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sunt, ratio reddi potest. Et ideo rationes eorum, quæ constituuntur, inquiri non oportet: alioquin multa ex his, quæ certa sunt, subvertuntur. A reason cannot be given for all those laws which have been established by our ancestors, and therefore the reasons of those laws which remain established ought not to be demanded: otherwise many of them, which are determined, would be overthrown.

Non potest rex gratiam facere cum injuria et damno aliorum. The king cannot grant a favour to the wrong and damage of others. He does not

Non pros; non prosequitur.


Non prosequitur breve vel sectam. He does not prosecute his writ (or suit).

Non sequitur. It does not follow; he does not pursue.

Non sequitur clamorem suum.

pursue his claim.

He does not

Non sine magna juris consultorum perturbatione. Not without a great disturbance of the lawyers.

Non sum informatus. I am not informed (or instructed).

Non suspicio cujus libet vani et meticulosi hominis, sed talis qui possit cadere in virum constantem; talis enim debet esse metus, qui in se contineat vitæ periculum, aut corporis cruciatum. Not the suspicion of any weak and timorous person, but such as may attack a resolute man; for the

fear must be such as a man feels in danger of life or maim of body.

Non tenent insimul. They do not hold jointly (or together).

Non ullam habebant episcopi authoritatem, præter eam quam a rege acceptam referebant. Jus testamenta probandi non habebant: administrationis potestatem cuique delegare non poterant. The bishops had no authority except that which they derived from the king. They did not possess the right of proving a will; they could not delegate the power of administration to any one.

Normanni chirographorum confectionem, cum crucibus aureis, aliisque signaculis sacris, in Anglia firmari solitam, in ceram impressam mutant; modumque scribendi Anglicum rejiciunt. The Normans change the making up of deeds, with golden crosses and other sacred marks, which was an established custom in England, into a wax impression, and they reject the English method of writing.

Nos divini juris rigorem moderantes, &c. We, moderating the rigour of divine right, &c. Nota bene. Mark well.

Nota est sponsio judicialis: "spondesne quingentos si meus sit? Spondeo, si tuus sit. Et tú quoque spondesne quingentos, ni tuus sit? Spondeo, ni meus sit.” A judicial agreement is noted: Do not you agree to five hundred if it be mine?


agree, if it be yours. And do not you also

agree to five hundred unless it be yours? I agree, unless it be mine.

Novæ narrationes. New counts.

Novel assignment. A new assignment of trespass.

Novel disseisin. Novel ejectment.

Novis injuriis emersis nova constituere remedia. To enact fresh remedies for offences newly risen. Novitas incognitæ disciplinæ, ut solita armis decerni jure terminarentur. It was considered a novelty of an unknown order, that disputes which were usually decided by arms should now be decided by law.

Nudum pactum. A void (or bare) agreement.
Nul agard. No award.

Nulla bona habet. He has no goods.

Nulla bona testatoris nec propria. That he has no goods or chattels of the testator.

Nulla bona vel catalla ad valorem. No goods or chattels to the value.

Nullam veritatem celabo, nec celari permittam nec murdrari. I will not conceal the truth, neither will I permit it to be concealed or stifled.

Nulla electio prælatorum sunt verbi Ingulphi, erat mere libera et canonica; sed omnes dignitates tam episcoporum, quam abbatum, per annulum et baculum regis curia pro sua complacentia conferebat. Penes clericos et monachos fuit electio, sed electum a rege postulabant. No election of prelates was purely free and canonical, are the

words of Ingulphus; but the court of the king in its pleasure conferred all dignities as well of bishops as abbots by the ring and crosier. The election was in the power of the clerks and the monks, but they required the person elected to be approved of by the king.

Nul leverer ne lerce nautre chien per chacer. No hare-hound, nor lurcher, nor any other dog for hunting.

Nulli vendemus, nulli negabimus, aut differemus rectum vel justitiam. We will sell, deny, or delay right and justice to no one.

Nullius filius. The son of no person;—a bastard.

Nullius in bonis. In the goods of no person. Nullium scutagium ponatur in regno nostro, nisi per commune consilium regni nostri. That no scutage be levied in our kingdom, unless by the general counsel of our kingdom.

Nullum simile est idem. Nothing alike is the


Nullum tempus occurrit regi. No time prevents the king.

Nullus balivus de cætero ponat aliquem ad legem manifestam, nec ad juramentum, simplici loquela sua, sine testibus fidelibus ad hoc inductis. That no bailiff from henceforth put any person to wager of battle, nor to wager of law, by his simple declaration, without credible witnesses being brought forward for this purpose.

Nullus clericus nisi causidicus. No clergy

man is considered as such without a knowledge of the law.

Nullus de cætero vitam vel membra amittat pro venatione nostra. That no person from henceforth lose his life or limbs for our venison.

Nullus episcopus vel archidiaconus de legibus episcopalibus amplius in hundred placita teneant, nec causam quæ ad regimen animarum pertinet ad judicium secularium hominum adducant: sed quicunque secundum episcopales leges, de quacunque causa vel culpa interpellatus fuerit, ad locum, quem ad hoc episcopus elegerit et nominaverit, veniat; ibique de causa sua respondeat; et non secundum hundret, sed secundum canones et episcopales leges, rectum Deo et episcopo suo faciat. That no bishop or archdeacon hold pleas in the hundred, by the episcopal laws, nor bring forward a cause which relates to the government of souls, before the judgment of laymen: but whosoever, according to the episcopal laws, is accused of any cause or offence, let him come to the place, which the bishop has chosen for this purpose; and there of his cause let him speak, and not according to the hundred, but according to the canons and episcopal laws, let him do right to God and his bishop.

Nullus liber homo aliquo modo destruatur, nisi per legale judicium parium suorum aut per legem terræ. That no free man be destroyed in any manner, unless by the legal judgment of his equals, or by the law of the land.

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