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Pro salute animæ ejus, ecclesiæ consilio. For the good of his soul, by the advice of the church. Pro scursum seaccarii. By the exchange of the exchequer.

Pro tanto. For so much.

Pro tempore, pro spe, pro commodo minuitur eorum pretium atque augescit. Their value is lessened or increased according to time, expectation, or profit.

Protestando. In protesting.

Pro turpi causa.

For a dishonest purpose.

Prout. According as; even as.

Prout eis visum fuerit, ad honorem coronæ et

utilitatem regni.

According as it shall appear

to them, for the honour of the crown, and for

the prosperity of the kingdom.

Prout lex postulat. As the law requires.

Prout patet per recordum. According as it appears by the record.

Pro vero et justo debito. For a true and just




Ripe age (or puberty): commences at fourteen years in males, twelve years in females.

Publici juris. Of public right.

Pueritia. Childhood; boyhood: from the

seventh to the fourteenth year.

Puis darrien continuance. Since the last adjournment (or continuance).

Puisse porter bref de novele disseisine, auxi

sicum de franktenement. They may bring a writ of novel disseisin, as if they were tenants in freehold.

Puisne. Younger; subordinate.

-Pupillum o utinam, quem proximus hæres

Impello, expungam.

I devoutly wish, that being next heir, I could in any way rid myself of my ward.

Pur auter vie. For the life of another.

Pur le pais. In the country, (or) on the spot. Pur murdre le droit. For the concealment of a right.

Purum villenagium. A pure villenage.
Purus idiota. An absolute idiot.

[blocks in formation]

Quædam præstatio loco relevii in recognitionem domini. A certain performing (or payment) instead of a relief, in acknowledgment of the lord.

Quæ de minimis non curat. Which does not regard petty matters.

Quæ enim res in tempestate, levandæ navis causa, ejiciuntur hæ dominorum permanent. Quia palam est, eos non eo animo ejici, quod quis habere velit.

Those goods which in a storm are cast overboard, for the purpose of easing a ship, remain the property of the owners. Because it is evident, the property which every man wishes to preserve, was not wilfully cast away.

Quæ est eadem.
Quæ fuit uxor.

Which is the same.

Who was the wife.

Quæ in summis tribunalibus multi e legum canone decernunt judices, solus (si res exigerit) cohibet cancellarius ex arbitrio; nec aliter decretis tenetur suæ curiæ vel sui ipsius, quin, elucente nova ratione, recognoscat quæ voluerit, mutet et deleat prout sua videbitur prudentiæ. The chancellor alone in his judgment, restrains those decisions, (should the case require it) which many judges in the highest tribunals, decree according to the rule of the laws; nor is he otherwise held to the decrees of his court or of himself, but, that a new reason appearing, he may correct, alter, or expunge those matters which require it, as it shall seem to him prudent.

Quæ ipso usu consumuntur. Which are wasted by the very use of them.

Quæ neque tangi nec videri possunt. Things which can neither be felt nor seen.

Quære. Ask; inquire.

Quæ relicta sunt et tradita. Which have been left and delivered.

Quæ secundum canones et episcopales leges ad regimen animarum pertinuit. Which pertained

to the government of souls, according to the canons and episcopal laws.

Quære tamen. Inquire however.
Quam. As; which.

Quamdiu bene se gesserint. As long as they conduct themselves well.

Quam legem exteri nobis posuere, eandem illis ponemus. The law which foreign powers have observed towards us, the same shall we observe towards them.

Quando acciderint. When they may happen; when they may fall out.

Quando hasta vel aliud corporeum quidlibet porrigitur a domino se investituram facere dicente ; quæ saltem coram duobus vasallis solemniter fieri debet. When a spear, or any other corporal thing, is offered by the lord, who says at the same time, that he invests him with the possession; which should be done in the presence of at least two vassals.

Quando jus domini regis et subditi insimul concurrunt jus regis præferri debet. When the right of our lord the king and of a subject come at the same time together, the right of the king should be preferred.

Quand un Seigneur de Parlement serra arrein de treason ou felony, le roy par ses lettres patents fera un grand et sage Seigneur d'estre le grand Seneschal d'Angleterre: qui doit faire un precept-pur faire venir xx Seigneurs, ou xxviii,

&c. When a Peer of Parliament shall be arraigned for treason or felony, the king by his letters patent shall appoint a great and wise Peer, High Steward of England: who is to issue a precept to cause twenty or eighteen Peers to come, &c.

Qua non deliberetur sine speciali præcepto domini regis. From which he be not delivered without the special command of our lord the king.

Quanta esse debeat per nullum assisam generalem determinatum est, sed pro consuetudine singulorum comitatuum debetur. It should not, on any occasion, be decided by the general assize how much the fine should be, but it should be regulated according to the custom of each separate county.

Quant bestes savages le roye aler hors del forrest, le property est hors del roy; silz sount hors del parke capienti conceditur. When the wild beasts of the king go out of the forest, the property is out of the king; if they be out of a park, the ownership of them is granted to the captor. Quantum. How much; proportion.

Quantum damnificatus. How much damnified (or endamaged).

Quantum inde regi dare valeat per annum, salva sustentatione sua, et uxoris, et liberorum suorum. How much he is able to pay yearly to the king, saving his own sustenance, and that of his wife and children.

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