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De jure sueonит.

Of the Swedish law.
Of the most beautiful (or

De la plus belle.
excellent ;) of the best part.
Del credere. Of belief (or trust.)
Delegatus non potest delegare.
cannot transfer his trust to another.

A deputy

Delictis, pro modo pænarum, equorum pecorumque numero convicti mulctantur. Pars mulctæ regi vel civitati; pars ipsi qui vindicatur, vel propinquis ejus, exsolvitur. By way of expiation for their crimes, the persons convicted are fined in a number of horses and horned cattle. A part of the fine is paid to the king, or to the state; a part to him who is injured, or to his relatives.

De magna assisa eligenda. Of electing persons for the grand assise.

De medietate. Of a moiety.

De medietate linguæ. Of a moiety of tongue. De mercatoribus. Relating to merchants. De minimis non curat lex. The law pays no regard to trifles.

De minoribus rebus principes consultant, de majoribus omnes. On minor matters the chiefs consult, on important subjects all debate. Demissio regis, vel coronæ. The demission (or demise) of the king or of the crown.

De modo decimandi. Of a manner of tithing. De monticolis Walliæ. Of the Welch mountaineers.

Demorari. To abide; to demur.

Demoratur. He abides; he demurs.

De nautico fænore. Of nautical interest (or usury;) bottomry.

Denarii. Roman pence, each of the value of seven pence halfpenny, or eight pence of our


Denique, cum lex Mosaica, quanquam inclemens et aspera, tamen pecunia furtum, haud morte, mulctavit; ne putemus Deum, in nova lege clementiæ qua pater imperat filiis, majorem induisse nobis invicem sæviendi licentiam. Hæc sunt cur non licere putem; quam vero sit absurdum, atque etiam perniciosum reipublicæ, furem atque homici dam ex æquo puniri, nemo est (opinor) qui nesciat. Finally, as the Mosaic law, although unmerciful and severe, punished theft only by a pecuniary penalty, not by death; we cannot suppose that God, in the new law, by which as the Father of mercy he governs his children, has given to us a greater privilege of acting cruelly to each other. These are the reasons why I do not consider it to be lawful; no man exists (I think) who does not know how truly absurd, and even injurious to the republic, it must be, that a thief and a murderer should be liable to the same punish


De non decimando. Of not being subject to tithes.


De non ponendis in assisis et juratis. being exempted from attending in assizes and juries.

De novi operis nuntiatione. Of the declaration of the new work.

[blocks in formation]

Dent operam consules, ne quid respublica detrimenti capiat. Let the consuls use their endeavour, lest the republic should be exposed to danger.

Dentur omnes decimæ primariæ ecclesiæ ad quam parochia pertinet. That all tenths be given to the head church to which the parish pertains.

De occupatione ferarum. Feræ igitur bestiæ, et volucres, et pisces, et omnia animalia, quæ mari, cœlo, et terra nascuntur, simul atque ab alioque capta fuerint, jure gentium statim illius esse incipiunt; quod enim ante nullius est, id naturali ratione occupanti conceditur: nec interest, feras bestias et volucres utrum in suo fundo quis capiat, an in alieno. Plane qui alienum fundum ingreditur venandi aut aucupandi gratiá, potest a domino, si is præviderit, prohiberi ne ingrediatur. On the possession of wild animals.-Therefore wild beasts and birds, and fish, and all animals, that live in sea, in air, or upon land, when they are caught by any person, immediately become his property by the law of nations; for that which was not the property of any person, by natural reason, is allowed to be his who first obtains it: nor does it matter, whether a man takes wild beasts and birds on his own land or on that of another. He who enters upon another's ground, with the intent of hunting or fowling, can evi

dently be prevented from entering by the owner, if he has foreseen his purpose.

Deo-dandum. To be given to God.

De odio et atia. From hatred and ill will.
De officio coronatoris.


Of the duty of a

De pace et legalitate, tuenda. For keeping the peace and good behaviour.

De pannagio. Of food for swine; mast (or the sum paid for the mast of a forest.)

De parco fracto. Of pound breach, (or park broke into.)

De parendo mandatis ecclesiæ in forma juris. Of obeying the mandates of the church in form of law.

De partitione facienda. Of making partition.

De placito transgressionis et contemptus contra formam statuti. Of a plea of trespass and contempt against the form of the statute.

Depopulatio agrorum. The pillaging (or laying waste) of lands.

De prærogativa regis. Of the king's prerogative.

De probioribus et potentioribus comitatus sui in custodes pacis. That the most upright and capable persons of the county be elected keepers of the peace.

De proprietate probanda. whom the property belonged.

De questu suo.

Of proving to

Of his own gain.

De quodam ignoto. Of some person unknown.

De rationabili parte. Of a reasonable part. De rationabili parte bonorum. Of a reasonable part of the goods.

De religiosis. Of religious matters.

De retorno habendo. Of having a return.
The last shift.

Dernier resort.

De scandalis magnatum.

of great men.

Of the defamation

Descendit itaque jus, quasi ponderosum quid cadens deorsum recta linea, et nunquam reascendit. Therefore a right descends, like to any thing of heavy weight falling downward in a direct line, and never reascending.

Descriptio persona. Description of person. Desduit des gentils. Gentlemen's sport, game. De se. Of himself.

Do secta ad furnum, ad torrale, et ad omnia alia hujusmodi. Of suit to his bake-house, to his malt-house, and to all other matters of this kind.

De secta ad molendinum, quam ad illud facere debet, et solet. To do his suit at that mill, which he ought, and is wont to do there.

De secunda superoneratione. Of a second surcharge.

Desiderata. Requisites; things desired. Desideratum. Any thing wished for; a requisite.

Designatio unius personæ est exclusio alterius. An appointment of one person is an exclusion of the other.

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