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On the 1st of December, 1845, the Twenty-gress the Joint Resolutions consenting to the ninth Congress convened in Washington to Annexation of Texas. Texas on her part (commence its First Session. Mr. James K. had likewise assented to Annexation on the Polk had been inaugurated as President terms prescribed by our Congress and was nearly nine months before, but had enjoyed now formally knocking at the door of our (no opportunity till now of influencing through Union, an entrance through which had alLegislative action, the Policy of the Country, ready been guarantied her. All beside resave by his personal efforts before his Inau-mained as before Polk's election. guration (Feb. 1845) to push through Con


This was, by common consent, prosperous were minutely examined, it would be diffiand satisfactory. The National Industry, cult-we think impossible--to point out any protected by the wise and beneficent Tariff other period in which its advancement in (of 1842, was better employed than and as Industry, Population, Arts, Wealth and Gen well compensated as at almost any former eral Well-being was so striking as during period. The Farmer was receiving in the the two years 1844 and '45—that is, from the (average good prices for his products. Manu- time that the Tariff of 1842 had made itself facturing and Mechanical Industry were ad- thoroughly felt in all departments of Indus(vancing with giant strides, and rapidly dif- try down to the commencement of systemfasing themselves over sections of the Country atic and formidable efforts for its overthrow. where they had previously been almost un- In no other two years had more of our Soil (known. Commerce and Navigation were been reclaimed from the primitive wilder-S active and flourishing, being buoyed up by ness and covered with industrious and thrifty) the general employment and efficiency of cultivators. Never had our aggregates of Labor and the consequent ability to purchase Agricultural Products been higher, nor our (on the part of the great mass of the People. general extension of or improvement in tillOur Exports and Imports were neither solage been more decided. Yet during these large nor so small as they had been in former two years the abstraction of Labor and Skill (years, but they were over One Hundred Mil-from Agricultural to Manufacturing avocalions of Dollars' worth each, and the balance tions had been very great, as is evinced by was on the right side. Our Revenue was the general increase of population in Cities (abundant, steady, and our small National and Villages, the activity which prevailed in Debt, contracted under the Revenue Tariff of Lumbering, Brick-making, Building, &c. &c. (1840 to 42, was steadily diminishing at the the multiplication of Mills, Factories, Railrate of several Millions per annum. Nobody roads, Machinery, &c. &c. And, while we (spoke or thought of a necessity to borrow were thus adding millions on millions to the Sagain, and all were regretting that our little sum of our National Wealth at home, we debt did not fall due at an earlier day, so were steadily reducing the amount not only Sthat it might be promptly extinguished. of our Governmental but of our Commercial) If the history and progress of the Nation indebtedness abroad-indebtedness contract

Sed during the improvident era of buying petition, the reduction of prices on Protected ouch and selling little--1834 to 1839. All fabrics which would else have even this this in the face of apprehensions that the promptly been realized.-Such was the state Tariff of 1842 might be overthrown by its of things in which Mr. Polk met his first adversaries, an apprehension which rendered Congress, composed, by nearly two-thirds in the advancement of 1843-5 much less rapid the House and by a large majority in the and constant than it would otherwise have Senate, of those who had aided to clect him been, and postponed or prevented in some and assembled as partisans of his Adminis instances, by checking investment and com-ltration.


The National Convention at Baltimore, of the British Minister, and claimed the whole which nominated Mr. Polk for President, again, intimating that he would never again (May, 1844,) had gravely resolved that our recede, and would on no account surrender right to the whole of Oregon is clear and un- the free navigation of the Columbia. Say Squestionable," and that the " reoccupation "his Message:

of that Territory is "a great American ques- "The right of any foreign power to the free na) tion," &c. [Then why make it a party ques-vigation of any of our rivers, through the heart of) {tion, when nothing had been said concerning our country, was one which I was unwilling to) concede." it on the other side?] The simple truth is, 'Again he says: that the nominators of Mr. Polk found this a "The extraordinary and wholly inadmissible National question and deliberately made it a demands of the British government, and the re-{ party one, for their own use and benefit.jection of the proposition made in deference alone to what had been done by my predecessors, and They said, adroitly but plainly, to all who the implied obligation which their acts seemed desired the assertion at all hazards and to all to impose, afford satisfactory evidence that no compromise which the United States ought to acextremes of our claim to the whole of Oregon, cept can be effected. With this conviction, the and to all who for any cause desired a War proposition of compromise which had been made, and rejected was, by my direction, subsequently with Great Britain, "Help us elect Mr. Polk, withdrawn, and our title to the whole Oregon terand you shall have Oregon up to 54° 40′ or ritory asserted, and, as is believed, maintained by irrefragable facts and arguments.” War for it." They doubtless made party "Peace or War," we were also told by capital ont of this. Accordingly, Mr. Polk in the Secretary of State, on the 20th of January his Inaugural avowed his firm faith in our last, was involved in the issue of the surren Sclaim to Oregon and his resolution to main der by England of the whole of Oregon. la the same letter Mr. Buchanan said :' tain it. (The whole' was implied but not "The President will never abandon the position (expressly stated.) In the Fall of that year. he has taken in his Message. Clarly convinced of ('45,) The Union, established by the will of the right of the United States TO THE WHOLE TER RITORY IN DISPUTE, and relieved, by the refusal of) Mr. Polk and sustained by official patronage, the British Government to accept this offer of) declared for 54° 40', the whole or none." compromise, from the embarrassment in which) the acts of his predecessore had placed him, he Every where those who counseled modera-would not authorize the conclusion of a Treaty on tien, compromise, conciliation, were scouted that basis. (The basis of 499,"

as enemies to the Country-British Whigs. The leading members of the majority and Yet when the Executive budget was opened, the Press of their Party took their cue from Sat the assembling of Congress, it came out this. "54° 40′-the whole or none!" was the that Mr. Polk had offered to compromise with touchstone of patriotism, the toast and the Great Britain on the line of 49°, but without war-cry of Northern and Western Leco-Foeceding the portion of Vancouver's Island coism. To push Great Britain off the ContiSouth of 49. or the free navigation of the Co-nent was the purpose avowed by many, bat lumbia. This offer being rejected, Mr. Polk to drive her forthwith out of all Oregon, was withdrew it, rejected the counter proposition the object of the more judicious. All sorts

of intemperate propositions and more intem-its part to compromise on the 49th degree. perate speeches were made. But the South the reserving the possessory rights of her did not generally participate in this spirit. people in Oregon, obtaining the whole of Her more reflecting Statesmen could not see Vancouver's Island and the free navigation of? the utility of a doubtful and bloody War with the Columbia "to the Hudson's Bay Comthe Nation possessing greater means of assail-pany and all British subjects trading with, ing us than any other on the earth-a nation them," without limitation of time. This pro which buys three-fourths of our Cotton-crop-ject of a Treaty Mr. Polk submitted privately? to enforce a questionable claim to a few thou-to the Senate for its judgment thereon, which, sand square miles of mountainous wilderness being favorable, (as he well knew it would) in the far corner of our Continent. A stand be before he went through the farce of ask(was made in the Senate by Messrs. Calhoun, ing it,) a Treaty was promptly sigued by Haywood and others; the resolution which Mr. Buchanan, approved by Mr. Polk, had passed the House authorizing the Presi- ratified by the Senate, and is now the su dent to apprize Great Britain that the long-preme law of the Land. (See it on page 28. (standing Joint Occupation of Oregon would We rejoice that the difference has been set Sterminate at the expiration of the stipulated tled, even on such terms; but what must the twelve months' notice, was modified in the Country think of those who, to subserve a (Senate, and, after a disagreement and confer-party end, pushed the Nation recklessly to ence, passed both Houses in a modified and the very brink of a desolating War, and then, inoffensive form. This being communicated backed out so ingloriously and utterly? Can Sto the British Government, led to an offer on they ever again be trusted?


In his Annual Message of Dec. 2d, 1845, Mexico, it was notorious, had uniformly dethe President boasted of the Annexation of clared that she would regard Annexation as Texas as one of the great events of the age, War upon her, and resist it accordingly. Now and adds: suppose the weakness and fears of Mexico)

"The accession to our territory has been a blood had sufficed to overbear her resentment, so less achievement. No arm of force has been raised as to prevent any actual resistance to our abto produce the result. The sword has had no part in the victory. We have not sought to extend our terri- sorption of Texas, would not the essential Storial possessions by conquest, or our Republican in-falsehood of Mr. Polk's boasts been still palj stitutions over a reluctant people. It was the delibe

our Federative Union."

rate homage of each people to the great principle of pable? When the troops of Napoleon over ran Portugal and captured Lisbon unresist "If we consider the extent of the territory in(volved in the Annexation-its protective influence ed, driving off the Royal Family to Brazil) on America-the means by which it has been ac-amid the tears and wailing of their subjects.? complished, springing purely from the choice of was it true that the sword had no part' in) the people themselves to share the blessings of our Union, the history of the world may be chai-the conquest, because the Portuguese dared? lenged to furnish a parallel." not resist the power of their colossal invader?

