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men, whofe Printed Relations I have exactly followed, without any Alterations, but fuch as are abfolutely neceffary to bring their loofe Accounts, into a fet Hiftorical Narration.

Ireland, under the Wife and Gentle Government of the Duke of ORMOND, yields us a fair and pleafing Scene of Occurrences: His flay there having been a continued Bleffing to that Nation, and an uninterrupted Day of Triumph to his GRACE.

The unhappy Differences that have happen'd be tween the two Houses of Parliament of England, have rendred the Writing an Account of their Proceedings a very Ticklish Task: And therefore the Author must not be blam'd, if he uses no more Freedom in thefe Particulars, than he thinks may confift with his Safety: However, he leaves no material Pallage untouch'd.

The Reader will find both in the Body of the Book, and in the Appendix, feveral Valuable Pieces that never came to Publick View; and which might happen to be loft, if they were not preferved in fuch a Repofitory, as thefe Annals are defigned for:

The Length of the laft Seffion of Parliament, occafioned by the Lords indefatigable Zeal, in Examining into the Scotch Plot, has made me exceed the Bounds I have Jet to this Annual History: But, I hope, that will eafly be pardoned, as a Fault on the Right fide; for 'twould have been an inexcusable one to have broke off, without Bringing that memorable Seffion to a Period.






Queen Anne's Reign.



HE Day the Queen enter'd upon the Se- A. C. cond Year of her Aufpicious Reign, was 170 remarkable for her diftinguishing by brighter

Titles of Honour, feveral Perfons who had +March 9. before diftinguifh'd themfelves by their Eminent Titles of Zeal to her Majefty's Service; the Marquis of Nor- Honour con manby was Created Duke of the fame Name, to which ferr'd ors the Title of Duke of Buckingham, was fome time af-feveral Perfons. ter added, by which latter he is now generally call'd. John Granville, Efq; was made Baron Granville of Potheridge, in the County of Devon. Heneage Finch, Efq; an Eminent Lawyer, Baron of Guernsey, in the County of Southampton; Sir John Levifon Gower, BaronGower of Sittenham, in the County of Tork; Francis Seymour Conway, Efq; Baron Conway of Ragley, in the County of Warwick, with a Remainder to his Brother Charles Seymour, Efq; and John Harvey, Efq; Baron Harvey of Ickworth, in the County of Suffolk. Two Promotions *days after fome Promotions were made in the Navy; in the Nathe Marquis of Carmarthen being advanc'd from the vy.

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Post Marchi 1

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A. C. Poft of Vice Admiral of the White, to that of Vice170. Admiral of the Red Squadron of her Majefty's Fleet; John Graydon, Elq; from Rear-Admiral of the White, to Vice Admiral of the fame Squadron; and Johm Leake, Efq; from Rear Admiral of the Blue, to be Vice Admiral of the fame Squadron; At the fame time George Bing, Efq; was appointed to be RearAdmiral of the Red; Thomas Dilks, Elq; Rear-Admiral of the White; and Bazil Beaumont, Efq; RearAdmiral of the Blue. The next † day his Royal March 12. Highness, Prince George of Denmark did the Duke of Queensbury the Honour to dine with him, and to ftand God-father to his Son, the Dutchefs of Ormond being God mother, and the Earl of Rochester the other God-father.

On the 13th of March, three Knights CompaniKnights of ons of the moft Noble Order of the Garter, were Inthe Garter ftall'd in St George's Chappel at Windfor: To wit, Install'd. his moft Serene Highness, the Elector of Hannover,

by his Proxy the Lord Mohun; the Duke of Bedford in Perfon, and the Duke of Marlborough, by his ProxySir Benjamin Bathurst. Two days after her Majefty March 15. appointed the Earl of Denbigh to be Lord Lieutenant, and Cuftos Rotulorum of the County of Leicester; the Lord Guilford, Lord Lieutenant of the County of Effex; and the Earl of Dyfert in Scotland, to be Lord Lieutenant of the County of Suffolk On the 20th of the fame month the Arch bishop of York, the Earl of Thanet, and the Lord Guernsey were admitted into her Majefty's Privy Council. The 21ft Gervas Pierrepoint, Efq;, was Created Baron Pierrepoint of Arglas, in the Kingdom of Ireland; and the 24th the Earl of Rutland was made Marquis of Granby, and Duke of Rutland; and Edward Harley, Efq; appointed Auditor of the Impreft, in the Room of Thomas Done, Efq; Deceafed.

