 671-3. S. 18. '13.

Churches and Religious Conditions Among the Negroes. J. J. Watson. Ann. Am. Acad. 49: 120-8. S. '13.

Coonty Y. M. C. A. Work, Southern Workman, 128. Fe. '13.

County Y. M. C. A. Work for Negroes, Southern Workman. 425. Ag. '13.

Race Problem

Can the Scuth Solve the Race Problem? C. Schurz McClure, Ja., '04.

Non Resistance and the Negro Question, Count Tolstoy, R. of Rs. Je., '04. Darkest America, K. Miller, New Eng. M. Mr., '04.

English View of Our Negro Problem, Harp. W. Ap. 23, '04.

Experiences of the Race Problem, Ind. Mr. 17, '04.

How Jamaica Solves the Negro Problem, W. Thorp, World's Work, Je., '04.
Negro the Southerner's Problem, T. N. Page, McClure, Mr.-My., '04.
Negro's Part in the Negro Problem, K. Miller, Forum, O., '04.
Observations of the Southern Race Feeling, Ind. Mr. 17, '04.
Optimistic Views on the Negro Problem, Cur. Lit. Ja., '04.

Our Negro Problem, by a Negro for the benefit of Frenchmen, R. of Rs. O., '04.

President Eliot and Dr. Washington on the Race Question, Outlook, Feb. 20, '04.

Problems of the Negro, C. W. Eliot, Internat. Je., '04.

What the South is Doing for the Negro, S. C. Mitchell, Miss. R. S., '04.


Conditions of Southern Problem, A. B. Hart, Ind. Mr. 23, '05.

Light from a Southern Source on the Negro Problem, Harp. W. Mr. 4, '05. Real Problem of South, Zach. McGhee Southern Workman, O., '05. Remedies for the Southern Problem, A. B. Hart, Ind. My. 4, '05.

Two Southern Views of the Race Question, C. C. Whinery, Cur. Lit. My., '05. Weighty Factor in the South's Negro Problem, Harp. W. D. 24, '04.

Whe an's Burden at Home, S. Olivier, Internat. Ap., '04, Same Cond. R. of R's. My., '05.


Negro Problem S. Sams. Ecl. M. N., '06.

Negro Question Again, Symposium, Outlook, D. 1, '06.

Heart of the Race Problem, A. H. Grimke, Arena, Ja.-Mr.-Je., '06.

Is the Problem Insoluble? Ind. Je. 21, '06.

Joys of Being a Negro, E. E. Wilson, Atlan. F., '06.

Lights and Shadows in the Race Question, Cur. Lit. Ap. '06.
Negro Problem Stated, W. F. Bailey, Fortn. My., '06.

Paf of the Niagara Movement, Outlook, S. 1, '06.
Psychology and the Race Problem. Bib. Sac. Ap., '06.
Tragedy of Color, H. G. Wells, Harp. W. S. 15, '06.
Negro Problem, B. T. Washington, Outlook, '06.

Slavery and the Race Problem in the South, Ind. Ag. 2, '06.


Acuteness of the Negro Question, W. D. Jelks, No. Am. F. 15, '07.
Great American Question, T. N. Page, McClure, Mr. '07.

Riddle of the Negro, R. S. Baker, Am. M. Mr., '07.

Where the Race Problem has Solved Itself, E. F. Andrews, Cent. Ap., '07. Following the Color Line, R. S. Baker, Am. M. Ap.-Ag., '07.

Solving the Race Problem in Atlanta, A. E. S. Beard, World To-Day, F.

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