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severity of the prohibition: the lender indemnifies himself against the danger of obstruction. Languidus, vel mortuus est. He is sick or


Las partidas. The partitions.


He lies hid.

Latitat et discurrit. He lurks and runs here and there.

Latrocinium. Larceny.

Latroni eum similem habuit, qui furtum celare vellet, et occulte sine judice compositionem ejus admittere. The law held him as bad as a thief, who was willing to conceal the theft, and privately to accept a composition without bringing the thief to justice.

Leges non scripta. The unwritten (or traditional) laws.

Leges posteriores priores contrarias abrogant. The laws last enacted repeal the laws before enacted to the contrary.

Leges sola memoria et usu retinebant. They retained their laws solely by memory and cus


Leges sub graviori lege. Laws subject to a superior law.

Legibus patriæ optime instituti.

They who were best instructed in the laws of the country. Legitimo matrimonio copulati. Joined in law

ful matrimony.

Le grand Coustumier. The great book of Customs.


Legum Anglicanarum conditor. The founder of the English law.

Legum Anglicanarum restitutor.

storer of the English laws.

The re

Le reason est, quia le keeping del cheval est un charge, quia il mange: mes le keeping del apparel n'est ascum charge. Quod tota curia concessit. The reason is that the keeping of a horse is an expense, because he eats: but the keeping of clothes is of no expense. Which the whole court granted.

Le roy le veut. The king wills it.

Le roy remercie ses loyal subjects, accepte leur benevolence, et aussi le veut. The king thanks his loyal subjects, accepts their benevolence, and wills it to be so.

Le roy s'avisera.

upon it.

The king will advise

Les juges sont sages personnes et autentiques, sicome les archevesques, evesques, les chanoines des eglises cathedraulx, et les autres personnes qui ont dignitez in saincte eglise; les abbez, les prieurs conventaulx, et les gouverneurs des eglises, &c. The judges are wise and approved characters, such as the archbishops, bishops, the monks of the cathedral churches and the other persons who hold dignities in the holy church; abbots, priors of convents, and the governors of churches, &c.

Les loix extrêmes dans le bien font naitre le mal extrême; il falut payer pour le prêt de l'ar

gent et pour le danger des peines de la loi. Laws extreme in good produce the greatest evil; we must pay for the loan of money, and for the danger of the penalties of the law.

Les prelats, seigneurs, et commons, ence present parliament assemblées, au nom de touts vous autres subjects, remercient tres humblement votre majesté, et prient a Dieu vous donner en sante bone vie et longue. The prelates, lords and commons in this parliament assembled, in the name of all your other subjects, most humbly thank your majesty, and pray to God to grant you good health and long life.

Le subpoena, ne serroit my cy soventement use come il est ore, si nous attendomus tiels actions sur les cases, et mainteinomus le jurisdiction de ceo court, et d'auter courts. The subpoena would not be so often used as it is, if we bring such actions upon the cases, and maintain the jurisdiction of this court and of the other courts.

Lettres de cachet.


Sealed-letters; secret

Levantes et cubantes. Rising up and lying down.

Levari facias. That you cause to be levied. Levari facias de bonis ecclesiasticis. That you cause to be levied of the ecclesiastical goods. Lex Cornelia de sicariis. The Cornelian law, relating to assassins.

Lex et consuetudo parliamenti; ab omnibus quæ renda, a multis ignorata, a paucis cognita. The

law and custom of parliament, sought after by all, unknown to many, and understood by few. Lex Hostilia de furtis. The Hostilian law concerning thefts.

Lex Julia majestatis. The Julian law relating

to treason.

Lex mercatoria. The law (or custom) of merchants.

Lex neminem cogit ad vana, seu impossibilia. The law obliges no man to do vain or infeasible things.

Lex non exacte definit, sed arbitrio boni viri permittit. That which the law does not exactly define, but leaves to the judgment of an honest


Lex non scripta. The unwritten (or common) law.

Lex pure pænalis obligat tantam ad pœnam, non item ad culpam: lex pænalis mixta et ad culpam obligat, et ad pœnam. The law purely penal binds only as to penalty, not as to fault: the mixed penal law compels both to fault and penalty. Lex scripta. The written law.

Lex talionis.

Lex terræ.

The law of retaliation.
The law of the land.

Libelli famosi. Infamous writings, printings, pictures, or signs: libels.

Libera e persona. That the person be at



Liberam legem. Free law.

Liberati. At liberty, without constraint.

Liber et legalis homo. A free and lawful subject.

Liber homo non amercietur pro parvo delicto, nisi secundum modum ipsius delicti; et pro magno delicto, secundum magnitudinem delicti, salvo contenemento suo; et mercator eodem modo, salvo mercandisa sua: et villanus eodem modo amercietur, salvo wainagio suo. That a free man be not

heavily fined for a trifling offence, but according to the extent of his offence; and for a great offence, according to the magnitude of that offence, saving his freehold; and the merchant, in the same manner, his merchandize being preserved; and the farmer in the same manner, his wainage being preserved.

Liberi Sokemanni. Tenants in free socage. Liber judicialis. The "Dom bec" (or) Dome book.

Liberos et legales homines de vicineto. Free and lawful men of the neighbourhood.

Liberum animum testandi. A free intention of making a will.

Liberum et commune socagium. Free and

common socage.

Liberum socagium. Free socage.

Liberum tenementum.

free holding.

Frank tenement (or)

Licebat palam excipere, et semper ex probabili causa tres repudiari; etiam plures ex causa prægnanti et manifesta. It was lawful openly to except, and three were always rejected for a pro

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