Vice. Ad

On the 13th of the fame month, Vice Admiral miral Graydon in the Refolution, with three other Ships of Graydon War to wit, the Montague, Nonfuch and Blackwall, meets with the Tranfports with Brigadeer Columbine's Regiment, 4 French fome Store fhips and Merchant men bound to the Men of War, West Indies, failed from Plimouth, and five days after notwith- in the Latitude of 47 Degrees, 30 Minutes, met with Standing which he four French Men of War under Mr. du Caffe, Cappursues his tain Cleveland, who Commanded in the Montague, Voyage.


engaged the Sternmoft for fome time; but upon his firft Firing, the Vice-Admiral made a fignal to call him off, being under Orders not to lose any time in his Paffage by Chafing or Speaking with any Ships whatsoever, the contrary Winds having kept him in Plimouth much longer than was intended, and the Service upon which he was bound, very much requiring his Prefence, and the Regiment that was with him.

A. C.


On the 7th of March, Collonel Codrington, Gover Collonel nor of her Majesty's Leeward Ifland in America, came Codring with the Land Forces under his Command, on board ton's una Squadron of her Majefty's Ships, with divers Priva- fuccefsful teers, and other Veffels, before the I Suadalupa, Expedition receiving feveral fhot from the Shoar, tho' without to Guada any great mifchief. The Collonel stood off till the lupa. 1oth, waiting for the Maidstone, and the fmall Veffels that carried the Provifion and Ammunition. Upon the 12th Colonel Byam with his own Regiment, and 200 of Collonel Whetham's Men, landed by break of Day at a place called les Petits Habitants, where they met with some oppofitien, but foon constrain'd the Enemy to retire. About 9 in the morning Collonel Whetham landed in a Bay to the Northward of a Town, called La Bayliffe, where he met with a Vigorous Refiftance of all the Enemies Forces, posted in very good and advantageous BreaftWorks, plying the English with their great and finall Shot; yet notwithstanding all their Fire, the English march'd up to their Entrenchments, with their Mufquets Shoulder'd, not firing themselves a Shot, till they could come to lay the Muzzles of their Guns upon the Enemies Breaft Works. Here the English had three Captains kill'd, before they could make themselves Mafters of the Enemies Entrenchments; which they did about Noon, and in an Hour after of La Bayliffe, of the Jacobines Church which the Enemy had fortify'd, and Ten Pieces of their Cannon. About two the English took a Plat-Form with three Pieces of their Cannon, and a Redoubt with one. At Night 400 of the English, and the Marine Regiment, attack'd the Jacobine Plantation and Breaft Work all along the Jacobines River, which the Enemy quitted upon the Firing of two Volleys only of fmall Shot upon 'em. The next day the English poffeffed themfelves of the Great Town called Baffe

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A. C. Terre, where they continued fome time, fending our Parties to burn and destroy the Enemies Houses, Works, Sugar Canes, and Provifions thereabouts, and then laid Siege to the Fort and Castle of the fanie Place; but either for want of Provifions, or a fufficient number of Forces to carry on the Enterprize, the Collonel was foon after obliged to give it over.

By the Prudence, and Care of the Queen and her Parliament, things were fo well fettled in England, in the first Year of her Majefties Reign, that the courfe of Public Affairs ran on fmoothly in the fecond. It was not fo with our Neighbour Kingdom Scotland, where the divifions in the laft Seffion of Parliament, emboldening fome Perfons to queftion the Authority of it, fo far as to refufe to pay the Taxes laid in that Seffion, and threatning future Diftractions, her Majefty thought fit to write the Letter, we have alrea+ Pag.207, dy mentioned in the firft † year of thefe Annals, to her Privy Council of Scotland. Encouraged by fome Expreflions in the Letter, and her Majesty's repeated Affurances, That she would maintain the Church of England, and even the leaft Member of it in all their just Rights and Privileges, the Epifcopal Clergy of Scotland framed the following Addrefs, which was prefented to her Majefty by Dr. Skeen and Dr. Scot, introduced by the Duke of Queensbury, and the Viscount Turbat.

pal Clergy of Scot land Address the

Dread Sovereign,

The Epifco- WE Your Majesty's most Dutiful and Obedient Subjects, and most Humble Supplicants, being deeply fenfible that the Divine Goodness hath raised Tour Majesty to the Throne of Your Royal Ancestors, as a Nurfing Mother to the true Church of God, for the Support and Preservation of Queen the Religion, Laws and Liberties of all Tour Dominions, March 13. and now efpecially that it is a remarkable Bleffing to this Your Majesty's Ancient Kingdom of Scotland, (in the prefent deplorable Circumstances of this National Church) do prefume to offer our most humble and most fincere Congratulations upon Your Majefty's Acceffion to the


And beg liberty to lay before Your Majesty, the said Condition of the affli&ed Epifcopal Clergy, who in the year 1688 and 1689, and fome years after, the truly Ancient and Apoftolical Government of the Church by Bishops, were


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