All this boasting was not merely premature When the highwayman obtains your purse -it was false from the outset. Mr. Forsyth, without a struggle by merely putting his pis as Secretary of State under Mr. Van Buren, tol to your breast and demanding 'your mo had in 1837 declared that the Annexation of ney or your life,' could he truly proclaim Texas to this country, prior to the recognition that no arm of force has been raised to pro fof her Independence by Mexico, would be duce this result?'-But events were fast m an act of War on Mexico. Mr. Van Buren, pening calculated to put to shame the boast Mr. Silas Wright, as well as Mr. Clay, Mr. and the boaster.

Gallatin and nearly all the Whig Statesmen The original, uniform, well-defined Southin the land, took the same view of it in 1844. Western boundary of Texas as a province of



SMexico was the river Nueces from its mouth mouth, is to be deemed an exception to its source, thence Northwardly along the Benton in 1844 denounced the pretence of Scrests of a chain of mountains so as to include extending Texas to the Rio del Norte as "an no portion of the valley of the long river act of unparalleled outrage on Mexico," of Sknown by the Mexican names of Rio Grande, aggression and unjust war. Yet Mr. Polk Rio Bravo or Rio del Norte. There is not, was resolved from the first to maintain this Snever was, any dispute about this. The lower atrocious claim. By his own order, without Sportion of the Valley of the Rio del Norte a word of authority from Congress, our Army (formed the province of Tamaulipas, of which was sent to Corpus Christi, across the Nueces, Matamoros, lying on that river, was the capi- immediately upon advices that Texas had tal; above this was New Leon; then Chihua- consented to Annexation. This not sufficing, Shua; then New-Mexico or Santa Fé. On in the feeble and distracted condition of Mexeach side of the river, but mainly on the ico, to provoke hostilities, our troops were or West, Mexican towns or villages were thinly dered by him, without consulting or even in-{ scattered, but no settlement of Texans, no forming Congress, to march to the Rio del Selection under the authority of Texas, no ser- Norte, over 100 miles beyond the well-device of civil process under her laws, was ever fined boundary and the farthest settlement of (made in any part of the region watered by Texas, driving back the Mexican Corps of the Rio del Norte and its tributaries. When Observation at the Sal Colorado, causing them) John Quincy Adams, in negotiating a Treaty to abandon and burn their Custom-House, &c. Sof Boundaries with Spain in 1818-19, set up at San Isabel, and taking post directly oppoa claim that Louisiana extended to the Rio site Matamoros, the capital of the Province, (del Norte, he gave no intimation that Texas planting a battery of cannon so as to com had that extent, nor any color to the pre-mand it. All this while Mexico had committence. So notoriously fraudulent is the ted no act of hostility against us, nor in any Sclaim that Texas extends to the Rio del manner molested a settlement of Texas! Norte, that it may be abundantly refuted by The result was War, as everybody foresaw it Texan authorities alone. We have before must be-and what a War for a civilized and us a Map of Texas, prepared by STEPHEN F. Christian People! Give all the force you AUSTIN, (well known as one of the pioneers can to the pretexts set up in its justification) of Texas and leaders in the struggle for her-say that Mexico owed us for Spoliations, (Independence,) published by H. S. Tanner, and had withheld a part of the stipulated InPhiladelphia, in 1837, the year after the in-demnity-that her poverty and the fact that) dependence of Texas was established by the she had once provided for its payment are no Battle of San Jacinto. This Map bounds excuses-that she agreed to receive Mr. SiiTexas on the south-west by the Nueces, ex-dell as Minister Plenipotentiary, (though she Sactly as we have stated above, and gives not did not) and then (a revolution having meanthe least intimation of a claim that it should time occurred) refused to do it-and what mis. extend farther. There Texan settlement, ju- erable apologies are they all for invading her Srisdiction and authority have uniformly stop- unquestioned territory, and slaughtering her ped, save in occasional and usually unsuccess- feeble, barbarous, wretchedly armed People! (ful forays upon the Mexican villages on the [The History of the War, so far as it had transRio Grande, unless the little settlement of pired when this work went to press, is given in Corpus Christi, just across the Nueces at its another part of the Almanac.]


The merits of a War always challenge the justly in bloodshedding, and to resist, by all Sscrutiny of every free citizen-he is bound to constitutional means, every attempt to do so take care that our rulers do not involve us un-If one nation makes war on soother, it is ob-)

vious that. there must be great blame some ever can be swallowed must be taken withSwhere-the guilt of every death, every pang, out scruple. Lying down on the ground, as must fall heavily on the individuals who pri- a repast for musketoes instead of having any (marily caused it. It is every man's duty to dinner or supper yourself, after marching all take care that it rests not on his soul. But day through swamps which take a model of the Soldier has no discretion in the premises, your legs at every step, is inconvenient; but) consequently no moral responsibility beyond these are only the accessories of successful that of being a soldier; he must march as he campaigning. If there is any fighting, you (is ordered and fight whoever opposes him. get that extra, and in case of a reverse) The injustice of a War detracts nothing through ambush or famine, then look out for from the merit of those who, being already a bullet from every rod of chapporal, and for Soldiers when it commenced, fought gal- the sick, way-worn or wounded there is the lantly in its prosecution. Honor, then, to deadly Spanish knife to shorten their misthe Heroes of Palo Alto and Resaca de la eries. Such is a rough sketch of campaignPalma! honor also to those who, prompted ing in Mexico. (by a sense of duty-mistaken though we Now for this service, Mr. James K. Polk, must believe it-have volunteered to upbear who wantonly created the necessity for it, our National Eagles even in their predatory has never hinted that our fellow-citizens light to 'the Halls of the Montezumas.' We whom he has sent there ought to be paid could not fight in an invading army, unless more than the seven dollars a month which to open a passage homeward to our own is the pay of private soldiers in our Army, soil, but many think differently, so far as they while his supporters in Congress have steadallow themselves to think at all. And, ily voted down every proposition to increase whether any allowance should be made for that miserable stipend! While he takes his wear and tear of conscience or not, it must ease on some Sixty-eight Dollars per day, (be palpable to every man willing to 'live and his very slaves would loathe the fare Sand let live' that the wretched pittance of which American soldiers in Mexico must seven dollars per month, now paid to our subsist on, his supporters in Congress voted) Regulars and Volunteers, is shamefully inad-down (May 12th) a proposition to increase equate as a recompense for the toils, privations, the pay of privates in the regular service to and perils of a soldier invading such a Country Ten Dollars a month: vote 119 to 50. Again as Mexico. An army finds little food there but on the 20th of May, when it had become evisuch as it carries along, consequently detach- dent that a heavy Volunteer force would be ments must often be without for days together, required for a protracted and difficult sereven when provisions are wholesome and vice, Mr. Andrew Stewart of Penna. moved abundant, owing to the inability of the bag that the rules of the House be suspended to gage wagons to make their way through the rugged defiles, over the sheer precipices and through the swampy valleys of that singular country, where roads are bridle-pathis, springs (as scarce as mines, and internal navigation unknown. Mouldy bread and tainted meat! are not to be reckoned unpalatable there; ation being put, Shall the rules be suspended? It) The said resolution was read. And the quesbiscuit that the insects within do not walk was decided in the negative, (two-thirds not voting in favor thereof, Yeas 70, Nays 75.)

off with ranks A No. 1. Swamp-water is a luxury often to be obtained only at intervals of two and three days; and he who is so (nice as to strain it through his shirt to take out the larger insects before drinking, will soon be cured of such finical folly.

enable him to offer this Resolution:

Resolved, That the Committee on Military Affairs be instructed to report a bill increasing the month, and granting to those who serve to the pay of Volunteers from seven to ten dollars per end of the war, or die in the service, one hundred and sixty acres of land.

The yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of
the Members present, were taken as follows:
Bell, Blanchard, Bowlin, M. Brown, W G. Brown,
YEAS.-Abbott, J. Q. Adams, Asiunun, Barringer,
Campbell, Carroll, C. W. Cathcart, J. G. Chapman,
R. Chapman, Chase, Cocke, Collamer, Crozier, Cul-
lom, Darragh, Davis, Dixon, Edsal', Ewing. Foot,
What-Hilliard, Holmes, Houston, Hubbard, Hunt, Inger-
Gentry, Giles, Graham, Grider, Grinnell, Harper,

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